Walking In On My Cheating Older Cousin. [F/F][Lesbian][Cheating][Jealousy]

Hi! This is a non-fiction story that occurred a few months back. This is my first time doing something like that that’s not penpal related so I hope I’m doing this alright. For reference my name is Christina, I’m 20 years old and my older cousin, Danielle, is 24 years old. I hope you like the story and admittedly I’m getting a thrill out of sharing it!


Looking back on my time growing up I’ve realized I’ve always had a bit of a crush on my cousin Danielle. I liked her a little more than a little cousin should. This doesn’t mean anything perverse, not until recent memory at least. It just meant that I liked hanging out with her. I liked spending time with her. I liked doing girly things with her especially since she was older. I looked up to her as a role model and I always found her to be really pretty. In fact when I was younger I wanted to have green eyes instead of brown just because her eyes are green. I have brown hair and nearly dyed it blonde several times. Sub-consciously I think that’s because of Danielle’s dirty blonde hair. I distinctly remember offering to give pedicures and help with homework(hilarious given the age difference) just because I was desperate to hang out with her at times..

When I became a teenager we talked about sex, boys and other things girls go through growing up. I wouldn’t say we were as close as sisters but our relationship was sisterly in a lot of ways(including having the occasional fight.) I have a brother and Danielle is an only child so I imagine this helped us get relatively close being the only two younger girls in the family. This is around the time I first learned she liked girls. “A lot more than boys” I recall her saying with a smile one day we were alone together. To be honest with you I got and I still get butterflies in my stomach thinking she’s gay. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being gay but sub-consciously, deep down inside me I still think of it as being wrong. I think it’s wrong of me to have any sexual attraction to girls, I think it’s wrong for any girl to like a girl and the same for guys. Let me stress I don’t have a problem with homosexuality. It’s just something that’s rooted deep down inside me and it’s a feeling I can’t shake away. There’s what my brain consciously thinks and there’s my sub-concious which I can’t control.

After coming out to me(I was the first first family member to learn) Danielle had no problem having her girlfriend hang out with us. Outside of one long term relationship she had a lot of different girlfriends throughout the years though. Some I liked, some were different and some were annoying. I can think of 8 different girls over the year she was in an official relationship including her present girlfriend Jackie. Physically, they were all kind of different than each other with the exception being they were all shorter than Danielle. Danielle is only 5’4 which isn’t really short but I’ve always thought somebody would be her height or a little more. In contrast I’m 5’1 and it’s the sort of thing she’s teased me about lightly.

Why is height important? I find it interesting because last summer we were having a socially distanced beach day and she acknowledged being Dominant in bed. I made a joke saying something along the lines of “Ha, is that why Jackie and every other girlfriend is smaller than you?” just teasing around and she just smirked responding “Mmhmm, it’s easier to take control then.” I wanted to believe she was just kidding around but her tone was dead serious. Inevitably we kept talking, I acted like I wasn’t interested in the subject but really was and she shared some more secrets. Notably that she enjoys sitting on a partners face, expects girlfriends to please her feet and that she’s had hook ups where the sex was completely one-sided in her favor. I obviously didn’t admit it given we’re cousins but I thought her revelations were so, *so* hot to hear. I don’t consider myself submissive but the things she said invoked strong submissive emotions from me.

Fast forward to just a few months ago. Danielle and I were at a house party with some of her friends. It was warm outside, there was alcohol and a few cute boys around too. Notably Danielle’s girlfriend Jackie wasn’t there which I thought was strange. I would never let a boyfriend of mine go to a house party alone but maybe I’m just a jealous bitch. We drank a bit, played some cornhole and kind of split up. Danielle was talking to some girl a lot and I spent a lot of time with one of her friends. After a few games of cornhole which her friend and I lost every single match of we went inside again looking for her. We were getting kind of bored, tipsy and weren’t feeling the guys there. What we walked into was quite the surprise.

Next to the bathroom was a bedroom with the door open. My cousin Danielle was leaning against a wall making out with the chick she was talking with a lot. I can only think they felt comfortable because most people were outside. This was quite the shocker given she’s in a relationship and they were really making out. I’ve seen Danielle kiss girls in the past but I’ve never seen her french kiss a girl. They were really, *really* kissing each other and Danielle was groping the girls ass quite obviously. They only stopped after I whined “Oh my God” in surprise and looked over to the doorway annoyed.

Danielle didn’t act ashamed at all which is what surprised me more than anything. She said “Don’t you two have a game to play?”, made a motion with her hands to shoo away and then locked the door. She didn’t step out for nearly an hour and when she did both girls we’re kind of sweaty. They obviously had sex and I learned that my cousin who I practically idolized is a cheater.

Even though I know cheating is really, really wrong I didn’t even care. I acted like I did but I didn’t. I thought it was really hot especially because she was so unashamed about it and it’s caused me to realize I have a legitimate attraction to my cheating cousin. In particular I’m really curious what happened behind that closed door. Did Danielle sit on her face or expect her feet to be played with? I wouldn’t expect either from a casual hook up but Danielle is different and I can’t help but be extremely curious after sharing with me her Dominant tendencies. I wouldn’t admit to this either but I hope Danielle got what she wanted that night.

The car ride back was awkward. Her friend drove, Danielle was in the front, I was in the back and could clearly smell the scent of deodorant on her that was overriden earlier in the day by perfume. I can only imagine that she put more on to cover up the smell of sex. Despite the awkward mood between everybody we got to talking away, made some jokes and Danielle said something along the lines of “Jackie will never find out about tonight, right?” while giving each of us a smirk. Her friend put her hands up and said “it’s not my business” not wanting to offend Danielle. In contrast I could only blush and eventually said “your secret is safe with me”. She smiled and said “Hm, maybe you’ll be my favorite cousin after all” which is funny given I know I’m her favorite and she’s mine.

This was a few months ago and there’s been nothing eventful since then except some things that have transpired in my mind. She’s still with Jackie, I’ve never said anything to Jackie and to my knowledge Jackie doesn’t know. I can’t help but wonder if Danielle has cheated on other girlfriends before. She was so unashamed and confident in that bedroom I can’t help but feel it’s not the only time she’s cheated on a partner..

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/mqew1s/walking_in_on_my_cheating_older_cousin