***Perfect Bliss***
“Orgasm analysis complete, General. Harvesting in T-minus 3…2…1.”
“Excellent work Lieutenant. How’s our progress on Alpha group?”
“Threshers have been bonded to all but one host. Harvesting should commence by 18:00 tomorrow evening, General, if not earlier, depending on how soon we break Alpha-1.”
“Alert me as soon as it happens. That’s gonna be a real show.”
“Assuredly, General. Any moment now…”
*I felt my pussy fill with the thick stalk of the tentacle as I slowly regained consciousness once more. The bulbous tip prodded and poked around my insides until I was completely full, and it rearranged its mass to fill me to bursting, pulsating and vibrating against my muscles. How long had I been here? It felt like forever ago when they’d tasked my elite squad of female soldiers for what I thought would be another war, but instead of combat, we’d signed our bodies up to be experimented on…used to win the war. They’d discovered that human energy could be harnessed by one of our xeno-allies, and all it took was extracting concentrated pleasure…*
*As the first tentacle began to penetrate me in a steady rhythm, I felt a second begin to caress my asscheek, dipping its tip in and out of my asshole as it spread the orifice for insertion. My body shuddered in involuntary pleasure as both my cunt and my ass filled with alien matter and slime, lubricating my holes even more. The tentacles kept me upright as I bounced on them, enthralled by the pressure against my cervix and g-spot they swelled under me as my body swelled against them in turn.*
*A few subtle beeps in the background and my I.V. began to pump a fluid in my veins that I could only imagine was some sort of libido enhancer. Fight it as best I could, the more I came, the less I cared I was deriving sexual pleasure from this, this creature. My clit began to tingle intensely as the substance coursed through me, allowing me to feel every minute friction of the creature’s flesh as my own engorged.*
*Somewhere a voice in my head reminded me that my contribution, my sacrifice would help us win the war. All of our sacrifices. Before, the room had been filled with my fellow soldiers, naked women strung up, attached to cords and constantly being filled with alien matter. The walls had echoed with their moans as multiple women came at once, pleasured by a single organism.*
*Through a double-sided mirror, my superiors watched us as we watched ourselves, awash with lust and too drugged to care. Doubtless, anytime the officers were no longer present our guards masturbated to the sight of our naked flesh, pulsing and convulsing in ecstatic bliss. How could they not get intensely aroused watching us? So much they came multiple times in a day, ejaculating such quantities as to no longer be willing or able to please their wives as home.*
*Just that thought made me reverberate with desire. Whatever they had injected us with made us feel so powerful, so utterly needed. Pure sexual energy. The creature could feel my arousal heightening, as it was inherently able to connect with my emotions. It was what made this species so powerful and so symbiotic with humanity. Our key to winning the war.*
*Another spasm went through me as my pussy and ass tightened around the swelling rods inside me. I felt so warm and wet….so wet. Strings of slime and pussy juice dripped between my legs down to my feet. I couldn’t hold back much longer. As the creature sensed my impending orgasm, another tentacle slithered around me, wrapping itself around my neck as it slid the tip down my throat. The choking sensation forced my body to finish what it started, and right on cue another wave of drugs rushed into my body as I released an intense orgasm, squirting all over the creature and spilling onto the floor beneath me.*
*My mind went black as the creature clutched my body, applying pressure to calm my nervous system. Everything was a haze…but it felt so good. I just wanted to stay this way forever, the perfect bliss of orgasmic high crashing through my body.*
“Ensign, alert the General. Subject Alpha-1 is now ready for processing.”
*Perfect bliss…*
Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/mo7l5s/perfect_bliss_tentaclesfdubcon