I [F23] want to confess my feelings to my long time crush [M30] after we had an open discussion about sexuality

I’ve had a crush on this guy since around 2017 (when I was around 19 and he was around 25). We’ve always been friends but I became infatuated with him at first sight.


Because of our personal responsibilities, we haven’t seen each other face-to-face for a few years but we message each other every once in a while. He’s in another state now. Also he’s never made me feel bad for taking care of my responsibilities and has actually been very supportive of my endeavors.


Last night he messaged me asking is I have a bf. I answered ‘no’ then we had a rather extensive conversation about our sexualities. He brought up how I casually mentioned to him I was bi, which kinda surprised me because that conversation was around when we first met. He confided in me about some personal stuff. He asked me if I was Dom or Sub and I confessed to being Verse. It even got to the point where we talked about out sex drives.


Look, there’s a high probability that he only messaged me to get his rocks off. If it was anyone else I’d be ticked but I was absolutely shaking with happiness and horniness last night. My heart was and still is racing like it did whenever I was around him. Whenever I masturbated to the thought of him I’d have the best orgasms. My mind has been cruel enough to imagine actually living my life with him.. this is especially true since he’s messaged me in the past about doing domestic stuff (cooking, listening to the rain while having drinks together, simply resting together,, etc.).
Yet, I’ve never officially confessed to him.


He probably already knows bc I feel like my feelings were obvious through my actions. But I feel like things would be at ease for both of us if I confessed. So that we don’t have to “skirt around” anymore.
Regardless of what type of relationship we have (platonic, sexual, romantic, fwb, sexting buddies, bf/gf, whatever) I know I want him a part of my life.


What are you thoughts on this? Am I being oblivious to something? Should I actually confess? General advice?

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/ndw3jh/i_f23_want_to_confess_my_feelings_to_my_long_time


  1. This is so wholesome. Perhaps set up a chat and be direct with him? If you’re not comfortable sharing the naughtier thoughts, you can always save those for a later time. Perhaps a candid conversation explaining what you’re feeling and how you’re happy to have a fun connection with him, and see what his thoughts are too.

    Best of luck to you both!

    Remember life is short.

  2. If you manage your expectations, you will be fine. At 23, I was not as good as I thought I was at this. But, that’s not the end of the world if the outcome is not desirable and you are heartbroken. But in your case, half if not most of the damage is already done. Idealizing, fantasizing, low key obsessing – they lead to heartbreak. Which again, is not that bad and quite normal.

  3. Aw cute. Def sounds like he wanted to get his “rocks off” but still you should pursue where a relationship (of whatever kind) with him might lead to. Sounds like a worthwhile adventure regardless of outcome

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