The Forced Babysitter[Fmmm][Straight][Non-con][Bondage]

(Author note: Hey there! Everything in this story is 100% fictional. Ageplay is involved. This story won’t be for everyone, saw an old hentai with a similar beginning but it was never finished, so I thought I’d reimagine it for fun. Let me know if anyone out there wants me to keep writing it!)

**The Forced Babysitter**

My name is Mimi Harper, and this is the story of how my life completely changed at the hands of three young boys. I’ll start at the beginning…

I was twenty-two years old, freshly out of college where I slacked my way to only an associate’s degree in multimedia. I was pretty good at photoshop and video editing, but I was only great at it if the project was something I was really into. I was, honestly, a bit lazy. See, my dad died when I was a baby and my mom remarried fairly rich. My stepfather was alright, but he didn’t ever really want anything to do with me. My mom passed away when I was a teenager. After turning eighteen, my stepfather set me up in a nice house and gave me a monthly allowance to live on. We seldom spoke, and to be honest, we both kind of preferred it that way.

The allowance was pretty generous. I didn’t have to work to get by, but sometimes I’d have to take an odd job here or there if I wanted something. Most of my work endeavors had failed miserably, the longest-lasting three months at a call center. I did have a few upgrades to do on my PC, so a post caught my eye about a babysitting job that seemed crazy convenient.

See, there were four houses on the cul-de-sac that I lived on. It was a nice quiet place, wealthy homes, right next to a large wooded area with a large lake not too far off. The three other houses belonged to a group of rather young parents, who were all always busy. Whether it was work or recreation, they were always out and about. All three of them each had a single son, all around the same age. They were best friends, the three of them, always hanging out. The parents only found it logical to hire one babysitter for all three, as they were now teenagers. The job was to watch them from getting home from school, until 10 pm.

How hard could it be to look after a group of thirteen-year-olds? It wouldn’t be like I was changing diapers, and surely I could keep them from making a monstrous mess. The pay was considerable as well. It seemed perfect!

It had been perfect too, for the past month or so that I’d been doing it. The boys and I had gotten along great. I was a bit of a dork, being kinda anti-social, I spent most of my time alone, smoking weed and playing video games. I was kinda reserved, but hanging out with the boys was changing that. We’d gotten into Fortnite, playing squads, and I was starting to get pretty good. We were also halfway through an MCU movie marathon, which was exciting. It didn’t take long before it didn’t feel like babysitting, but hanging out with the only friends I had.

On the day everything changed, the bus dropped the boys off around 3:30 pm. One by one they came running in through the front door.

Andrew was first, wearing his favorite Iron Man shirt. He had short dark brown hair and deep brown eyes. He was bright, and possibly the smartest of the three. He stood about 5’1”, about five inches shorter than me. He was lean and had a dorky cuteness to him. He ran inside, turning back to Merlin behind him, “You got the stuff, right?”

“Yeah,” said Merlin, wearing his Captain America shirt. It seemed they were going for a theme that day. Merlin was an inch or so taller than Andrew, a bit lankier. He also had curly red hair and green eyes, with a dusting of freckles across his nose. He wore glasses and looked a bit more classically dorky. His parents were quite the dorks themselves, hence his wizardly name. He was usually the clumsier one, and the one most likely to get teased at school. Merlin opened his backpack, looked inside as if to confirm, and then nodded.

“This is going to be the best night ever!” Brick said, trotting in last, and heading straight for the kitchen. I waved, but he barely noticed as he opened the fridge and poured himself a glass of milk. Brick was wearing a Thor t-shirt, rounding out the motif. He had lighter, buzzed blonde hair, and blue eyes. He was a bit shorter than the other two, not by much, and a bit stockier. He was also quite the comedian, a naturally charismatic boy.

Andrew shut the door behind himself, and they all kicked off their shoes, before finally looking at me and smiling. I rolled my eyes, standing there in a short white skirt and wearing a yellow t-shirt with a turtle on it. I wasn’t the snappiest dresser, okay?

“Good day at school?” I asked, in my sweet babysitter tone. The tone never persisted, especially if we started playing Fortnite and I started cursing when I died. It was usually there at the beginning of our evenings together though. I had to remind myself that every once in a while that I was almost a decade older than the three of them.

“It was okay,” Andrew said, and I noticed Brick and Merlin looking at each other almost nervously. Did something happen? I felt like I was missing something.

“Okay is better than bad,” I said with a chuckle, “Got any homework, or should we just straight into some Fortnite?” I looked excited as I asked, clearly a bit eager to get some video game action going. I had become rather addicted to the rush.

“We want to play Pirates!” Andrew said, rather enthusiastically. Brick and Merlin were unusually quiet, and I furrowed a brow. Andrew happily elaborated. “We’ll be the pirates first, and we’ll kidnap you, the beautiful princess!” I smiled, even from a newly minted teenager, it was nice to be called beautiful. I may have blushed a bit. Brick reached into his backpack and pulled out some plastic toy swords. “Then, we’ll switch to the brave knights who come and rescue you!”

“So, you want to play pretend?” I say, never having such a juvenile request from the three of you. It was always video games, movies, or television. I’d never even seen the three of you bring over so much as an action figure, maybe the occasional board game. “I suppose we can do that if that’s what you guys wanted to do.”

It sounded silly, but I was being paid, so did it matter what kind of childish things we did? As long as the guys were having fun, I was content.

“What do I do?” I asked, naively. Brick starts dispensing swords and eye patches, which all three boys start to don. Andrew and Merlin play fought, smacking their plastic swords around for a moment before Brick produced some rope. I raised an eyebrow, were they going to tie me up?

“Hands behind your back!” Andrew suddenly said and pointed his sword at me. Merlin did the same, and I couldn’t help but giggle. With the swords and the eye patches, the three of them seemed like the most adorable little pirates. I rolled my eyes and put my hands behind my back. Brick rushed over, holding my wrists together, and started wrapping the rope around them. “Hey, not too tight, we’re just pretending, remember?”

Brick continued to tie my hands, and it was pretty tight. When he was done I struggled just a bit, not too much, but it did seem fairly secure. Andrew poked at my tummy gently with the sword, and I stuck my tongue out at him playfully.

“On your knees, you belong to us now!” Andrew commanded, adopting the persona of a pirate as best he could. It was all silly fun, so I made a faux pouty lip face, and slowly sank to my knees on the carpet. The next thing I knew a black sash was thrown over my eyes, and I could feel Brick tying it around the back of my head.

“I gotta be blindfolded too?” I asked, wondering if that step was really necessary. With my eyes open, I could make out vague figures moving in front of me, but it was impossible to tell who was who except by guessing based on voices. “I sure hope my knight’s come quick–”

My sentence was cut off suddenly, and I felt fabric in my mouth. It had been fun and games, but now these little shits had gagged me. I tried to say something, but the gag was effectively turning my words into indistinguishable sounds. It wasn’t uncomfortable, but this did seem a bit over the line. I sighed and decided to play along. I knew it was harmless, and when we were done I would tell them how uncool that was without asking first.

“We have our princess!” I heard Andrew exclaim and then heard the sound of plastic swords smacking against each other in a celebratory fashion. I rolled my eyes, but not that any of them could see me. “We’ll take her back to our ship and have our way with her!”

That sentence sent a shiver down my spine, but I shook my head. Andrew was just repeating something he’d heard on TV or in a video game. I would just play along, and this silly game would be over shortly. I also wondered if this was all Andrew’s idea, as the other boys were seemingly silent. Though, just as I thought that…

“Help me pick her up,” Merlin said, and I felt a boy on each side grab me by the shoulders and help me stand up. “We’re going to walk you up to your room… err I mean our ship!” I shook my head, and sure enough, they carefully guided me, blindfolded, gagged, and hands bound, upstairs. I could sort of tell where we were but was a bit surprised when I was suddenly pushed forward. I squealed through the gag but landed comfortably on my bed. A hand reached out and rolled me over, so I was on my back. It was a bit uncomfortable, but I found a comfortable way to lay until something else happened.

“Show them to me,” I heard Andrew’s voice say, and the sound of a backpack unzipping.

“Holy shit, that’s gotta be way too big!” I heard Brick say, and I was intrigued. What in the world could they be talking about?

“These two are remote-controlled,” Merlin says, “I can control them from my phone, even if I’m not here as long as they are connected to the wifi.”

“Did you do that?” Andrew asked.

“I’ll do it now.”

Next, I hear an odd buzzing, almost like an electric toothbrush.

“Batteries seem good,” says Brick.

Something started to seem ominous about this. I was blindfolded, gagged, and bound… this is what happened on true crime shows. I mean, I knew they weren’t going to kill me… they were just kids taking things a little too far, right? Despite my rationalization, I felt my heart rate start increasing.

“Okay, Mimi,” I heard Andrew say, and suddenly felt an indention like someone just sat on the bed. Then I felt a soft hand on my shin. “Remember, you’re the princess and you’ve been kidnapped. Feel free to play along, resist, just don’t get carried away and kick one of us.”

He chuckled, but my face went a little pale. I tried to ask ‘Resist what?’ but my words were unintelligible. What the fuck was about to happen? I started squirming a bit, trying to get my hands out of the ropes.

“Look, she’s playing already,” said Brick, his tone seemed delighted.

I felt another indentation on the bed, this time coming from the other side of me. I was breathing pretty heavily, through my nose, my heart thumping. I felt another hand on my other leg, and slowly each hand began pulling my legs apart.

This could not be happening!

I resisted, squeezing my legs together, breaking from their grasps. I wiggled and pulled my wrists as hard as I could trying to get out of the ropes. No matter what I did, my hands stayed bound. I tried to loudly voice my protest, but with the gag, I could only be so loud. I heard the boys chuckling, and felt them grab at my legs again. Again I pulled them away and kicked them a bit.

“Be careful now!” I heard Brick say, and suddenly multiple hands were grabbing each leg. This time they were less gentle, and my resistance was less effective. I felt them spreading, my skirt riding down between my thighs a bit. I kept trying to wiggle and struggle, but after a minute or so of them holding me there, it seemed useless.

I didn’t know what was happening… or my mind simply refused to acknowledge what might be obvious. I couldn’t do that much longer, as the next thing I felt was my skirt being pushed up. I renewed my struggle, but they just held on tighter.

“Oh my god, they’re Pokemon panties!” I heard Merlin exclaim… it was true. I was wearing a pair of yellow cotton panties, with the surprised Pikachu meme on the front. My face blushed red, and again I struggled, again to no avail.

This was happening… The three of them were together strong enough to force themselves on me, I knew that. Having my hands already bound, and blindfolded… made it easy. Underneath the blindfold, my eyes started to tear up. I try to beg and plead, but I simply can’t speak with the gag. I made a disquieted squeal when I felt a hand touch me between my legs. I felt fingers press against my panties, right over my mound. The fingers started rubbing, and it was like my mind was fractured into two.

Now, it’s important to know that I was a virgin. I wasn’t a total prude or anything, I’d tried masturbating and even experimented with dildoes and vibrators a bit. Thing is, I just never seemed to get horny. Whether I was hanging with a cute guy my age, or watching porn, or even reading steamy fan-fiction, I just never really got turned on. I’d also never had an orgasm.

That’s why it was quite a surprise when, during what should be a traumatic experience, I could feel myself getting turned on. My face flushed red, as the fingers pressed into my panties and slid a bit lower. My legs tried to squirm, still being held from both sides.

“Is she wet?” I heard Brick ask.

“Can’t tell,” Andrew’s voice said. Then I felt the fingers pulling my panties to the side, and I squealed through the gag again. It didn’t help, as I felt exposed. My brain was fucking spinning with disbelief. Not only was I being sexually assaulted, but I could also still feel myself getting worked up… and yes, wet.

“It’s hairy,” Merlin said, and that stung a bit. I kept my pussy trimmed up, but there wasn’t a need for me to put in the effort to shave it smooth, even though I knew that’s the fashion. I squealed again when I felt fingers brushing through my aforementioned pubes, along the lips. The touch sent shivers up my spine and down my parted legs.

“She’s wet!” Andrew exclaimed as I felt fingers slipping between my lips. I try not to, but I let out a little moan into the gag. “That means she likes it!” The fingers rubbed a bit more, almost in an exploratory fashion, and I could feel two fingers spreading my lips apart. The situation was absurdly embarrassing, but that didn’t stop my body from continuing to be turned on.

I felt a finger start to press inside me, and I squealed as loudly as I could.

“Duuude…” I heard Andrew’s voice and made the assumption it’s his finger. His digit slipped inside me, and my legs started to quiver as they’re held. I moaned into the gag. “It’s so fucking wet… and hot.” I could feel the walls of my pussy squeeze his finger. “This is so cool!”

“I wanna touch it!” Brick exclaimed. I felt some shifting on the bed. One of my legs was released for a moment, only for another pair of hands to grab onto it. Then I felt a new set of fingers between my legs, rubbing my pussy excitedly. I squirmed a bit, letting out another moan into the gag. Brick wasted no time letting his finger slip inside me, immediately wiggling it around.

I started to squirm and felt the two boys holding my legs tighten their grip to secure me. I felt another finger slip in with the first, and they start working back and forth. I could hear the wet sound of his fingering, and it was only making me wetter… Really, really wet.

“Check this out,” Brick said, pulling his fingers out of me, and I sighed into the gag. I felt his hands on the inside of my thighs, “She’s so wet it’s dripping onto her bed.”

“I wonder what it tastes like,” Merlin said. Again I felt some shifting around, an exchange of hands on my legs. My eyes went wide behind the blindfold, as I realized what was about to happen. My face was flushed bright red, and once again I futilely tried to squirm in resistance. The ropes didn’t give any, and neither did the boys holding my legs. The first thing I felt is what I assumed was a nose brushing against the pubes on my mound, sending a tingle up my spine. That sensation was immediately followed by a tongue reaching out and teasing my pussy.

My brain was a mess, as I lay there bound, gagged, with a teenage boy licking me between my legs. Perhaps it was some sort of defense mechanism, I began to feel parts of my consciousness pushed to the back. The parts that wanted to resist, that felt angry or used, all seemed to go quiet. I let out another moan into the gag as I felt a teenaged tongue slipping between the lips of my pussy. My legs squirm a bit, and butterflies are swarming in my stomach.

“She likes that, Merlin,” Andrew said, and I wished he was wrong… but the fact that I was just getting wetter confirmed he wasn’t. My legs shook as I felt his tongue probing deeper. Every so often his nose would bump against my clit, and I would moan.

“So, how are we going to know if she cums?” Brick asked, and I felt Merlin’s face pull away from my pussy. I immediately felt a sense of longing… as I lay there exposed and horny. “The whole idea was to try to make her cum, but how will we know for sure?”

“Signs of a female orgasm,” Merlin said, in a tone that suggested he was reading it from a website. “Skin gets flush and warmer, body contraction or tremors, vaginal contractions, loud moans or cries, increased vaginal lubrication…” Hearing him name off the signs of a female orgasm made me both horny and apprehensive. I’d never had an orgasm… but it seems the boys wanted to force one on me.

“I think we will be able to tell,” Andrew said, “Let’s get her panties off.”

I gulped at the statement. I felt the hands slowly letting go of my legs. There was no point in resisting, or at least that’s what I told myself. I wasn’t sure what I was thinking at that point. I felt some more shifting on the bed, and then fingers wrapping into the hem of my panties. I don’t resist as my underwear is slid down my almost thicc thighs, down my long legs, until they’re off. I hear the sound of someone sniffing, and again my face flushes bright red.

My heart thumps loudly in my chest, waiting for whatever was going to happen next.

“Let’s turn her over,” Andrew said, and immediately I felt hands on my hips turning me over onto my stomach. “Put some pillows under her waist,” he adds. I felt my hips pulled up, pillows shoved underneath me. My blindfolded and gagged face was pressed against the bed, and my ass was in the air. I felt my skirt pushed up and over onto my back, and immediately there was a pair of hands groping my butt cheeks.

“What an ass,” said Brick, the hands-on my cheeks squeezing and pulling them apart. Part of me felt complimented… I tried not to think about it, but I knew they were staring at my butthole. Then I felt a hand sliding inward a bit, a thumb teasing that sensitive hole. “Think she will like it here too?”

“We’re definitely going to find out,” Andrew said, “Where’s the one thing, and the lube stuff?”

I gulped, and could only imagine what was about to happen. The hands left my butt, and I heard a bit of rustling around.

“What is this thing called?” I heard Brick ask, “It looks like a big purple sperm with a loop on its tail.”

“It’s a remote-controlled egg vibrator,” Merlin answers, “That’s what it was called on the website. The loop is for you to put your finger through when you want to pull it out. Put a lot of lube on it, I don’t think her butt lubricates itself as her pussy does.”

My heart sank as I realized what was about to happen. I just laid there with my ass in the air though, with no move of resistance. A moment later I felt something with cold lube on it press against my asshole. Behind the blindfold I squeezed my eyes closed, bracing. I let out a muffled groan as the object is pushed into my hole, as my body tries to relax the right muscles.

“I think it’s going,” Brick says, as I feel the egg-shaped object sliding inside of me. It takes a moment, but sure enough, I felt the egg slide in and could feel the tether hanging out. “Mission accomplished,” Brick added, and then there was some more shuffling around on the bed.

“Okay, turning it on…. Now,” said Merlin, and just like that the egg-shaped device pressed into my butthole started vibrating softly. My eyes teared up and rolled back beneath the blindfold. This sensation was wholly new. I let out a long soft groan into the gag, as I felt a pair of hands start grabbing at my butt again.

“It’s so fucking soft,” Brick said, and then I felt the hands squeeze my ass cheeks pretty hard. I whimper a bit, my body still trying to get used to the vibrating thing inside me. “Okay, we putting in the other one now?” My stomach dropped again, another one?

“Yeah, the big blue one,” Andrew said, and again there was shuffling on the bed. “My turn.” I gulped and felt some fingers reach between my legs and start rubbing my pussy again. “She is still dripping, boys. We better not keep her waiting.” I braced myself anyway I could, and very shortly felt something that wasn’t a finger rubbing against my pussy lips. The egg in my ass continued to vibrate, and I couldn’t help but squirm.

I could feel how wet I was, but whatever blue toy they were inserting, didn’t just slide right in. I felt it start pressing into me, and it wasn’t a small toy. I groaned loudly into the gag as the boy less than gently keeps prodding. I groaned, then moaned, and groaned again. I can feel the muscles in my pussy tensing up and loosening erratically. It was a bit painful… but it also felt good at the same time.

I scrunched my eyes closed underneath the blindfold, and teared up a bit, as the toy tried to work its way into me.

“I don’t think she’s ready for this one,” Andrew said and pulled the toy away from my pussy. I signed into the gag, both in relief and in want. “Give me the pink one.” There was more shuffling on the bed, and then another toy started to rub the lips of my pussy. I squirmed a bit again, my legs still shaking. The boy wasted no time and started to press it inside me. This one was a bit smaller. I tried to relax my muscles as best I could, not wanting this to be painful.

I succeeded… and my eyes went wide behind the blindfold as I felt the new toy start to slip in, deeper and deeper.

“Nice,” Andrew said, and I felt the toy start to slide back and forth… fucking me. Little moans kept escaping, as the boy fucked me with the toy. “The princess is loving this,” right after he spoke, I felt a hand slap my ass a little hard. I squeal and my hips twitch. “Turns out the princess was secretly a pervert. Good thing those knights aren’t going to show up.”

I heard all three of them laughing. Were they right? I wasn’t resisting at all anymore, and I was wetter than I could ever remember being. Was this who I was? Was this the only way I could get off? Well… I hadn’t gotten off yet.

“Spin the little dial at the bottom,” I heard Merlin say, and then the toy inside my pussy began to vibrate. I moaned into the gag, a little louder than I had yet. The boy kept fucking me with the toy, and that’s when I began to feel… something. It almost felt like sparks of electricity starting to pulse through my nervous system, especially between my legs. It started slow, but as I continued to be penetrated, it built up quicker and quicker. My legs started to tremble a bit, and my toes started to wiggle. My body squirmed, and I couldn’t keep my head still for long. I hardly even realized how loud I was moaning.

“Oh, dude, you are gonna get her!” Brick said, clearly excited.

“Turning the egg up,” said Merlin, and sure enough I felt the toy in my ass start vibrating much harder. Andrew must have followed suit because the toy fucking my pussy started vibrating harder as well. My hips bucked as I squealed loudly. The electric feeling was increasing, and I was so wet that I could hear the wet sound of the vibrator thrusting in and out of me.

I’m not sure how long this went on. My mind had slipped into something of a haze. I didn’t want this to feel good, but instead, it felt amazing. It was scary, but amazing at the same time. Not that I had a choice, but I just laid there and let the feelings overwhelm me, and then it happened…

My head arched up, and I could feel my pussy suddenly start squeezing the toy as a surge of wetness came. My toes curl and my hips buck. My legs started to tremble, and I let out a string of moans so loud they sounded like screams. My legs kick at the bed a bit, and then I feel the toy leave my pussy. I panted into the gag as the vibrator in my ass slowly stopped vibrating.

“I think you did it,” Merlin said, followed by the distinctive sound of a high five. “That was so much quicker than I thought it would happen.”

“Holy shit, I can’t believe we did that,” Brick followed, chuckling. “She is so horny right now, who would’ve guessed our babysitter was such a pervert.”

“Okay, now it’s our turn,” Andrew said, as I just laid there post-orgasm, noticing how much drool was on my gag. “Help me set her up.” Again I offered no resistance as the boys took me by the arms, and set me up on the bed. They guided me toward the edge and then helped me kneel onto the carpet. “Okay, princess, time for the next part of the game. I’m going to remove your restraints, but you have to remember to stay in character, alright?”

“Your character is thankful to have had her first orgasm,” Merlin continued as if talking about a character in a script. “She is happy, and wants to return the favor.”

“So, when we take these off,” Andrew said, “you’re going to smile and beg us to let you suck us off. If you break character, we’ll have to start all over from the beginning.”

I gulped, as I sat there on my knees in my room. I knew it was a threat. The tone wasn’t overly threatening, but it was a threat. Several things could have gone through my mind at that moment. If they freed my arms and unblindfolded me, I could take a chance at fighting them off. I was bigger than them, but there were three of them. I could reason with them, make them know just how awful what they did was. Instead, though, my brain in a haze from the orgasm and the trauma of it all, all I did was nod.

“Great!” Andrew said, and then I felt hands untying the ropes behind my back. When they were free they just slumped to my sides, as I felt someone untying my blindfold and then my gag. I coughed when the gag came off, my eyes closed. I was almost afraid to open them, but then I did… The three teenage boys in Marvel t-shirts stood over top of me, each with their shorts and underwear pulled down enough to expose themselves…

At first, all I could do was sit there with big eyes and stare. I had never seen an actual dick before, and now there were three in front of me, attached to thirteen-year-old boys. They weren’t small. All between five to six inches I guessed, fairly uninformed, just the beginnings of pubic hair around the base. I shook my head and remembered the threat.

I couldn’t believe what I was about to do, and after everything, it was hard to speak. I looked up to the boys, did the best I could to smile.

“May I please… please…” I bit my lower lip, the words not wanting to come out. I had to take in a deep breath and close my eyes to finish, “May I please suck your cocks?” I was surprised at my word choice with cocks.

“I guess so…” Andrew answered, awkwardly. That threw me off, clearly, this is what they wanted right? I shook my head and decided to just get this over with. I’d already been as debased as one could be today, I just wanted it all to be over.

I scooted closer to the three. Andrew was standing in the middle. Very slowly my hands came up, and I closed my eyes as I wrapped my fingers around Brick and Merlin’s hard cocks. I felt a swirling of butterflies in my stomach as I touched them. When the world didn’t end, I opened my eyes and looked up at both of them. They were staring back down at me, eyes bright and smiling, and I began to stroke them.

“Don’t forget about this one,” Andrew said, wiggling his hips so that his boner waved back and forth in front of my face. I gulped and then leaned forward opening my mouth. I feel utterly perverse as Andrew’s cock slides into my mouth. The taste… wasn’t bad. With my cheeks flushed red, I start bobbing my head back and forth on his cock, as I stroke the other two.

I sucked on his cock for less than five seconds before he grabbed my head with both of his hands and started grunting. I felt his cock pulsate in my mouth. Hot jizz exploded from the tip into my mouth, and I gagged. He held his cock in my mouth, and it was all I could do to swallow what I could. After a moment he pulled it out, stepped back, and collapsed backward onto my bed.

“My turn!” Brick said and pulled my hand off of his cock. He grabbed my head and pulled my face at his crotch. He shoved his dick in my mouth and started bucking his hips. He didn’t want a blowjob as much as he wanted to fuck my face, it seemed. I tried to relax my mouth and throat, but the boy was excited and a bit rough. I gagged a few times, but he was finished as quickly as Andrew had been. I swallowed Brick’s cum, wiping some from my chin. I looked over at Merlin, his cock still in my hand.

Merlin looked a bit shyer. He hadn’t seemed very shy earlier, but perhaps it was different when I could see him. Neither of us said anything, I rotated toward him and put his cock in my mouth… he exploded instantly. I kept him in my mouth until he finished, before letting it slide back out.

“Heh, thanks,” Merlin said, before pulling his shorts back up. I watched as he walked over to my desk and retrieved his phone which was propped up on it… My stomach sinks a little bit. Andrew pulled his shorts up and jumped off the bed, running over to Merlin. They are both smiling.

“Look Mimi,” Andrew said, taking Merlin’s phone and walking it over to show me the screen. I proceed to watch a video that starts with me begging to suck their dicks. I instantly went pale, and my face was emotionless. “See? Now that we have this, you’ll have to play with us whenever we want!”

I just sat there in silence, as the boys congratulated themselves and watched the video again. I was being blackmailed by teenage boys, and I had no idea what else they had in mind for me.

“Come on, let’s go play Fortnite!” Andrew said, and the boys all rushed downstairs. From the hall, I hear him call, “You too, Mimi!”


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