The Shopping trip [MF]

Kim and Buck wandered through the ladies section at Macy’s. She showed him some dresses and he made comments on them.

“Yes honey that one looks nice.”

“What about this one?”

“I like that one too.”

“You don’t think the neck is cut too low?”

“There’s nothing wrong with a little cleavage”

He wasn’t paying a lot of attention though because he was ogling a young woman who was perusing bras across the aisle. She was wearing tight jeans and a little sweater that accentuated her breasts and showed her midriff. She suddenly looked up right at Buck. He pretended to be interested in a rack of skirts. He risked a glance up and she was still looking at him. She held a bra up to her breasts and modeled it for him. He smiled and nodded.

“Buck?” He snapped his head around to see Kim holding up a long gown. She was too engrossed in the garment to notice what he had been looking at.

“It’s kind of formal” He said.

“Yeah but I was thinking about Sue’s wedding in April”

“Oh, OK.” He looked back for the woman with the bra but she had gone. “Hey do you mind if I go get some pants?”

“That’s fine. Meet you in the dressing room?”


He took off for the men’s section, going right through lingerie. He didn’t see were the woman had gone. He wandered over to pants and selected several and then headed towards the dressing rooms.

“Kim?” he called out as an employee led him to an open room.

“Over Here” she said from inside a stall.

He entered his stall and changed into his first pair of pants. When he came out Kim was wearing a pretty flowered dress. They stood in front of the mirrors and discussed her dress and his pants. Neither of them noticed the woman from lingerie had slipped into the room. She saw her opportunity and ducked into Buck’s stall while they were both engrossed. He came back in undoing his belt. He had his pants halfway down before he noticed her. He almost shouted but stopped himself just in time. She held a finger up to her lips to keep him quiet. She helped him finish taking off his pants and then knelt in front of him. She pulled his dick out of his underwear and popped it right into her mouth. She sucked him expertly while he ran his fingers through her long blonde hair.

“Buck?” Kim called from outside. He pushed the blonde off his dick and quickly put on another pair of pants. He pushed her behind the door and then went out to join Kim. They talked about her sundress and his pants for a few seconds and then went back to their stalls. When he got the door closed he found the blonde with her jeans around her ankles. She leaned forward against the door, supporting herself with the hooks mounted there. He undid his pants and pulled his dick out. He got behind her and rubbed her pussy with his fingers. His fingers were soon coated in her slick secretions. He rubbed some of her lube onto his dick and then thrust it into her. He held her hips and pounded himself against and inside her. She moaned and he held his hand over her mouth to quiet her.

“Buck” Kim said from outside. “I don’t think I’m getting any of these. Are you OK if I go across the street to H&M?”

“Yeah sure” Buck said trying to sound normal. He fucked the blonde harder and faster. He reached under her sweater and fondled her through her soft cotton bra. He felt her nipple stiffen. He couldn’t hold back any more. He thrust inside her and held her as his pulsing cock filled her with jizz. He pulled out when he was finished and without a word dressed in his clothes and left her, half naked and panting, in the stall.

He walked across the street to H&M. “Can I help you find anything?” A clerk asked as he entered.

“Just looking for my wife” Buck said dismissively. He wandered around for a bit and found Kim looking at blouses. “I didn’t find any pants I really liked at Macy’s. I’m going over to look at them here.”

“OK” Kim said too wrapped up in her blouse selection to care.

He wandered around the store basking in the afterglow of his recent fuck. Then he saw the Blonde come in. She made a beeline towards him, grabbing a random shirt off an endcap as she did. She walked right past him and gave him a meaningful stare. He picked up a random shirt of his own and followed her. She went to the dressing rooms. She got a room and so did he. When the clerk turned her back he tried the door on her room and found it unlocked. He entered and found her sitting on the bench naked from the waist down. She had one leg up and was rubbing her clit in circles. Some of his jizz was leaking from her open pussy onto the bench. She opened her mouth and pleaded with him with her eyes. He unzipped his pants and pulled out his dick. It was still dribbling a little jizz from before. He fed it to her. She sucked on his limp dick and swallowed the little bit of cum she was able to get. She masturbated and sucked on him. He started to get hard again. She sucked and rubbed faster. He loved the look of pleasure on her face.

“Come in my mouth please” She gasped and then sucked him back in again. She made little whimpering sounds through her nose as he got completely hard, filling her mouth and throat. She opened her mouth and held her tongue against him. He held himself in one hand, her head in the other, and rubbed the tip of his dick against her tongue. He saw her start to convulse as she came. His dick pulsed once shooting cum into the back of her mouth, then again coating her tongue. She finished her orgasm and sucked the last of his cum out before swallowing the whole load. He let her go and she slumped back to revel in the pleasure of the moment. She used her panties to clean up some jizz that had dribbled onto her chin and then the jizz on the bench. She tossed the soiled panties to him and then got into her tight jeans commando. She left first and then he followed after a safe pause.

He found Kim at the checkout and they walked out of H&M together. The blonde was sitting on a bench outside and stood up when they approached. The two women looked at each other for a second and then started giggling like schoolgirls. “That was so hot” The blonde said.

“You’re a troublemaker Cindy” Kim said. “Next time you guys want to go ‘shopping’ I’m washing my hair.”

“But who is gonna play Buck’s wife” Cindy said taking Buck’s hand. They all started walking.

“You guys sure know how to spice up a marriage” Kim said wistfully. “Too bad Tom and I couldn’t figure it out.”

“How long has it been since you got laid?” Cindy asked.

“Well it’s been ten months since the divorce so, two years ago” Kim said sadly.

“Let’s get lunch, our treat.” Cindy said. “Then we can go to Nordstroms, Buck should be recovered by then.”

“Lunch, yes. Nordstroms no” Kim said finally.

“How about I play the wife and you go into the dressing room with Buck?” They both stopped to stare at Cindy. “It’s only fair. Come one Bucky, give Kim some fucky”

They started walking again. Buck and Kim kept glancing at each other bashfully.



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