The stranger

The hotel bar is dimly lit, with walnut stained paneling extending from floor to ceiling, the bar running the length of the room. It’s busy, and there isn’t much room, but I had a shit day and desperately need a drink to settle my nerves before I meet this date. so I squeeze in between two men to order, the one on my left has his back to me, the one on my right I notice is gorgeous.

Dark tossled curls, hazel eyes, and nursing a tumbler of amber liquid. My thigh brushes his as I place my order, and although I try not to stare, I bravely take another peek. Our eyes lock and the intensity in them makes my panties instantly dampen as I inhale a quick breathe. Completely mesmerized I cannot seem to look away, even as the bartender tries to hand me my drink and card. I finally manage to break his hold as I distractedly sign and return my card to my tiny purse.

How can I be that turned on by someone you don’t know ? I slam my double of woodford and hesitantly look over my shoulder, to see eyes a blend of moss and whiskey staring into my soul, or so it seems. I have a sudden and nearly uncontrollable urge to submit and kneel, which shakes me to my core, this is a stranger what is wrong with you? My internal monologue demands. My mind might be fighting it, but my body knows exactly what it wants as I involuntarily turn myself to face him, my arm and thigh brushing the side of his body again.

When I’m finished i am so close his exhale ruffles the curls framing my face. Without breaking eye contact he finishes his drink, raises a brow at me, as if daring me to disagree, and lightly trails his fingers inside my wrist and up my arm. When they reach my upper arm the back of his hand brushes my nipple I know he can feel how hard it is. A faint smile forms, and he removes his touch from my person. He turns fully towards the bar, pays his tab and stands.

He goes to put on his coat, then
hesitates…..turns towards me, and grabs my hand. He doesn’t speak, simply looks at me, an unspoken question there………. I nod my consent and we walk toward the elevators without having ever spoken.

Feb 24, 2020

