Pup Joins The Pack, A Puppy Play Fantasy Unleashed

### Pup Joins The Pack, A Puppy Play Fantasy Unleashed

You’re there, down in front of me on your hands and knees while looking at the floor. Such a good pup.

“Awe, don’t be nervous, pup. I’m sure the pack will enjoy you.”

They’re waiting in the room behind us, and I can feel their energy pouring through the wall. We are all ready. So ready. Ready to meet you.

I can see you taking a gulp of air, your chest tight. Walking around you while watching as you try to turn and look at me.

“Stay,” I command, and you do. You sit there, while your muscles twitch. Tonight’s the night, and by the end of it you could end up a full-fledged pack member.

#### Lowering myself in front of you I start stroking the naked skin of your back.

“Are you ready?”

Your head nods as I take the beautiful black and red leather mask off the coffee table. I stroke your hair while smoothing it back, and feel you lean into my hand, and tilt your head up so I can gaze into your eyes.

“Tonight is for your puppy self,” I say. “Your true self, and as such, you shouldn’t hold anything in. Do you understand?”

As you nod your head bumps my hand.

“Such a good boy, too. You understand tonight I will be your trainer and your owner until this hood is removed, by me.”

#### I can hear your whine as you nod again.

“Well then,” I say as I pet your hair, “close your eyes for me, sweet boy.” Looking at your face while my hand moves to your cheek. “Feel this moment, and the strength of this floor under you. Feel all those points of contact with your skin. No need to think about anything else while you’re sitting here.” Your breathing slows. “Feel my hand on your face and the depths inside you. Find that small curious self.” The face you wear while outside is changing. “I know he’s there,” and we wait as you find him. Your body tenses and releases unconsciously, while I watch. “Feel him there, his energy and his desire to be here. To be a good boy.” Shoulders relaxing as your muscles loosen. “To be my good boy.”

The way you hold yourself changes as he slides into your body and I tell you to open your eyes. Both of you looking out at me. I smooth your hair as I bring the soft leather up over your head and down over your face, and buckle it. Your body is excited, and I can watch the difference in your posture.

#### “Are you ready?” I ask. You perk as my voice raises in pitch.

“Is somebody ready to meet some friends?” I can see your butt twitch as I talk. “Is someone ready for playtime?”

You bark as I walk to the door, cracking it open. Inside are my four pups and they are so ready to meet you. All naked except for their masks, gloves, and knee pads. Just like you.

“Everyone, this is Ian. Ian, this is the pack.”

They pour out as soon as the door opens, instantly surrounding you, and all you can see is a wall of human pup no matter where you turn. The pack surrounds you while a male pup with a green and black mask approaches. I can see you vibrate with nervous energy pouring from every inch of your body. It’s as intoxicating as a hot drink on a cold winter day.

“Hold still,” I tell you. Your paw is raised as you trying to put some space between yourself and him. It doesn’t work. “Ian, this is John.” He comes closer as he’s smelling you, sniffing your head, your neck, your chest, and your cock.  Each move he makes is sure and planned. As his head presses against you, you freeze. John’s cock is hard and twitching, giant between his thigh. Before you move to submit he is already moving around you, displeased by the time it took you to think of submitting.

John has moved in, behind you, cock glistening, and suddenly you find yourself pinned to the floor. The other pups are still surrounding you, barking and excited, a hard cock on either side of you. You can feel John behind you, and I hear your yelp, and then…In one swift thrust, he moves inside you, claiming your body as his. I watch your muscles twitch, your body desperately trying to make sense of the situation. You’re pinned down by my pack, and taken by my alpha. He bites your neck hard, and you fight. But it feels good, so good, and we all watch as your body relaxes, watch as you finally submit.

It’s another minute before his teeth release you. I can see the indents left behind, white marks surrounded by red, waiting for blood flow to return. You bark and yelp but you’re letting John fuck you. And fuck you he does. I watch, enjoying the way his cock slides out so far, and then slams back in. Your yelps turn to moans, and I watch as John spurts inside you. I watch his blue eyes behind his mask shining as he lays claim to you.

#### He moves back, his cock exiting with a small wet sound, and leaves you there, a puddle of puppy goo.

The remaining pack members come over to smell your ass, cum still leaking out. Sophie’s ass is wiggling as John backs up. She leans down and starts rimming you. You yelp, but then relax. I imagine your hole is extra sensitive after being fucked by my alpha. I look over at John and can see that he wants to take you again, and if I don’t do anything, he will.

“Sit,” I say to John. He looks up at me, frustration in his eyes. “Sit,” I say again, watch as he tries to take a step toward you. I step between you two, in the middle of the pack, and gesture with my hand. “Sit.” John sits back but his whole body is tense. “Good pup,” I tell him, and grab a treat from my pocket. John’s eyes get wide. “Do you want this?” I ask him. He barks and I ask again, “Is this what you want?” He barks with a tiny wine escaping his throat. “Alright, be a good boy and Sit Pretty.” He moves, kneeling with his feet under his hips, his back straightening, and moves his arms to his chest, keeping his elbows and forearms tucked in.

#### “Good boy,” I toss the treat and he catches it in his mouth.

Having him Sit Pretty displays his cock perfectly.

Sophie starts to come closer but I tell her “No,” and she stays back.

I look at you, still goey, and back to john. “You want to be a good boy and clean his cock?” You lick your lips but something holds you back, a poor anxious pup. I know you’ll love being a part of the pack, we just have to get you out of your shell. You whimper. “Be a good boy now, pup,” I say as I hold my hand out. It takes a second, but you crawl towards it. I pet your head, scratching the leather of your mask. “It’s okay sweet boy.” I can see the desire to go to him. You want to take his softening cock in your mouth.

Just as you start to move Sophie bumps against me, trying to get to her alpha’s cock, , but I hold her off. Still petting your head I kneel to look into your eyes. “It’s okay,” I murmur. “No one’s going to judge you.” I watch as the fear in your eyes leave momentarily until you hear Sophie whine.

“Sit,” I tell her. I watch as she lowers, but her ass doesn’t touch the ground. “Sit,” I say again. Her butt still hovering an inch or two off the ground. “Sophie,” I laugh, “We’re supposed to be on good behavior, remember?” She whines before her ass finally makes contact with the floor.

#### “Don’t mind her,” I tell you.

“She’s just jealous because she usually cleans up John’s cock. But this time it’s for you.” I look at you with your serious eyes, stroking your head, down your neck, and over your back. “Now, are you ready to be a good boy and clean his cock?”

You yip and whine, your excitement rising. Through all this John has been sitting so still, and I know you can feel the dominance his whole body seems to ooze. As you crawl to him, he growls. “Keep your eyes down and move slowly,” I tell you. John still growls but I know you’re safe. By the time you’ve gotten to his cock it’s twitching again. Covered in his cum and your ass juice I can see how excited you are.

“Gently,” I say as I watch your face lowers towards his hips, tongue outstretched. John’s growl has gotten lighter, but is still audible, as you make contact with his wet cock. Sophie wines as she watches you and I move to shush her. John’s eyes hold onto your figure, a low growl still in his throat. We watch, all of us, as you clean his cock. It hardens as you work, and after cleaning his shaft, you take the head of him into your mouth. John’s growl stops, and while his eye are still fixed on you I can see his body relax.

#### “Such a good boy, you want to make your alpha happy Ian?”

Your butt wiggles in the air as you slide your mouth over his member, taking him deeper and deeper into your throat. You start to gag and come back up for air, but John’s growl makes you close your lips around him again. You take him deep, so deep, and we all watch as you gag. Your body fights you as you push past it. You come up for air, barely holding yourself up before sliding him back in, your mouth bobbing up and down. I bend and can see the outline of his cock in your throat.

Sophie is still whining, but now it only seems to increase your pace. You work harder while John grunts happily. I can see sticky precum leaking out of my other pup’s cocks. You bob up and down, up and down, up and down, until suddenly John explodes deep in the back of your throat. After you’ve swallowed every last drop you come back up, out of breath.

“Well Ian,” I say, “Welcome to the pack.”

I hope you all enjoyed this story, I have an audio version of it for sale if anyone is interested (no pressure). Let me know what you think! And if you want to check out some of my other stories let me know!

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/n0204x/pup_joins_the_pack_a_puppy_play_fantasy_unleashed