A Problem with my Shoulder Demons [MF]

For just over the last year, I have been cleaning this guy’s apartment. He’s not always there, he travels a lot, some sort of adviser. He spends, maybe, half the year traveling and when he is here, he is at work on the days I clean. If there are dishes in the sink, I put them in the washer, I make his bed, wash the shower, clean the bathroom, vacuum the carpets and wash tiles. I wipe over flat surfaces, all of those things, but even when he is there, it doesn’t take me long to do his apartment. The really weird thing is, I’ve never met him.

I’m Nadia, and Monday to Friday, I clean people’s houses for an agency. It’s usually older people, but there are a few others who just don’t have time to clean for themselves. Cleaning a house can be relatively easy, with practice and most people are not seriously messy, especially the older ones. I am a conversationalist for some of them, more than a cleaner, and that’s okay. The hours are good, I start at 9:00am and do two houses a day, finishing usually before 4:00pm. Great hours, because my second job is a late night thing, starts at ten and finishing at two in the morning Thursday and four on Friday and Saturday. Between the two jobs, I get to sleep and workout and can eat, reasonable well. It also keeps my mom happy that I’m working as a cleaner, she has no idea of the other and would likely be horrified if she knew. I don’t lie to her, I just don’t tell her.

The pandemic hasn’t slowed me down at all. Despite lockdowns, I was still getting paid to clean, so I cleaned, kept me eating if the Club was shut. Even during lockdowns, there was still a lot of traffic through the day, so I could move. I was spotted by a cop, on a few occasions, but I was always wearing a mask, even when driving, so they never bothered me. I drive a plain, older, little car, unmarked, usually having a bag of groceries on the back seat, also worked. I would ring a client and ask them if they wanted anything at the grocery store before coming, pick it up, and there was never a problem about repayment.

I was even getting paid to clean my mystery guy’s apartment, so I cleaned it anyway. He wasn’t there often, but I still cleaned. One morning, I get to this guy’s apartment and, using the provided key, go in. There’s dishes in the sink, he is back for the first time in weeks. I head for the bedroom, knowing the en suite bathroom will need a clean, I am just about to make the bed when I hear “Who are you? And what are you doing in my apartment?”

I admit, that startled me! I jumped and squealed, it was completely unexpected. I turned and there was this guy, fair haired, tallish, broad shouldered, muscular, good hips and long dick! Naked! “I-I-I-I-,” stammered then went to turn away. “I-,” (*We want to fuck him!*) (*Ooohh he’s nice!*) (*Look at him, don’t turn away!*) I stopped myself and looked at him, even loose, his cock looked inviting. (*Ooohhh stop it! Now is not the time to be a slut!*)(*Go on, be the slut you were meant to be!*).

An explanation: I have two shoulder demons, one black, one white. The black one is my good advisor who sits on my left shoulder, over my heart, next to my ear. She tells me the right things to do, she is incredibly bright, loving and generous. The white one used to sit on my right shoulder, but now sits on my tits, tugs at the nerve that connects my nipples to my clit, is very naughty and often makes me do very naughty things. She is selfish and since we discovered sex, she has really been driving me more than my good demon. I shouldn’t listen to her, and I don’t always, but she’s the real slut.

“Well?” he demanded.

“I’m the cleaner!” I finally got out.

“Mrs Hodder is the cleaner, so who are you?”

“No, Mrs Hodder left last year, after her daughter got sick. I inherited some of her clients.”

He didn’t move, displaying his meat right there, proud of it. (*So he should be, nice package*) “Oh yeah, I remember,” he said, “That’s right, they told me. Sorry. But you’re in my way.” I was standing between him and his clothes drawer. I tried to shuffle out of his way but there was no way I was going to get past him without seeing more of him naked. My nipples were seriously hard now. I could feel the flush of excitement. (*Yes, might be a good fuck!*) Okay, it’s been a while since I had anything hot and hard between my legs, and this looked like something that could have been very nice indeed. I thought, fuck it, I just looked him up and down, appreciatively, then walked past him, making sure I didn’t touch him. My natural inclination was to run my hand over his dick, just to see what would happen, but I curbed it. Not entirely a slut, but it wasn’t easy. (*You wanted to though, didn’t you, slut.*)

I went out of the room and went back to wipe the kitchen down. I pressed the button to get the dishwasher going. A few minutes later he was in the kitchen and he introduced himself as Ken. I told him who I was, and we got to talking. I told him how I got into cleaning as I couldn’t get a job after graduating. I found out that he’s in financial services and I graduated in the same areas. It seems it’s difficult to break into the field if you don’t know anyone who would recommend you. It’s who you know, not what you know. Now, though, I knew him, so that might help. (*You want to know him better though, don’t you, without clothes on.*) (*Shut up, leave us alone!*)

As we were talking, I was cleaning things, as best I could when distracted. I would pass by him, closely at times and think Yep, good looking, and smells nice fresh out the shower. (*Bet he tastes nice too.*) (*Oh, stop it, stop being such a slut, horny bitch!*) Well, yeah, but I didn’t want to come over as a slut, not after he began asking me questions about potential financial directions, international marketing and a whole range of areas in finance. (*I’d fuck him anyway.*)

I answered as best I could. I didn’t tell him that I was playing the market, making money well in excess of my income, just buying and selling. Soon I will be paying off the last of my student loans, inside two years since graduating, saving for an apartment of my own. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a Warren Buffet, but I’m not bad at it and the nest egg generated by my stripping got me off to a good start. The pandemic made some things predicable, except where the fix was in and where Redditors managed to play the system that others had been gaming for years. The fallout from that is going to embarrass some people for a while yet, assholes in the financial sectors need to be beaten regularly, I suggest, then tossed in jail just for being assholes. I didn’t exactly say any of this, yet he seemed impressed with the answers he got; with such people, it’s hard to gauge reactions though. (*Unless he had a bulge in his pants, you mean.*)

I found out he is a freelancing international adviser, he goes and looks at programs and projects all over the world, makes an assessment of them and provides reports for whomever sent him. (*He could freelance us.*) Good job, it seems, until this last year. Got stuck in India for a while, then in Africa, flights out of places have become somewhat erratic, it seems. He got his first shot of the vaccine two days ago, but won’t be going anywhere until he has the second. (*He could vaccinate us then, with a huge meat injection.*)

I wondered how his dick would feel in my mouth, then stopped, shook my head. (*DO IT SLUT!*) I cut conversation with the vacuum cleaner, too noisy to hold any sort of decent conversation. He went off to another room and I saw he had turned his laptop on. I finished vacuuming and sweeping, only having to wash the kitchen and bathroom floors, then I was finished. I started them and he appeared again.

“Have you been cleaning while I was away?” He asked. (*Wants us to clean his pipe, perhaps?*)

“I got paid for it, so yes, I do.” (*Yes we would if he asked.*) (*Leave him alone!*) (*Not if I can help it!*)

“Even though the place is not being used?” (*Use me, use me!*) (*Shut up!*)

“Yep, so what? Dust comes in, but more importantly, the place has a lived in look, so anyone who may break in will see that it is not abandoned. That’s important.” (*Cum stained sheets would help!*) (*Shut up!*)

“Dust, in winter?” (*Yes, and pearl jam over my tits too!*)

“Or pipes freezing, bursting, anything like that.” (*Picture his pipe bursting all over you!*)(*Sssshhhhhiiiitttt! Shoulder angel fading into the background.*)

“Not happened yet.”

“Yet, being the operative word.” (*Like we haven’t got you into bed ‘yet’*)(*Oh, SUPER SLUT! DO IT!*)

He laughed, “Yes.” He looked around and saw the place was clean. I was just finishing the kitchen floor.

“Where to now?” (*His bedroom, naked!*)

“I have another client this afternoon, be finished about 3:30 or 4 o’clock.” (*Now why did you say that? You want him to ask you out, don’t you, you horny slut, so you can fuck his brains out!*) (*Yeah, you say that like it’s a bad thing!*)

“I have a project scenario. There are a number of issues that need be analyzed.” You can analyze me if you like, I thought I heard him say. “How would you like to have a look at it. If you get a lot of it right, I can recommend you to a client of mine, they are looking for a good analyst.” (*You want to anal-lyze us?*)

“You would?” I asked, “On the strength of one morning’s discussion?” (*And the fact we want to suck his cock. Did he smell our leaking pussy? We really want to have a look at it, don’t we!*)

“Well, more than that actually. You weren’t flustered too badly by my initial appearance, you were definitely not afraid, you were able to discuss a number of complex financial issues clearly, so you have a good grasp of them. What I want to know, can you do more than just follow the text books? In the real world, text book scenarios rarely, if ever, apply. Every case, every application, every applicant is different. Can you analyze those, quickly, efficiently and devise a solution to an issue or evaluate a project’s real value and viability? That’s the skill needed for this work. Can you do that?” (*We can do anything you want us too, especially without clothes.*)

“I don’t know, but if I can have a look at these things in the real world, maybe I can, maybe I can’t. No-one has ever asked me that before.” (*At least, not to get us into bed before.*)

“Okay, I have a couple of old case files on my laptop, come back after you’ve finished for the day, we can go through them and you tell me what your recommendations are and see how close they are to the real solutions. I’ll remove final reports and all that, you’ll get to see the original documents, plus the investigations, make decisions on them, are they doable or not. That work for you?” (*Anything would work for us, we’re quite doable!*)

“Yes, okay, I can do y- that.” (*Don’t make it too obvious, at least not yet.*)

He blinked, (*He heard that, oh you are so screwed now – we hope!*) “Er- Okay then, this afternoon.”

I gathered my cleaning materials, emptied the bucket, left the mop where it normally lives, thinking my pussy probably smells as bad as the mop now. (*But you want him to smell it- lick it- fuck it!*) Dammit! I do! (*Maybe this afternoon you’ll get laid for the first time in how long?*) (*Fuck you, you fucking know.*)

I got out the door without throwing myself at his feet, which was a close thing. (*Yes only because you wouldn’t listen to your own body telling you that you need a decent fuck!*)(*How do you know he is a decent fuck?*)(*With that dick, he better be!*)

I got back to Ken’s apartment about 5 o’clock. I had to go home first and have a wash and a change of underwear. (*Horny slut!*) (*Shut the fuck up, this is my fucking story!*) (*Fucking is right! You’re fucking it up!*) (*Stop fucking distracting me!*) (*You’re taking too fucking long, just get to it already!*)

Ken let me in after I rang his bell (*Yes, you certainly did that!*) and he took me to his office, having one scenario open. I recognized it almost immediately. It was the Ganges Hydro dam project. There are huge problems, environmentally, culturally but the main one seems to be the issue of the majority of dams are to be built in Nepal, to provide energy to India. What it has been ignored is the cultural feasibility or social profitability. The Ganges holds a mythical place in the Hindu psyche, so damming it and making it a hydro-power generator is just unacceptable to many people. The Nepalese are also objecting to it, it’s their land most affected by the dams. There are other issues as well, but for clean energy, it’s a goer, especially now.

There was a proposal for merging three thermal coal producers. Not a chance for long term profit and too high risk in the short term. Coal is a dying business and will be on it’s last gasps by 2050, I suggested. Ken agreed.

I provided two other analyses, both of which were unknown to me. Ken knew them, they were his projects. He’s been evaluating them himself, and my conclusions were the same as his, based on the information he has, and gave to me. How does he know I wouldn’t talk about them, I asked. Simple, if I did I would never get a job or keep a job in the industry and he could see I was good at it.

We talked for a bit longer, then I did what I was promising myself I wouldn’t do. (*Yeah, right!*) “I’m sorry I burst in on you like that this morning.”

“You didn’t ‘burst in’ on me. But I could have been a little more circumspect in talking to you.”

“No, you didn’t. It’s not often I get to see a naked guy.” I laughed. (*Hungry! Hungry!*)

“Oh? You’re a dancer?”

That took me aback, (*Shit! He knows?*) “Only part time.”

“Yes, I know, I spent my day researching you. You work five days a week cleaning, which provides your living expenses. You dance at this club three nights a week to build your investment portfolio. You’re doing well so far, profitability has been good for you, buying and selling has been very good. You have shares in Dow Jones, Nasdaq and S&P 500. Late in April you sold a lot of your Nasdaq shares and two weeks later, you bought a lot of them back again. You made a lot of money out of that.”

“Not a lot, but how do you know all this?” I was shocked.

“This is what I do. I investigate people, proposals, projects. I have access to information on a micro level. You get into this business, then you too will have the ability to get that sort of information as well. Everyone has a financial trail, just follow the money and you’ll know more about someone than you want to. It is often seen as a cop thing, but banks and bankers got that long before the cops did.”

I was shocked, actually. “But isn’t that illegal? Invasion of privacy?” I asked.

“Only if you get caught. Besides, on the strength of your college results, you are a candidate for an opening in a major bank. They need to know this sort of thing.”

“I am? They do?”

“Well, you are now,” he replied with a really nice smile, (*Like a predator licking our clit you mean?*) “On my recommendation.”

“Oh,” I mused (*danger, danger, be careful!*), “And what do I have to do for this recommendation?”

“You’ve already done it. You know that the last scenario was my most recent analysis of a project. You are thinking the same as I am. My report is going in tomorrow and you would have made the same recommendations I have.”


“Yeah, in this age, it is all too often that we hear of favors for promotion, but more and more bankers are becoming wary of it.”


“Yeah, sex I mean.”

“Yeah, I got that,” I said. (*DANGER!*)(*Shut up!*)

“I have been offered some girls while looking into different propositions, but I told them that my appraisal would be made entirely on the merits of the proposal.”

I had to laugh, “The last boy scout?”

“No, not at all, if the proposals were good, I think I may have taken them up on it, but they weren’t.” He laughed. “If you get into this kind of financial work, I am not sure how applicants will try to bribe you, money perhaps?”

“I got money already, and getting more, but the sex,-” I stopped (*TOO FAR!*) and laughed. He joined in.

“I doubt they would offer you a girl.”

“No but from what I saw this morning, I could be tempted!” I smiled and (*TOO BRASH!*) looked at the surprise on his face.


“While we’re discussing the subject, I just thought that I might like to see more.” I moved to him, felt his arms go around me. (*YES! Now you can fuck his brains out, you tart!*) (*Shut up, leave me alone!*) (*Go on, get on your knees, slut!*) He kissed me, pulling me closer, his hands cupping my ass.

“I admit to thinking about this all day,” he said, quietly as we broke apart, “But I wasn’t sure you’d be interested.”

“Well, a bare assed approach like that? How could I resist?” I laughed, running my hand over his crutch, getting his belt open. His slacks were around his ankles and I was on my knees, holding his balls in one hand, his dick in the other. (*Yes! Suck it girl!*) I ran my tongue over the glans and down the shaft, then back up. I wrapped my lips around the very eye of his cock and let it push my mouth open.

Smooth, I thought, (*Yummy!*) as it slid into my throat. He doesn’t have a big cock, just average, but it is hard and smooth and strong. (*Just how you like ’em. Nice and thick to do the trick!*) I drew his precum onto my taste buds and was pleasantly surprised, not too salty, very nice indeed (*Noice!*). I sucked his dick, using my tongue to wipe over his frenulum, making him purr like a tiger, deep in the forest (*Oh yeah, suck that dick, girl*). I stroked his balls, squeezing them, pulling them gently, (*Not too hard!*) (*Fuck off! I know what I’m doing*), a finger caressing the smooth skin of his perineum, sliding across his asshole occasionally. His moans the music to which I was playing him (*Strings by Stradivari*) (*Vocals by a ’50’s doo-woop band more like it!*)

I had his dick in my mouth, playing with it, using my lips and my tongue, for several minutes, his excitement growing. Who would have thought that this morning? (*You did, you slut!*) His moans quickly became cries of angst as he got closer to cumming. “Ooohhh fuck! You better stop or you’re gunna get a mouthful!” I did pull my head back, then ran my tongue along the length, over his balls and back up the other side. He shuddered, so I squeezed the knob, just in case. (*Fuck, is he considerate? Cums quick and gets off?*) (*Better fucking not be!*)

He relaxed and pulled me to my feet, “That was- Wow!,” he said, “My turn!” He had a slyish grin and I’m not sure what he meant. Next thing, I have been swooped into his arms and we’re on our way to the bedroom. He laid me on his bed and had my sneakers off, then my jeans. My jumper was off, followed quickly by my blouse. He started kissing my body, all over, little nips here and there, licks in different places, a boob was maneuvered out of my bra and the nipple was sucked and tongued.

Meanwhile, his fingers were working over the soft silk of my thong, which was getting wetter with every touch. I felt his fingers work their way under it, and over my trimmed pussy. They slid over my mons and clit hood, separating the now swollen labia entering my fuck hole. He didn’t stay long, just jiggling his finger, then pulling the dampened digit out to slide back up to my now exposed, excited clit. His fingers traced a circular pattern around it, his lips sucked on my nipple. Every now and again he would slide his fingers down and put two of them into my love canal. (*You’re really loving this!*) (*I am! So shut the fuck up and enjoy!*) (*See, you ARE a slut!*) (*YES! SO FUCK OF!*) (*There was a little pop sound as my demon disappeared, laughing in glee!*) (*Then another pop as a white angel appeared on my other shoulder.*) (*Yes we are loving it!*) (*YOU TOO! FUCK OFF!*) (*Now, now-*) (*GO AWAY! LET ME ENJOY IT!*)

Ken’s fingers slid back down and I pushed my pelvis up to meet them. Being finger fucked while having my tits sucked- instant love! “I’m gunna cum!” I cried, as I started to shake at the intense pleasure he was giving me. Ken pushed his fingers into me and his thumb pressed right on my clit, then slid across and back again as he kept pumping his fingers in and out of my pussy. I shuddered and my muscles snapped in pleasure at his actions. I felt all the sensation sweep over me then gather in the nipple that he was suckling, then exploded outwards all though me. My pussy grabbed at his fingers, pulling them in and my tit lit up like a red light! Fuck! FUCK! FUCK! I cried as I came.

I fell back and flopped like a rag doll. He had just made me cum, in record time! His fingers were still inside me, his thumb pressing on my clit. He lifted his head and kissed me, a gentle kiss, the kiss of a lover, lingering, full of passion and meaning. His fingers pulled out of me, sliding upwards from under my thong. I felt his thumb grasp one side of it and pull it down. I lifted my ass and let him get them off, completely. I rolled towards him, allowing him to get my bra open. We struggled a little but if too went off the side of the bed. I don’t know how he did it, but he was already naked, no idea how that happened.

I had to get more of that dick. I took it in hand and gently caressed it, feeling it grow again, harden ad I ran my hand up and down along its thickening shaft. The foreskin moved with this motion, but then slid off the glans where I could again see its purple hood. I pushed his shoulder back onto the bed and shifted my body. Sliding down him, I got onto my knees then in one motion, I slid his cock back into my mouth and raised a knee to straddle his face. I love a good sixty-niner, I love a cock in my mouth at any time, but with a tongue lapping my pussy, it becomes something special. (*Only because you love sucking dick! Slut!*) (*Well yeah, doesn’t everyone?*)

It’s easy to get lost in giving your partner pleasure, especially when he has a really nice dick that fits so well into your mouth. (*Yummm- Yummmm!*) Doubly so when his precum is so tasty too. (*Nummm nummmm nummm!*) (*Shut up!*) Even more so when his tongue is working its will with such obvious skill and giving me so much pleasure! (*Yea-hhh! Loving it aren’t you, you slut!*) (*Yes I am now leave me ALONE!*) (*NO! I love getting fucked too!*)

I kept sucking him, he kept licking me. There was no urgency about it, just giving each other a maximum amount of pleasure. I want him to cum in my mouth at some time! (*Yes, proving you’re a slut!*) If his cum is as tasty as his precum, it’ll be a meal and a half! (*Yes!*) For now though, he is going to finish in my pussy!

I lifted off his cock, kissing the knob, lapping the shaft then folding it down so I can lick the base and across his balls. I can feel his tongue and lips covering my pussy, licking me, suckling my clit, oh very nice. It’s time for the main event. I want his cum inside me! (*Of course you do, slut!*) I didn’t care about a condom, I was on birth control and there was nothing about his dick, his smell or taste that gave me any cause for concern. I lifted off him, altogether, swung around and laid on top of him. “Fuck me!” I demanded.

He wrapped his arms around me and I spread my knees either side of his hips. I could feel his cock prodding my pussy. He was so far gone in his arousal that he didn’t hesitate, he pushed his cock upward, sliding along the length of my labia lips. I felt the knob engage in my vaginal canal and he thrust again, pushing his cock inside me. I could feel it pushing open the canal, filling me with its heat. He pulled out slightly, then pushed in again, again and again. I pumped my hips, bouncing on my knees, keeping the same pumping rhythm as he was. I felt him crushing my pubic hair, squashing my clit as we thrust together. This was fucking great, wonderful, the feeling of his cock deep inside me>

I wasn’t worried about cumming, I just wanted his semen, deep in my vagina. I used whatever muscles I could to grasp his prong, causing as much friction as I could, demanding he cum. At one point, he stopped pumping, denying me then I felt a knee rise and an arm wrap around me tightly. He pushed with the leg and the other arm and I rolled onto my back where he was in the dominant position. It didn’t matter, his dick was still inside me and he began to pump it in an out again. I fucking love this! Again, my clit was being squashed by his pelvis as he fucked me. This sent shivers of pleasure up through my stomach into my heart and then to my brain. My brain screamed for more!

I lifted my legs and held them up to allow Ken better, deeper access to my cunt. He filled my up every time he pushed in me and left me mostly empty when he pulled back. I loved fucking him! Even my should devils didn’t disagree with this! Ken went on and on, drilling into me, pulling out only to plug my gap, again. My ass pounded the bed and I bounced back up to meet his next thrust. His actions became stronger more urgent, less timed and his cried of pleasure peaked as I felt his cock swell. I demanded it’s contents! He cried loudly as I felt a warmth and all friction inside my pussy disappeared. I knew he was there, but he was sliding in and out with such slippery smoothness, he had cum! I got his cum! Ken gasped and collapsed on top of me. I held him, his cock in me, kissing him.

He gasped, taking in deep breaths, then went to move, but I held him, not letting him off me. I was waiting for that moment when his dick was no longer hard enough to stay inside me. A few moments later, it did just that. Then I let him roll off. Having a man on top of me is no problem for me at all. I’m not that big, but they have all seemed to fit, comfortably. (*Oh yeah, what about-*) (*He was an asshole, but he still fit.*) (*His dick did-*) (*Well some guys are better at pretending to be human than others.*) Ken was lying on his side, so again, I eased his shoulder back to lay him flat, I kissed him then swooped on his cum covered cock.

I love this with some guys. Some are not so nice, but others are really tasty, Ken certainly is. (*Only ‘coz you’re a slut.*) I opened my mouth and sucked his softened cock in making sure I got all of his juice off it. I kicked his knob, then slid down to mouth his ball sack, getting any dribbles off that. Ken’s cum is really tasty, I love it! I was on my knees by now and felt his cum dribbling down my legs, I wiped my hand over my pussy, catching as much of it as I could, then licked it off my fingers. (*SLUT! Loving this aren’t you!*) (*Yes I am!*) I was happy I got it all then went back to sucking Ken’s dick.

It wasn’t long before it got mostly hard again, but while he wasn’t going to cum, at least not so soon, it was still nice having that prong in my mouth. I could feel its texture with my lips and tongue. The soft silkiness of the knob and slippery movement of the foreskin. I tongued it, feeling the frenulum, lapped it, and pumped my head over the soft-hardness of his now expanding prong. (*You love dick!*) (*Yes and your problem is?*) I wiped it clean, lapped every bit of his juice off it then sucked whatever was in the urethra out. Ken was loving it too. (*Me too!*) (*Yes, I know!*). I didn’t have to work on Tuesday nights, so I stayed with Ken, all night, making it difficult to walk the next day. I went back the next night too, in fact, didn’t go home except to change and shower for work. I fucked more in those days than I had for the last two years.

Eventually, life returned to normal – more or less. Ken took off on another trip, I went home, cleaning during the day, stripping on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. Oh, I may be a slut, but I am not a hooker, I don’t do lap dances, don’t do private shows, don’t fuck for money. I can’t. I need an emotional connection to have sex. I know that might seem odd, but all the men I have had in my life, and there has been a few, (*We know*) only got to fuck me because of it. Money is a barrier for me, not a leg opener, no idea why. It’s not ethical or moral, it’s just emotional.

All that happened with Ken was six weeks ago. He texted me last night, telling me he was going to be home late, would I like to have dinner with him tonight? I texted back immediately, sure, but I would prefer breakfast. Why not both? he asked, so here I am, on my way to the third day of my new job in financial services, stopping at Ken’s apartment, for breakfast. It’s only going to be a quick stop, time enough to blow him which is going to be my breakfast. I still have his key, even though I gave all the others back. He was true to his word, I had three offers for interviews a week after he left, followed by three job offers, I took the best for me, not the best paying, just the best for me.

I’m not repaying Ken for his kindness, recommending me for those interviews, but because I love the taste of his cum. (*You are still a slut!*) (*Yes, I know, but will you please stop being such a fucking problem!*)

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/nxua8s/a_problem_with_my_shoulder_demons_mf