On Display At The Art Gallery pt.2

An hour later they were sitting in the Denver airport waiting for a flight to New York. 
Kayla could not believe the size of New York city from the air. Buildings as far as she could see. She didn’t care for it.

Taylor had someone pick them up at the airport and forty minutes later they were walking into another gallery with a sign that read (Taylor’s world of fine art) 
This gallery was about the same size as the one in Denver but the art was different and did not have any of the southwest style art like in the Denver gallery. 

This one had more modern art styles, mostly nude paintings and nude bronze sculptures. Kayla thought they were beautiful. None had a porn feel to them. They were truly beautiful but at the same time they were erotic and very expensive. Some were as much as $50,000.00 dollars. 

Taylor introduced Kayla to another woman, she was younger then Teresa and dressed more punky. She had a ring in her nose and tattoo on her neck. Her name was Lisa. Lisa and Kayla visited while Taylor and some artist talked about a new sculpture he was working on.

Lisa was an art major with a masters in business. 
She treated Kayla like a sister. They got along like old friends. Lisa knew a lot about every artist whose art they proudly carried and their work. She gave Kayla  a new appreciation for fine art. Especially the nude sculptures. She never asked about Taylor and Kayla’s relationship. 

Taylor introduced Kayla to the artist he had been visiting with. He was famous for his erotic sculptures and they carried hefty price tags. 
His name was Leo. Leo looked Kayla different then most men do, it was as if he could see through her clothes and he was not shy about looking.
Taylor told her later that Leo had asked if there was a chance she could model for him. Taylor said that he would like it if she did, and that she could make some good money.
 He laughed and said that he would buy the first of a limited edition and it’s home would be the marble coffee table at home.

Kayla agreed to give it some thought. The idea actually excited her.

Kayla, Taylor, Leo and Lisa had a nice dinner at a restaurant near the gallery then back to the airport.  They got home in the wee hours of the morning. They both fell asleep and didn’t wake until almost noon.

The next couple of days were very busy for Kayla , she cleaned most of the house.  Taylor flew to LA but Kayla opted to stay home. She had cramps and just didn’t feel like traveling. 

Taylor, back home spent most of the day on the phone and Internet looking at property in Santa Fe. Kayla liked the house where they were. She loved the seclusion and especially the mountain view from the deck. She really didn’t want to move to Santa Fe. But at the same time she understood that Taylor had a lot of memories in this house and she understood why he would want to move.

Over dinner Taylor asked Kayla if she would model for Leo. He asked if she would be willing to do a photoshoot at home. He said that the photos would be used by Leo for reference for a bronze. He added that some could be blown up into prints. He explained that limited edition prints could make a lot of money.

Taylor also said that he wanted to commission Leo to do the sculpture. Taylor would be in charge of the poses. Taylor offered to split the 60% profits with Kayla and do a limited edition of 5000 plus black and white prints.
Kayla agreed to do it for Taylor and admitted that the idea was exciting. 

She had not really thought it through and didn’t know what to expect during the photoshoot. Taylor told her not to worry just follow his requests and try to enjoy it.

He said he knew what he wanted and could already see the finished piece in his mind.
 He was excited about the whole project. 
Two days later Taylor went to the airport to pick up Leo and a professional photographer. Kayla picked up the house and polished the furniture in the living room. It was an easy job because she had cleaned and polished most of the house while Taylor was away on business. 

Kayla was nervous and still didn’t know what to expect. She found herself pacing the floor.

From the kitchen, she heard Taylor. “Kayla?  We’re here!” 
She could feel her heartbeat faster and she felt flush.
Kayla went into the living room where she found Taylor, Leo and a woman not much older than herself. Her name was Tina. Tina and Leo put down their bags of equipment and looked around admiring the house and complimenting on all the art. 
They both seemed like the shoot was nothing out of the ordinary. They all chatted for a few minutes then Tina asked where she would be working and suggested we get started as they were scheduled to catch a flight back to New York that same night.

Taylor took over. “We will be doing it right here in this room,” he said. Then turning to Kayla he said.  “ Kayla, go take a quick shower, I want your hair wet and don’t brush it, I want it messy and stringy!”

Looking at Tina, he said. “We will be shooting her here on the coffee table, with me sitting on the sofa looking at her.” 
Kayla’s heart stopped, she knew what he wanted. She felt like she had stopped breathing and wanted to back out, but she turned and went to shower. In the shower Kayla felt like she was going to puke. When she returned Tina had lights set up on tripods. They were all looking at a portfolio of her work. She specialized in nude bondage photography. 
Page after page of black and white nudes. Kayla had to admit that her work was very erotic. The black and whites were beautiful.

Kayla knew she would be photographed nude so she had only put on her robe after the shower. Tina picked up her camera and clicked a couple shots of Kayla standing in her robe ringing her hands.

Taylor asked everyone if they were ready. Kayla only nodded, still wringing her hands. 
Leo turned his attention to Kayla, he watched her every move. She could feel him taking pictures in his mind.
Tina told Kayla not to pay any attention to them and act as if they were not there.

Taylor hugged Kayla. He could see her nervousness. All he said was. “Kayla; present your beauty!” he smiled at her as he waved his hand at the marble top table.

She hesitated and looked at him with pleading eyes. Taylor stepped close and kissed her. He assured her everything was going to be fine. He untied her robe and pulled it from her shoulders slowly like he was unwrapping a special gift.
Kayla now stood nude in front of Taylor, Leo and Tina.
She heard the constant clicking of the camera.

She couldn’t look at Leo.

Taylor taking her hand led her to the marble coffee table. Kayla slowly crawled on top of it. 
On her hands and knees Taylor had her put her feet at the very edge with her toes extended outward over the edge.

If she had been standing up she would have been standing on the tips of her toes like a ballerina.
Next he had Kayla cross her arms and stretch them out on the cold marble above her head. He held her head and turned it, then positioned it on her crossed arms looking away from the sofa and straight at Tina. 
Kayla could hear the camera clicking nonstop.
Taylor had her arch her back now, Kayla  remembered the way he wanted her. She moved back a little more so her knees were bent under her then arched her back more. Kayla wanted to please Taylor she knew what he wanted. She spread her knees, maybe even more than the way he had her before. She arched her back until it was uncomfortable, pushing her ass high and leaving herself totally exposed for the three of them to look at and photograph her most intimate parts.

“That’s beautiful!” Kayla heard Leo say

Click click click click click

Taylor kneeling beside Kayla reached under her and gently pulled one breast to the side until the nipple was pointing from under her. Then he arranged her wet hair so it was above her and not covering her face. He stood back to look.

Click click click click

“Incredibly beautiful!” he said “Don’t move!”

Taylor, moved behind Kayla, she felt his fingers on her.
 He parted her labia and then gently pulled her inner lips out, he pulled and stretched them until they protruded out past her labia. She could feel he had pulled them to the sides and spread them like flower petals.

Click click click

“Don’t move Kayla!” Taylor said

He grabbed his newspaper and sat on the sofa beside her. Holding it up as if he were reading while his little slave patiently awaited any command from him. Patiently waiting in case master wanted to fuck before heading off to work. Or maybe master just enjoyed having his pet there only for his viewing pleasure.

Click click click click click. 

Leo again, as he took in the incredibly submissive pose and setting. “That’s the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen!” he said.

Click click click

Leo now asking Tina for specific shots. “Her face close up and her hair!” then he said “get closeups of her nipple”
Click click click
“Now get closeups of her ass!”
Click click click 

“Now from further away get her with Taylor in the background!” 

Click click 

“Now just walk around them and get more of the whole scene.” Leo told Tina.
 Click click click

“That should do it!” Leo said. 

Tina asked if she could rearrange Kayla’s hair and shoot a couple for her portfolio. Taylor agreed. Tina knelt beside Kayla. As she pulled her hair over her face just a little she said in a soft voice, almost a whisper, “You are gorgeous Kayla, thank you for letting me work with you!” 
She stood up and said. “Look right at me Kayla!” 
Kayla looked at Tina. 
Click click click click.

Tina said. “Kayla; look at me and say (Please Fuck Me!) five times real slow, look straight at me”

Kayla understood what she wanted. She turned on a pleading look and mouthed “Please Fuck Me” five times.

Tina began talking. “This is the hottest pose I think I’ve ever done!” she said. “I would love to get a few shots of you fucking her Taylor and I would like to get a few after.” “For the bondage magazine.” Then she added. “Please please please!” 

Taylor asked Kayla for her permission.
 She answered. “If it pleases you Sir.”

She never moved as he unbuttoned his pants. He was already hard from the shoot. He worked his hard cock into Kayla as soon as he was behind her. It slid in easily, Kayla  realized that she was very wet.
Taylor fucked her in front of Tina and Leo,  his hanging nut sack swinging under her and slapping her clit every time he pushed into her. 

Click click click

It wasn’t long until Kayla felt him go stiff. He held himself tight against her ass and pumped his warm cum into her. It was extremely erotic to her, feeling him fill her with his warm cum while people watched and took pictures. 

He slowly pulled out.

 Click click click, Tina waited for cum to start oozing from the now splayed pussy. Kayla  held still.
Click click click click click click click click click click. 
Taylor helped Kayla up and held her robe open then slipped it over her shoulders and tied the belt.
He kissed her and whispered in her ear. “You’re going to be a very famous young woman soon!”
They packed up their equipment and said goodbye. Tina hugged Kayla and said thank you several times. Taylor drove them back to the airport. He was home by 8pm. He took Kayla out to dinner then they went home and slept late into the next morning. It was the first time Kayla woke up and Taylor was still in bed snuggling with her.

Over the next couple months Taylor and Kayla grew closer and closer. They made love almost daily and sometimes he would take her just for his pleasure. It took practice but Kayla learned to take all of his cock down her throat. 
She liked it when he would get bossy and just fuck her hard.
On a couple occasions he called home and said that he would be home in half an hour. She was to present her beauty and wait for him. 
It always made Kayla nervous that someone else may walk in but she did it anyway. Once he came in, sat on the sofa and just looked at her not saying a word. 

One day he came home from town with the mail and handed Kayla a manilla envelope. It was addressed to her from Tina. She opened it. Inside were several 8 ×10 black and white photos of the shoot, a nice letter, four copies of the magazine and check for twenty two thousand dollars made out to Kayla.

Taylor and Kayla sat looking at the photos and the pictures in the bondage magazine. There was a large centerfold photo in the magazine of Kayla from behind and off to the side, her face, nipple and her butt. A little white cum glistened between her labia. It was obvious that she had just been fucked. The next four pages were smaller photos of her face with her hair covering most of of it, some closeups of Taylor fucking her but they didn’t show his face. The last was a closeup of her pussy with cum dripping from it into a small puddle on the marble.
Tina had written an article on the last page about the photoshoot.
In the letter she said that she had never received so many inquiries about a model and asked if we could do a follow up shoot soon, possibly in New York. 
Taylor suggested Kayla accept the offer. 
A few weeks later she received another check for thirty two thousand dollars and a short letter explaining that some of the photos had been blown up and sold as limited edition prints.
Taylor smiled and told her. “I’m going to make you very wealthy love!” 

They scheduled another shoot with Tina in New York. When they arrived they went first to the gallery because Taylor said he had a surprise for Kayla. When they walked in the place was full of people. Most of the art that was there before had been replaced with black and white prints of Kayla. They were on the walls in different sizes. In the center of the room was a large bronze sculpture of a young woman on a table with her head down and butt high, with her knees parted and a man sitting on a sofa reading a newspaper. 
It had a small polished, engraved brass plate that read (Perfect Pet)

The sculpture was very detailed and had a price tag of five hundred thousand dollars on it. There were several smaller copies scattered around the gallery with twenty thousand dollar tags on them.
 Leo greeted us and told us that thirty small sculptures had sold the first week. He said it was the best inspiration he had ever had. He told Kayla that she should be receiving a check soon. He asked permission to do another sculpture from Tina’s next shoot.

Lisa saw Kayla and came running, she gave her a big hug and was very excited and happy to see her and Taylor.
She said the prints were selling like crazy.
 She whispered to Kayla.  “You did the most erotic shoot I have ever seen, what a turn on!” she giggled.

Lisa asked Kayla if it was her idea or Taylor’s. Kayla told her it was all Taylor. 
She replied. “Well he definitely knows what turns people on!”
 She said that almost as many women are buying prints as men. 
Lisa told Kayla that a few people had been waiting for her to sign their prints and some had left but said they would be back to pick up theirs. She had a table setup with chairs for her and Kayla.
 Kayla spent the next 3 hours signing prints and visiting with people.

Kayla glanced at the large bronze sculpture, then around at all the prints on the walls. She laughed to herself thinking. (I’m on display at the gallery!)

Seeing herself displayed nude on every wall in such erotic poses and all the people there looking at the prints then looking at her and knowing that some were undressing her in their minds made her feel an excitement she couldn’t quite understand. Knowing that she would be doing it again tomorrow made her even more excited. 
She wondered what Taylor would ask of her, would he fuck her again while people watched? 

Kayla was glad that she kept walking that night she had gone out to smoke that cigarette.
She was happy that Taylor had happened by and the cold weather had made him stop to help her.
Thinking back on the rude and inconsiderate behavior of her ex boyfriend Larry, Kayla giggled and thought “I should send him a copy of the magazine.”

Lisa and Kayla sat at the table visiting with people and signing prints. Kayla looked up to see Tina just standing there smiling at her. Tina and Kayla hugged and we were happy to see each other.

Tina asked Kayla is she had time for a visit.
They walked around trying to get away from all the people. Finally they went outside and across the street to a small restaurant. Over a cup of tea Tina asked about the next photo shoot.
It was planned for the next day at 1pm.
Tina said that the bondage magazine had sold more copies of the first shoot then all four previous copies combined. The company that owns the magazine had told her to offer Kayla  triple the norm to do a second shoot. 
It was exciting because Kayla already had more money than she had ever had.

Tina was explaining what she had in mind when Taylor walked in.
He had an angry look on his face that Kayla  had never seen. It turned out he didn’t know they were leaving the gallery and when he couldn’t find her he got worried. After finding her he got angry.

 “You should have told me where you were going! Now that I know you’re okay I’ll leave you two to discuss things but you will be punished for this!” he walked out.

Tina apologized for getting her in trouble.
Kayla thanked Tina for everything. She explained that Tina should talk to Taylor about the next shoot.
They went back to the gallery where they found Taylor. Kayla stayed by his side until they left to go get a room and some dinner.
Taylor was quieter than normal and she could tell he was still pissed.

After dinner they went to the room. It had two beds. Taylor made Kayla sleep in a bed by herself.
She was heartbroken that she had let him down and hoped that whatever punishment he decided was fitting would set his heart at ease.

Kayla didn’t sleep well and when she woke up Taylor was gone. She found him in the hotel lobby reading the morning paper.
 “Good Morning!” Kayla greeted him. 
Looking over his paper. “Go shower and wait in the room for me.”

It saddened and frightened her at the same time.
Kayla showered, shaved her legs and armpits, dried her hair, did her nails and still no Taylor.

An hour or so later he came in with a paper bag.
All he said was. “Strip and lay on the bed with two pillows under your butt.”

She wasted no time doing exactly as told.
He went into the bathroom and came back with a hot, wet towel and the bag. He dumped the contents out beside her.
Razors, shaving cream, a wooden ruler and a bottle of lube.
Without a word he pushed her legs wide apart and told her to keep them open. 

Then he held out his hand and said. “Shaving Cream!” 
Kayla handed him the can.
He wet the hair with the hot, wet towel then covered it with the foamy white cream. 
“Razor!” he held out his hand
She placed a new razor in his hand.
He started at the top and began removing the hair with short careful strokes.
He stretched the skin tight and shaved until she was smooth then he shaved around her anus. 
When he was satisfied that not one nub was left he cleaned her with the towel.

He held out his hand and said. “Ruler!”
She didn’t know what he wanted to measure but she handed him the ruler.
He told her.  “Hold your knees apart with your hands and do not close them for any reason.”
Kayla did as he said. With the pillows under Her ass and legs open wide left her bare pussy totally exposed and pointing up towards the ceiling. Taylor moved between her legs and rubbed the ruler across her puffy, hairless lips. 
Now she understood. Taylor was going to give her a spanking on her shaved pussy.
She closed her eyes and waited.

“Open your eyes Kayla, don’t look at me. Look at your pussy until I’m finished.
Kayla had to hold her head up to see her pussy. 
Taylor stuffed some pillows under her head so she had a good view.
 “I want you to watch what can happen when you are disrespectful Kayla, I’m going to beat your little cunt now and you’re going to watch every swat!”  then he moved back between her legs.

At first he just rubbed the flat wooden stick over her shaved labia from one side to the other then a soft tap on one side then the other. The tapping got harder and harder until they began to sting.
It was getting difficult to keep holding her legs open but Kayla was determined to do as he said.

Tears began to run down her cheeks. Now the swats came faster and harder. The slapping sound made her cringe. It didn’t stop. 
Her labia was bright red and hot now.

Kayla cried and gasped for a breath of air. Then she held her breath. The blows continued until she could take no more.

Kayla let go of her legs and reached down to protect her burning cunt with her hands.

Taylor stopped, claimed off the bed and said.
“Get dressed in the long, blue silk dress. You have three minutes.” He went into the bathroom and shut the door.
With tears blurring her vision she found the dress. It was very low cut with thin straps over the shoulders. Taylor had picked it out. It fit very tight around her waist and butt
 It went to her ankles.

From the bathroom she heard him say. “No panties and no bra!”

He came out, wiped her tears with tissue and helped her slip into the dress. He took her hand and out the door they went.
Kayla took small steps and walked bow legged as they made their way through the lobby.
 Outside they climbed into the back seat of a limo. 
The driver must have known where they were going because Taylor never said a word to her.
As soon as they were seated and on their way Taylor had Kayla raise up. Then he had her pull the dress up until it was bunched up around her waist. He pushed her legs open and had her put her feet up on the seat in front of them.
He pushed her legs apart wider.
Kayla worried about the driver looking back because she would of looked straight at
 Kayla’s swollen, red pussy.
 Taylor rubbed his hand over the hot flesh then tapped it a few times with his fingers. Soon he was slapping Kayla’s pussy. He began slapping the insides of her thighs. 

Kayla began to cry, she begged him to stop but still she held her legs wide apart for him.
Finally the limo came to a stop.

Taylor helped her pull the dress down and he wiped the tears from her face.
Taking her hand, he opened the door and helped Kayla out.  
They were in front of the gallery. Inside he led her straight through and into a room in the back.

There was Tina clicking away with her camera, Leo and Lisa.
Lights had been set up. There was a pedestal like the one that held the large Bronze sculpture. 
Taylor led Kayla straight to the pedestal and told her to strip and present her beauty as he pointed at the pedestal.
 Kayla just wanted all this to be over with and go home.
She slipped the dress straps over her shoulders and let it drop to the floor then  climbed up on the pedestal in an obedient manner. She stretched out her arms and lay her head on them,  pulled her knees up by her sides, arched her back and pushed her ass out and up. Then She spread her knees and presented her beautiful ass and red, swollen pussy for all to see, to look at, to photograph and  for Taylor to fuck if he chose to.
The cool air felt good on her hot flesh.

She just wanted them to take the pictures so they could go home. 
She felt Taylor’s hand slide across her swollen labia, then without warning she gasped from the hardest, stinging blow yet. The sound scared her and the searing pain shot through her whole body. She jumped and screamed but as soon as she realized what had happened Kayla composed herself. She decided then and there that she would not give in, she would not be beat in this game. 
She quickly moved back into position and arched her back even more than before. She offered her cunt to Taylor and his punishments.
  She offered it to the gods as a sacrificial gift.
Kayla wanted to feel his hand relentlessly biting into her cunt and thighs now. She wanted to feel it’s venom flowing through her veins like a drug she was becoming addicted to. She didn’t understand and didn’t want to understand. She just wanted to stay in this place now,  to feel the venom flowing through her veins, consuming every nerve in her body.

Tears flooded her eyes. As the open hand continued its assault on her. Kayla melted into a mental place she had never been as the biting continued.
At one point she thought she could feel Taylor’s cock forcing its way into her ass. He must have put some lube on it because it slid in forcing her open as he gripped her hips with strong fingers. 
Kayla passed further away, into a mental nirvana she didn’t know existed. She was having an orgasm like nothing she had ever experienced. The pain was exquisite. 

Taylor began fucking her ass hard and fast. His balls lapping at the red hot flesh of her swollen cunt. She felt her body quivering but had no control or desire to stop any of it. It was a seizure like twitching and jerking.
She heard Taylor panting and grunting, but it sounded far far away.
She felt his blood engorged cock swell bigger as it relentlessly pounded into her ass. Then his fingers dug into the flesh on her hips. He was cumming in her ass, she felt like hot lava was being poured into her.

Kayla was no longer aware of Tina’s camera clicking away, or Leo watching as he sorted through the mental images he would create in clay.
She felt her heart beating in her cunt and ass. The feeling of red hot lava between her legs and inside her. 
Kayla left her body and watched herself being fucked from above. She smiled as she watched her body trembling and rocking from the last few thrusts as Taylor emptied the last of his seed into her. She watched him grunting and hissing as he used her young body. 
She smiled, watching from above, because now she felt only bliss.
Kayla passed out. When she opened her eyes. Taylor was wiping her face with a cold wet washcloth and hugging her.
Kayla felt a new love for him. She felt total submission and love. He now had her permission to fuck her to death if he so desired.

As she slowly came back to her senses, Taylor gently cleaned and cooled her swollen labia and ass with the cold, wet towel. He kissed and blew cool air on her, he kissed her and told her he loved her over and over.
Then he helped her stand, he dressed her.
He carried her through the gallery and helped her into the limo.
At the airport he had a private charter plane waiting. Kayla was still in a daze but by the time they were home and she lay covered with a big blanket on the floor by the fire she felt total contentment. She had never felt so content in her life.
 Taylor asked her if she needed anything. 
Her answer “Only You!
Taylor lay beside her until they both fell into a deep sleep.

Somehow Taylor knew that what Kayla needed to be content with life was her own complete submission to him. It wasn’t the money or a big house. It was not fame or seeing beautiful prints of herself on the gallery walls or expensive bronze sculptures. 

She woke up the next morning and found Taylor out on the deck reading the paper. She took the coffee pot out and topped off his cup.
They smiled at each other and said good morning. Kayla took the pot back into the kitchen without pouring herself a cup.
 She went back out and knelt down beside him with her hands on her thighs and head slightly bowed. She waited patiently for him to speak. 
A minute later he stood and offered his hand. Kayla took it and stood up. They just smiled at each other.
He took her back to the bedroom where they climbed under the heavy blanket.
They snuggled. He held her tight as they just lay there motionless. Naked bodies holding on to each other.
In a whisper he said. “My love, you have given me all I have ever dreamed of, you have gifted me with what most men will only ever dream of,
I am grateful and I love you!” 

Only one large sculpture was cast. 
The new, smaller sculptures were a limited edition of 10,000 at $20,000.00 each. 
Sold at the gallery in New York and thru the bondage magazine. They sold out in six months. 
Only 10 prints were limited editions, they sold out in three weeks. The other prints are still selling
 The magazine printed triple the standard copies and sold out in two weeks. 
The engraved, brass nameplate on the sculpture read. (Manners Corrected)
Both of the large sculptures sit in Taylor and Kayla’s living room in their beautiful home at the base of the mountain. 

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/mzadli/on_display_at_the_art_gallery_pt2

1 comment

  1. Is there going to be a part 3 of maybe him breeding her in front of there own statue

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