The Orc and her human mate Part 4.


The last three months of your life have been interesting to say the least. Since you were claimed by Nalana the other Orcs left you alone, excepting the fact that Nalana was the only Orc for you. Your injuries have healed almost completely besides the scars that now decorated your body. You were living the dream.

Most of your days were spent with Nalana, spending most of your time breeding and cuddling. At every waking moment you crave Nalana’s body, her muscular green arms, her toned abs, her perfectly tight pussy. You’ve lost track of the number of loads you’ve pumped into her soaking wet depths. Nalana craves you as much as you crave her, the both of you often falling asleep with your member still inside her. Nalana tells you how beautiful a child between you two would be, and you’re unable to disagree.

“Honey! Honey wake up! I got good news, my love” Nalana say as she shakes you awake, causing you to moan with tiredness. “Wha…what’s going on?” You say sleepily. “Well… the nurses tested me and….I’m pregnant!” Nalana smiles ear to ear. You wrap your arms around her in the tightest embrace you can possibly muster. “I’m…I’m gonna be a dad?” The words escape your lips with nervous excitement. “Yes honey, you’re gonna be a dad” Nalana smiles. You kiss her passionately and lovingly. This is the greatest day of your life.

The last four days have been eventful. You and Nalana have spent the majority of your time together learning as much about parenting as you can, with breaks for sex in between of course. You cant believe you’re going to be a father, your excitement combining with your nerves. You’re so incredibly nervous but you’ll be fine as long as you and Nalana are together.

You began to stir in the middle of the night your eyes slowly open to the surrounding darkness. You close your eyes as you try to drift back to sleep, but before you can fall asleep you hear whispers coming from outside the royal tent. “We must be quick” “What about the queen?” “She’ll never hear us take him” the two voices say. You get out of bed and try to grab a small dagger by your bedside but the intruders get to you first.

Both of the intruders seem to be female, one grabs your arms from behind while the other puts a hand over your mouth. The two women are definitely not Orcs. They are tall but not as tall as Nalana, with pale skin, and long pointed ears. Elves. The Elf behind you (a buxom brunette) holds you tightly yet gently, making sure not to hurt you as the Elf infront of you (a slim-thick blonde) begins to speak in a whisper. “You belong to us now, little one. I’m going to enjoy milking your seed over and over and over again” The elf woman whispers as she caresses your face in her hand. Suddenly there’s a stirring in the bed as Nalana begins to wake from her slumber.

Nalana’s eyes quickly adjust to the darkness and glare protectively at your wannabe captures. “You have one chance to live. Let. Him. Go!” Both the Elves move backwards, dragging you with them. “He..he’s ours! The..the human belongs to the Elves” the blonde Elf stutters. Nalana stands up tall, her naked body ripples with anger. “I warned you” Nalana says in a low menacing growl. You know this is the end of these two Elves.

Before they could react Nalana rushed toward the Elves. She got to the blonde first, kicking her in the stomach so hard that her body folded in half. Nalana got to the brunette next. The remaining Elf screamed as she was torn in twain, her legs and torso in separate parts of the room. In the heat of battle Nalana lifted her head towards the sky and roared, shaking your very soul.

Nalana was drenched in blood, breathing heavy. As soon as she saw your wide eyed expression she knelt down to your level, a look of concern on her face. “Are you alright, my love?” She asks. “You…you killed them. You ripped them apart!” You reply horrified. “I didn’t have a choice. They would’ve taken you from me, turned you into breed stock! I couldn’t let that happen” she replies. “How is our relationship any different? Isn’t that all I am to you, a glorified sperm donor?!” You yell. Nalana looks defeated and broken hearted.

The carnage had been dealt with, leaving you and Nalana alone once more. You are both in the bathtub, silent. Nalana washes the blood of both of you, the bath water becoming an orange tinted hew. “I’m sorry you had to see that” she says “It’s ok.. I’m sorry about what I said…I was out of line” you reply, instinctively leaning into her breasts. “I know our relationship is not exactly normal, but I want you to know that I truly love you, more than anything. Thats why I did what I did, human men are sought after by all species. For example when goblins ‘raid’ a village they are more often than not looking for mates” Nalana says. “Thats why other species raid villages, to find mates?” Nalana nods.

You and Nalana have finished the bath and head back to bed. Before either of you lays down you kiss Nalana deeply on the lips, and you feel complete. Nalana picks you up in her muscular arms and lifts you onto the bed. “I need you. I need you so bad” you whimper. “I need you too” Nalana replies sweetly. Nalana spreads your legs and lifts them above your head, your cock standing at attention. “You ready, baby?” Nalana asks as she lines up her soaking wet pussy with your thick cock. “Yes!” And with that Nalana drops onto you, her wet folds gripping your cock.

You and Nalana have had sex many times before but its different this time. Its slow and sensual, you’re making love. Nalana thrusts deep onto your member, causing you both to moan in ecstasy. She leans her head down and kisses you as she continues to bounce on your engorged organ. “You’re such a good boy. Your cock is gonna make me cum” she coos in your ear. You wrap your legs around Nalana and draw her closer, your cock digging deep into her dripping depths. “Ah fuck! I’m cumming!” Nalana moans as her entire body shakes and convulses in orgasmic bliss.

Your orgasm soon follows, emptying several hot load of cum into her eager cunt. Nalana roles off of you and hugs you tight. “Im..I’m so sorry” Nalana begins to sob as she holds you for dear life. “It’s ok. You were just protecting me” you reply. “No. That’s not what I mean. I..I have to tell you….I caused your accident”.


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