Solving Problems I walked in to Pt 3 [FF][MF]

I was really excited about the new day. I was going to fuck my wife, Amy, in our purpose built studio with my assistant cameraperson, Lily, directing and videoing it all. Later, Lily and Amy were going to fuck and I was going to video it. I am going to ask Ted, Lily’s husband, to edit and give these videos a professional look. The night before, I had watched a couple of lesbian porn videos on Pornhub to get some idea of how to shoot it, interesting.

I went to the studio early to prepare things, clean linen on the bed, camera batteries all charged and ready. Lighting arranged, dick hard, fuck, I should have had a tug last night, I’m going to cum so fast today it’ll be embarrassing. Lily arrived ready for work, sorting props and making a call to Sally, arranging for a pick up. While she went to get Sally, Amy arrived.

She kissed me and said, a little nervously, “This seemed a good idea last night.”

“Cold feet?” She nodded, “Yeah, know the feeling. Lily will be back soon, with this friend of hers.”

“You met her?” I nodded, not sure what to say here so said nothing. “Okay, what’s she like and what’s a fluffer?”

“Nice, yeah, she’s nice, a five- six- month old at home, but is hurting, been unemployed for a while, as has her husband, or boyfriend. They’ve been doing it tough.”

“So what she expected to do on this?”

“Erm… emmm, well, she fluffs us up if we get a little stale.”

“Oh, you mean make up and shit.”

“Yes, that too.”

“What else?”

“Well, apparently it’s not easy making a porn movie, so an extra hand or mouth is handy.”

“What? Mouth? You mean if you’re flagging a bit then she sucks your dick?”

“Or if you get a bit dry, she can lick you.”

“Oh.” Amy seemed a bit thoughtful, “Not sure how I would feel about watching you get sucked by someone else.” She paused, “It’s okay for you, watching me getting tongued by a woman, but not sure about me.”

“Well, I can ask Ted, see if he will come in, would that make it better?” Amy and Ted had met once while we were reconstructing the set.

“What? What would he do?”

“Well, he could be my fluffer as Sally would be yours.”

“What! You would do that?”

“I would do anything for you. If that would make it better, then yeah, I would do that. If you want to share our bed with another woman, then if you ask, I would with another man. All you have to do is ask.” I hugged her, kissed her, to let her know that the important parts of my life are my love for her and our children, after that, anything else is a long way behind.

At that moment, Lily and Sally walked in. Lily hugged Amy and introduced her to Sally. They talked a little, and Lily asked if we could go into the conference room. There was this large room so I put a meeting table in it, with chairs and furnishings. Fuck knows why, but I thought it would be the kind of thing a business should have. So we sat at the table and Lily took control of the conversation.

“Amy, Sally is here as a fluffer, she will do all the things needed to keep the video rolling.”

“About that,” Amy said, “She going to be sucking Wayne’s dick?”

“If needed, but only if needed,” Lily replied.

Amy looked at Sally, who said, “Yes, Amy, I’ve made porn, which is why Lily invited me in. She knows I need the work, and believe me, that’s all it is, it’s only work for me.” She was completely guileless, open in her face, Amy sat back.

“Oh. You made porn?”

“Before I had my baby, yes. I was thinking not to go back but if I can work production, still make a little money, keeps food on the table, maybe the occasional bit part, earn a little more. I don’t want to be a porn star, but with my qualifications, it’s the preferred option.”

“A preferred option with your qualifications?”

“Yeah, I might work in porn, but not everyone with a few dollars gets to fuck me. It’s a better option,” Sally said, “And I didn’t finish high school.”

“Oh, what porn have you done?”

“Guy-girl, girl-girl, solo, anal and a gang bang.”

“A gang bang? Really? What was that like?”

“A lot of hard work. But I got paid well for it.”

“So it’s just the money then?”

“When it makes the difference between eating and not, yeah, it is.” Sally was getting a little defensive here, so I broke in, “So what did you have in mind Lily?” Amy stopped and took a deep breath.

“We’ll start with some kissing, touching, slowly, undress her, then some oral. Wayne you can even make Amy cum if you want, Amy?”

Amy jumped at the mention of her name, “Um, no, stretch it out a bit, he can eat me, then I’ll suck him.”

“Yep, that works, but please I’d like for you to cum twice, at least, through this, if you can relax enough.” Lily told her, “Three times’d be better. Okay, from the oral, into PIV sex perhaps from behind, Amy bent over the bed, Wayne from behind. Taking breaks along the way, getting plenty of water, and that’s where Sally comes into it, Amy. Sally notes your position and then sets it up again after a break, as well as ensuring that Wayne is erect, but will also make sure you’re wet enough to continue without discomfort. That may involve oral stimulation or fingering, her choice, she will know what you will need. Okay?” Amy hesitated but nodded, slowly. “Also, Amy will use the small hand camera to get some close ups, tongue or dick shots. We really want this to be the most pleasant it can be for you both, to be really sexy, so you can watch it at some time in the future and get all excited about it all over again.”

I looked at Amy and said, “Okay.” Amy nodded.

“Alright then,” Lily continued, “The only question left is where do you want Wayne to cum, Amy?” The way Lily asked the question was completely matter of fact, professional.

“Sorry? Where to cum?”

“Yes, you call the shot here. Do you want him to cum in you, in your pussy, in your mouth, over your body, on your face, anywhere you want. Think about it a minute. Think about this too, we can let Wayne cum early, take a longish break, then take up the scene again later, even in a few days if you like. The idea is that when the scene is edited, the cum shot is seen last, so an illusion of continuity is created. It also helps to allow Wayne the opportunity to continue the scene for a while longer to get more footage, allowing it to be edited to get the best video we can.” We both nodded at that.

“Jeez,” Amy observed, “Who would have thought making a fuck video was so complicated?”

“The same principles used in epic movies are used in porn, just the budgets, scripts, scenes, casts and everything else is not as elaborate. Shooting the scene is the same.”

“And the actors are not always noted for their acting ability,” Sally added with a rather large smile. Amy said nothing.

“It can also be pretty nerve wracking to be naked in front of a video camera, not just a still camera,” Lily said, “Not just naked, but having sex as well. Ask Sally about her first time, but later.” Sally blushed, “Yeah, I heard,” Lily smiled, “But right now, we going to do this?”

Amy looked at Sally, who said, “Let’s just say, I was terrified and I let go, of everything. Made a bit of a mess.” She wrinkled her nose, “But forget it, I was among strangers and you’re here with your husband and friends.”

“Okay cast, bathroom is that way,” Lily said, pointing to the bathroom, “On set in five.” Lily stood as Amy did, she hugged her and said, “You’re going to be brilliant,” then kissed her. “Thank you, I will try,” Amy replied, then kissed her back.

My cock jumped at the sight, I again thought I wasn’t going to last long today. Then I caught the look on Sally’s face. First she was a little surprised, then a little jealous, then the professional facade fell into place. She looked at me and mouthed ‘Wow!’, I smiled and nodded.

I had a quick leak, then a quick wash of my nethers, got dressed again and went out to check the lighting. While Amy was still preparing, Lily quietly told me to make sure I didn’t know how to lick a pussy for the camera. I nodded and carried on.

“Nervous?” Sally asked. I nodded. “Don’t be. I take it Amy doesn’t know-” I shook my head, “Better keep it that way, don’t get an attack of guilts over it.” I had to laugh at that.

“You really terrified? Your first time?” Amy appeared and came to hold my hand.

“Oh yeah. It was awful. I mean, I knew what to expect, I had done an interview, had a couple of casting couches, but my first scene on a studio production it was fucking wild. There were a dozen people around, two other actors, guy and girl, the technical people. The director was a woman, she introduced me, all good so far, prepared for my first scene and I was naked, on a couch, this guy dropped his robe and he had this cock that was as long as my arm, I really did shit myself. Never seen anything that big before. Talk about embarrassing, nearly got fired before my first scene. But, I cleaned it up, then replaced the cushions out of my own pocket, made the director and producers, all the production staff cum and was forgiven. It took a while before I lived that down though.”

“You made all of them cum?” Amy asked.

“Yep, penalty payment for inconveniencing everyone. Took me all day, and I was completely fucked at the end but I did it.”

“Is there money in porn?” Amy asked.

“Yes, some, but most careers only last a short time, two-three years, maybe, relatively few women porn stars go on for long.”

“Oh,” I asked, “Why’s that?”

“Overexposure, mainly, I think. Lot of women make a lot of videos in a very short time span, then the next unknown, fresh faced girl comes along to replace someone who is well known.” Sally observed, “Don’t get me wrong, some production houses really look after their stars, give them long careers, but not many. Lot of girls just give it up, their life changes and they leave the industry or they’ve just had enough.”

“Okay, we ready to go?” Lily called. “Amy, Wayne, if you could please go out the door. When I call action, open the door, come into the set. Start kissing, hot and steamy like. Then make your way over to the bed, but don’t let go of each other. If some clothes come off then, good, we’ll try to catch it all. Sally’ll be here with the small hand held, the static camera is there looking over th bed and I’ll have the DSLR here. When you get on the bed, I’ll say freeze, Sally and I will move to different angles, then when I call ‘Action’ again, please continue. If something needs reshooting, I’ll call a ‘Cut’ and then talk back to where it started going wrong, okay? Take your time and relax, you especially Wayne.”

I looked up at her and she went on, “Guys might find it difficult the first time, girls too, but they can cover it up better, it’s hard to cover it up when it’s not hard, okay?” I had to laugh at that, but got the message. The earlier thing with Sally has never happened. “Amy, the camera loves you, but you must try to not look at it. It’s not there, unless it is between you and Wayne’s eyes. Okay?” Amy nodded, she was either really excited or really nervous, she said nothing. “Okay, let’s get to it.”

I closed the door behind us and Amy wrapped herself around me and said, “Tell me this is okay!”

“This is more than okay, it’s brilliant!” I replied, quietly. She reached up, pulled my face down to hers and kissed me, a deep passionate kiss. I heard Lily’s call for ‘Action’, but Amy was still kissing me. Lily called again and Amy let me go, reaching for the door knob. She stepped through, pulling me after her. I didn’t even get a chance to close the door and she grabbed my jacket by the lapels and spun me around her to slam me up against the wall. She pushed her face into mine, kissing me for minutes, which gave me the chance to step out of my shoes. When we broke she pushed my jacket off me while I got into it by opening the buttons on her blouse. I pushed her blouse and coat off her shoulders at the same time, which trapped her arms, exposing her bra covered breasts to me.

I was grabbing and mouthing her breasts as Amy managed to get her hands free. I heard a couple of buttons on my shirt pop off as she ripped it open. Oh well, it was an older shirt. I ran my hands down her front and she stepped back pulling me along with her, nearly tripping over the mass of clothes at our feet. She began opening my belt then my pants, again, I nearly tripped over my pants as she grabbed at my tool. Managed to get her skirt open and it dropped to the ground. As Amy played with my dick, I reached around her to open her bra, which she allowed to fall away after the shoulder strap got caught by the hand on my now hardened cock. All through this, we were kissing and touching each other.

She let me maneuvere her to the bed and leaned back, pulling me on top of her as she fell onto it. That could have been dangerous, I really don’t want a broken dick but I got lucky, it fell between her thighs. Even so, it still felt a bit rough on landing. I was kissing and nibbling on her neck, then lowering myself to suckle her breasts. I was going to go down on her, but then had a thought. I sat up, pulled her up so her back was to me, I positioned us so the camera could look right at her. I was kissing and nibbling her shoulder and neck, one hand around her, squeezing her breast and the other snaking down to caress her very wet panties. She lifted her knees up and raising herself, pulled her panties down, over her ass and her knees, exposing herself fully to the camera. I could feel her heart racing, her excitement building as I continued to play with her dripping snatch.

I drove a finger into her, then another, “More!” she cried and I thrust a third finger into her. I cupped my hand and pumped it in and out of her, compressing her clit while doing it. I kept it going for a couple of minutes and Amy cried “AAGGHHH!” then cum on my fingers. She threw herself back into me as she spasmed and I felt her vagina grab my fingers. Cum number 1, well, that was quick, a great way to start. I knew there was no problems with Amy needing a break after an orgasm, so I slowly withdrew my fingers, very gently squashing her clit as she came down from her orgasm. Not moving the hand when doing this helps her in deflating the clit, quickly reducing any potential for pain in an over stimulated clit. She was a little too relaxed now, so I lay her down, on her back, kissing her lips, then her neck. I spent a little more time on her breasts, she really has great tits with big dark aureoles, even a little baby chewed they are great tits. I know she loves me suckling, gets her all wet, all over again.

I went further down this time, kissing her stomach, down over her mons, into the landing strip that lines her muff with my lips and tongue. I lapped at her clit began eating her pussy when I heard, “Cut, cut!” from Lily. “Wayne, Amy, that was seriously fucking hot, but Wayne, what you’re doing with your mouth is brilliant for Amy, but doesn’t work for the camera.” She spun the monitor around and hit the rewind on the hand held camera, “Look.”

We both sat up and watched, from when I was crossing Amy’s belly. “Can you see anything your tongue is doing, Wayne?” Lily asked.

I shook my head and Amy said, “But it felt great!”

“It would but you want your audience to see that he is really getting your clit,” Lily replied, “Here I’ll have Sally show you what I mean. Wayne, if you would move please, Sally.” Lily gestured so I moved and Sally replaced me, her head diving onto Amy’s snatch.

“Hey, wait-,” cried Amy.

Sally looked up and said, “It’s okay, don’t forget, I’m the fluffer. After watching that, I think I’m really glad I am.” She dipped her head and kissed Amy on the clit, mouthing it.

“Hold on, I haven’t started the camera!” Lily cried. Didn’t matter to Sally, she just kept mouthing Amy’s clit, “Okay, Sally, keep going!”

I was watching the video on the monitor while Sally was providing a delightful tongue lashing to Amy, who was pleasantly surprised by Sally’s pleasuring of her. “Okay Sally, that’ll do,” Lily called. Sally stopped but looked up at Amy and kissed her again on the clit. Her eyes seemed to invite Amy to let her stay where she was. “See the difference Wayne?” I did. “Think you can do that?” I nodded and swapped with Sally.

Amy was now bending up with her elbows under her back asking, “You okay with that?”

“Yeah, sure, should be easy now.” I replied.

“No, I meant Sally licking me?”

“I’m a guy babe, what guy would not be okay with watching his wife being eaten by another woman?” I laughed, then kissed her, “I love you and I love that we are doing this. Together.” I thought I better not say that Sally was likely to be fluffing me a bit later, and I wouldn’t mind a bit.

“Okay, places everyone,” called Lily, “Sally, rolling, static camera rolling, I’m rolling,” Lily clapped her hands, “We gotta get a clapper board. Okay, Action!”

I buried my face into Amy’s mons again, kissed her clit and lifted my head so the camera could see my tongue action, just like it did Sally’s. I kept licking her clit, then ran my tongue along her really swollen labia, and rammed it into her vaginal canal. At that point I didn’t worry about the camera, but Lily didn’t pull me up so I kept going for a few licks. Amy was dripping volumes of moisture, really tasty moisture. I started licking her clit again, thinking about what I saw last night, I inserted my fingers into Amy again. I pumped my fingers in and out and savagely tongue lashed her clit. She started shaking, then her body just snapped as her second orgasm swept over her. Amy flopped back onto the bed and heaved a deep breath, gasping as her torso turned a bright red. WTF? What was that?

I pulled my fingers out of her and kissed and nibbled my way back up her body, stopping to suckle on her nipples. I kissed her and got a sigh and a hug in return. “Should have done this years ago,” Amy said quietly, “That’s twice you’ve made me cum and I have barely done anything!”

I kissed her again and fondled a breast, “When you get your breath back, your turn.” I smiled.

“And cut!” Lily called. “Fuck, that was great Wayne, looked great and Amy thought it did too.” Lily passed us bottles of water. “Here, after that, you need these. Take a break, you’ve done really well.” Amy certainly needed it, that’s for sure. Sally gave us a couple of robes to put on, keep warm.

“Why did Amy turn red there, when she came?” I asked.

“Never seen it before?” Lily asked.

“No,” I shook my head, “That’s something new for me.”

“A lot of women who have a really intense cum get that flush. Called a cum blush, so if you see it, you know you’ve really hit the right buttons,” Lily said.

“Why haven’t I noticed it before?”

“Maybe you haven’t really hit the right buttons before.”

“No,” Amy replied, “He’s certainly done that, but with kids around, its always late at night or early morning. Especially now they’re teenagers. Wouldn’t see it in the dark.”

“Once upon a time there was light in my life, now there’s only love in the dark,” Sally sang, “Kids get in the way, total eclipse of the heart!”

“Turn around bright eyes!” Amy sang, “Oh god! How old is that? Nineteen eighties for sure. How do you know that?”

“Mom’s a big Bonnie Tyler fan, she loves it.”

“Yeah, mine too.” They chatted on for a while comparing their respective mother’s taste in music. Seems they had more in common than Amy thought.

For the next few minutes, Amy and Sally talked about Sally’s time in porn. Finding out some of the good things, the not so good things for Amy, was a bit of an eye opener. Then Amy asked, “Why porn? Why get into it in the first place?”

“Apart from the fact I like sex, you mean?” Amy nodded. “I was working at a junk food store and the manager was a real sleaze. Essentially, if I wanted to keep my job, I had to fuck him. I had just dropped out of school, no idea what the world was really like and I didn’t want to fuck him. I quit, couldn’t get another job. I saw this add for a modeling job and answered it. Thought I might not be flipping burgers, but never know where this could go. The money was, then, incredible. The idea of fucking alone was pretty alluring, but add the cash, made the difference. Then I really started to explore my own sexuality. Same sex relationship had never entered my mind, but I found I really like them. Get the right woman, and it’s fun. I not bi- I’m thinking I’m pan-, and loving it.”

They talked on for a few more minutes about it and working in porn, then I had to go to the bathroom. Cleaned up again, and came out to find Lily waiting outside. “All your’s.”

“Yeah, thanks, but I am going to get Sally to suck you, while Amy is watching.”

“Oh?” I asked. I had always liked Amy’s oral, but having Sally suck me when we did that tech check, well that was very different.

“Yeah, she’s gotta learn that it’s not personal in this business. So what better way than to start now?”

“As long as it’s not causing a problem.”

“That’s why I had Sally licking her earlier. You were doing fine, really, but I just wanted to check her reaction. Should be okay.” I nodded, heard someone coming through the set door, “I’ll ask if she wants to-, oh, there you are. Okay, soon as we’re both done, then we can get started again.”

“Yeah,” Amy said. She hugged me, then Lily, “Loving this so far, but never though I had it in me.”

“You’ll certainly have it in you soon, so come on, we’re burning daylight.” Lily went into the bathroom and Amy hugged me, kissing me. She had a grope of my junk and said, “Really Wayne, we should have done this years ago.”

I kissed her and told her that it was only my cowardice that held us back. Just holding her was enough, I could feel my arousal, so could Amy. She wrapped her hand around it and was playing with it, just as Lily came out of the bathroom. “Oh get a room!” she laughed. A few minutes later, we were back on set.

“Okay,” Lily said, “We’re starting from where Amy has just orgasmed, she’s lying back and Wayne, you’re semi- on top and kissing her. Amy, you push on Wayne’s shoulder, roll him onto his back and go down on him. Be mindful the cameras are catching detail and we want to make this real. Relax, don’t look at them, and start sucking like you normally would. Okay?”

“Okay.” Amy replied.

We started and Amy did as Lily directed, taking my dick into her mouth. After a few strokes, I heard, “No cut, cut please.” Amy lifted off me and looked up at Lily. Lily told me to stay where I was, hit the rewind and showed Amy the footage she had taken. “I know sucking cock is an individual thing, but this is just not going to look good at all. Here, Sally, will you please?”

Sally put the camera she was holding down and got onto the bed. You could see a look pass over Amy’s face, but before she could say anything, Lily gave Amy the camera and said, “Keep it focused on Wayne’s dick. Sally will show you how to do it for the camera.” Amy took the camera, still unsettled, but not objecting. “Roll it,” Amy turned the camera on, “Action please.”

Sally took hold of the base of my tool and held it upright. She lowered her head and I could feel her lips touching the end of the knob, opening with my cock as it pushed them apart. She slid down the shaft of my cock using her lips as a guard for her teeth. I felt her tongue lapping at the underside of my prong, wiping it as she lifted her head. As she lifted, her lips rolled out, rolling in again as she went down. She repeated that motion over and over for a minute or so. Really an incredible job. She lifted off and sucked my balls, one at a time, then went back to swallowing my cock. “Okay, that’ll do Sally, cut!” Sally lifted off and gave me a slightly regretful look, her eyes promising that someday it was going to happen again.

Lily took the camera off Amy and rewound the shot. “Now, see how she takes his dick and holds it up?” Amy nodded, “Now look at how she puts it in her mouth. Her lips are being opened by the dick, then as she takes more in, her lips curl over her teeth, protecting the dick from them, but also it feels more like the dick is going into a pussy.” Amy nodded again. “Sally, what do you do with your tongue? And why suck on his balls?”

“I hold it in one place to lap the entire length of his cock. That way the throat is partially open and I can take more in. The real issue is the gag reflex. Holding the cock in my mouth is one thing, but putting it so far in without gagging takes a bit of practice,” she told us, “The sucking of the balls is really about giving your jaws a rest. It can get uncomfortable if you do nothing but hold your jaws open, so giving them a rest every now and again.”

“Professional as opposed to amateur?” Amy asked, perhaps a little frostily.

“Oh no, the difference between good and great, I say,” Sally replied, “I love sucking cock, any cock but I want to do the best I can when I have a cock to suck. It took me a while to learn that though.”

“So it’s just a cock to suck?”

“Yes, it is, but it has to be sucked properly on camera.”

Lily then asked, “Did you see the difference? Sucking cock is something of an art. We can all draw, but no matter how we try, we can get better but we can’t all paint a Mona Lisa. We can all suck cock, but learning to get better is practice with sometimes instruction, we can all learn to be experts at it. Try it again, then we’ll see how it looks. Sally, can you talk her through it please? Start her off.”

By this time, my dick had flagged, so Amy came back onto the bed, took hold of it and played with it like she does. Feels good too and in moments, I was once again aiming at the roof. Sally quietly took Amy through the steps and Amy followed her instructions. After a few strokes, Sally encouraged Amy to take more in, which she did, then gagged. “Uuurrggghhh,” she cried.

“That’s okay, that’s normal, try it again, only this time, work out how far you can take it in without gagging.” Lily said.

Amy went back to it and got better and better until she was taking more of my cock in her mouth than she used to. She gagged again, but didn’t let that stop her, she kept going. I really didn’t mind, one little bit! that was seriously fucking nice, I was telling her. Lily was right, Amy really did improve with a minimum of instruction. “Okay, take a short break and we’ll get started again.”

Sally leaned in to Amy and kissed her cheek, smiling, “You look really good doing that, you’re a natural.”

Amy wasn’t sure how to react to that, but her natural politeness and general niceness took over and she replied with a genuine thank you.

“Okay, ready to go everyone. places please. Rolling, clap please Wayne a-a-a-n-n-n-d-d-d-d ….. Action!” Amy did it exactly right. She had my cock wrapped in her warm, moist mouth, pumping her head up and down the shaft, lapping the entire length and it was so fucking good. At one point she lifted off and there was a long, thick line of pre-cum from the end of my dick to the corner of her mouth. She went down and sucked my balls, driving me wild. After a few moments she came back to sucking my dick, while I was moaning my very real pleasure. This was the absolute best ever head Amy has ever given me.

Lily must have noticed me getting closer and closer to cumming so she called “Cut!” and praised Amy for what she was doing to me. I’ll say it deserved praise. I reached down and pulled her up, kissing her pre-cum covered lips, plunging my tongue deep into her mouth. Coming up for air, I told her that I loved her and what she was doing. “So, was that better than what Sally did?”

Fuck! I fucking knew it! “Darling, Sally was sucking my cock, but you were loving me. That make all the difference in the world. Yeah, she a good cock sucker, but she doesn’t love me, you do. That alone means no-one will ever match up to you.”

“What about anyone else?”

“Who? You know I have only had two girlfriends and I married the second one. Until Sally, no other woman has even come close to touching me the way you do. And no-one ever will.” Okay, it’s not technically a lie, I am being honest, as long as Amy doesn’t ask when was the first time Sally had my dick in her mouth.

She stopped a moment, turned to Lily and said, “And when it comes to actually fucking, I suppose that Sally will have to show me how a porn star fucks too?”

Lily looked like a goldfish out of water, a deer in the headlights. “W–w-w-,” Lily started.

Amy turned to me and said, “I think that’s a ‘Yes’.” I was surprised, I really hadn’t thought that through. Amy then went on and asked, “What would you think if I was to fuck another guy?”

I had to stop, had to think a moment, but then said, “I hadn’t thought about it, but I don’t really know. If we were making a movie, I would like to think I was mature enough to know that it was only about the movie, not take it personally.”

“Sally, how does your man feel about you fucking other guys?”

“He okay with it. He’s a production assistant for a lesbian production company. That’s their main product, where we met actually. I did my scene, told him he was beautiful and a year later, I’m pregnant and getting married. Wayne’s on the right track, there is a big difference between loving someone and fucking in a scene. It comes out pretty clearly in what I’ve seen, you’re in love, simple as that. If you watch that footage and compare it to yours, you know the difference.” Lily was about to say something but then Sally went on, “If you like, I can call him, get him here, you can fuck him and then compare it to your footage of you and Wayne making love.”

“You would do that?”

“Yeah,” Sally nodded, “I would. Look, I’ve known you all of what? Two and a half hours? I see how it is with you and Wayne, I doubt anyone could break that, certainly not while you’re here and watching. And there is another issue here too.”

“Oh What’s that?”

“You’re far more beautiful than he is, and I would love to do a scene with you.” Amy was flabbergasted, she was looking like the fish out of water now. I looked at Lily and there was a calculation in her eye, just what she was thinking though.

“Okay,” Lily said, “Are we going on or leaving it here? Wayne?” She waited,

“Going on, if Amy wants to.”

“Amy?” She was still absorbing what Sally had said, “Amy?”

“Wha- Oh yes, let’s finish this.”

“Okay, then how do you want Wayne to finish?”

“He has never cum on my face. How would that work?”

“You’re in a PIV position then as he gets closer, really close, he pulls out, you get on your knees and suck and/or tug him until he cums. Just aim it at your face.”

Amy nodded that said, “Okay, face it is.” Now it was my turn to be the fish. Un-fucking-believable! Amy wanted me to fuck her face?

“Alright. Wayne, while you’re having intercourse, make sure you give plenty of room for the camera to look in from under you, from alongside you, from above if you’re in doggy, depending on your position, okay?” I nodded. “You will want to see some dick action so be nice to the camera.” Sally went through the various positions, and asked if we got it. Same as with Sally, Lily would tell us to change, we would count, continuing the action, then allow the cameras to get into place then move into that position. We both nodded. “Sally, Wayne needs a bit of assistance.”

“No, I’ll do Wayne,” Amy said, “If you could help me to get really wet, Sally?” Sally blinked as Amy got on the bed and motioned to me to come and kneel at her face and spread her legs for Sally to get between them. Lily nodded at Sally who just went for it. What she didn’t notice was Amy cocking an eyebrow at Lily, who shrugged, then nodded. I saw the static camera light up, getting an overshot of the three of us on the bed, my dick in Amy’s mouth and the back of Sally’s head as it moved on Amy’s pussy. It didn’t take long for me to get hard again, and Amy was clearly enjoying Sally’s attention.

When Sally thought she had gotten Amy wet enough, she lifted her head, and with a smile said, “Is that enough?”

“Bit more, please!” Fuck me! Amy was really getting into the girl-girl thing now. Amy started getting a little over-excited, I thought, when Lily called time and we got started on intercourse, the actual fucking! About fucking time too, I thought.

I slid into Amy, she was as wet as she had ever been, my cock sliding in so easily. We both tried to fuck each other senseless. the grunts, the groans, the moans, the pleasure was very real. This was very different than what I had experienced with Sally a month ago. What I had said earlier was true, with Sally it was a scene, fucking, but with Amy, it was our love that made it so special. We smoothly moved into different positions when Lily called for us to change. We hardly interrupted the process at all. Lily did call a cut at one point, and we stopped. We rested, then got started again. I didn’t need to be revved up, and I really doubt Amy did either, but she did ask for Sally to come and help. My wife, the slut! Who knew?

Again, we got going. In a doggy, Sally had the camera at my nose, pointing straight down, watching my cock sliding in and out of Amy, framed by the cheeks of her ass. In a reverse cowgirl, Lily had her camera between my knees, Amy’s pussy in full view with my cock sliding in and out as we both moved. Unplanned, Amy lifted off my cock and slid her ass up my chest and without words, we went into a sixty-niner. I was in the ideal position and again, I had that wonderful mouth all over my cock, but this time, I had a very wet pussy in my face. It was fucking brilliant! For some reason, while eating her out, I had the thought of a cream pie. I didn’t know who’s cream it would be, but I doubted it would be anyone else’s. That’s a new thought, eating my own cream pie!

After a few minutes of this, Lily called another cut, so we had another break. After an opportunity to get our breath back, have a drink of water, we decided to continue with the sixty-niner for a minute or two, then go into a more conventional fucking position. This time, Amy was on her back and shoulders with her knees held up by me and her ass is off the bed. My cock is delving into her depths while Sally is holding the camera right over the central action.

Sally pulled away at a sign by Lily, then Lily took over watching the action with the DSLR camera from a different angle. There were face shot of Amy, of me, ass shots, dick and pussy shots galore. I really felt I was reaching the end of my stamina at this point so instead of holding it, I thrust harder. Amy must have sensed the change as she immediately went to playing with her clit as I rammed into her. I got closer and closer to cumming, feeling the urgency of my balls now. I told Amy soon, cumming soon, and she responded with “In my face! All over my face!”

I pulled out and stood on the side of the bed, Amy quickly got off and onto her knees, her mouth wrapped around my now almost throbbing dick. She sucked me like a woman possessed, drawing my dick further and further into her mouth. I thought she was going to gag any moment, but it didn’t matter, I was about to cum. I felt it growing, “Cumming!” I called, “Cumming! NOW!”

Amy pulled off and stroked my cock, aiming it at her face. I felt a stream of cum forcing its way up my dick and out of the knob! It was fucking huge and strong! I moaned and gasped at the same time as it flew out of me. It covered her nose and cheeks Amy jumped a little as it hit her and my second pulse of cum went over her forehead, into her hairline. A third shot covered her bottom lip and chin, and a very weak forth shot barely made it out of the eye of my dick, dribbled out to land on her tits. Amy closed her eyes at the first shot but held her place long enough for it to cover her. She opened one eye and saw there was nothing else happening so she took my cock into her mouth again, sucking the last leavings of my juice from it. Amy took my cock out of her mouth and smeared what was on her face, using it as a wipe to push my cum into her mouth. She licked and sucked my detumescing horn, helping to keep its hardened form for a bit longer, cleaning off any cum it may still have on it.

I really had trouble standing up, my legs were trembling, my heart was thumping, my body was tingling and feeling like it was about to collapse in a big heap at any moment. What really shocked me was Amy. She had never done anything like this before and now she was just being a complete slut! She was my complete slut though. I love her dearly.

A few moments later, I bent down and kissed Amy, licking her lips, catching small bits of cum off her face, sucking them into my mouth. I kissed her again and used my tongue to push any gathered cum into her mouth. She took it, swallowing it all. I held her face and kissed her several times, then eased her back onto the bed, to hold her, cuddle her, tell her I loved her. I heard a “Cut!” from Lily, but I just went on holding her, kissing her. Amy still hadn’t opened her eyes and finally she said, “Fuck, this stings like shit!” Sally pushed a couple of tissues into Amy’s hand and when Amy opened her eyes, gave her some water.

Sally held her hand out and took Amy to the shower. “How did that look?” I asked.

“You’ve never made a sex tape before?” I shook my head. “Certainly the raw footage has some really, really exciting sex in it. If we can use it all, it’s going to be unbelievably sexy. I think you really need to get Ted to edit it.” Ted is Lily’s husband who worked for us on demand. Not a lot of hours yet, but they will grow.

“I better go and clean up,” I said as I put my robe on. I saw Amy’s robe at the foot of the bed so grabbed it to take to her. Our clothes were still scattered on the floor of the set. I opened the door to the bathroom and immediately heard a loud moan and a “Yes, there,” coming from Amy. I backed out, quietly closing the door. Amy was being a really horny slut! Sally was fucking her? After what we just did? Fuck me!

Is this what the porn industry is really like?
