Open letter #3 – Past partners twofer: Mary & Ben and Jamie & Gary – [MFM][MF][nc][Mdom]

There is a backstory for this series of posts in my profile. The format will make more sense if you at least scan through that first.

*****Be warned, this post gets into some quite rough male-dominant sexual play including CNC, meaning there is discussion of forced sexual intercourse in here towards the end. There was good faith consent from all involved but I know it’s not for everyone.*****

Hey Kyle, just one more of these setting-the-stage kind of letters. Last one, I promise. ;)

These two couples are group together because some of their kinks overlapped and they both stretched my opinion of how one partner should treat the other. There’s always a tendency to assess others feelings as though I’m the one that has to experience them…you know, that whole ‘do unto others’ rule. That only works if everyone wants to experience the world as I do though, which surprises exactly nobody that the real world doesn’t work that way. Mary and Jamie are important for me to share because they showed me that some people truely crave being treated in a way that I don’t understand, wouldn’t want for myself, and made me a little uncomfortable at first. It obvious to say but mostly what I learned from them is that they know themselves better than I do. Things work out a lot better if I just trust they know what they like without trying to understand why.

It’s kinda like pizza. Do you know there’s some twisted, degenerate fuckers out there that like pineapple and pickles on their pizza? I know…fucking weird, right? But here’s the thing: if I had somone over for dinner and she said make me a pineapple and pickle pizza I don’t need to agree with that choice, nor understand why she would ever even dream up such an abomination, nor like that particular flavor myself, to be able to do that for her. And if she tastes it and gushes about how great it is and that she’s always wanted someone to make that for her and she’s always been too embarassed to ask for it and she likes it even more than she thought she would…well I’m going to feel pretty good about that. I’m going to devrive a lot of pleasure and satisfaction from indulging her and sharing the experience. And then if we have pizza night again and she says the pineapple was perfect but she wants MORE pickles and she was thinking maybe she’d like to try some chocolate on top this time I’m 100% going to give her the best goddamned chocolate pinapple double-pickle pizza I can and I will regret nothing. So yeah, sometimes people are like pizzas I guess is where I was going with that. Shit…this is getting weird and I’m only two paragraphs in.

Anyway…back to Mary and Ben. I mentioned them in an earlier letter as the first couple that invited me into their relationship. Jamie and Gary I met some years later…maybe 2 years before I met you and Emily, give or take.

Whereas Riley and Kurt had a very clear 1920s husband/housewife kind of power structure in their day to day relationship and had fun swapping roles in the bedroom Mary and Ben were on mostly equal footing in real life. Equal and extremely antagonistic, at least in my eyes. There was a lot of picking at each other like a late 80s couple would do after 60 years of marriage but with the energy of a late 20’s/early 30s couple.

That daily tension didn’t really translate into a sexual kink until our third date. The first time we were together it was the first time for all three of us so there wasn’t much boundary pushing at all. The second time was an absolute dumpster fire of a disaster that ended in tears and the most confusing sex of my life. That third date though…that was an eye-opener.

Mary was home all day while her kids were at school, which means she had nothing to do but send Ben and I dirty pictures and even dirtier messages all damned day. That was fairly typical for her, she liked to tease us like that. This time though, many of her messages were directed specifically at me. She wanted to feel my cock in her throat, she wanted me sucking her nipples, she wanted my cum dripping off her chin, and so on. Nothing about Ben really, which he of course noticed and commented on maybe an hour or two before our date. And that’s where the tone changed dramatically.

From there on it was all “DeployedDistrakshun brought me coffee last week. When have you ever done that?” and “He deserves my pussy more than you do tonight” type comments from her followed by “If you learn to give it up at night maybe I’d get you coffee in the morning” type responses from him. It escalated to the point that I sent her a messages outside the group chat to ask if everything was OK with them. All I got back was a winking emoji.

When I got to their house that evening she largely ignored Ben in favor of me. Sitting on my lap, offering to get me a drink but not Ben, interrupting him to say something to me…that kind of stuff. Just being kinda shitty to him.

With those two it never took long for clothes to start coming off so maybe 10 minutes after I got there she was down to her panties and on her knees in front of me fishing my cock out of my jeans. In-between sucking on my balls and licking the length of my shaft she looked over at Ben and made some smart ass comment saying this is how a man gets treated when he shows a woman the kind of attention she deserves. Ben didn’t bother answering, just smirked at her and stood up to get undressed.

Ben mostly liked to watch. He’d join in if and when he wanted, so him jerking off watching Mary and I was all in-line with expectations. Mary and I decided to move to the bedroom shortly after getting started so she was on her back on the bed with her legs over my shoulders when Gary decided he wanted in on the action.

He kneeled next to her head with his cock hanging just inches from her face, which is of course the standard international sign that a blowjob is, at the very least, desired. Expected is probably a better interpretation in this context. She refused. Refused and turned her head with a huff no less. Gary grabbed her head and forced her to face him again, and when she refused to open her mouth he slapped her. Wham…out of nowhere. Not hard enough that he was going to leave a bruise but probably hard enough to hurt. Actually I know it hurt because I was inside her when he did it and she tensed around me for at least a couple seconds.

I mostly go with the flow when I’m playing with a couple but I had no idea what to do with this. She’d mentioned in some of our chatting that she likes it rough and yes in hindsight that should have been a topic we were all crystal clear about, chalk it up to inexperience I guess, but this was escalating fast. I hadn’t pulled out of her but I wasn’t exactly fucking her either, just watching this scene play out. After he slapped her he put his hand around her throat and told her she could either open her mouth and suck him willingly or he could choke her unconscience and he’d fuck her throat that way.

She begrudgingly opened her mouth for him and he immediatly jammed his cock down her throat, one hand around her neck and the other holding a fistful of hair to keep her from pulling away from him. She let him face fuck her just for a minute or two, locked eyes with me, then that woman fucking winked at me and bit Bens cock hard enough to make him yelp.

He jerked out of her mouth to inspect the damage while spitting a string of profanity and insults at her. She shouted back at him that it’ll be worse the next time he tries that, to which he responded by squeezing her throat even harder and practically growling at her “since you let DeployedDistrakshun have your cunt tonight that leaves two holes for me to use. If you bite me again I’m going to take it out on your fucking asshole you little slut”.

He gave her throat another squeeze for emphasis then let go of her and waitied for her to make her choice. She made a big show of being utterly disgusted by him but grabbed his cock and guided it into her mouth anyway, proceeding to give him a surprisingly energetic and enthuastic blowjob given what had just happened.

Now that she was tending to his cock Ben turned his attention to her breasts, groping and slapping them between roughly pinching and twisting her nipples while she sucked him off. This whole time her pussy was doing amazing things around my erection. I could feel every slap, pinch, and twist he gave her nipples through her pussy. Somehow she was absolutely loving it. All of it. The punishments, the name calling, the threats. She used her free hand to finger herself while he was abusing her tits and mouth and I think she managed to get herself off at least once before he made her get on top so he could have her ass while she straddled me. We were face-to-face the whole time he was fucking her and slapping her ass and I could see by the look in her eyes she was having the time of her life. She told me later that she’d been masturbating to that fantasy since she was 16 years old and it was even better than she’d imagined.

As would become habit, when we were done he left us alone in bed while he went to watch TV or something. She and I had a long talk about what just happened, which took a meandering path to her sharing her fantasies of being either coerced into sex or outright forced against her will. She mostly liked to keep them as fantasies but sometimes she and Ben liked to push each others buttons just so they can build that aggression before a hardcore fuck like that where he borderline forces her.

The three of us played out her coerced fantasies on two other occasions but the forced sex thing always stayed as fantasy. She loved having me describe how I’d do it though. She’d message me and ask for a story about Ben and I assulting her at a party or how I’d follow her on one of her hikes and force myself on her in the woods, then she’d make Ben read it to her at night before they had sex. Over time she dropped the notion that it was even a work of fiction. She’d just say ‘tell me about the time you bought me at the slave auction on that tropical island”. We always had this clear separation between fantasy and reality though. Getting rough with her, physical and verbal abuse, telling her what a good slutty fucktoy she was for us, that was all fair game. We never needed a safeword though. No meant no and stop meant stop.

With Jamie and Gary there was no such distinction. Technically it was only Jamie; Gary was only present the very first time I met Jamie over lunch. He worked second shift so after that he was always at work when Jamie invited me over. Which was probably a good thing as most of what Jamie wanted wouldn’t have worked well as a threesome. She definitely fell into the bratty submissive category, same as Mary, but far more deeply submissive even in her real life. If she was in the mood for cuddles and a movie I had to choose the movie. If I was picking up dinner for her she wanted me to not only choose the restaurant but choose her meal as well. Submissive through and through.

Fairly shortly this behaviour developed into two distinct tones for us. Our default mode was to interact as Jamie and DelpoyedDistrakshun, sometimes initimately, sometimes sexually, and sometimes just two complete dorks goofing off together.

Other time though we’d interact through a strict dom/sub relationship. She would address me as Sir and I would address her as Pet. This is where her bratty side would get her into trouble. She was naturally snarky and quick-witted, always ready with a sharp retort and a clever comeback whenever I’d poke at her about something. As Jamie and DeployedDistrakshun this was great fun and made for some incredibly entertaining chatting throughout the day. As Sir and Pet her mouth meant punishment…and she could. Not. Help. Herself.

I think she enjoyed the punishments more than anything else we did together. There was something about being controlled in that way that really resonated for her.

Mostly the punishments were simple little things to make her uncomfortable because she smarted off about something or broke some trivial little rule. When we first started exploring the dom/sub thing I bought her a satin choker to wear any time we were in that mode. It was a gorgeous royal blue band with a small pendant that hung down from a gold chain and it suited her face and her build perfectly. People commented on it often when we were out so one of her punishments was to tell everyone that commented on it how she came to own it.

When she intentionally disobeyed me the punishmentss got more severe, often leaving bruises, and those were her favorites. She loved having a tender ass and sore breasts after being punished. She said it would give her shivers of excitement every time she bumped a bruise and was reminded of what she’d done.

I can’t say I understood any of what she liked about that. However, there was no denying the pleasure it gave her. And to be fair our time together as Sir and Pet was satisfying for me as well so I can’t say it was all one sided. Oddly enough the most severe of her punishments tended to have the most intimate aftercare. She was always the one pushing the limits but there was a lot of me trying to figure out how to process all of it behind the sccenes. My brain just doesn’t know what to do with the contridicting pain and pleasure she always wanted.

So this all developed over many months. Exploring, testing boundaries, talking through it afterwards. We didn’t jump straight into the hardcore stuff so I had time to recalibrate and rethink what we were doing at each step. I totally didn’t see the CNC fantaasy coming at all though. I wasn’t prepared to talk about it and I really, really bungled my reaction to it. I’m a dude…it’s what we do best.

When she brought it up it wasn’t a Sir annd Pet conversation, just she and I hangin out together so things there pretty relaxed. I knew she was stewing on something because she kept fidgeting with her hands while we watched TV, a dead giveaway for her that she was anxious about something. I asked her what was on her mind and she just blurted out “I want you to sneak in here at night and fuck me”. And me, being the dense motherfucker that I am, I completely missed what she was trying to say, laughed at her, and said we don’t need to sneak around. If she needs fucked lets just go do it. Yeah, note to self: laughing at someone trying to share their deepest darkest desires is NOT the correct response.

She was embarassed and hurt and completely shut down after that and refused to talk about it for the rest of the night. It wasn’t until I was driving home that it finally clicked.

Of course now it was a sensitive subject so I decided to wait a couple weeks and brought it up again during one of our chats. It was typically easier for her to open up about difficult topics over text messages so I thought that was my best bet.

I apologized, told her I understood what she meant now, and that I wanted to hear whatever she wanted to share with me when she was ready. A couple weeks after that she sent me a very long, very detailed, and very graphic series of messages about her fantasy. It was remarkably similar to what Mary had always talked about. Same basic elements of being forced by a stranger, being used for sex with no interest in her pleasure, threats, verbal abuse, and so forth.

There were differences in that Mary needed to be persued in her fantasies, either literally chased or singled out in some way and selected as a object of sexual interest. She wanted to feel desired more than other women is basically what it came down to I think, which I believe explains why she was content leaving it at a fantasy. Knowing she was desired was enough for her. Jamie shared a lot of that but had a stronger interest in the physical aspect. She actualy wanted to do it. She wanted me to attack her when she was vulnerable. She wanted the chase, just like Mary, but she wanted to be caught and to struggle. She wanted to be overpowered, pinned down, and helpless to stop me from taking whatever I wanted. More than anything she wanted to feel me force my way into her, fuck her, and leave her in a heap on the bed when I was done.

That was…a lot. A lot of everything. It’s one thing writing dirty stories to a woman about doing those things to her. Considering actually doing them to her was something else entirely. What if things went wrong and I really hurt her? What if we did it and she hated it, what would that mean for us? What if she loved it, what would THAT mean for us? What about the mechanics of it? What she wanted required a good solid erection in a situation that wasn’t exactly boner inducing, so how would that work? There were question marks everywhere every time I tried to think through it and I wasn’t feeling too good about this idea.

What changed my mind was one of those moments in life where you take stock of your situation and marvel at how ludicrously fucked up human emotions are. Jamie and I were talking about her fantasy and I was ticking off my concerns on my fingers trying to be sensible with her and she made some counter argument that it’s not an uncommon fantasy for women, hers was just more extreme than most. I admitted I’d known a woman with similar fantasies so we talked through that for a bit and when we got to the part where there was a collection of stories I’d written to her Jamie literally squealed with delight and demanded I send them to her. Squealed like she’d just gotten a puppy with a big red bow around it’s neck for Christmas. It’s just as bizarre for me to write as it is for you to read, but it was that singular expression of uncontrolled delight that convinced me to rape her some night, just like she wanted. People are fucking weird sometimes, that’s the only explination I can offer.

So that converstion was the catalyst. We talked about it a couple more times, laid out all the safety stuff and limitations, and decided on a two week window for it to happen. She wanted the full experience so she didn’t want to know when or how. For my part, I made sure to drop hints on the days I wasn’t going to do it. I’d make comments about needing to leave work early to go rest up for a big night. Stuff like that to tease her. The day I planned to surprise her I wrote about being stuck in meetings all day and this migrane I could feel coming on. Afterwards she said she totally bought that story though she may have been humoring me.

I waited until fairly late at night, about 10:30 or so, and let myself into her house with the key she’d given me. I got undressed in the living room, gave my cock a good coating of lube, then made my way to the back of the house where her bedroom was.

I found her curled up on her side, sound asleep judging by her slow steady breathing, and I moved to the opposite side of the bed so I’d be behind her when she woke up. She had warned me that she was a prize and if I wanted her I was going to have to work for it, so I didn’t want to be in strike range if I could help it. I yanked back the covers and jumped on her, wrapping my arms around her torso to pin her arms against her chest. She woke with a screech and tried to jerk herself away from me, more out of honest disoriented surprise than playing her role. In that position I had all the leverage so I rolled her over me onto the other side of the bed so I could use my full body weight to hold her down.

She kicked her legs in the air and thrashed around under me and was shouting at me to get off her so I clamped one hand over her mouth to muffle her. That was a huge mistake. With only one of my arms around her she managed to free up enough movement to land an elbow squarely into my side and wriggle out from under me. The bruise I had from that was easily 10 times bigger than anything I’d done to her and she was quite proud of herself when she saw it later.

She fought me for a good long while but ultimately she was under-weight and under-powered to get away. When she finally ran out of steam her bralette was ripped and hanging loosely off her breasts and her panties were bunched around one of her ankles. We were face to face with her arms pinned over her head when I forced her thighs apart with my knee and lined myself up with her entrance. She was sweaty, exhausted, and panting for air but when she felt my slick cock head pressing against her she bucked her hips, trying one last time to deny me.

It was a half-hearted attempt at best. She knew she was mine for the taking and I knew she was done fighting so I leaned forward to whisper in her ear while I claimed my prize. I made sure I laid it on thick, pushing every one of her buttons. I told her how I’d been watching her and planning this for a long time and that I liked her this way, helpless and defeated. I told her this is what a slutty cocktease deserves when she walks around showing off her body like she does. I told her she could fight me all she wanted but her wet little pussy was giving away what she really wanted. All those dirty things I knew she loved to hear…and she definitely didn’t take it silently. I didn’t dare let go of either of her wrists so her mouth was free to spit threats and insults the whole time I was fucking her.

When I was finished with her I left her in a heap just like she wanted and walked out of the room without a word. Our agreement was that I’d just leave afterwards but I couldn’t do it. After I got dressed I went back to check on her and found her curled up in a ball in the middle of the bed with the sheet over her face and my heart sank. This is exactly what I was afraid would happen. I laid down facing her and gently pulled the sheet down far enough to see her face, ready to deal with the tears but instead found her big eyes smiling gleefully back at me. “I knew you wouldn’t leave” she said “You’re being such a weenie about this”.

That was a lot of words just now. Maybe combining these two into one letter wasn’t a great plan. Too late now though.

This is the third letter on past couples that I had fun trying new things with, ranging from casual playtime to whatever this one was. Left to my own preferences I’ll almost always lean toward slow, soft, and sensual. There’s nothing I like more than that. But with the right partners exploring new ideas and new sensations is fantastic.

This is where I need you and Emily to tell me the next step. I can write all day about what I want to do with you two, but that’s not what these letters are supposed to be about. What do YOU want me to do with you?

If you could put the three of us in these letters who would go where? Does one of us run the show? Two of us ganging up on the third? Maybe you want to see Emily dominating me like a succubus with her new plaything. Maybe she gifts you to me so I can use you however I want for a night.

Is it a change in scenery you want? A romantic three way cuddle fuck under the stars could be arranged, or a dirty afternoon tryst in a roadside motel. Do you have an exhibitionist streak? There’s plenty of opportunities to scratch that itch! Voyeuristic? I wouldn’t mind you ‘catching’ Emily and I together and peeking for awhile, same as I wouldn’t mind her snapping pictures from around the corner while my cock is in your mouth, as long as she lets me see them later.

Pick out whatever elements caught your interest from these stories and we can see where that road takes us.
