Solving Problems I was Walking In To Pt 4 (FF)

Pt 4

I have to say I am getting more than a little nervous. Two days ago I fucked my wife, Amy, in front of a camera, with Lily and Sally as cameramen, or women, whatever, Sally having the backup role of fluffer. Today, I am filming, with Lily’s husband as a second cameraman, Amy and Lily fucking, a full on lesbian action scene. What the fuck am I doing?

Two nights ago, the evening after we did our scene, Amy confessed she was, for the first time ever, letting her inner slut go. I’ll say, she’s wearing me out, or rather, I better go and get some Viagra if this keeps up. Remembering the events of the day, she was again seriously wet and I better get in to make her cum. Fortunately, my tongue worked better than my dick then and a quick, thorough, tongue lashing was what she needed to get some sleep. During the night, I woke with her sucking on my dick, a pleasant experience at the worst of times, but right then, fucking brilliant. Better than ever, in fact. She learned a new technique the day before and was using it on me. Unbelievable, as I came deeply into her throat. In the morning, she told me that was for her, so sexy, so pleasing she could do that to me and looked forward to many more years of doing it.

All day yesterday, with the kids at school and we’re in the studio, we were talking about exploring our personal sexual boundaries. This was what was making me nervous. I’m not sure where Amy wants to go with this. She was talking about all sorts of things we have never even considered before. Doing another woman? Never before, but today, I’m going to be filming it. She has never let me fuck her in the ass, I’m honestly not sure I’m interested, but she’s talking about it. Fucking another guy? I thought at first ‘no, that’s not going to happen’. It’s not that I’m jealous, or selfish, maybe, it’s just my strong middle class values may not support that. I know it’s prevalent, lots of couples do it, but until I fucked Sally in a bit of a pity fuck a little over a month ago, I had never considered another woman, I really don’t want another woman on the end of my dick so another man would be out of the question. Then I realized she was thinking I was to fuck him, not her! WHAT? I clammed up then, only made polite noises.

Yesterday morning, I was really looking forward to filming Amy and Lily having sex, making each other cum, but by last night, I started thinking of the consequences and implications of that. That was what was making me really nervous. There is a growing fear in me that I might lose her. If she was fucking other people, does that mean she is losing her love for me?

Lily brought me back to reality. The noises on the set were pretty much the same, people moving around, things being moved, even just four people were making enough noise, talking, changing things, discussing angles. “Wayne?” Lily asked, shaking me out of my reverie. “Wayne, how do you want to shoot this?”

I had been watching a number of lesbian porn movies to get some idea of what it was I wanted to see in it, but had no real idea of how I wanted to start it. “Umm, I have thought of different things, Lily,” I started, trying to project confidence I wasn’t feeling, making it up as I was speaking. “So I think in the lounge set, sitting, talking, some kissing, then touching, start undressing. One of you invites the other to the bed set, and it gets serious from there.”

“Ordinarily,” Lily says, “There is something called a script, that helps us get some idea of what you want.” She’s the one with experience here. “It’s not often big on dialog, but it is descriptive.”

“Maybe. But,” I was trying to think on my feet here, “I really want spontaneity I think.” I went a little quieter here, “You’ll be okay in front of the camera, but Amy might not if I’m telling her what to do.”

“I heard that!” Amy called.

Lily laughed, “No, it’s okay, really. We saw the other day Amy is really comfortable in front of the camera and the camera loves her. That’s why I didn’t have to tell you what to do too often, you just did what you normally do and you have to admit, it looked great.”

Ted had given us the rough edited version of what we filmed that morning. I have to say, I wasn’t expecting it for another week but it looked great. Ted obviously worked fast on this but he also told me this was only a rough cut. He was going to take a while longer to produce a better version complete with titles. We could hear Amy talking to Ted, and she asked him, “You okay with this?”

Ted smiled, “Sure, it’s not my decision to make. Lily does what she always does and I can support that.”

“I don’t understand.”

“It’s simple really. Lily loves me, I know this beyond any shadow of a doubt, and I her. In part this is her exploring her sexuality, in another part she sometimes needs something I can’t give her, but a woman can. So I roll with it knowing that when she is done, she comes home again.”

“And you’ve got videos like this at home?”

“A few, locked away so that the kids are not going to find them,” Ted laughed, “I film her if she asks, like now.”

Amy let it go, but I could see there was a lot more she wanted to discuss. I had Amy and Lily sit on the couch and began with an explanation of what I think would be workable. Sitting, talking, a couple of glasses of something that looked like wine but was only grape juice poured out of a wine bottle. Amy is a non-drinker, non-smoker, non-anything really, but she walks a lot and watches what she eats. She’s not a health freak, but prefers to keep herself in trim.

I ran through some of the ideas I had, like undressing each other on the couch, then some mutual masturbation, fingering, then cut to the bed and it would start with Lily going down on Amy, then swapping, a sixty-niner, getting out the strap-on and Lily fucking Amy with it, then swap. Amy objected, the swapping of the strap-on, she had absolutely no experience with it, so how about a vibrator instead? Lily didn’t mind, she preferred it she said, but I thought she was only being nice. Ted later assured me she was being honest there, apparently Amy never likes being fucked with a strap-on. Doesn’t mind using one, but not being the receiver. Oh well, different strokes, I suppose.

Oh, I added, both of you can cum as you like. Lily said three times in one scene was her limit, unless we were shooting over two days. Amy thought three would be enough. Well, that’s okay. I told them that for me, it was pretty much a shoot of opportunity, the static camera would be overlooking the bed, Ted and I would not be shooting from anywhere where the static could see us, but we would try to get shots where we could. Try to position yourselves diagonally on the bed, so the overhead of the static camera’s higher position could capture them. Ted and I will get as close as we can, but will be limited but the static camera. We posed questions, answers, possible shot angles, possible actions, but let it be free use basically.

We were all set, glasses were ready, Lily got the bottle but came in with it open. I asked Ted if it was possible to get a cork being popped sound into the track? He assured me it was, but then pointed out the lid was a screw on. Apparently red wines don’t use corks any more, screw-on lids, so wasn’t necessary. Lily went and grabbed the lid from the kitchen and put it back on the bottle. I had Amy sitting on the couch and Lily come in from off-camera with the bottle and two long-stemmed wine glasses. She poured the wine and Lily’s improv skills drove it forward. She led the conversation, about two friends who hadn’t seen each other for years.

I let them go, get comfortable with each other again, then Lily stopped talking, took Amy’s wine glass from her, put it on the small coffee table and then leaned over and kissed Amy. “I’ve wanted to do that all night,” she said.

Amy blinked, looked at Lily and said, “So have I, I’m glad you did.”

They were kissing, and clothes were being opened, bare skin appeared. Amy’s magnificent breasts became the focus of Lily’s attention. Lily eased Amy back and stripped the rest of her underwear off. Fingers entered Amy, her clit was pressed and Amy’s breathing became rapid indeed. Ted moved in from one angle and me from another, I think he was getting the better shots. I moved around to film over Amy’s head, looking down her body where I could see Lily’s mouth right on Amy, her tongue lapping Amy’s clit, her eyes looking up, right into the camera. My heart stopped and my dick sprung into action. I really want to fuck her now, both of them, in a threesome would be unbelievable.

It wasn’t long before Amy started cumming, for the first time that morning. She started trembling, then shook, and cried out as her pleasure buttons all went to the red in overload. Lily kissed her way back up Amy’s body, kissing Amy’s torso, her breasts then her lips. Amy held her on top and took a moment to get her breath. Ted caught my eye and ran his thumb over his throat, so I said, “Cut and take a break.” I turned the camera off and put it down, was on my way to a side table to get a couple of bottles of water, just as Lily called for it.

I looked back and Lily was still holding Amy, just as Amy hadn’t let go of Lily. Together, they were fucking beautiful, my dick was thinking for itself again. I got some semblance of control as I walked back to the sofa to give them the water bottles. Lily got off Amy, and Ted handed them robes. Hooking the camera up to the monitor, we were able to watch the footage I had taken. It wasn’t bad, but the shots of Lily looking up at the camera were the best. Swapping for Ted’s camera and it was obvious who was the better cameraman. He was taking great shots, dammit. I’m pretty good with a DSLR stills camera, but I have a lot to learn with the video camera.

“Okay,” Amy said, “Looks good so far, but I think I would be a lot more comfortable if we weren’t the only ones naked here.”

I didn’t get it at first, but it hit me, eventually. Both Lily and Ted were looking at me and I shook my head, thinking, this wasn’t going to happen. “Come on Wayne,” Amy said, “You can’t expect me to be having sex with Amy, in front of our respective husbands, and you think you’re not going to be involved, do you?”

That threw me. Involved? WTF does that mean? I looked at Amy and without saying anything, I disconnected the cable from the small camera Ted had and said to Ted, “I think you better take the big camera, you know what you’re doing and I’m just learning.”

“No. It’s not as easy as it looks is it?” He asked. I shook my head and Amy gave me that ‘you’re not listening’ look.

“Wayne, before we go any further, I want you to be as naked as Lily and me while videoing.” I knew this wasn’t a request.

“Why, Amy?” I asked.

“Because it would make me a little more relaxed,” she said, “And would get you more involved.”


“Yes, involved. I want to see the evidence that we’re doing it right. You get a big erection and maybe, if you’re lucky, I might suck it, or maybe someone else will.”

FUCK ME! I looked at Ted to see his reaction to this and I saw him studying me, “Yeah, I might,” he said with a grin stretching from ear to ear. “Maybe,” said Lily, “If Ted’s still shooting.”

“Besides, Sally told me she liked sucking your dick, maybe if you wanted, we could get her back too,” FUCK ME! What the fuck is this and what have you done with Amy, I thought. I was amazed, to say the least.

She stood and came over to me, she kissed me. Taking my shirt in her hands she guided me to the sofa, sitting me down next to Lily. She crawled onto my lap, her knees either sire of my hips, her gown open fully to me. She kissed me again and thrust her pelvis onto my lap. It was a growing erection for me. More carefully than the other day, she opened the buttons on my shirt and pushed it off my shoulders. Reaching down, she opened the belt then my jeans, taking my now cramped cock out, giving it a gentle rub. I couldn’t help it, I was hard again in moments. She slid off me took my now raging boner into her mouth . She sucked me, with Lily and Ted a captive audience. She used the same technique she had the other night and I was coming to the boil really quickly now. My dick was hard enough to use as a battering ram, that what she does to me!

Amy lifted off me and said, “Come on, finish getting undressed and we can do the next bit now.” She smiled and licked her lips. My shirt was opened, my jeans were around my knees, but I nearly pulled them up. The only person in the room who hadn’t seen my hard dick, live that is, is Ted and too late to worry about it now. “Relax,” Amy said, “Keep undressing.” I have no idea what came over me, but I did completely undress. My dick was starting to collapse but then I looked at Lily, who was licking her lips.

Ted said quietly, “Yeah, you can fuck her too if Amy says it’s okay.” I noted he was already naked, but no erection.

My dick has a mind of its own, I’m sure. I was stunned that Ted would say something like that, right in front of both Amy and Lily. Yeah, Lily, I know, but Amy too?

“As long as it is in front of a camera!” Amy said. I was shocked into silence here. My wife was telling me it was okay to fuck another woman, and make a video of it. “I want to watch it too,” she completed. Lily looked at Amy and with just a nod, Lily came to me, hugged me.

She dropped a hand, took hold of my now engorged tool and said, “I’m gonna fuck your wife, then later, I’m gonna fuck you.” She kissed me, “Now let’s get on with it, shall we?”

I was baffled, bamboozled, shocked, surprised, overwhelmed all at the same time. “He’s gone into shock, I think.” someone said. I was unfocused. drifting off somewhere.

“Wayne,” I heard, “Wayne,” repeated. I felt hands pushing me back, sitting me on the sofa. Slowly, things were coming into focus again.

“Amy,” I said, “What’s going on?” I wasn’t too concerned about an answer, I think I just wanted Amy to reassure me things were okay.

She took my hand, “Wayne, look at me.” I tried to, I know I was looking at her, but she was still a soft, blurry image. “Wayne.” I felt her lips caress mine, then again. “Come on, come back to me.” I heard her, I felt her hands in mine and I saw her.

“What’s happening, Amy?”

“We’re growing up, my love,” she replied.

“Sorry, growing up?”

“Yes. Think about it,” she replied, “Can you remember the first time we had sex with the lights on?”

I thought for a few seconds, “Mmm, no I can’t, actually,” I said, “A while ago.”

“I can, quite clearly,” she told me, well I’m not surprised, Amy is better at remembering these things than I was. “It was two days ago, right here, in this room, on that bed.”

I crinkled my brow, puzzled, “No, no-,” I started.

“Yes, Wayne, we’d never done it with the lights on before. Let’s face it, we are uptight, middle class prigs, well, until now,” Amy stated. I shook my head. “Yes Wayne, we are. We have never, even before the kids were born, we have never walked around our own houses, or apartment, naked. Ever. Have we?” I couldn’t see it at first, but she was right, we never have. “We didn’t even have sex before we got engaged, remember? Then it was really clumsy, and more embarrassing than anything else, remember? It wasn’t until we got married that we even thought about anything other than a quick fuck in the back of your dad’s car, then your own. We were both virgins, we’ve never had any sexual relationship outside of of each other until now.”

I couldn’t deny it. It’s true. “You come over as a bit of a man of the world, but you never look at another woman when we’re out. You’re relaxed with every other woman in your life, through work, through socializing, because you never come across to them as having any kind of sexual interest in them at all. They’re not always comfortable with that, but I know they appreciate that you’re only interested in me.”

“I love you, no-one else. Never have.”

“I know, but that’s caused you a problem.”

“What? How?”

“You said it yourself, you never had the courage to ask me for nude pics. Why do you think that is?”

“I didn’t know how you would react to it, I was afraid you’d get the wrong idea.”

“You’re right, I would have. Until I got smacked in the face with my priggishness. Then I could see it. You did that too, in building this studio. When Lily started talking about developing alternative income streams and I realized we would have to let other people use it, I understood that it was going to be for porn. I nearly fainted and that should never have happened. I should never have felt that way. When you went out and Lily and I were alone, I let her talk me into taking those pictures, and I felt like for the first time, I was free to do as I pleased. And I did.”

“Free? Free from me?”

“No, free from all the restrictions I had put on me. I never realized how much I wanted to kiss a woman. To touch her, to have her touch me. I wanted to in high school, but I never did. I wanted to do more, but was too priggish to even be in the showers with other girls. We were an ideal fit, you and me, we were as bad as each other. Since we got married, when was the first time we made love outside of home, outside of our bedroom?”

I thought about it a bit and realized she was right, two days ago, right here. “And being with Lily made you understand that?”

“In part,” Amy said, “Having oral sex with Sally in the bathroom the other day drove it home. That was what I wanted.”

“A lesbian relationship?”

“Not just, but to have sex where and when I wanted, to fuck whom I chose, as long as you’re near, or videoing it or joining in. I want to do a threesome, I want to fuck another guy, but only in front of a camera. I want to watch you fucking another woman, another guy if you want. I want to learn to video things, to use a camera, to write and to direct. To be on both sides of the camera – but only if you’re there too.”

Here was I, thinking I was in control of my world, what a fucking joke! This was too much, I was losing it again. I shook myself up and grabbed at whatever threads of reality I could reach. What was I doing here? Making a lesbian porn movie with my wife as the main attraction. Okay, let’s go with that first. Get a grip, and not of my dick, on the camera, and let’s do it. Then sort out the mess after.

“Okay, okay, take a deep breath everyone,” I said, then did, “Let it out slowly.” I did and went on with, “You all good to go?” I asked everyone. Ted nodded, Lily said yes and Amy smiled, “Yes, dear.” “Unless there are any more shocks and revelations someone would like to make?” I left the question open. “Okay, let’s get into positions, get the cameras rolling, and make chapter two of ‘Wayne’s World in Deep Shock!'”

Amy laughed her lilting laugh, Lily a quiet chuckle, Ted couldn’t stop smiling and the tension that had been there moments ago lifted. “Amy, if I remember rightly, you were in that corner of the sofa with Lily hugging and kissing you after making you cum. For this next part, I think I would like you on your back and Lily sitting on your face.” They both nodded, “Moving from that hugging into the face sitting, Lily?” She nodded, “Ted, can you get a shot from behind of Lily lowering herself onto Amy’s mouth, then sweep around to the front.” Amy and Lily got into position holding each other.

“Yeah, I can do that. I’ll come in around the back of the sofa and lower the camera until it’s resting on Amy’s stomach. You set your shot up, and we can edit my camera out.”

“Okay, I thought of coming the other way, but the coffee table is in the way, good idea,” I said, “Lily, you’re going to have to lean forward so Ted can get a shot of Amy’s tongue touching you for the first time, so pucker up. I think I would like to see if I can get a shot of Amy’s pussy, her chin, her tongue going into Lily as she is licking Lily’s clit. So Amy-.”

“On my back, legs spread for the camera? Got it,” she laughed, “Yeah, that’s a shot I would like to see!”

“So would I,” Lily commented, kissing Amy.

“Okay, everyone, ready, camera’s rolling, Ted?”

“Yep!” He was still in the front, but could move into position as Lily and Amy moved.

“Action!” I called. Lily and Amy were kissing, touching each other. Lily lifted a bit and said, “Lie down, I want to sit on your face!” Lily stood and Amy squirmed into a position, flat on her back, her legs spread. I moved the camera down between her legs getting a good shot of her pussy, but had to lift it out the way when I realized Ted could see me in his frame. “Sorry, cut!” I said. “The shot’s doable, but I got a bit anxious, came in too early. Back to the start please.”

Amy and Lily got back into their starting position, Ted moved back where he started, then “Action!” I called. Lily moved and Amy again shimmied onto her back, Ted got his rear shot and moved around to get his close up, I framed Lily’s pussy, blocking Ted’s camera then as he lowered the camera over the backrest of the sofa, I got my camera into position, between Amy’s legs, a great view, and a slight lifting shot of Amy’s tits spread out her nipples on either side of the frame, standing up, her tongue sliding up and down Lily’s pussy.

I could feel my dick getting hard, but I had to ignore it. Amy’s pussy was open now, her inner labia lips began protruding, pushing her outer lips out of the way. I could see her clit swelling extending beyond her clit hood. the thin line of pubic hair was not obscuring vision of her chin and tongue under Lily’s snatch. Fuck, this was seriously sexy I though as I watched juices forming, glistening over Amy’s vulva. I really wanted to reach out and touch her, to put a finger or two inside her, or my tongue, or my dick. I’d never thought of her like this before. She was a sexy woman, a sexual being, not just a pretty icon to put on a pedestal, but a beautiful woman who deserves all the love I can give her.

I pulled back and lifted the camera over Amy’s engorged pussy getting closer to her jaw, filling the frame with her chin and tongue. Ted was getting closeups of Lily’s face and tits as she squeezed her nipples. I pulled the camera back a bit and Lily started pumping Amy’s mouth, moaning her excitement, I got out of any possible frame that Ted could make from his position. I took a longer shot, but made sure Ted couldn’t be seen. Lighting was set to make sure no shadow could be cast onto the sofa, so shadows were not an issue. Lily and Ted helped me set that up. It was fucking brilliant, I thought.

Lily’s moans grew stronger and more insistent, then she squealed her orgasm. Amy grabbed Lily’s hips pulling Lily down onto her mouth. I could see a lot of chin and throat movement, but no tongue. I don’t think that mattered at all. It didn’t detract from my shot. I think it would be difficult to get anything better when someone is tongue fucking a woman through her orgasm. Lily rubbed her clit on Amy’s mouth, her orgasm flowing through her body.

After it subsided a bit, Lily lifted off Amy and moving backwards to the end of the sofa, she bent down and kissed Amy’s cum covered lips. “That was very nice, Amy,” and kissed her again. I waited until the kiss broke then said “Cut!” Lily looked up and I smiled at her, “Fucking brilliant, Amy, Lily. I’m gunna get a hard on for ages looking at that.”

“I can see that, Wayne,” Lily said, looking right at my long, hard dick.

“Poor boy,” Amy said, “Come here and I’ll give it a kiss.” I couldn’t get there quick enough as Amy sat up, spread her knees and, taking hold of my hips, pulled me close and took my dick into her mouth. I have always loved her sucking me, but in the last few days, it has gotten so much better. I love how her technique has improved so much.

“Ooooh better stop there,” I said, “We don’t want you to be covered in cum for the bed scene.”

Lily held out a bottle of water for Amy, “I think we can leave the cream pie scene for another day, Amy,” she said, so matter-of-factly.

Amy took my cock out of her mouth and stroked it, “Keep that thought big boy, I have a use for this after we’re done here.”

Ted had connected connected the camera to the monitor and began a quick replay. The raw footage looked really good, he is actually a good cameraman, got good angles, well-framed shots, clear and crisp images. We had a look at what I took and the long shot of Amy’s pussy, her chin and tongue action was good in part, but not in others, Ted said he could edit it to make it look like a continuous shot.

“I want you on the bed,” Amy said to Lily, “A sixty-niner.” Amy was touching Lily’s breast.

Lily’s hand went down onto Amy’s pussy, caressing her clit, “Yes, that is going to be so nice.” It was clear they were not going to delay any longer.

I had Amy go and lie on the sofa as she had been, with Lily bending over and kissing her. “Action!” I called, Lily stood back up, helped Amy to her feet, saying, “Bed, now!” Together, hand in hand, they walked past the camera, moving out of frame.

Ted and I set the next shots up of them coming through the door, then onto the bed. They hugged and kissed, gently stroked each other’s pussy. Amy pushed Lily onto her back and, crawling over Lily’s head, Amy kissed Lily’s lips, crawling along Lily’s torso, kissing her on the way. They were able to suckle on each other’s breasts at the same time, a really intimate and sexy shot. Amy crawled a little further, kissing and nibbling on Lily’s torso, with Lily audibly gasping at every nibble. Amy made it to her destination, dipping her head down, flicking her hair out of the way of the camera’s view. Ted had the other end, as Lily was able to tongue Amy’s vulva, Amy could lick Lily’s clit, then lap her labia. Lily moved her legs, opening them, raising her knee so I had an excellent view of Amy’s tongue wiping over Lily’s cunt.

They kept this up for a while and at some point, Amy forgot completely about the camera and just sucked on Lily’s vulva, hiding it and her tongue action. Again, they were no longer making a movie but genuinely fucking. I had never thought of Amy like this before, not even considered she would ever do anything like this. I have to say here that for some reason I was seriously questioning what I was doing, videoing my wife while she was fucking another woman. I thought my hands were shaking, I know I lost focus at one point and had to stop myself, step outside of me and keep my mind on what I was doing.

I wanted this! I thought about this! I knew at that moment that I was planning this, or something like it, from the first day I met Amy. I was so taken by her she was my obsession but I was too fucking cowardly, too priggish, to reveal it to myself! It was one of those blinding revelations we have when we understand something we had never admitted to ourselves before. I had said to Amy once that I would do anything she asked of me and I knew I would. If she had asked me to suck on Ted’s dick, I would have, but just for her. Then I thought, no, that’s an excuse, I would suck on Ted’s dick just to try it. Maybe I would.

Amy was slurping at Lily, moaning her own excitement. As she moaned, I felt the excitement rising in me again. I wanted to stop shooting video and start pulling my dick! I wanted to shoot my cum all over Amy while she was licking Lily’s pussy! My cock was so fucking hard, I could barely hold myself still. Keep it together! I told myself. I kept videoing but had no idea of whether I was doing it right, I didn’t care! I heard Amy’s moans, her slurps, her yums, her oooohhhs and aaahhhs. I could hear her breath coming even more rapidly, her body tensing, but she didn’t stop eating Lily’s cunt! Amy burst into sound and motion, bucking as another orgasm swept over her.

Watching her cum, I knew that I had let Lily talk me into fucking Sally that first day. I wanted to, the moment I saw her, but I had not acknowledged that, I didn’t want to accept that I was like that; that I wanted to fuck other women. I knew I wanted to fuck Lily, and Sally and Aneek and all the other women that had answered my ad, all those I interviewed and took shots of, with Lily present. I hadn’t fucked any of them, yet, but I was going to, with or without Amy, with or without Lily or Ted filming.

I really like being in the porn industry.
