Getting to know my neighbor [MF] [latina milf blowjob]

Osher rested his elbows on the second story balcony and sipped his gin-and-ice, watching the evening hours slip by. The grassy courtyard below grew dark as one by one the lights in his neighbors’ apartments turned off. The warm summer breeze sent the leaves waving in his potted plants, and he filled his glass for the third time.

A voice cut into his trance. “Hey, white boy, this place ain’t so bad sometimes, is it?”

It was a woman’s voice, spiked with a Mexican accent. Osher turned to trace its source.

His next-door neighbor was leaning out from her balcony. A wall separated the two spaces, Osher could only see her and her him by leaning over the edge. Her dark eyes sharpened, inspecting him as she took a drag from a cigarette. She wasn’t smiling, but her expression wasn’t unfriendly.

Her scrutiny made him feel vulnerable and he turned away. “It’s got it’s moments,” he said.

“It does, it does,” she said, her gaze lingering.

Time passed, Osher sipped at his drink.

“Don’t see you around much,” she said.

Osher shrugged. “Different schedules, I guess.”

“Yeah, I guess,” the woman said, “Plus you got that hot girl hanging around your place, don’t you?”

“Sandy?” he said, “She’s just a friend. She, umm–”

“Yeah, I’ve had ‘just a friends,’ too,” she laughed, “But now I got the kids, don’t got time much for that anymore.”

Osher blushed, “Oh, well, um, it’s not like that, exactly…” he trailed off.

“What?” she frowned, “You mean, like, you want some but she ain’t giving any?”

“Well, no, I mean… yeah, sort of, exactly that.” He was looking at the ground, but forced himself to look up, make eye contact. This woman, he didn’t know her, but something in the way she was watching him made him feel comfortable, like he could share. Or maybe it was just the booze.

But either way, in that burst of a moment, he decided to voice the truth. And to his surprise, the words were already queued up, like they’d been stuck in his throat, ready to be dislodged and hocked free.

And even still, Osher knew it sounded like so much juvenile whining, “So, like, I’ve been into her since I met her at the university freshman year, and I wanted to say something but the moment has never been right, and, I don’t know. We graduated together last month and I tried to tell her then but she said she didn’t want to ruin our friendship, but I think I did anyway and I don’t know what to do to fix things.”

“Congratulations,” she said.

“What?” Osher furrowed his brow.

“For getting a degree, I mean.” She was smiling at him. “I never did. Was working. Then I got pregnant. Twice. Lucia and Antonio, eight and six now. Love of my life, nothing makes me happier, but at the same time, thank God they’re finally asleep, right?”

“Right, yeah,” Osher said, “But what do I say to Sandy?”

“Fuck if I know, I look like some kinda pick-up artist?”

Osher shook his head and grimaced, but it passed and he laughed. It was a stupid idea, trying to get girl advice from someone who didn’t know him. He swigged from his glass. “Hey, what’s your name anyway?”

Her eyes were fixed on his as she took a drag from her cigarette, then blew it out. “What’s yours?”


“I’m Bianca.”

“Bianca,” Osher said, trying it out, “Pretty name.”

She chuckled. “Thanks.” She stubbed out the cigarette. “Hey, you got any more of whatever it is in your cup?”

Osher looked down at his glass dumbly, then back at Bianca. “Sure.”

“Come to my door.”

Her front door was adjacent to his, and already open by the time he walked over. “Don’t wake the kids,” Bianca whispered, pulling him inside, turning the lock gently so as to not make noise.

“Weird being on this side of the wall,” Osher said.

“Why?” Concern flashed across Bianca’s face.

“The spaces,” he said, “They’re the mirror opposite of my apartment. Though yours feels so much more… homey.”

“Silly white boy,” she rolled her eyes, “It’s just the kid shit everywhere. They were supposed to pick up their toys, but… eh, you pick your battles, you know.”

“It’s not too bad,” Osher said, letting her lead him through the kitchen and out onto her balcony.

She had two wicker chairs side by side, a small table with a glass top in front of them. He poured drinks while she passed him a lit cigarette.

“Cheers,” he said, holding his glass up.

Bianca grinned and in one slug swallowed down the cup’s entire contents. She grabbed the bottle and poured herself another. “Catching up,” she said coolly when she caught his wide eyes.

Osher shook his head and dragged on the cigarette, looking out into the night. “So, neighbor, what’s your story? What do you do with your days, Bianca?”

She drank again from her glass. “Work at the school, in the office. Answer the phones, do the mail, that sort of shit. Mostly though I’m just a mom.”

“No help from their dad?”

“Oh, Carlos,” she said, looking out into the night, “He comes, he goes, you know? Although lately he mostly just goes. More peaceful this way, anyway.”

They sat in silence for a moment, the chemicals working through their systems.

But Osher couldn’t stop his preoccupation from again spilling out. “Do you think there’s anything I can do about Sandy?” Then he added in a quiet voice, as if admitting it aloud would empower the idea, “I think I’m in love with her.”

Bianca reached over and gave Osher’s knee a gentle squeeze. “This girl, Sandy,” she said, “She ever suck your cock?”

“What?! No, I, er–”

“She ever wrap her lips around your thick shaft, look you in the eye, worship your dick with her tongue? Make you feel like a man?” Her fingers were drawing little circles on his leg through the fabric of his shorts.

“No,” Osher exclaimed, “We never, we’re just–”

“She ever let you spray your cum on her tits? On her face? Beg to swallow your jizz? Suck every drop from you, drain your balls empty?”


“Then it’s stupid to be in love with her, no?” Her hand slid ever so slightly up his leg, her fingers just a touch closer to his crotch. “What you need, white boy, is to get laid.”

All at once, Osher’s world skewed, and Bianca came into sharp focus, as if she’d been behind a veil that had just lifted. Her smile was cute, her gaze provocative. Her wavy brown hair shone in the dim light, framing her quick eyes and high cheekbones. Her black tank top was stretched tight with the promise of an amazing rack and a tight belly. Her bare shoulders revealed smooth, lustrous skin. She was older, in the next stage of life, a mom with kids, but with a flash Osher understood that none of that mattered, that he was alone with a pretty girl who was flirting with him.

Osher’s heart pounded in his chest and his dick twitched in his pants.

She smirked. “And getting laid is also something I’m needing.” Her hand slid up his leg and grabbed his crotch through his basketball shorts, squeezing his growing erection.

“You’re beautiful,” he said.

“Shut up,” she said, sliding from her chair, kneeling in front of his.

Wide-eyed, hardly believing it was happening, Osher let himself be guided into leaning back, shifting his hips forward, pushing his crotch into Bianca’s face. His cock was already tenting his shorts, fighting against the fabric, yearning to be free.

Bianca pulled his shorts off, tossing them aside. Then she rubbed his briefs, feeling his erection. She pushed her fingers through the flap and Osher gasped as her soft, cold fingers wrap around shaft. She grinned as she worked his stiffening cock through the fold, and then his balls too.

Osher stared, amazed, watching his hard dick swing in his neighbor’s face.

“Wow, white boy,” she said, licking her lips, “Look at that fat fuckin’ cock you got.”

Bianca sat back on her heels and pulled off her tank top, grinning proudly at Osher. Her tits were wrapped in a tight sports bra, and they were looking even bigger than Osher realized. Time slowed down as she grabbed the bottom of the fabric and pulled it up. In slow motion, her breasts bounced free into the night air.

Osher was staring. At the way her tits bounced, at their dark nipples, at their incredible size. She cupped them in her hands, pinching them in her fingers.

“I thought you’d like that,” she said, watching his jaw drop. She grabbed the base of his shaft, swung his cock against her tits, bouncing it’s head back and forth from nipple to nipple.

His shaft grew stiffer and stiffer, swelling into an erection so powerful his cock skin stretched his taut, screaming for release. Fluid beaded at the tip, dripped down its underside.

Bianca flashed him a coy smile, then extended her tongue, making contact his balls, caressing them with its silken warmth, teasing and toying with them, sucking them into her mouth.

Osher whimpered, his head spinning, his hands gripping the armrests. She was tugging on his balls with her lips, letting them pop free before sucking them back in, and Osher was deep in bliss.

Just when he thought he was at his limit, Bianca’s tongue left his balls and began sliding up his shaft. She ran it slowly up his length and over his glans and he shuddered, then she pursed her lips kissed the tip with just the faintest touch.

“Look how fuckin’ hard your big cock is, white boy,” she said, “Bet you didn’t know your neighbor was such a horny bitch, did you?”

She swung his cock against her cheek, then dragged it to her lips.

Osher groaned in pleasure as her mouth stretched wide around his erection. She was staring him in the eye as his dick slid in, and he was breathing hard as her tongue slipped in and out, running circles around the head of his shaft.

Then she dropped down farther, taking him in until his cock filled her mouth, pulling back, and then doing it again. She worked up a rhythm, pumping and sucking on his erection while he sucked in sharp breaths.

She reached for his hand, dragging it off the chair and placing it in her hair, on the back of her head. Osher was quick to understand, and as his excitement built he drove Bianca’s sucking at a quicker and quicker pace, fucking her face, soaring with lust.

She batted at his balls, then gave them a squeeze. Osher groaned loudly and his eyes rolled back in his head as pleasure spiked. She’d sucked him to the edge and beyond. With two hands he shoved her face against his crotch as he pumped load after load into mouth.

Finally spent, he collapsed into the chair and let her go.

Slowly withdrawing, Bianca smiled, making sure to lick up all his seed as she went. With a final kiss on his cock, she sat back and grinned. She opened her mouth and showed him the fat pool of cum he’d unleashed in her. Then she swallowed and showed him her mouth again, this time empty.

Osher’s eyes were unfocused, his mind lost in a state of rapture.

“Well, that was fun,” Bianca said, putting her tits away and sitting back in her chair. She shot back the rest of her drink and poured herself another while Osher came back to Earth, his gaze locked on her and reverent.

“Don’t look at me that way,” she continued, a pleased smile across her face, “It was just a blow job.”

“It was fucking fantastic,” Osher said.

“Well, yeah,” she grinned and rolled her eyes, “I’m good at them. And now you feel better about this ‘Sandy’ nonsense, no?”

Osher burst into a fit of laughter.

“Just don’t be falling in love with me now. Silly white boy.”

“I might be in love with those tits,” he said, reaching out, giving her chest a playful squeeze.

Her grin grew wider. “That I can understand.”


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