Rose of Two Thorn’s Wet Spy 1-4 Dream Master (FF MM MF MFF MFM Bondage Solo Toys)

Tracing my lips, flicking my eyelashes.  Finishing up my makeup was always a treat for me as I stepped back to admire my self in the mirror.
“Dam girl, you must be on the hunt again” I whispered to myself staring back into the total stranger that stood in that mirror.  Make-up perfect, a new bra and panties cut to the island style of dress.
“Now about the dress” my eyes darted to the hanger.  Slowly turning, stalking towards it.  With each step my tits jiggled as my new heels clicked on the tile floor.  Reaching out, allowing the fabric to take me to the Pink Sands, to feel the breeze as it gently wraps around me.  Caressing even my wettest places.
“Mmm, you know what this sundress needs… a belt.  A wide (feeling myself getting wet) belt that points to…  Mmmm.  I have just the thing in the closet” now backing off that tantalizing piece of fabric before I actually started to make out with it.
                                                        *            *           *
“Flirting with the hotel manager is always fun” I chuckled.  Smiling as he handed me this special card and told me of a dirty little secret.  One that I almost fucked his brains out over.  Leaning back as the elevator door silently closed.  Even leaning against the hand rail, so my cute little bum and cunt could be seen for miles around.  Letting the sun soak in through the massive window that was the elevator.
Watching as the numbers moaned their way past.  “1st floor, 2nd flo…, 3rd, 4th” until finally, “Sexth floor” by now just a whisper below a full orgasm.  Checking the card, looking for the number.  “6…” my heart skipped a beat.  “…9, and they say there is no sinful pleasure in the 69” unable to hide the grin as it planted itself on my lips.
My feet where moving.  One in front of the other.  Stretching out my slightly muscular legs.  Each one landing and pulling forth my thin frame.  The slight shadow of my thigh muscle clearly defining it’s boundaries as it put me face to, Ah… face with the 69th door.
Giving myself a little prep talk before barging right in.  “Keep it cool, don’t over react once you see her and remember she is your friend!”  Sliding that key card in the lock.  Hearing the tumblers click to give me the hot and horny green light.  Pushing in the door as the moisture from a recent shower sparked my imagination.  “Remember keep it…” hearing the click as her bum, held tight and firm swayed in front of me.
Dropping everything at that moment.  From her hair being done to perfection, to her glowing skin.  “My fuck, I want her now” I mouthed to myself.  My feet where moving as I closed the gap between us.  Turning to face me butt it was to late as my arms encircled her.  Pressing her C cups into my triple D’s.  My hand groping for the feel of her ass.  My mouth set back by the makeup she wore even though my body wanted to submit right there!
                                                          *            *           *
Me not hearing the tumblers.  Not knowing who was breaking into my hotel room, my heart.  The first kiss made me wet.  With hands scouring my bod looking for my booty.  Hiking my leg up so if nothing else I would have this Kitty burglar.  The kiss, the first thing that all should be aware of.  From the taste of the lips my tongue took over.  She might have had me against the wall butt I could tell who was in control.  The shock of being mauled from behind caused me to drop my belt butt as much as I wanted to scold her my hand found away to scold and press her mouth into mine. 
“Oh dam, pull my hair!  Make me your bitch for tonight” I moaned.  The first to submit under thoughts brutal full tongue kisses that were just as sloppy as my orgasm.  “Nya..” I breathed.  “I wanted you, Oh my fuckkk (hips still thrusting even though I was the one who invaded her personal space).. please, Mmm plea.. fuck me…  Ple.. fuckkk Mmmmmmmmm” unable to control my own body as the convulsions turned into a drooling mess as my cunt pressed into hers.
“This is something that I needed, something that I wanted” as I pushed Nina toward the bed.  Our kisses, our lip locking lesbian hold we had on each other was getting intense.
I don’t know if Nina lost footing or tripped butt with the tangle of feet we went down.  Down does not mean down in my books.  Planting both hands at her side, drifting down from her lips to her neck.  Having the younger Nina under me shutter was the key to a quick and heavy pet.
“My fuck, she is so fucking wet!”  I screamed inside my head.  And yet despite the temporary paralysis my lip drug down off her neck.
“Yes yesss yesssssssss” my body kept on chanting.  As I was catching my breath.  That fall not only knocked the breath out of me “Butt, buttt, buttttt…”  Sucking in every last piece of air that was around me.  I moaned, starting soft and quiet.  Until I couldn’t hold it in any longer!  “No, no, yesssssssss” echoed through my body as my primal instincts kicked in.  “Nya.. Ooo OooOoooOoooo yesss” bucking would never get her off of me butt how else am I supposed to cum!
Hearing the moan, feeling the tremors as each one was centered around the wet mess of a cunt Nina had.  Taking my hair to one side, my tongue just grazed the tip of her nip.  Sending her into more moans of delight.  “I will keep playing with your nips, sucking on your tits, groping those…” Mmm I wish I could finish my verbal tease butt Nina found another use for my leg as it was firmly planted between her legs.
“Cum, Cum.. Yesssssssss cum now” I squealed, my brain capacity has been leaking from between my legs.  Making me one hot fucking mess and wanting to cum some more, a lot more and.. and.  Grating on Nya’s leg, rubbing my cunt, my juicy little pussy until I just had to cum!
“OooOoooOoooo fuckkk Mmmmmmmmm yesss OooOoooOoooo OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss” I barely could breath now butt Nya kept on toying with my nips, sucking on my tits!  I must cu.. “Ooooh fuckkk Mmmmmmmmm.. … OooohOooohOooohOoooh!”  With that last gush of cum, with that last heart stopping orgasm.  I was done for, “Finish Mmm please” I think I mumbled.
Even with my cattiness, my sneaking into her room, my forceful way of taking Nya.  She still has all the power over me.
Seeing Nina go through her last orgasm, shuttering still, her body so relaxed.  “Do you want some lunch, cuz some little Kitty thief just served up the teaser for a midmorning snack” I offered my fuck doll Nina, “And you can tell me about your hard grinding (yes, just trying to keep things in perspective between my leg and her nice wet mess of a cunt) trip” I smile up at her, still threatening to lick her nipple again if I hear the wrong (or the write) answer.
* * *
“I just can’t believe what I did” I shuddered so hard I could not even recognize myself in the reflection.  “I lied!?  I bulked at my own brother health just what kind of sister am I” staring down into my drink.  Waiting for Nya to put me through the wringer. 
“But that is not going to happen cause genius me sent her off all alone to the most perfect place one could hope for for a last minute hurray before we settle down in dullsville” closing my big eyes.  Yes, this is the time to gather all my feelings, pick-up each and every one of them that has been scattered around me and the Tiki Lounge and head back to the airport for…
Freezing in mid thought, something happened to catch her eye.  And that something is her true love.
Sucking on her bottom lip, chewing on this flap of skin that she uses to form words, to show emotion and to kiss with.  “Just look at her…” not even sure if that sentence was done or not.
“Hey Chica, I get the feeling that I know what you are talking about” downing the last of his Irish coffee.  “So what you lied.  That is something that happens everyday and if you’re feeling down then don’t do that the following day.  Thanks A’drea, see you around Chica” A’drea handed back TJ’s credit card.  Nodding to this lost woman sitting next to him who seems more content on talking to her coffee rather than drinking it.  A’drea nodded back affirming that TJ paid for her too.
“And I got to meet.. Mom and Joe… and their three kids” finally picking up the cold mug of coffee.  Bringing it to her lips.  Watching Nya with the new girlfriend, the mug poised at the lip ready to be tipped back for even the smallest of sips.
“It almost like I can hear them laughing…  No wonder I feel in love with such a hot chick.  Always finding friends and sticking” for the briefest of moments the mug trembled in her hand as a big grin washed over her face.
“Mmm Mmmm, now I see why they love their phones so.. Mmmuch” the coffee mug was falling to the bar top with only Yasmin’s hand to stop it from shattering.
Taking in a heavy breath, with trembling hand Yasmin finally grips her coffee mug with both hands.  Trying to steady the tremble, trying to blink back the image right in front of her no more than twenty feet away.  With TJ and A’drea watching, betting if this time liquid shall pass those full lips or will the coffee mug just simply shatter on impact as it falls to the bar.
“Mmmm, just look at those sexy long legs, I wonder if… Ooooh yes” trying not to be so obvious that she was spying on a patron butt with the reversal of the legs.  The cross that was shifted and just getting a flash of Yasmin’s pink desire.  Her new vibraphone was pulverizing her pussy.  Working up her own juices to a lather.  This time the coffee mug slammed down on the bar top spilling it’s black magic all over the top of the bar surface.
“She must have a new vibraphone” A’drea whispered to TJ in a amused way.  “The poor woman must have a least a lukewarm coffee” grinning at TJ one last time then springing to action.
The unhook of the trembling finger.  The speed at which A’dria cleaned the bar top.  The steaming mug that replaced the cold one.
“Dam, your quick” TJ said as no more than thirty second had passed since A’drea left.
“Now we…” A’drea attempted to say.  Not even getting to finish that thought before the mind numbing orgasm set in as Yasmin now abandon her grip on the coffee mug.  Gripping her stomach and the bar top, with tears streaming from her eyes.  “An…d now” A’drea’s next sentence was complete as Yasmin’s hand moved from her stomach to her mouth.  Biting her hand, swallowing every last moan that she had.
“That is going to ruin her skirt you bad girl” TJ smirked to A’drea who was just grinning.  “That’s right hold it in till she leaves” poking at A’drea’s side.
“How bad do I want to feel her loving spankings.  How bad do I want her to eat me out” as I was saying this my cunt constricted around the vibraphone.  Getting the buzz of a message reminder along with the warmth of a.. “Hot mug of coffee?”
“Guess I haven’t been hear for so long but to watch Nya, Nya Rose soon to be Nya Thorn… No, no, no Nya Rose and Yasmin Rose” with that being settled the next sight that greeted my eyes was the tender kiss that drives me crazy even thou this is Nya’s friend who was getting it.
With the blink of my eyes our entire life flashed before me.  From being sent on a local confrontation to find the parents in Dr. N. Rose’s office.  To the relief they showed upon walking out, the magnetic way she pulled me into her office and into my bed.  The amazing orgasms that she gave me and held me at.. even on some night’s.  Too the way she caresses my body, spanking all my cares away.  To the way she makes me feel inside, all naughty and loved no matter what our day has been like.
Staring down at my mug of black magic seeing my own reflection beaming back at me.  Looking across the bar at that one table.  Seeing the one who I will call mine so soon.  Oh how I wish I could be apart of that kiss!  Within all those tangle of tongues finding hers and submitting to her every…
“Mmm Mmmm… Wait, I have to go if I am going to make this next flight!  Just one sip of that black magic and, and I’m… “Off to paradise by the form of black magic, Mmmmmmmmm.”
* * *
“Hey bae” I purred “how about we…” 
That pause, that innocent statement caused Nina to shiver.  Even though Nya sat across the table, hands locked around a glass of Cherry CumStar soda.  Eyes meeting even though Nya sucked on a straw.  Swallowing hard, trying to keep my composure I tried to speak on.  “How about weee” taking a second breath for the current one was cut short by waves pleasure.
Wiping the drool from my mouth.  Staring back into those bedroom eyes.  Hands shaking so bad that all I wanted was to moan.  Letting the sensation take me as the second breath fumbled from my lips.  Slowly, hands shaking I set my glass of Cherry CumStar soda down.  Wanting to tell Nya about my sort stay on the island, wanting to suggest that we forgo any plans and just stay in today and fuck our brains out.  “Nya..” I started again.
“Yes, Nina” even thou those sweet words were just as innocent as sin.  Something drug my mind down.  Down into the gutter, back to the first time we meet.  Those images flashing though my eyes like a old time picture show.  I just have to blink…
Seeing my new BFF start to disappear.  Watching her Goddess like figure being squeezed out.  Being replaced by my own greedy body.  By my own selfish sense of, of…
“Ooo..” I let it out.  The first sign of submission.  A submission that I wanted to give to her since we locked lips in the distance.  Since I let myself onto her floor.  Seeing that room at the end of the hallway.  Counting one, two, three and finally ending up at eight.  Looking at the door, this precious door.  And recounting my steps.  “Floor sex, room nine”.
It hit me right then.  With my eyes closed for a blink.  With the salty breeze softy blowing around us.  My mouth hanging open as the moan started to form.  The feel between my legs.  The massage of ones foot that played with my cunt.
That stroked the very fiber of sanity.  Letting it all go?  To allow Nya to dominate me right here, right now?  Breath, breath…  Steady your nerves, your own O. 
Finally feeling confident to open my eyes.  To stare  lust in the face.  Slowly, slowly opening them up together.  Catching her tits first.  My drool dripping from my lip.  Moving to intercept it butt not fast enough.  The echo of something wet and heavy striking the wax paper that my breakfast was served on.  Me trying to apologize with nothing butt moaning built up.  It started to cum out.  Letter by mind numbing letter!  My apology, my.. my…
“Ooo Ooh fuckkk yesss” I moaned under my breath thou the distance was greater than appreciated.  “Ooo yes, please.. plea…” seeing Nya’s tits as my eyes closed.  The thought of suckling on them!  Biting the nipple, pulling on the areola while I made my way down.  Wild kisses cuz my body could not move fast enough.  The thoughts of eating Nya Rose out was to much for me to handle.
“OooOoooOoooo yesss!  I just want to throw you down and lick your.. you… (Dam, a wild orgasm!  One that is surely to get me in trouble) Oh fuck, OooOoooOoooo OooohOooohOooohOoooh…” 
That release of adrenaline mixed with all the erotic flavors that make up Nya.  The taste of her skin, to drink her juices that ran along her leg… I am in heaven.
Blinking back the image.  Blinking back the vision of Nya.  Even getting that sinking feeling when…  “Oh, you are such the bad girl!”  Towering over me, leaning back against the railing as the elevator door moaned shut.  Me on my knees, poised to take you up even higher then before.
My first lick.  The sensation that ran through me.  The wild unbridled thoughts of all the way to make you cum.  With every thought thou my mouth was there.  Licking, sucking that luscious wet slit.  Using my tongue to penetrate the soft skin that sounds the pearl of your sanity.  To gorge myself on that little hard clit!
“Mmm Mmmm Mmmmmmmmm” as my tongue drug from the back to the top.  Feeling every ridge, every valley that made Nya’s clit her own.  Feeling her cum as it washed over my face not once, not twice butt thrice!
“I must have her again and again!  I must.  I Must.. hav… her Ooo Ooh Ooooh yesss.. fuckkk Mmmmmmmmm” I exploded right there in that elevator with nothing butty mouth licking her cunt!
Wanting more, more cum.  More of that soft sweet skin that housed Nya’s clitty.  “Yes yesss I am going tOoo…”
“Sexth floor, Thank you cum again” the elevator moaned.
The taste of Nina’s kiss.  The texture of her tongue.  The smoothness of her lips.  The feel of another woman who’s passion rivaled my own.
The impact with the door.  The moan that crept from her throat.  As I traced our arms up over Nina’s head.  Pinning them there so my tongue could explore her mouth. 
From sucking on her tongue.  To plunging into her wet hole.  Laying down and slowly dragging my tongue back over hers.  This is going to be my time to torture this delicate little body that is so willing.
Finally giving up the pressure as the door swung in.  Now my hand was free once more to graze her nipple.  To pinch her areola.  To caress her heaving breast.  Nina Van Dyke your body is…  Hearing, feeling the door squeeze shut any help that would dare cum between these two.  …mine!
Using my memory of this layout.  Pinning Nina once more against the wall.  Gripping, sucking on her bottom lip as my hands began the seductive way of stripping her down.
Her Kitty Airways jacket was the first to fall.  The skirt that trapped in the barren pussy quickly followed.  Yes, even Nina wanted to feel me, wanted my tongue in more than her mouth.
Hearing her heart beat speed up.  Hearing the scant rubbing of skin on wet skin.  Hearing her sexy way of restraint as the first of many orgasms threatened her tight wet cunt.
Taking advantage of this little O spell.  Running my hand down her arm and snatching it up by the wrist.  My other hand was already up there gripping her hand.  “You will be mine this morning” the only interruption was the constant fall of kisses on her tender mouth.
Getting the nod as my lips finally releasing her bottom lip sunk further down.  My hot breath teasing her neck.  Turning her on more for every micro second that passed.
“Good, good…” I mumbled as my lips passed over her fabric covered shoulder.  “Leave your hand interlaced or…” My very wet slit wanted me to kiss, to suck on her tit or threaten me with a orgasm.
My lips parted just enough for her hard nip.  I sucked, I pulled back bring Nina right to the edge.  Feeling each button before it popped loose.  Feeling the tightness in her stomach that threatened the silence that persisted between us.  Even her feeling the release of her double D as my mouth wondered back up.  “I want to sink my tongue so deep in your…” the teasing way I left things hanging left Nina’s heart at almost orgasmic speeds.
“Yes.. Oh please, yesss Nya” tumbled from her wet hole while my tongue flicked at her ear.
Pulling her blouse off listening to the top buttons strain then let loose from their stitching.  Nina wanted me, wanted Nya Rose to satisfy her primal urge’s.  “No, no you bad little girl I never said that you could move your hands.. now did I” with everything going my way.  My breath so hot and sensuous teased her ear to the point of arresting her earlobe.
“Ooo OooOoooOoooo…” escaped her throat while my hands cascaded down her lace teddy sending signals straight into her pleasure center.
“Hold very still” was a whisper that left her ear.
With the heat caressing her tits.  Plunging through the cleavage butt alas that was as close to touching her golden beauties as I got.  Hearing her moan, seeing her stomach tighten.  Smelling the faint sent of fresh cum as my tongue tagged her below her bellybutton.  “Fuckkk Mmm Mmmm Mmmmmmmmm” seeped from her mouth.  I could tell that her blouse had not yet fluttered to the floor as both arms were trying to capture my head and push my mouth down further.  Tickling her sides from the top then just like before slowly, methodically tracing her ribs down with both hands.  The hotness of my breath torturing the very essence of her sanity.  Along with my breath came this as a warning, “Shhhh”.
Feeling her body buck hard as my teeth grappled with her inner thigh.  Smelling the fresh cum as it came trickling down Nina’s leg.  “My fuck, what I would do for the taste of Nina.  To suck on her clit.  To bury my tongue so deep in her pussy that she would cream in a non-stop fashion.  Soon, just hold it together” raced through my mind to the point where it barely got the chance to register.
Sinking my teeth into the other thigh.  Tasting Nina’s cum and flesh.  Feeling her knees shaking.  “Yes, this is getting close” just waiting for…
“Oh fuckkk, I’m … OooOoooOoooo” thrusting her hips out again, hoping to catch my tongue in the process.
Trying to remove her arms and hands from the blouse.  Trying before the next orgasm.  Frantically fighting against a product of her own devising. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuckkk.. I, I must” the feel of Nina bending over, the gasp of her cunt closing tight and through all this hearing the blouse flutter to the floor.
Looking up at this beauty.  Watching her struggles until she finally wins.  Hearing the thud of Nina’s head as she straightens up with her double D’s in each palm.
“Yes, Ooo yesss fuckkking eat Mmm out” she cried, twisting her own tits around.  Pinching, pulling on the nips.
“What are you waiting for?  You have her!  She wants you to fucking eat her out!  Do it.  Do it!”  That little voice in the back of your mind telling you that something is not right.. not mine.
From my hot steamy breath, to her hot dripping cunt, my tongue slithered.  Diving deep on the first lick as silence followed.  A silence that I could tell was not going to last.
Watching Nina’s hands.  Watching as they cupped each breast.  Watching as they squeezed each tit till the fingers meet the palm.  Nina opening her mouth.  Me dragging my tongue back against her g-spot, forcefully.
Then it began.  A whole hearted orgasm.  One that would make any that she has ever had pale in comparison.  From the quake in her knees to the grip on her tits.  From the bow in her back to the orgasm escaping from her mouth.  With me just watching, licking, sucking, biting from my vantage point between her legs.  Rubbing my own cunt battling through the waves of orgasms so I can give Nina Van Dyke the ultimate I missed you orgasm that my tongue could give.
