Tropical Beach Story Part 1 (first draft) MFF

Just testing to see if I can write.

The boat ride was a short one from the main island to the resort but it was still late evening before Kristin and Morten arrived at the resort. A late meal was served in their beach villa and then they slept off the fatigue of the journey, the warm sea breeze blowing in through the open shutters. They woke in the morning to the sound of waves on the reef that protected the white sand of the wide bay. Kristin was lying on her front, a pair of loose silk shorts her only item of clothing. He leaned over her and kissed her shoulder. It was soft and warm from a night in the sea breeze, with the very faint taste of salt.

Morten hands ran down her back and his lips followed. She smiled and arched her back, inviting him to continue. His fingertips moved down the sides of her body, shivers accompanying the sensations. The tingle was duplicated between her legs and she squirmed to show him the effect she was having. As he moved his hands inside the material of her shorts she spread her legs and he gently tested her arousal, her wetness coating his finger. She felt him withdraw and stand.


It was low season so the restaurant was sparsely populated. In a restaurant that could accommodate thirty people six other people were breakfasting, two mixed couples and a duo of ladies browsing the buffet and sipping coffee and fruit juices. Everyone seemed relaxed and ready for the day. Kristin and Morten sat at a table adjacent to one of the couples. Lena and Marin were from Italy and visiting the Maldives for the second time. They had arrived on an earlier boat the same day as Kristin and Morten and were spending a week at the resort. Lena and Marin had decided to take advantage of the food and drinks service provided to villas and spend their first day on the beach and invited Kristin and Morten to join them, an invitation they gladly accepted. 

Lena and Marin headed off to their beach villa and Kristin and Morten were joined by Elodie and Lisette, best friends from Biarritz. They had arrived a few days prior and gave advice about some of the activities and also the best beach bar, which was a short walk across the island through the jungle trail. They raved about the cocktails and the barman and promised to take Kristin and Morten there that evening, another invitation they were happy to accept. Breakfast finished, they made arrangements to meet Elodie and Lisette at the restaurant for the evening meal and began the walk along the beach back to their villa.

They arrived at Lena and Marin’s villa just as the resort staff had finished setting up sun loungers, parasols and drinks. Lena was lowering herself onto one of the middle loungers and invited Kristin to take the one next to her. Kristin sat on the edge and asked Morten to apply sunscreen to her body. He positioned himself behind her and rubbed a generous amount of the warm oily liquid onto his hands and then started at her shoulders. Lena sat up and swung her feet onto the sand so that she was sat facing Kristin mirroring her position and fixed her eyes on what Morten was doing. She watched as Morten’s strong hands ran over Kristin’s shoulders, arms and back. The intensity with which Lena watched them made Kristin’s heart beat a little faster. She loved having Morten rub tanning oil into her under normal circumstances, and the process often led further. Here on the beach with the sound of the waves  and the breeze and with Lena watching in an almost voyeuristic manner, it was exponentially more erotic. As Morten’s hands worked oil into her lower back she felt her arousal between her legs and shifted herself involuntarily. Lena seemed to notice, and glanced down at Kristin’s lap. She moved her eyes slowly up Kristin’s body and then leaned back and opened her legs slightly so that Kristin could see clearly the material of her bikini. Their eyes met and Lena smiled, the gaze lasting until Morten came between them. Kristen stood and he knelt, applying to her legs starting at her ankles and working her way up past her knees and to her thighs. As he leaned down to get more oil, Kristin could see Lena again. She was running a finger down her own neck, between her breasts and down her stomach, keen to show Kristin how much she was enjoying watching Morten work. Kristin felt Morten’s strong fingers run up the inside of her thighs and she felt him run a teasing finger across the crotch of her bikini. She flinched, and Lena gasped a chuckle. Morten looked at her with a smile. He had felt through her bikini just how aroused she was, the wetness and heat evident. She sat and he looked down on her for a few seconds, her face level with his swimming costume before Lena broke the silence.

“I’m not sure how long Marin is going to be. He’s preparing paperwork for a client. Morten, could you apply my tanning lotion too?”

Morten looked down at Kristin who hesitated, then nodded her permission. Morten turned and walked around to behind Lena and sat on the lounger behind her. Kristin stayed where she was with eyes locked on Lena’s as Morten started with the oil at her shoulders and neck. Lena placed her hands mid-thigh, her mouth open slightly and her breathing a little deeper. She arched her back as Morten worked down her body and opened her legs wider for Kristin. The tiny dark patch on her bikini crotch advertised to Kristin Lena’s current state. Morten was navigating around Lena’s bikini strap and struggling a little. Lena reached behind her back, slowly undid her bikini and handed it to Kristin. She glanced down at her own breasts, then up at Kristin as if daring her to look too. Kristin dared. Morten reached Lena’ waist, she stood. Still clearly unsure, he peered around Lena to look at Kristin. Again, she nodded that he should proceed. 

Lena moved her feet shoulder width apart, and Morten began to rub the oil into the back of her thighs. Lena ran her hands over her stomach and up her body as he worked. Kristin spoke this time, watching Lena as she did so.

“Don’t neglect the front.”

Morten did as he was told and knelt in front of Lena, oiling his hands and starting at her ankles. Kristen reached out and ran her hand across Morten’s shoulders and he moved further up Lena’s legs. Lena was clearly now very aroused and it showed. Kristen found that she had involuntarily moved her hand down to her thigh and her fingers were inching towards her wet bikini bottoms. Lena’s breathing got a little heavier and she bent her knees slightly to move her crotch down towards Morten’s hands as he applied oil to her inner thighs. His hands brushed against the edge of her bikini and then he stood.

“Finished. You’re both ready to go.” he told them. Lena grinned, bent over and poured three drinks, Mai Tais, and handed them out. She tapped her glass against each of Kristin and Morten’s and then lay back on her sunbed. Kristen beckoned Morten to sit on the edge of the sunbed so she could apply his tanning oil. She could see from the tightness of his swimming shorts that he was already turned on. Understandable really. As Morten lowered himself down Kristin made sure he was sitting facing the reclining Lena, his back to Kristin, and then she placed a leg either side of him to begin applying the oil to his shoulders. Lena shuffled a little so she was sat semi upright and turned to watch. One hand was wrapped around her drink, the other rested on her stomach just above the hem of her bikini. She watched intently. Kristin worked the oil into Morten’s beck and then reached around and began to apply it to his chest. She ran her fingers and the edge of her nails across his skin and felt him flinch. Lena’s reaction was to move her fingers down across the material of her bikini bottoms and apply a light pressure. She knew she was turned on but the heat coming through the material surprised even her. She watched as Kristin ran her oily hand down Morten’s stomach. Her eyes widened as she noticed that Kirstin’s other hand was now out of sight behind Morten’s back. Kirstin had moved the fingers of her hidden hand inside of her bikini and was teasing herself softly as she rubbed oil into Morten’s stomach. She ran her other hand across the front of Morten’s shorts and felt how hard and wide he was.

“Not your turn yet.” she whispered in his ear, and then increased the pressure on her pussy before pulling the material to one side so she could pleasure herself easily behind his back. What she was doing was obvious to Lena, who was half reclined in front of them both and now masturbating through her bikini with increasingly fast and firm movements of her fingers. Kristin gripped Morten’s cock through his shorts but did not move her hand, forcing him to deal with his now excruciating arousal. Lena was now breathing harder but still sipping from her drink, her eyes flicking between Kristin’s hand on Morten’s sizable cock through his shorts and her eyes dilated and wide as she felt her orgasm approaching. Lena put her drink down and reached out to grip Morten’s thigh, gasping as she too felt her coming climax. She was still rubbing herself through her bikini and a distinct wet stain had formed in the material. She tightened her grip on Morten’s leg and orgasmed as Morten and Kristin watched, transfixed. The dark patch on the material of her bikini deepened and widened as she climaxed, her pussy producing a tiny squirt of hot liquid. Kristin slipped a finger inside herself and in doing so initiated her own orgasm, feeling herself pulse around her finger but never taking her eyes off Lena or her hand off Morten’s cock. Lena sat up, then stood and placed a kiss on the lips of Morten and Kristin in turn. She downed her drink, pivoted in the sand and walked down towards the water. Kristen watched her go as Morten stood and moved around to his sunlounger and, having dropped the back, lay on his stomach hoping to quell the fire in his groin. Kristin picked up a drink and then sat looking at Lena enter the clear water of the sheltered bay. Her attention was broken when Marin appeared from the direction of the villa. He threw hellos at Kristin and Morten and then headed in the direction of the water, following his wife into the ocean.
