[MF] Consumed

I can no longer sit in the quiet moments. Resting. Peaceful. There is a new haunting occurring within me..something that won’t let go. It’s thoughts of you. Racing thoughts that leave me more tired and anxious than anything before. Thoughts of how you feel when you are against me. Of how you smell when we’ve been moving as one. Of how you sound when you are near me and our hearts are beating so loud that it muffles the words. Thoughts of how it feels to be inside you. To taste you when you’ve been thinking of me. Or watching me. They are thoughts of you bent over, of you leaning down on me, of you looking up at me or me looking down and over you. The thoughts as specific as the way your areolas feel against my tongue, or the way your thighs and ass meet in the most lovely of folds that grip my hands, or how your cold feet feel sliding along my hips or back. Or the way your hair smells when it drapes over me as you kiss me. Worse yet are the thoughts of your moan while my cock is in your throat. Or of the smell of your pussy as you bring it down to my face. The thoughts never get cleaner, only dirtier and dirtier. Becoming so uncontrollable until I’m running through our best sex. Reliving it. Every sense on high alert. Smelling, tasting and feeling it all. So many thoughts. So many ways they make me feel. In my quietest moments my hand drifts to my cock and begins to stroke it and feel it as it grows. There in this moment I am lost to thoughts of you. Unwilling and unable to escape. I bite my lip. I surrender. So please haunt my quiet, my every moment. Make my body a slave to its deep seeded craving of every sense that only you can satisfy. It’s my new favorite feeling. To be consumed by my lust for you. Knowing you are consumed too. Knowing that we will consume each other very, very soon.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/n9z7v5/mf_consumed