The night I baptized you and ruined your friend’s couch [mf], [oral], [squirting], [true story]

This is my Hail Mary. This my last effort to get you out of my system.

I can’t even be sure if that night was real. Warmth runs through my core. My inner most muscles are nearly sent into a spasm; these days all it takes is a single thought.

I stood in awe of that long blonde hair tucked under a ball cap and a fitted T-shirt. You strolled right up to me. So casually with those dimples- like you didn’t just set my desires aflame. The more I got to know that mischievous smile over the weekend, the more I started to crave you. We may have parted ways but the need for you stayed with me.

The Albertan summer was fleeting, typical of that unattainable bitch, and soon enough it was time for the ball tournament. It was almost as if good luck and fortune fell right into my horny lap. There you stood in the front of the line to beer gardens. Clit on fire, I called out to you. As soon as our eyes met, a shock raced through me. Something sparked in your eyes, a mixture of surprise and anticipation rolled into one devastatingly sexy look.

Of course there are mundane parts of our adventure where we flirted and were left longing for one another, exciting only to us. Two nights later, fueled by alcohol and lust, I grabbed you to dance. Wrapped up in your thick arms, I pressed up against you. No safer feeling in the world. Hips swaying along with the beat, your hand on my lower back and cheeks grazing one another. Our impatience was heavy; it weighed on the both of us. My hungry mouth was never satisfied after the first kiss. You grabbed a fist full of my curly hair, jerked my head back and I was yours. You owned me after one kiss. You bit my tongue, pulled back with that overwhelmingly sexy smile and asked me to spend the night. Like I had a choice. Like you didn’t know the effect that you had on me. I followed those tight jeans and cowboy boots outside. I’d follow that ass to my grave if that’s where we were headed. Instead I follow you to a cab and crawl up beside you. You’re trying to make conversation with the driver while I can’t seem to keep my hand off your thighs. How could I? Finally alone with those copious thighs, all mine for the taking. Well, alone enough.

My lips barely met yours when two rough hands pushed me flat on my back. The same hands were immediately on my jeans, giving no second though to stripping me down. You went straight for my thighs like you haven’t eaten in weeks; you were fucking starving. The memory of that unbridled enthusiasm still gets me inconveniently wet. It was if you lived for my cunt, like you would die for this moment. After savouring the first long licks, your tongue cut right through my hot centre. I immediately started to tremble as you suck on my clit. It kills me that I barely remember what you did with your hands. God I wish I could replicate it, I try but now my nights are just filled with frustration. You devoured every inch of me while your fingers were deep inside. Every movement you made was bringing me closer to release. It started off as a slow heat building in my belly that spread up to my face. Pretty soon those trembles turned into spasms, I nearly vibrated off the couch. Needing you, I went for a kiss but you pushed me back down and continued to suffocate yourself in my lips. I wasn’t sure if you could breathe but I couldn’t care less. Id let you fucking die down there if I could ever feel like that again.

I couldn’t wait to get my lips around you. I shoved you down on the couch and grabbed that long blonde hair. I had been dreaming about pulling that mop back to expose your muscular neck. Your ivory skin was so inviting. I slowly made my way down to your pelvic tattoo that had been teasing me for months. I won’t lie, you aren’t the biggest I’ve been with but you were rock solid. Everything about your cock was a turn on- your soft pink head, how your cock pulsed after ever lick, and your sweet precum. I loved every second of you inside my mouth. I’m not the most gifted at deep throating but I didn’t fucking care. I couldn’t get enough of your taste, smell or sounds. I took you all the way and fought back my gag reflex. I spent the next 5 minutes choking on your perfect cock. Looking up and seeing you in all your glory, twitching and moaning, so close to the edge. We locked eyes and you asked me if I was going to swallow. As if you even needed to ask. I wanted all of you, as much as I could get inside of me. But I smiled coyly and went back to work, teasing you with long licks. Hearing you beg to finish in my mouth was just too satisfying. Your hot cum poured down the back of my throat; I relished every last drop.

It is hard to recall all of the details now. That night remains clouded by alcohol and desire. Neither of us could get enough- it was an indecipherable mix of skin, shoving, biting, and slapping. One thing is for certain, you did make me come incessantly. You looked like you had just unlocked a coveted level of the female orgasm. I can’t believe that I didn’t notice or clue into the geyser coming out of me. I do know that I have never experienced such a high before but how does a grown ass woman not realize she is squirting for the first time? Between your proud face and the gigantic wet spot on the couch, the evidence was undeniable. I’m not sure if my limited memory is from the booze or I blacked out from the most intense orgasm but it doesn’t matter now.

Enveloped in your burly body I had just sunk into a dream when your teammate woke us up. I was so elated from last night. I couldn’t care less about the ride of shame with your cousins back to the tournament at the ungodly hour of 7 AM. As if that goodbye kiss was enough, my tender pussy and I were already hungry for you.

Those blurry carnal memories were a constant distraction over the next couple weeks. Fuck they still are. My fantasies are filled with long blonde hair, rippling muscles, and your hot cum.
