The Passions (dub-con)

The Passions – reupload with a few edits. Please enjoy. Inspiration for this story came from Rikku School story.

It was senior year when this happened. Seems so long ago now..

Me and Melanie were alter girls for church on Sundays. Mel was beautiful, 19 and fit, and the whole world would be on its knees for her if she wanted it. For now, Mel was pissed she was missing out on her weekend as we went through practice that Saturday evening after dinner. We were in mid October and the church was chilly. The shadows came down hard inside the building once the sun started going down around 5 pm. We walked up the aisle for what seemed like the millionth time – our arms straining under the weight of the huge bronze crosses we had to carry.

“No, no, no!” Came Father Brady’s voice, “don’t let it droop Melanie! Like this!”

He took her cross from her and held it up high as he walked towards the alter. Melanie rolled her eyes at his back and put her hands on her hips.

“I fucking hate this guy”, she whispered.

It was true, Father Brady was being extra heinous tonight. He was always kind of a douche, but tonight he really had it in for Mel. Tbh, I don’t blame him. Mel can be a real handful. She’s loud, she’s crude, and she doesn’t give two shits about church. Throughout the years she’s gotten herself extra prayers, a few lashes of the cane, and cleaning detail around the church. As she whispered to me just then I looked away, afraid I would catch any discipline she had coming her way.

And I was right to worry, Father Brady heard her and spun around on the plush red carpeted aisle.

“What did you say young lady?” Father Brady asked, his voice a soft poison.

“Nothing sir.” Mel said, defiantly jutting her chin out, “I didn’t say anything”.

Father Brady’s eyes narrowed and he looked like he was ready to devour her whole. “My. Office. NOW.” He said through clenched teeth. “Clean up this mess and go home Miss Sanders!” He yelled without turning around.

He stormed toward the room behind the alter, and after a pained sigh Mel trailed behind him.

“Pray for me”, she said sarcastically as she trotted after the old priest, and turning to wink at me she added “Miss Sanders.” Her skirts fluttered deviously about her skin as she trailed after the angry priest.

He wasn’t that old.. I think. He must have been in his mid 40 maybe early 50s. His hair was still a golden yellow, but there were a few grays in it. In those days, when were were 18, that was old. Looking back on it now, I realize he wasn’t that bad at all. He definitely took care of himself. He had a strong jaw and nice cheekbones, but any defining features were hidden under the robes he perpetually wore. Even when the other priests of the district wore those smart black dress pants with a black button up shirt, Fr. Brady always work his robes.

I took the bronze cross I was carrying up to the altar to put in the storage room, and turned back to get Mel’s. There was no way we were going to finish tonight – Mel’s penance would be everlasting at this point. She had gotten into the most trouble this last year of high school. Just last week Sister Constance had stopped her in the hallway so she could measure her skirt. Mel had been taking in it every morning during 1st period, and someone had finally noticed. She got 10 lashes for that. She lifted her skirt briefly in the hallway to show our friend group. All the girls giggled at her bravado.

“Old bat’s losing her nerve,” she laughed, proudly displaying her red welts. Boys in the hall stopped to gawk. “Barely broke the skin!” Mel laughed, dropping her skirt and skipping off to 4th period.

All the boys loved Mel. She was spunky, and pretty, and she was nice. She might have joked around a lot, but she had a good heart. And her figure was the source of envy for all the girls in school. She played varsity volleyball and cheerleading. She said she hated it, but she was very good. Then again, she said she hated most things in our ‘bumfuck town’.

As I walked to get Mel’s cross from the aisle where Fr. Brady left it, I could hear a screaming match brewing from his office door. I picked up the heavy icon and made my way back to the storage room. As I placed the cross in the cupboard I noticed that Fr. Brady’s office door was open a smidge, and beyond that I could see their shadows dancing on the door of his private rooms. That’s weird, I thought to myself, why would they be that far in. The office was almost pitch black with just a tiny window near the ceiling letting in light off the street. I creeped in as quietly as I could and went to spy on them through Fr. Brady’s door.

Fr. Brady was giving Mel a stern talking to, but Mel had her hands on her hips and was visibly growing more bored by the second.

“You need to realize that your soul,” he was saying to her, “your very immortal being-“

Fr. Brady stop and roughly grabbed her wrists.

“WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU MELANIE BRIDGES?” He yelled at her, “I can’t help you if you won’t help yourself!”

“Maybe I don’t want your fucking help!” She screamed back.

She had gone to far this time. Instinctively I winced as I realized how dire she just made the situation by screaming at Fr. Brady.

He dropped her wrists. Both their bodies were heaving from the effort of breathing.

“Turn around,” he said, his voice soft and menacing again.

Mel’s eyes widened. Fr. Brady was notoriously brutal when it came to the cane. And with Mel, he was guaranteed to be at his peak of cruelty. Mel whimpered as she turned to face his desk. It felt wrong watching this, but I couldn’t pull myself away. There was something electrical or magnetic in the air that seemed to hold me to that little crack in the door where I could see my best friend and our priest. Mel had her back to him now, and he wasted no time roughly pushing her body onto the desk. It must have hurt because Mel whimpered again.

“You need to learn Miss Bridges,” he said, “the lord and his servants are not to be disobeyed.”

I could hear her breath coming in quicker, her palms were curled up, and her back was heaving still with her quick breathing. Then Fr. Brady did something I never saw any of our elders do. He lifted her skirt to reveal her buttocks. He then grabbed the side straps of her underwear and pulled them down to her ankles. Mel inhaled sharply and inched away from his hands. Her ass was perfect, as always, round and soft. The little peach fuzz of her skin caught the light and made it look like one of those golden halos around the Virgin Mary’s head. Fr. Brady grabbed what looked like a riding whip and lined it up to her ass.

“Ten lashes Miss Bridges,” he said, “count them.”

He brought his hand back and then swung the whip into her soft flesh. The whip whistled as it went through the air. The round globes of her ass jiggled and her body inched up the table as she went on tip toes.

“Count!” Fr. Brady demanded.

“One!” Mel moaned. I could hear the pain in her voice. She would be crying soon.

Fr. Brady lined up the whip again and then pulled it back. His face was animated in a way I’d never seen before. He seemed to enjoy it. It was just about punishment. He brought the whip down on her ass again and she called out hysterically “two!”

He did it over and over again. Mel’s sobs echoed in the small room. At number ten, Fr. Brady was obviously overtaxed – his hair was flying everywhere, his breathing was ragged and shallow, and I could see his face sweating. He put the whip down and started to pull his robes off. His athletic body finally revealed. I couldn’t help getting a little excited looking at how the muscles in his arms moved in his t-shirt. He set the robe down and without thought he steadied himself by placing his hand on Mel’s red asscheek. Mel whimpered loudly. He came to his senses and pulled his hand back, but something had changed. He picked up the whip, but he didn’t pull it back to strike again. Instead, he rested the whip on the small of her back and wedged a foot between hers.

“Spread your legs Miss Bridges,” he commanded.

“What?” Mel croaked incredulously between sobs.

“Spread them!” He said, his voice deep and threatening.

Mel sobbed loudly as she spread her shapely thighs apart. Her ass and thighs jiggled with the effort.

“Be quiet.” Fr. Brady hissed.

She squeaked a little as she stifled another sob. Fr. Brady ran the whip down her ass. He traced the curves lightly and I saw goosebumps starting to form. Finally, he dipped the whip down lower, past her ass and onto her most delicate and secret area. Mel’s wide eyes were facing the door and she looked beyond frightened, but I was concealed in the shadow of the office so she didn’t see me. Fr. Brady continued the assault and I could see the huge bulge of his priestly cock in his pants when dropped the whip and placed his hands on her labia. He rubbed in a circular motion and his breathing got louder. Mel let out stifled sobs that were barely audible.

I had to look away – I had to call someone – this wasn’t right. I thought about running to the pay phone down the street at the gas station, and even started creeping back towards the main part of the church when I heard Mel’s pained moans. My heart stopped, I turned back towards the doorway, and made my way back. When I reached the door Mel was still moaning, but now I wasn’t so sure it was pain. I peaked inside again.

Fr. Brady had his hand on her labia still, but he was rubbing furious circles on her clitoris – that much was evident. Mel’s eyes were squeezed shut and she let out another breathy moan.

“You like that, don’t you Melanie?” Fr. Brady asked.

Mel opened her eyes and her mouth fell open as he pulled his fingers back. She moaned in disappointment.

“Answer me Melanie, and I’ll keep going.” Fr. Brady said.

Mel’s voice cracked as she tried to speak, and so she just choked out, “mm.”

Fr. Brady ran his finger over her now sopping sex again, and gently parted the lips of her labia. The sensation must have rocketed up her body because she shuddered hard. He chuckled knowingly and ran his pointer and middle finger lasciviously up and down from her throbbing clit to her aching hole.

“Tell me.” He whispered, and he traced lazy circles around her opening.

Mel moaned again, and looked as if she was fighting a losing battle against her better judgement and her growing need. Her body shivered as he gently put pressure on her hole with his finger. Not enough to penetrate, but just enough to tease. He repeated the motion a few times. There was a squelching noise on the last round. He moaned and pushed the first digit of his middle finger in.

“Yes…” she whispered, moaning into the well-lit bedroom of our parish priest.

“Say it again,” he commanded between his own heavy breathing, “louder.”

He paused at her opening, pulling his fingers out, and gently vibrating them around her hole.

“Say it Melanie.” He whispered, deadly silence filled the room.

Mel screwed her eyes up and let out a wanton sigh. “Fuck me.. please fuck me, fuck me, fill me please.” She moaned as he penetrated her again with his fat middle finger. His breathing picked up again as well, and pushed his index finger in on the next thrust. I could see his cock straining at his pants zipper. I swore I saw it throb as he penetrated her entirely with his meaty digits. Mel moaned louder than ever when she was finally fully impaled on his thick fingers.

“So.. fucking.. tight…” he breathed, as he pulled his hand back and then thrust into her again.

Mel was moaning still and her hips were bucking back into his palm with every thrust of his hand. Her soft flesh was being stretched with just those two fingers. Her practically virginal pussy struggling to accommodate the girth of them. Her juices ran down his hand – thick and shimmering in the light of the lamp overhead.

We all knew Mel wasn’t a virgin. She had lost her virginity the summer after junior year when she turned 18. It was after the last football match of the season. Mel’s older brother, Cameron, played defense for the high school team. After the game all the guys, and our friend group from junior year, went back to Mel and Cam’s place to celebrate. Their parents were out for the weekend on purpose, but they made Cam promise he would keep an eye on Mel. He agreed of course. What high school jock wouldn’t? Empty house and daddy’s liquor cabinet – it’s a no brainer.

The evening went on and on and eventually we, the juniors, all retreated to Mel’s room at the back of the house. None of us were tired. We spent the next few hours talking and giggling about the boys in the front room. They were all so dreamy. Around midnight, we heard someone banging down the hallway loudly. The stomps of his feet caused us to go silent. “Stay here”, Mel said getting up and going out into the hallway.

We didn’t know it at the time, but Mel and Chris Judd were meeting clandestinely at matches to make out under the bleachers. All the girls huddled by Mel’s bedroom door to hear what was going on in the hallway. We heard Chris’s deep grunts as he talked, and Mel’s soft purring voice answering him. It wasn’t long before we heard them move to the empty bedroom across the hall. The door was shut and the lock clicked in place. The other girls booed in disappointment but I snuck out of the room to see what was going on. I guess I had good timing for when Mel was about to get some. I was a horny teenager. I wanted her good looks, ease of taking, and obvious attraction for the opposite sex.

I could just about make out two dark forms moving in the room through the keyhole. Mel’s voice came through the gloom, quietly. “I don’t know about this Chris.. won’t we get in trouble?” She asked. I heard the snap of a clasp, and saw something soft and light fall to the ground. “It’s okay baby,” Chris cooed, “no one but us has to know, and you know I love you.” Mel giggled and then went silent. I heard the sloppy noise of a drunken teenager kissing an my best friend. Not long after the bed groaned under their weight and I heard Mel’s panicked voice again. Chris reassured her and for a minute there was no sound. Then I heard Mel’s pained intake of breath, she whimpered loudly and said it hurt too much. I heard a slap, and Mel’s voice died down. She later told me that Chris had covered her mouth throughout with his hand. Even as she started crying he mercilessly thrusted into her. It felt like he was tearing her in two, his senior cock was massive in her virgin hole. “I swear my hymen broke twice that night”, she said later, “my parents bed looked like a crime scene”. Chris had pulled out before he came and given her a facial. Thick, pearly ropes painted her face. Her tears were still flowing but she was silent now.

Back in the present, Fr. Brady was turning Mel around and guiding her hand to his zipper. I couldn’t watch… but I couldn’t tear myself away. My panties were soaked just imagining his hard manhood penetrating my own virgin pussy. My jealously and love for Mel was intertwined as I lived vicariously through her in this moment… tbc…
