Novel | The Black Box: An Augmented Reality Experience

John is a professional game reviewer, which is not as fun as it sounds. Especially since he gets stuck with the low-budget, the weird, and the downright bad. His latest assignment is definitely in the ‘weird’ category: an augmented reality headset with no name, no internet connection, and a rating of ‘Adults Only’. There’s only one thing he knows as he opens the unlabeled black box: whatever is inside is going to be memorable…

Read for free here: [](

Parts 1 and 2 are up (~15k words so far), and I’ll be adding new chapters regularly.

Lots of masturbating, edging, and teasing in this one. Also, some tentacles!

I’m the OC. Please let me know if I should be posting excerpts instead, it’s just easier to share a link! :)


1 comment

  1. So far I’m on chapter 4 and this is great story. Is there possibly anything else like this?? I’m loving it so much I can’t wait to get all the way through it

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