Getting Blowjob Lessons From My BF (M19) While My (F18) Parents Are Away

Hi! Holly here.Thanks so much for all your sweet comments on my last story and Gwenny’s. This next one takes place a few weeks after my first time with Josh… (Fake names cause duh!)

I don’t know if this is typical for all families but my parents would usually take one week in the summer and go on a vacation, just the two of them. We’d go on vacations all together as well, but for this one I’d always be left at home. As I got older they’d start leaving me alone instead of with a babysitter (I’m an only child) or with my aunt and uncle so they didn’t think much about leaving me alone in the house this year. Like I mentioned in my last story, I came from a pretty religious family so they trusted me as long as I was their good christian daughter… They didn’t know what I had done at bible camp and I didn’t plan on telling them.

I’d told them about Josh and that we were seeing each other but as far as they knew I was still a virgin and was going to keep it that way. A week before they’d left we’d had a family dinner where they basically interrogated poor Josh. Like not just about our relationship. My dad fully quizzed poor Joshy on everything including asking him questions about his faith. Looking back I’m surprised they believed we weren’t doing anything. So they let me stay in the house by myself and made me promise not to have Josh over. They said they’d be calling to check up on me to make sure.

And that was probably a bad move on their part because as soon as they left Josh showed up with an overnight bag to stay for the whole week.

I’d lost my virginity to Josh a few weeks back and we hadn’t done much since. Josh was staying with family over the Summer and wouldn’t be back in dorms until school started up in the fall. I was staying with my parents. We didn’t have a lot of places to go to fool around so we were excited to finally have a space where we could be all over each other again. We’d gotten a lot closer the weeks after camp and got to go on dates and stuff which was really nice but it definitely felt like something was missing.

I was so excited once we finally had the house to ourselves. As soon as the coast was clear we were all over each other.

Pretty soon Josh’s hands were down my shorts while he hand me pinned against the wall. His fingers were slipping in and out of me so easily it felt amazing but I wanted to make him feel good too. Getting his cock free I started running my hand up and down it slowly. My legs felt like they were about to buckle so I followed their lead and dropped down to my knees in front of him.

I’ll be the first to admit that since almost all of my firsts were with Josh, there were a few things I wasn’t great at on my first try. Which is lame cause I can be kind of a perfectionist. Blow jobs were no exception.

Slowly taking him to my mouth I felt him shudder. I tried remembering all the advice I’d heard between friends, at sleepovers and locker rooms. Just gossip really but hopefully some good advice? I could feel his muscles shifting under my hands as I eased them up to his thighs, trying to look at him, breathe through my nose, and bob my head on his cock all at the same time. I sucked him for a few minutes, using his whimpers as my cues before he pulled himself out of my mouth, turned me around and started fucking me against the wall.

It was a blast! But I now really wanted to master my technique… I wanted him to be a mess when I was done… not just move on to the next thing if it took too long!

A few hours passed and Joshy and I decided to order pizza and just relax and watch some movies. Half way in I got bored. I realized this was the perfect opportunity to practice my blow job skills so I pushed the blanket off Josh’s lap and got to work. He jumped a little at the surprise but he didn’t seem to mind, sliding his hand into my hair and lightly pushing it down every time I came up. His soft moans were motivating me and my technique must have improved because shortly after he came a ton in my mouth. I gulped it down quickly, worried I might choke on it. It was terrifying yet exciting all at the same time!

The next few days were crazy fun. Having sex with Josh whenever and where ever was a big thing I didn’t know how much I’d wanted!

In between we just did regular stuff, cuddled, cooked, just enjoyed each other’s companies all week. Meanwhile I’d try and get in some practice on blowing Josh whenever I could. We’d been washing dishes in the kitchen after dinner when I decided to go for another round of practice.

I was doing my best to get him as far into my mouth as possible, something I’d found really hard to do without triggering my gag reflex. I was so pumped because this time I’d gotten him farther down than I ever had! His moans sounded amazing. He was so loud and I could tell he was getting close. His eyes were closed, his head was hanging back and I could feel his legs twitching. I was so proud of myself!

And then the phone started ringing.

I couldn’t just leave Joshy on the edge like this! I had a job to do…but I couldn’t just let the phone keep ringing! My parents would know something was up. So I went for it. I kept going, giving it my all, until Josh was at the back of my throat. He came a few seconds later..completely exploded in my mouth. I did my best to clean him up and ran for the landline, picking it up right before it switched to the answering machine.

Still swallowing left over cum I lied that I’d been in the shower and hadn’t heard the phone right away. My mom didn’t sound pleased but she believed me. Asking me how I’d been, if everything was okay, what I’d done all week. They were due back in two days so I guess this was her way of figuring out if I’d snuck Josh over. I think I put on a pretty convincing show because she said goodbye a few minutes later and everything seemed fine, minus the cum running down my chin.

Picking back up where we left off Josh surprisingly had enough energy to eat me out on the kitchen floor.

Joshy went home the next day after what I considered a perfect blowjob/send off…and we ended up having to sneak around for the rest of the Summer. We continued to experiment so there were plenty of firsts for me after that if you’d like to read about them.


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