Mason – A Family Affair [INCEST] [BI ] [Mom/son] [Father/son] [Brother/brother] – Chapter 1

I had known for a few years that I was into guys more than girls because of an attraction to my brother and dad. It was easy for me to lust over my older brother’s body. I would admire his near nude body often because he normally only wore his underwear. I would even see him naked since we shared a bedroom and he would remove his towel completely in front of me to dry off his cock, balls and ass crack before slipping on his underwear to sleep in them. I loved waking up to see him sleeping with a boner peeking out of his underwear when his sheet or blanket ended up bunched at the foot of the bed or on the floor.

I was also fortunate that it was easy for me to admire my dad’s body. He liked going commando and I could see what he was packing under his pants. He also felt comfortable walking around the house in his underwear like my brother and I. My mom would occasionally walk around in a bra and panties, but I didn’t get the same horny feeling seeing my mom as I did my brother and dad.

I tried not to make it obvious when my brother or dad caught my attention. My eyes would follow them but I tried to not turn my head to not give it away. The first time my mom caught me looking at my dad was when he walked past us in his underwear with an obvious but covered semi hardon. She startled me as I watched him walk past me, asking me when I was going to get a girlfriend. I lied to her, telling her that the right girl hadn’t come along yet. She would often ask me the same question each time she noticed me admiring either my dad or brother’s meat bouncing in their underwear. My mom didn’t let on that she knew I had feelings for my dad and brother by constantly asking me when I was going to find a girlfriend like other guys my age. My dad noticed my irritation at her and he had told her give it up. That I would know when I was ready. A few months later, my dad brought the topic up himself as he and I were driving back home after dropping my brother at the airport for his month long trip to Europe.

Dad had pulled over half way home in a secluded spot and turned the engine off. He said that he and my mom had discussed my sexuality and thought that I needed help losing my virginity to a pussy. I was stunned and told him I didn’t need any help. I thought to myself that I knew I had no intention of finding a pussy or even cock since I was a loner and frankly I was content jerking off thinking about my dad or my brother when horny. I didn’t dare tell him any of that.

He said that during that discussion with my mom, she told him she knew I was turned on to him and my brother. My heart began to race. I didn’t want to have that conversation with him and I turned to look out the passenger side window asking him if we could get back home. To my surprise he reached for my chin to turn my head back to look at him and told me that he didn’t have a problem that I was attracted to him. He said he was attracted to me too. He also said that neither did my mom. He added though that my mom felt that I should experience sex with a girl first to see what it felt like. I didn’t want to admit that I thought I was gay and told him it would happen one day. He gave me a grin because he knew I was lying. He told me that he knew that I would never look for pussy on my own. Still, he said my mom wanted to help me get out of my shell and to lose my virginity in a pussy and that he agreed with her. I thought they were going to set me up with a neighbor girl who was my age. I never imagined what he would say next.

He told me that my mom wanted to give me my first experience so that I wouldn’t get embarrassed with a strange girl as I worked out my sexuality and that she was back home ready to be my first pussy. He described having sex with her and the feeling of fucking her. He said that she never disappointed him. He told me that her pussy was tight and that she liked lots of foreplay to get wet and dilated and that she would make me not regret having sex with her. There was no doubt that he was getting horny talking about me having sex with my mom.

I looked down and could see the outline of his full boner along his left thigh pant leg. He asked me if I was up for having sex with my mom, and that’s when I told him that I thought I was gay. He said he knew. I told him that I didn’t want to upset my mom by not being able to have sex with her. He put his hand on my knee and said that I shouldn’t worry because he would be there with me. That all three of us would be having sex together.

He moved his hand up along up my inside thigh. I immediately got hard before he reached my balls. The fabric of my sweatpants could not hide my rock hard cock. He found it and he gripped the shaft with the fingers of his right hand and then followed the shaft up to the tip of my cock and pressed the shaft against my belly without taking it out since my seatbelt was in the way. He said that my mom would love my cock and that he would too.

He asked me again if I was up to having sex with my mom but this time included himself. I was about to answer him when he released his hold of my shaft and said that I should think about it before I answered. He turned the engine back on and pulled out of the spot. I had 20 minutes before we arrived back home to give him my decision.

My mind was racing as I nervously sat in the Pickup looking out the passenger window as my dad was driving us home. Playing on the radio was music that I ordinarily would be singing to but I had what seemed to be a life altering decision to make. I couldn’t believe what Dad had proposed. Should I have denied my attraction to him or my brother? I was glad I didn’t. I wouldn’t have known that he and my mom were fine knowing it, and that it was my mom’s idea that we all have sex. That alone should blow my mind, but dad was my real prize. All the years of fantasizing about having sex with him would come true by a simple yes to the question he asked minutes earlier.

The sound of Dad tapping his hands on the wheel to the beat of the music made me turn to look at him. He looked so happy. I wanted to see if he still had a boner trapped under the fabric of his pants. He did and it was big. He was happy and horny, and so was I. From the time Dad told me years ago that he didn’t wear underwear, I would often look at his crotch trying to find something like what he had today. No wonder he knew I was attracted to him.

It was like a game for me to try to find a boner on him. I never saw one as long and thick as it was right now in the car. I continued staring at it and then it moved. He was flexing it. He moved it few degrees to the left and then back to where it first was. He repeated it a few more times. My own cock began to swell up again and it was lifting the fabric of my loose sweatpants and he noticed it before he looked back at the road. “You excited Mason?”

As we drove past my school, dad lowered the volume of the music and asked me what I was thinking. I told him I was thinking of graduating in three months. I was a senior. “What are you really thinking about? You’re thinking about your old man, aren’t you?”

With one hand on the wheel, he reached his other hand onto my sweatpants leg and then in between my thighs. I watched his hand work along the fabric until it reached my balls. Finding them under the fabric, he softly fondled them. He then grasped my raging hardon while still looking at the road. He tightened his grip on the shaft and pushed back. I felt the foreskin of my cock slide down and the tip of my cock rub against the fabric “Mason, I think I know your answer. This is a great opportunity for you. There aren’t many guys that are giving a gift like this so soon after their 18th birthday.”

“Mason, before we get home. Do you have any questions?” He said as he maintained his grip but moving his hand forward along the shaft. I felt the hood of my cock cover the tip again.

“Are you really going to be in the room with me and mom?” I asked with anticipation as I felt him squeeze my shaft, pushing back along the shaft again. My exposed tip hit the fabric again.

“Yes. Your mom and I have talked about this many times. I won’t just be there. Your mom and I will give you pleasures you’ve never felt before. We think that so far all you’ve ever done was masturbate.

“Have you seen me do it?” I asked. “Dad. I always hoped that you would catch me doing it.”

He glanced over to me and smiled. He released the grip on my cock and moved his hand to the bottom of my tee shirt and slipped his hand under it onto my belly. The palm of his hand moved along my abdomen. I felt his finger circle my belly button as he watched the road to avoid an accident. It felt like my cock was getting harder. I wanted to take my seatbelt off so he could have slipped his hand in my pants instead.

“You usually cum all over your chest, don’t you Mason.”

“That’s how Tommy does it too Dad.”

“Mom found that pill bottle in your nightstand. Mason”

I panicked. When it went missing I suspected she had found it. “I can explain.”

“Mason why would you collect cum in an old pill bottle.” He said as he continued to rub my belly. The motion of his hand felt good as if he was trying to relax me.

“What were you planning on doing with it? Was it your brother’s cum or yours.

Dad I want taste cum. Every time I jack off I try, but after I shoot I can’t get myself to do it so I would put it in the bottle. I wanted to collect enough…..”

“To drink it? I get it Mason.” Dad said.

He put both hands on the wheel again. “The three of us having sex will be great. You’ll be tasting cum for sure, and other juices too. I’m sure you think you learned everything from watching porn and maybe even your brother, but there is nothing better than life experience. Are you up for it Mason?

“Dad I want to do it. I want to have sex with you.”

“How about Mom? This is a packaged deal Mason.”

I knew I could only give him one answer on that, so I agreed to that too,

Mom will be thrilled. We’ve talked doing this with you many times. We were waiting for you to become a man.

“Dad, Did you and mom ever have sex with Tommy?”.

“No. We waited for Tommy to go to Europe so that he wouldn’t know that we offered this to you and not him, and so we would have uninterrupted time with you.”

I was sure he was going to say they did. “Why not?” I asked.

Tommy is a year and half older than me but he looked more of a man than I did, and that made him more handsome than me and popular with the girls. Tommy looks like Dad. They both have a chiseled jaw, broad shoulders, amazing abs and powerful leg muscles. Dad got that way from his job in construction. Tommy from working out. I’m not as ripped as Tommy. Yes, I’m toned from running and have some ridges on my abdomen from using the nautilus weights at school but I’m too slim to ever get close to looking like Tommy. I have to be slim and fit so I could win track meets.

Unlike Tommy who has hair almost everywhere, when he doesn’t shave it off so he can show off his muscles, I don’t have much. If only I could have the chest hairs he doesn’t like. When I shower, I always look for any new signs of hair on my torso besides the few that had already showed up near and below my belly button. Sure I have hair in my pits and a bush around my shaft, but I really want enough hairs on my face to get a goatee like dad. The four or five on the tip of my chin are a joke and I think at this point if they haven’t grown in yet they never will. If my Drivers License didn’t show my birthdate making me 18 you would never know.

“Mason, you deserve this special experience. Tommy doesn’t know the valued of family bonding. That’s why he’s galivanting in Europe with his friends.” He said as we pulled into our driveway. I was glad the neighbors weren’t out. My hardon was impossible to hide.

Dad turned off the engine and patted my back. “Mason we’re doing this today.”

I was as excited hearing that, but deep inside me I was anxious too. Ever since my first wet dream I was pretty sure I was gay and now I was going to get a crash course in pussy sex and with my mom at that. Dad said that only life experiences can teach me more than porn. The only time I watched straight porn was with Tommy and I wasn’t really watching the screen but Tommy. Tommy found out early that I was into guys. I couldn’t snitch on him and tell dad that the cum in the bottle was really his.

Dad unbuckled his seatbelt and was about to get out when he realized he hadn’t called mom. It was around 4 PM and Mom would soon be home from working at the Hospital.

“I got to call your mom.”

I was about to get out when he told me to stay because he wanted me to break the good news to her. Her voice came over the car speakers.

“How did it go Ryan?” She answered

“I’ve got Mason here and he has something to tell you.”

“Hey Baby. So daddy talked to you. What do you think?” She asked.

“Go on tell her Son.”

“Mom I’m so stoked. Dad said we’re going to do it today. I can’t wait until you get home”

“Oh Honey, I wish I could be there right now but intake was crazy today and two people called out sick. I won’t be home for a couple more hours.”

Dad interrupted, “Jenn, I got the boy all juiced up for us and frankly I’m so fucking horny now..”

“Ryan, I’m at my desk…”

Dad disconnected the phone from the Bluetooth and told me he needed to talk to my mom privately and got out of the pickup. I sat waiting trying to overhear him but couldn’t make anything out. This sucks I thought. They’re going to cancel this.

He came back after several minutes, “I worked everything out. Let’s go inside.”

“Dad,” I asked him while we walked down the driveway. “You said that I can only learn from life experiences. Did you have experiences with guys?

“Mason, Yes. I’ve had sex with guys. Before you were born, but it’s like riding a bike. You never forget.”

He added. “You need to go take a shower because mom said we can start without her.”

Holy shit I thought. This is really happening.

I ran into the house and up the stairs nearly tripping over our dog. I first stopped in my bedroom to get undressed. I kicked off my sneakers and sat on my bed to take off my socks. As I was about to take off my tee-shirt, I saw dad at the door.

He told me that he needed to take the shower with me because he needed to make sure I cleaned everything. The thought of him showering with me gave me an instant boner.

“If I’m going to eat your ass, it needs to be clean.” He said. I had no idea what he meant by a deep cleaning of my asshole until he did it for me. Dad wasn’t kidding when he said you can’t learn everything from porn.

He came in the room and sat on Tommy’s bed to untie his work boots. He was wearing his construction work clothes. He took the timberlands off and then his socks, wiggling his toes. I never noticed his toes and feet being that big. He stood up and unbuttoned his shirt and then removed it. His chest looked amazing. Hairy and muscular. Next he unbuckled his belt and then his jeans. He then pulled the zipper down and spread the two sides apart. I was going to see his cock on purpose for the first time and my eyes were glued. As he continued, I saw how hairy he was below his waist. As he continued, I could see his cock getting visible. Then he dropped his jeans to the floor and kicked them off his feet. I saw the entire cock bounce. It looked amazing. It was semi-soft with dark skin and it was big. Maybe six inches and it wasn’t even hard yet. I always thought he was circumcised because I could always see the rim of his head through his clothes. Now I knew it. The head of his cock was lighter than the shaft and it was shiny. That thing is going to be huge when it’s hard I thought. His balls weren’t small either and they hung really low. He was standing completely naked in front of me.

He looked at me and knew I liked what I was seeing.

“Why am I uncut if you’re cut?” I asked.

“It’s a long story and why are you still dressed? Let me help”, he added.

He came over and took off my glasses, handing them to me. Grabbing the bottom of my tee shirt, he pulled it up and over my head. He ran his hands all over my smooth chest. I stood there enjoying every minute. My hard cock was stretching the fabric of my sweats to the ripping point. Unlike Tommy’s hard cock, mine pointed out when it was hard. His like Dad’s pointed up.

“I love how much you look like your mother.”

He said I needed a haircut as he moved away the ones near my eyes and ran his hand through it like he used to do. “You have her eyes too.” He then placed his hands on the sides of my face and kiss me on the lips. He hadn’t kissed me in years.

His hands moved down my belly and into my pants and for the first time ever his hand touched the bare flesh of my hard cock as he continued to look me in the eyes. “I’m glad you took my advice and stopped wearing underwear except for when you need to wear a jockstrap for practice and meets.”

I put my glasses back on as he instructed me to take my sweatpants off. I was completely naked standing in front of him with a raging hardon. He’s seen me naked in the past but never like this. I saw his cock get longer and thicker. It was definitely 8 or 9 inches now and as thick as a cucumber. He stepped back to look at my entire body.

“You’ve become a very handsome young man. I can’t wait for your mom to see you like this.”

He moved closer and wrapped his arms around me to give me a hug. I felt the warmth of his body against mine and felt his cock press against my belly as he squeezed me tighter. I felt his hand playing with my balls.

He backed up and placed his hands on my shoulders and turned my body around to look at my back. He caressed it, moving his hands down to the top of my ass cheeks.

“All that running has given you a great firm ass Mason.”

I felt his hand move in between my ass cheeks and his fingers touch the rim of my hole. It sent a shiver up my spine as I felt the tip of a finger press into the hole.

“We need to clean this hole real good Mason and not just with a sponge. We need to give it that deep cleaning with water.” He said as we walked to the bathroom.

Without going into the nasty details, Dad wasn’t kidding when he said that he was going to give my hole a deep cleaning. I’m not going to lie. I was glad years ago when dad replaced the shower head with one of those handheld shower massages with the long hose. After Tommy showed me how much fun it could be, I started laying down in the shower, peel back my hood and shoot the powerful massage jets on to my cock to get off.

I had no idea Dad was going to remove the head and use the water straight from the hose to clean me out. He said I should never use the hose that way on myself because I could get hurt from the temperature or the pressure and that’s why he had to do it. I reminded him that I’m not an idiot like Tommy. He gave me one of his belly laughs. One time, Tommy had squeeze his balls to prove he could take pain.

Dad had me bend over and he pointed the strong stream of water at my hole. The vibration as it hit my rim felt amazing. He said guys that love their partners always clean out, and he said he cleans himself like that too because mom uses toys on him.

“Toys?” I asked with a surprise of revelation. Tommy had told me they used toys but I didn’t believe him because I went looking and never found them.

“Your Mom has always known that I was into guys and girls, and I promised her when I married her that I would never cheat on her especially with another guy. She fucks my ass with them sometimes because she knows I like it. One is the same size as your cock”

“I won’t need a toy tonight. Your mom and I agreed that you can be the only guy that fucks me if you still want to have sex with guys after experiencing your first pussy with her.

I was delighted at hearing the acknowledgment that they were fine with me fucking him and that today won’t be the last time.

I heard the water go off and was about to stand up when he pushed me back down again. I’m not finished. He ran his hand down my back and then I felt him spread my ass checks.

You’ve got a nice pink hole. Your mom is going to love that you’re smooth down here unlike your old man. I then felt his two thumbs press into my hole like he was spreading it open.”

“It’s tight Mason.”

“I want you to fuck me Dad”

“Not now Mason. Your hole isn’t ready for my cock yet but it will be before mom gets home.”

“Mason the only reason.. The only reason mom said we could start without her is because I told her I needed to get your ass primed before she gets home so it can be fucked.

I was elated at hearing the acknowledgment that he wanted to fuck me too.

Using his thumbs he stretched it apart even more and I felt it sting. “It’s going to feel nice squeezing my cock into this tight ass.”

He patted me on my back like a barber would do when a haircut was done, and told me I was all clean. As I stood up and turned, he clutched his hand around my hard cock.

“You know Mason, she knows the size of your boner.”

“What?” I said as I thought how she could.

“Today won’t be the first time she sees you as hard as you can be. When mom is horny and your brother is spending the night at one of his buddies, we go into your bedroom knowing you sleep nude those nights. We hope to see your boner dripping with precum from your dreams. Most times we don’t, but when we do, we go wild standing there.”

He told me why they never woke me up or touched me and it made perfect sense. He said they stand over me naked as he fingers her cunt, plays with her tits or suck on her nipples. He also confessed that she sometimes give him a blow job there too. Afterwards they go back to their bedroom and have wild sex fantasizing about me. He admitted that a couple times they made so much noise that they nearly woke me up which made them go running off back to their bedroom.

“Her pussy is so wet by the time we get back to the bedroom that I don’t need to lube up. I’m thrilled that you want to have sex with us. When she gets home, you have to remember that she loves foreplay.

It’s going to be a wild time for all three of us and she’s going to love your young hot cock in her.

He cupped my ball and played with them like he was weighing them. “These puppies are full.”

It then hit me. “Dad, I don’t want to get her pregnant. Do you have…”

He interrupted me when I was about to ask about condoms. “No worries. She got her tubes tied after you were born. We’ve had unprotected sex for years and she can’t get pregnant. We’re not going to be using any condoms tonight.

He gripped his hand around my shaft again and pushed the skin toward my belly, peeling my skin back . I was dripping an insane amount of precum.

“Look at all those juices,” he remarked. He kneeled down and moved his lips to the dripping precum and stuck out his tongue to catch the strings that were hanging down from the tip. I was delighted that dad was going to give me a blow job. His tongue swirled around the head, licking up all the juices on it. He looked up at me. I gave him a really big smile as he licked the entire shaft, top and bottom to get every last drop of the precum that spread to the shaft when he peeled the foreskin back.

As he lifted and pressed the shaft against my belly he revealed, “The taste of your precum brings back memories.” I wondered but didn’t ask what he meant by that as he move on to licking my balls.

Once his head was under my the balls, he opened his mouth and inhaled one of them. It felt like he was trying to swallow it with the suction his mouth was giving it. He then expelled it only to suck it in again, washing it with his saliva.

I put my hand on the top of his head and buried my fingers in his hair. He then inhaled the other ball.

“Dad that feels so good.” I felt his tongue massage the nut that lay in his warm mouth as he held my shaft up against my belly.

He released my cock and it sprang back down hitting him in the face.

As he was getting back up he said, “You taste and smell amazing. We can’t ruin that with a shower. Go wait in my bedroom, while I clean my ass”

“What?!” I cried out in disappointment. I wanted him to slip my cock into his mouth.

“Give me a blow job Dad.” I pleaded.

“I wish I could do it now, but we need to wait for your mom to get home. She’s the boss.”

“But I want it now dad. Please.”

“Mason, I told you this is a packaged deal.”

“Then let me take the shower with you.”

“I promise we’ll shower together, but your mom loves the scent of your crotch. It really turns her on. I’ll see you in a few minutes. Now go wait for me in the bedroom.”

I speculated on how could she know the scent of my crotch and tried to reason with him. I wanted to wash every part of his body with soapy hands.

“Mason, go wait in my bedroom.” He said forcefully and softly added, “We’ll shower together like you and Tommy do sometimes.”

I headed to the bedroom to wait for him, and sat on the edge of the bed thinking, “Where are those toys?”

To be continued..
