Beach Time Brawl. (Literotica)

Beach-time brawl. (Literotica)

Hey there folks! This was a little erotic fighting story I got cooked up that I think you folks would like! Let me know what you think of it in the comments! Enjoy!

Kylee Took a sip of her iced Tea, and lounged her legs on the sand.

It was a classic Beach day, waves rolling against the land. The sound of the tide at their toes. The Beachgoers enjoying a perfect Sunday. And most importantly, Kylee was spending the day with her one and only. Her boyfriend David.

She was dressed in a Two piece Bikini, it was yellow-white striped, and clung to her breasts. And highlighted her Shapley curves. It effectively left nothing to the imagination, but sometimes that was okay.

Kylee was so engrossed in the atmosphere of the beach. That she realized her Ice Tea was done. And the sun was only getting hotter. She was sweating up a storm. And there was only one way to fix that.

“Hey Babe, I’ll go get us some more refreshments, it’ll only take a minute!” She called out to David.

“Uhh-Alright, I don’t fuggin care.” David slurred out as he rolled to one side.

12 minutes went by, but Kylee trotted back to their beach towel. Her arms filled with sweet drinks, and ice cream for the warm day ahead.

“David! I’ve got us some-“ She stopped mid-sentence. Dead in her tracks.

David was talking… To another woman…

Kylee gasped out loud and ran into the conversation.

“Hey! What the hell do you think you’re doing with my man?!” She called out to the bikini-clad woman speaking to David.

“Wait… This isn’t Kylee?” David murmured, confused.

The woman who had hijacked Kylee’s boyfriend was gothic. She wore a sexy two piece black lace bikini. Which did a terrible job of covering up her perfect body. She was wearing eyeliner, black eyeshadow, and a small black choker necklace. She had been sweating pretty bad too. It glistened against her body. Which Kylee had to admit, was two inches taller than her. And carried greater curves.

“Babe, I don’t have the *slightest* idea of what you’re talking about. David is just a **Friend** “ Jane cooed.

“Jane told me she wanted to have sex with me.” David pointed a finger directly at the Goth girl. She gave him a death stare which could only mean one thing.

David was right. Jane was a home wrecker.

“Oh! You… Bitch!” Kylee screamed out, drawing the attention of the local crowd. Kylee dumped all the snacks neatly onto the beach towel and put her hands on her hips.

“I can’t believe you would just walk up to someone and try to hit on him like that? I mean, where do you think you are? ***Boston*** ?!“ Kylee fumed.

Jane scoffed and took a step closer. The two’s chests were clashing against each other.

“Honey, I didn’t *try* to hit on David, I **Succeeded** ! I’ve got him wrapped around my finger. So… If I were you, I’d move on.” She said with a smirk.

David was busy eating through all of the food Kylee bought for them. So he couldn’t object to this notion.

Kylee was angry. She was angry that today was so perfect, and it had to be ruined so awfully. She was angry that David had just decked into all the food she bought for the two to ***Savor*** . And she was angry that David wasn’t even putting up a fight!

“You know what **Babe** ? “ Kylee growled. She picked up an ice cream cone. And threw it at Jane’s bosom.

“Take that! How does that feel?”

It splattered across Jane’s sternum. streams of dairy flowed down her chest, and onto her stomach. She wasn’t impressed.

Jane picked up the waffle cone and set it onto the sand.

“You know babe… That could actually be listed under assault in Boston.” She said.

“So?” Kylee retorted.

“Soooo…I have technically legal precedent to Kick your ass!” Jane tackled Kylee to the sand down below.

Kylee crashed with a thud. Her body was smothered under Janes top heavy frame. They squirmed against each other, pushing their bodies against one another. Until Jane kicked Kylee away onto a separate beach towel.

A crowd had gathered to watch the two busty ladies duke it out.

Kylee stood up, dazed, and tried to pull a fighting stance that she saw in a movie once. Jane marched towards her. Strong, sexy, and confident.

“Babe! You have no idea how badly I’m going to whoop your ass!” Jane taunted as she grabbed Kylee by the shoulders. Jane locked Kylee into a bearhug. The two’s chests clashed together. And Kylee was losing.

“Uh! Stop! Too tight!” Kylee groaned,

“Oh, I’m sorry Babe! Let me relax a bit.” Jane let go of Kylee, and she fell to the sand. She moaned in pain and turned to her side. Her beautiful yellow-white bikini ruined from all the food, sand, and sweat smothered into it during the fight.

People had started to record the fight on their phones. Others were gawking at the performance. Nobody. Not even David, wanted to help Kylee.

Jane sat down on her knees. And caressed Kylee’s pained face.

“Aww, does it hurt baby? Don’t worry, let me kiss it better.” She nestled her hands into Kylees bosom and pulled her to face the sky.

She jumped onto Kylee. And nestled her thighs into a mounted position.

“Time for a little ground and pound!” She called out to the audience. Some of them gasped at the remark. But a select few cheered Jane on!

Jane threw punch after punch at Kylee. Throwing her face back and forth from the force of the hits. People across the viewing party were gasping as Kylee just laid there and took it.

Jane looked down at Kylee. “How you doing so far babe?”

“Uhh… Huh?” Kylee. moaned out. She exhaled and tried to shield her face with her fists.

“Oh? Finally got smart huh babe?” Jane taunted. “No problem, I’ll just have to attack you somewhere else!” She spat on Kylee. The spit landed on her chest. And flowed down onto Kylees stomach.

Jane got up and picked Kylee by the hair. She dragged Kylees blond head across the de facto circle created by the crowd. And she threw Kylee into the sand again, she stood over her, and let her get up.

Kylee was on all fours. Her bikini ruined. her chest heaving. Her body covered in bruises and sand. Unfortunately she was standing right between Jane’s legs. Her head was in prime punching distance.

Jane swung her strong arms back and forth like a pendulum. Striking Kylee repeatedly, and forcing her to the ground. Jane dropped her fists on the back of Kylees head. Sending her to the sand, only to try and get back up again. Jane jumped up and fell over Kylee. Prompting the audience to give a sympathetic “ooooh!”

Kylee lost the fight. She whimpered quietly on the sand and laid flat on the ground. Jane got up. Picked an ice tea from the snack pile. And walked back.

“You look so dirty Babe! Wash up!” Jane taunted once again. She unbottled the sweet drink. And spilled it over Kylees body. Sweet golden liquid splashed over Kylees body. Giving it a nice glisten. She gasped out loud. And some of the drink went into her mouth.

Jane planted herself over Kylee and sat over her face. She gyrated her pelvis a few timed to humiliate Kylee.

“Like that babe? Or do you want something more?”

Kylee groaned and tried to tug on Jane’s bikini bottom in a vain attempt to escape.

“Oh sweetie, you aren’t getting out of this one that easy.” Jane cooed

She dug her hands into her Bikini bottom. Likely touching her vagina. And brought out her finger.

“Since you like my pussy so much. Have it!”

She stuck her hand into Kylees mouth.

“Argh! ARGH!” Kylee squealed and spat out the hand. She turned her face to the ground and broke into a coughing fit.

“Oh no! You aren’t done yet!” Jane warned.

She got closer to Kylee and held her blond head up to the crowd.

“Say it!”

“Say what?!” Kylee moaned out loud.

“David is mine. He isn’t your boyfriend anymore. I earned it!” Jane smirked devilishly.

“W..What?” Kylee groaned out.

Jane shoved her blond head into the sand. Smushing it around a small hill before pulling a coughing Kylee out.

“Say it!”


Jane pushed Kylee to the ground and sank her head deeper into the sand. She pulled her up again and undid her bra.


“Fuck… You…”

Jane wrapped Kylees arms around her neck. Choking her. She held Kylee up in a pseudo camel clutch. Kylees topless body was exposed for everyone to see.

“Say! It! Now!”

“All right! All right! David is yours! He’s your boyfriend now! You win! Just let me be!” Kylee choked out.

Jane smiled and let go of Kylee. Sending her to the sand again. Defeated.

“That’s all I needed. You’ve been a pleasure dear. We should meet again sometime. I’ll make sure David doesn’t forget you…”

She turned Kylee over. Held her head up. waved her bikini top for everyone to see. And kissed her deeply in front of everyone. She dropped Kylee onto the sand again. And finally took her top off.

She dropped the black lingerie bra onto Kylees body. “Something to remember me by.” She winked. And strutted off. To meet David. And take him home.

Kylee was left humiliated. Defeated, and topless. She turned her body to the sand again. And moaned out loud.

“So much for a Sunday!”


1 comment

  1. Awesome story! I’m a huge fan of female combat. Would love to read anymore fight stories you have, particularly those ending with knockouts. Maybe Kylee will try to get her revenge on Jane? Great writing!

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