Love is a losing game pt 1 m/f anal minor kink *bad grammar and spelling sorry*

Love is a losing game.
By Sar
“I can’t believe I am doing this” she said out loud as she turned the key to turn off her car. “It has been years he might not feel the same.” Oh well too late to back out now and with that she walked to the now open door.
Damn he still looks good. She thought as he pulled her past the front door and kissed her lips with the passions that had been building up for the past few years. “I have missed you little girl” he said between locking the door, taking her by the hand, and leading her into the living room. “Sit” he said as he pushed her back onto the couch. “Gods I have thought of your legs” as he kissed his way up her leg and ran his hand up her other. Now or never, flashed through her head as she started to unbutton the trench coat that covered well her matching bra and panties set that she bought just for this meeting. “Damn” seemed to be the only words that could come from him mouth as he admired the sight lying before him. “I believe you have me at a disadvantage” she replied as she stood to remove the offending coat and placed it on the back of the couch before walking to him still on his knees and ran her hands through his now shorted hair. “I’ve missed you” he said as he used his lips to let her know how much buy laying butterfly kisses on her now stretch mark covered belly as his hands played with the back of her lacey panties and fallowed the line of her nicely rounded ass. He let up only to stand and lift her off the couch leaving her with the only option of wrapping her legs around his waist and walked her into his bedroom where he laid her on the soft but low to the ground bed. He left her arms only to remove his shirt and then he fallowed the path he had remembered only late at night in his restless dreams. Kissing first her lips, her neck, stopping to nibble on the sensitive flesh of her ears, then down her chest to the soft pushed up flesh of her awaiting breast that seemed to call out his name begging for their time in the spot light.
Oh lord it feels so good so right but I must touch him she thought as she prepared to try and get the upper hand by rolling over and having him under her. He must have felt her body shift in preparation to roll over because he then chose to slip the strap of her bra down her pale shoulder and popped her candy colored nipple into his hot waiting mouth throwing all of her plans to take this little walk into heaven over and she gave up with a moan and a grind of her hips letting him know she really enjoyed his efforts. After mere moments he lifted his head and started reaching behind her to attempt to coax the now offending garment into releasing the bounty within only to have her bust out laughing and reach between the valley of flesh and release the front clasp allowing them to fall to their proper resting place. He lifted up as to look at the bountiful feast that lay before him and then as if taking the first bite of a apple he bit into the tender flesh of her breast causing her to come off the bed with pleaser moaning him name in to the darkness of her own fogged out mind and her body with a mind of it’s own replied to his invitation by sending her into the skies above.
“….bring something to change into” he whispered into her ears. “Hum?” Seemed to be the only word she could manage. “Did you bring something to change into?” he asked as he ran his fingers down her stomach. “Yes, but they are in my car” came her reply. “Good” he responded as she felt the cold metal of his pocket knife as it slid up the side of her thigh and the pull of the lace as he cut away the last of her clothing. “Beautiful” he said as he pulled the now useless peace of lace from her body revealing her freshly shaved mound of Venus. “Beautiful” he said again and again rotating between kisses and speaking as he slowly moved down her body. His hands could not control themselves and longed to touch her and tease her as they seemed to dance over every inch of bare skin. He propped himself up on the foot of the bed and took her ankle and lifted her leg towards his mouth and started to nibble on the most tender flesh just to see her reaction. When she shifted her body and moaned her approval barely opening her glazed over eyes to peak a look at what he was doing. “Oh god” she thought and slipped back into the pillow to enjoy the feelings. Slowly as if meaning to drive her out of her mind he worked his way up her inner leg licking, kissing, and nibbling here and there each one it itself lighting a fire that burned like the brightest star in the midnight sky.
As with all good stories there comes an ending, the same goes for her legs and all too soon for him they where done and he came face to face with the honeysuckle that called his name in his sleep for so many nights. “Breath just breath” his mind told him “this is not a cliff to be jumped off if you dive in too hard you might hurt her.” With that he made his mind to make this night last forever. She could feel him but her eyes would not open for she could feel his breath across her junction and that was more teasing then his kisses and nibbles on her legs. Slowly he maneuvers his body to where he is laying chest down between her legs giving him the perfect view point to enjoy what he was about to do to her. Slowly he puckered his lips as to whistle but instead blew a cool wind to the top of her slit down to where she met the bed. As if you behave like a small child he then took one finger and ran it down one side slipping between the outer and inner lips and then up the other side. Then he stuck the finger in his mouth and sucked the juices off like some one sucking on a lollypop.
Gently as if to wait for her reaction he used the tip of his tongue and retraced the line his finger had just fallowed and then as if his tongue had a mind of it’s own it started to dance in little circles all along the area that was once considered forbidden fruit. Using his two fingers he then spread her lips revealing a small button partially covered by a hood, then he used the flat of his tongue to gently lick from the bottom to the top and then with only the tip he teased her and waited for her reaction. Looking up he saw that her chest was rising and falling a bit more then what was normal for even her and he knew that he was doing something right. With a wicked grin on his face he proceeded to probe her opening to see if she was wet. At once finding that she was he pushed two of his fingers as far into her as he could, before he had time to react her body started to do a dance of it’s own and lifted her off the bed and pretty much right into his mouth. Knowing how this dance would go and loving every moment of it he changed his position and used his free hand to push her back down on the bed and started licking her like she was his last chance at life. The mixture of his tongue on her outside and his fingers on her inside seeming to hit some sort of button causing what felt like lightning bolts it was no surprise to her when she could not hold her breath any longer and she started to hear someone screaming in her ear only to find that it was actually her doing it. With each breath in and with each breath out the ball of tightness in side her spin faster and faster until it felt like her whole body was exploding like a fourth of July fireworks display.
Just as it seemed like her body was going to come down from the ceiling she open her eyes and saw his smiling face just as he was pushing himself inside her. “Oh god” he thought as her velvet sleeve in braced his scepter. Wanting this moment to last forever he gave both their bodies’ time to adjust and used this time to explore her mouth. “Hum that’s what I taste like” slipped out of her mouth before she even knew that she was thinking out loud. Looking up she saw the amused look on his face seconds before they both exploded in to laughter and at just the right moment he pulled himself out and as he pushed back in he grabbed her bottom lip with his teeth and sucked it into his mouth swallowing the moan that he knew would try to escape. “Be slow” his mind told him as his body screamed for him to go faster, “too fast and this night will end all too soon.” Slowly he lifted his head from where it had come to rest giving him a moment to glance at the place where their bodies became one and he made up his mind to make sure she never forgot the feeling of being in his bed, that if she ever left his bed again that her body and her heart would cry out for him and only him.
“Slow down any more and I will lose my mind but go any faster and you will shatter me” those word flew through her mind as she felt her own body fully fighting against the intruding member contracting with each push in fighting to keep him out but yet contracting again as he tried to pull out as if to beg him not to go. Even worse was when he would remove him self completely and then wait before intruding again. Suddenly like the snow in the middle of an avalanche, like the volcano she erupted. Screaming to let the presser out and clawing to try to remain earth bound while her body lifted off the bed of it’s own accord leaving him with nothing to do but to hold on to her as she was caught in the grasps of her own orgasm and hope to the saints above that she did not take him over with her it was too soon and he wanted more of this before the sun came to take her from his arms.
Slowly her soul drifted back to earth and allowed her body to do the same and she opened her eyes to look at the face of the man who had sent her to heaven and brought her back down and she wrapped her legs around his still form and connected them behind his back and rested them above what she knew from memory was one of the cutest asses she has ever laid eyes on and let him know she was back by flexing her legs and causing him to jump as she pulled him further inside. “no” he managed to say and he push her back down on the bed and pulled her hands above her head and slammed them into the wall above her with that force that would have normally hurt but in the throws of passion the pain was pushing into the back of her mind for cataloging at a later date, “mine” he seemed to growl as he lifted one of her legs seeming to fold her in half and pushed him self into her like he was going to engulf her body and soul and growled ”Scream for me” and with that he repeated the assault on her nether regions sending shock wave after shockwave into her body not meaning to out right hurt her but just to let her know how much he wanted to own her to be hers to occupy her mind every night and day as she has since the moment he laid eyes on her. Knowing that her silence meant that she was melting beneath him and holding her breath he continued to pound in and out of her body waiting for the creamy sound of her finally cracking and inhaling the bit of much needed air. As soon as this lovely sound happened he dove into her even more pushing into her so hard that with each push she moved further and further up the bed ending with him on his knees and her pent between the wall and his body. Screaming out his name did not help as she seemed to spin wildly out of control not knowing what way was up and what way was down she did the only thing she could at this moment and bit her own lip and tasted blood right before he seemed to engulf her and her lips giving her the only point of reference at the moment and slammed into her with even more energy and passion. “Oh gods he is going to shatter me” was the only thing that could go through her mind before she felt him twitch and even though she could have sworn there was no more of him he seemed to have grown another 2 or 3 inches and put his head down and yelled out in his own release causing her to join him and shattering the world around them.
After their bodies stopped shaking and the world around them came back together like the peaces of a puzzle he managed to fall back and pull her with him to where she was sitting with her legs wrapped around his waist and he was cross-legged underneath her. Some how this moment seemed more intimate then the whole encounter they had just been through. Slowly both working together they remembered how to breath and when that was over he lifted her head with his hand on her chin and kissed her with such passion and caring that it brought tears to her eyes. Remembering something that he had asked of her long ago something that at the time she was not willing to give she whispered a few well chosen words into his ear and watched his face light up like a child on Christmas morning. Slowly she stood up and headed into the bathroom knowing that he would soon fallow, he just had to grab one small but so important thing. With a grin so often compared to the Cheshire cat he came up behind her and pushed her further into the bathroom and forward in to the shower.
