Mists near the river bridge. [MMMf] [Rape] [Fantasy] [Lyrical rhyming]

This is part of one of my lyrical fantasy books which may never be published because nobody will likely want to read it. The main character is a slave with no name. I guess if anyone reads this. You never expected to read a rhyming rape before. Later on in the story I do have proper consensual sex scenes.
Strolling over the stone
vine bridge and guiding eyes across the rivers flow,
The girl turns once seeing
the sparkles of water moving with scenery on a show,
A clearing amidst the
trackside which is nearer to the rocky rapids pass,
Waving the ripples of
sprouted longer wind waving softer grass,
“I don’t knew on this place.” She admires,
Wandering her eyes through
the trees as Joneer focuses on a need he requires,
Mispronouncing sentences since
she was never exposed to an education,
Catching Marlui approving
her and drifting his eyes to another location,
“It’s not much further, Around this edge.” Turoy explains,
Sweating from his forehead
and sanctioning as if a part of his lower stomach pains,
Joneer grins, licking his
lips, while staring at his slaves unexposed bouncing chest,
After seeing the drawings,
he desires to touch a real woman’s breast,
“Down here,
This is a secret spot, Nobody
will see us from the road here.” Marlui views,
Inspecting all the locations
when this is the place they choose,
They enter a clearing among
the trees and dry scrub,
All quickly surround the
girl with Turoy giving himself a lower rub,
She fears at them blocking
her in when realizing their final plan,
A hard swallow performed
after she discovers not to trust in any man.
Joneer slants and places his
hands on her cheek,
With the girl not knowing
what to do, feeling herself grow weak,
were meant to be mine after father is done with you, How
about I have a taste and learn to enjoy what is mine.” Joneer undertones,
Shivering with anticipation
supported by his usual stomach groans,
Turning her head back
towards the farm as her thoughts begin to drift,
Staring at the ground and remembering
she was a gift,
Marlui moves to her rear,
pressed against her back,
While Joneer rips her ragged
clothing previously altered from an old sack,
Exposing her skin, covered
in dirt and faded bruises too,
He takes a canteen of
drinking water, pouring over her to rinse a better view,
Washing away the tinges of
mud as she is cold in an exposed self-embrace,
Each of the males around her
express their hearts begin to race,
they are better than the pictures.” Turoy observes,
She covers but he pulls her
wrist to expose the vision he feels he deserves,
Cupping her breasts in his
hands and feeling them for a while,
Whereas Marlui rubs against
her rear, as she turns to see him smile,
Unable to move and incapable
to call for help when Joneer begins to guide,
Pushing her down to the
ground and forcing her legs open wide,
don’t move witch.” Joneer demands,
Touching below and pressing
inside with his cold chubby hands,
Quickly pulling his own
pants down and exposing his throbbing need,
A fear overthrows her, while
attempting to be freed,
her down.” Joneer tells Marlui,
am… she’s strong.” He laughs,
As she closes her legs and
begins to cry,
Causing Joneer to feel
unhappy and begin to sigh,
here and help.” Joneer tells Turoy,
Which he kneels down and
holds her legs apart,
And Joneer climbs over her,
so he can start,
Being aggressive with her
for control as three males hold tight,
Joneer penetrates her and
she can no longer fight,
Shoving in and working his
way deeper as a painful intrusion is felt,
The only thought lingering
is the scratching on the ground from his belt,
Marlui is grinning upside
down from her perspective,
Satisfied about the
opportunity to complete their main objective.
towards the sky, while compulsions of male moans are pleased,
and wrinkling skin with other parts pulled and squeezed,
and gripping, scratching and sharing while critical of inflicting pain,
the first finishes, the other enters to restart and restrain,
third shadow rolls over her, which Marlui drops and plunges deeply in,
the last and gentler as he glides his tongue along her skin,
roll down, beading moisture over her shivering cheeks,
him to cease breathing and reach the pleasured peaks,
pulling out as spits of moaning flow at her quick,
smells and sticky sensation causes her to feel sick,
over to the side as he smiles in his own dream,
the girl, abused and sore, turns her head towards the river stream.
The sounds
of graceful water over the rocks rushing near,
reactions and calming her emotions as the tensions disappear,
her eyes finally and sleeping in the middle of the warm day,
her mind off the dreadful event to visualize them all away,
felt within when drowning out the troubles and more,
wounds healing and the memories replaced by abilities to restore,
eyes to the clouds which changed from last identified above,
streams of light, being her only real experienced love,
to gather strength in order to resume travelling back,
toes to be ready against the long journey on the rocky track.
Raising her head and sitting
up, while the unsolicited fluids seep out,
A breath of emotion exhales
followed by an attempted shout,
Holding in the cries and
reaching for her dirty clothing near,
Seeing the three males all
sleeping while she is wanting to be away from here,
Placing her clothes on and
crawling towards the bridges rock,
Marlui jumps up and grabs
her to cause a shock,
do you think you’re going?
not finished fucking with you.” He giggles,
Enjoying the moment she
fights and the way she wiggles,
Gripping her tight, pulling
back by the leg,
She turns around kneeling,
crying and starting to beg,
Showing he is ready by
exposing the quantity was uninvitedly felt before,
Her eyes shut tight, hoping he
would not do the same thing anymore,
it witch,
it.” He demands,
She cries,
closer, you need to learn how to do this and just suck it,
it or I will cut you.” He speaks needing,
Escalating the iris in the middle
of his bluish gaze receding,
Caressing her hair and
urging her nearer to his tightly stretched skin,
Having no choice and afraid,
she opens and takes it deeply within,
He pushes down harder while
holding her hair tight,
Gasping for breath and
turning a soft shade of white,
The taste revolting and gagging
Adding to the list of
different types of abuses,
Moaning quietly as he
relaxes and lays still,
Capacity becoming louder and
eventually causing her mouth to fill,
it witch.” He demands,
Satisfied by a sigh when she
adheres to his commands,
Still holding tight, he
feels her glug it down firm,
Throbbing from the pleasure,
which makes him squirm,
you are a real whore.” Marlui insults,
is a whore?” She wonders,
Summoning a reflex which
crackles in the depths of her throat,
The heaving rising up as
Marlui laughs and begins to gloat,
The girl sits up on her
knees and rolls away to be sick,
Vomiting into the water as
her thoughts are only of his intrusive dick,
you will be used to it,
will come back when school finishes.” Marlui assures,
Touching her to cause a
flinch while he shape still allures,
Tapping her back to assist
with the spitting lingering spew,
She turns around to see he grasps
her with an admiring view,
Expectant another action will
happen, which she is unprepared,
He descends towards the
ground where a calm embrace is shared.
Marlui fell back to sleep and
begins to loudly snore,
She inches away from him
after being treated like a whore,
An anger fills her as
desires felt are never to return,
She frowns at the rocks
while her thoughts flip and churn,
Drooling from her mouth, it
mixes into the current of the rapids wave,
Her sights turn back towards
Marlui with a desire to no longer be a slave,
The eons of torment and
nights of cold has built a rage to almost broken,
Taking away the last of her trust
as a deepening ability has awoken,
Picking up a heavy rock and
walking with it straight above her head,
The shadow of her pose shown
wanting him to be dead,
Blaming down at him naked
and sleeping without a guilty thought,
Hesitant to drop the rock
down hard for a lesson to be taught,
Unable to swing her arms to
allow the force to crush his exposed sack of balls,
Her morals still exist
inside fighting and rebuilding emotional walls,
Able to leave, run away and
find a comfortable place to stay,
Being out in the world and
having freedom for even just one day,
She drops the rock to the
dirt and worries while Joneer begins to stir,
Quickly leaving the site, so
they do not have to chase her.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/nev6im/mists_near_the_river_bridge_mmmf_rape_fantasy