A Trip to the Swimming Pool Was More Than I Bargained For (f/m) (humiliation) (blackmail) (happy ending)

I was at the swimming pool, and I was not having a good time. Now, usually, that would be a contradiction in terms, let me tell you. Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve loved to swim. You could ask any of my friends and they’d tell you. Amanda loves to swim, it’s just part of who she is. I especially like it when it’s early in the morning, or late at night, so you have most of the pool to yourself, and you can lap back and forth like a lazy fish, and just enjoy the feeling of your body moving through the water. It’s times like that which make life worth living, or at least, which make it more enjoyable. ]

But that day, I wasn’t enjoying it too much. Oh, the day had started well enough. I’d gotten together with my best friend Zoe, and the two of us had hit the town like a hammer. College was out that day, and Zoe had turned eighteen only a few days ago, so we were both still in the celebration stage of things. She’d always been a younger sister to me, though not literally, I should probably add. We’d grown up in the same street, and gone to the same schools. Met the same people, and taken the same classes. As far as the world was concerned, we were sisters, even if we didn’t share any blood.

Maybe that was why I was so pissed then. Zoe had seen someone else she’d known from school, just as we’d come to the swimming pool, and told me to go ahead and get in while she stayed to chat with him in the car park. Well, I did, of course. What else could I do? The guy was a boy she’d been crushing on for weeks now, and I knew that she would be mad as hell if I didn’t give her a chance. But the day was supposed to be for the two of us, and I remember hoping that she wouldn’t bring him in and spoil our fun.

Well, you know what they say about being careful what you wish for. After about fifteen minutes, it started to become clear to me that while he wasn’t going to show, neither was she. I figured the two of them had taken off, going to a bar or a food place instead and leaving me here all on my own.

Well, that was fine. Zoe was an adult now, and she could do what she wanted. But it did piss me off that she hadn’t come in and told me. I wouldn’t even have been mad! But she’d just left, and now I was simmering away furiously to myself. I’m surprised the water wasn’t bubbling.

To add to it, I didn’t even have the pool to myself. Usually, I would at this hour, it was pretty early in the day and usually, people would be too busy sleeping and/or travelling to work to get in my way, but today, some guy who looked about my own age – nineteen, maybe twenty – was present too. He’d arrived about five minutes ago, and he kept giving me looks that I didn’t like. He had messy brown hair, that he kept having to clear away from his eyes as the water soaked it, and his eyes themselves were blue, which I knew because they wouldn’t stop pointing my way.

Now, I don’t know exactly how much you know about girls, but in general, we don’t like to be ogled in the swimming pool, so after being ditched by my best friend, and left with a creep, I decided enough was enough and it was time to go.

With a graceful kick, and a little twist, I turned and splashed my way to the edge of the pool. My blond hair was cut short, so that it didn’t get into my eyes as I reached up for the ladder to get out, holding the railing with my hand, the moisture clinging to my pale skin. I ran a hand down the side of my hair, trying to squeeze the water out of it, the chlorine filling my nose.

The guy in the pool leered as he watched me go, his eyes followed my long legs, making me feel a tiny splash of self-awareness. The swimming suit I’d chosen wasn’t exactly revealing, but it was a two-piece that showed off my slim abdomen, and because I swam so much, my legs were long and toned. I was used to guys looking at them, especially if I was in a skirt or something, but this situation was already pretty far beyond comfortable.

I moved off, hurrying into the changing rooms, the rows upon rows of plastic cubicles and lockers where you could keep your clothes. I felt a vague sense of wariness as I walked into the corridor, turning my head back a few times, but I never saw anything, and after a moment, I wrote it off.

“You’re getting jumpy, Amanda.” I chided myself, finding my own locker, and retrieving my clothes. There was still no one around, but I didn’t feel very safe for some reason, and I didn’t know why. It would be better if I got dressed and got gone, I decided to myself, so I headed for the nearest cubicle, a large family sized one. It slid open for me, and once I locked it, I felt a sigh of relief.

“What the hell was that all about?” I asked myself, but I had no answer, only vague feelings that refused to give me anything solid.

There was a mirror in the cubicle, about head height, so you could brush and comb your hair once you were dressed. I looked at myself for a moment, noting how pale my skin had gotten, and how my green eyes were intense and focused. I almost looked scared.

I shook my head and forced a laugh, trying to drive off the unsettling feeling which was roosting in my gut. It worked, but only for a moment. A moment later, I heard a ringing knock on the door, battering the hinges of the cubicle. The plastic vibrated where it stood, and I whipped around.

“The hell?” I muttered, grabbing my towel and wrapping it around my body. “Find somewhere else, dude, I’m using this one!”

“I know!” Came the response, “But I’ve got something you might want to see.”

I frowned to myself. Something I might want to see? The hell could that mean? I knew it was the same guy from the pool, the creep. The idea of him having followed me here gave me the shivers. Did he really think I was going to open the door for him?

“It’s about your friend,” he went in, “Zoe, wasn’t it?”

The door swung open a moment later, and I stepped out, locking eyes with him. He was still in his swimming trunks, the water dripping off him to form a shallow pool by his feet.

“What do you mean?” I demanded, for some reason, I didn’t have a very good feeling about this at all. In fact, my gut had twisted into a knot as soon as he’d mentioned Zoe’s name. “What do you want me to see about her?”

He smirked, that look got under my skin, as if he realised he’d manipulated me into opening the door, but I didn’t care much. I cared about my friend. If he wanted to ogle me while I was draped in my towel, fine, I could take it.

“It’s probably better to show you.” He said, handing something to me. I realised then for the first time that, in spite of the fact that most of him was dripping wet, his right hand had been dried, and he was clutching a phone. He passed it to me without comment, and I could see that a video was paused near the start.

“Go on.” He said, “Play it.”

I glared at him, not liking this one bit. My body felt heavy, and there was a weight in my stomach, as though I was dreading something I could not quite verbalise. He said nothing more as I unpaused the video, finding it an image of the outside of the building. It looked like it had been taken only a few minutes after I’d left, and showed Zoe and the guy she was crushing on talking.

For a moment, nothing happened. They were flirting, speaking. I couldn’t make out what they were saying, but Zoe was blushing, and the guy seemed to be stuttering too. It looked awkward, but it was the sort of awkward where two people like one another, and don’t really know what to do about it. Nothing sinister seemed to be going on.

Then, I saw Zoe look around, gesturing to the boy. Her face was vivid red, blushing furiously. She said something to him, and he looked shocked, but then nodded. She took his hand, and led him away from the building. There was a park outside of the swimming complex, which was mostly empty at this time. Zoe led the boy there, seeking a thicket of trees which mostly obscured them from casual view. By now, I had an idea of what was going on, and clearly, the man holding the phone did too, because he followed at a slow pace, making sure that neither of them saw him.

Once (They thought!) they were hidden, Zoe and the boy turned to one another and leaned into a kiss. I saw the colour on both of their faces, Zoe was nervous, biting her lower lip and looking back towards the complex. But then, she seemed to make up her mind, she fell to her knees, her hands fumbling for the zip of the guy’s jeans.

I watched for another five minutes, but things proceeded as you would expect from that start. When it was done, I looked up at the guy in front of me, with his blue eyes, and his messy brown hair, and his smile that looked far too much like the sort of smile you’d see on an oncoming shark if you were a helpless school of tuna.

“Does the guy know? or Zoe?” I demanded of him.

“Neither.” The half-naked man replied. “I just left them out there to take care of it. They seemed to be enjoying themselves. My name is Jason, by the way, I don’t know if you would remember it…”

“Why should I remember your name?” I snapped. “And just who are you to record something like that anyway? That’s sick! You think I’m going to give your phone back to you?”

“You can give it back or not,” Jason pointed out, “It’s on the cloud now. I can get it without the phone. As for why you should recognise my name, Amanda, it may have been too much to ask. We’ve only shared the same classes for five years now, so I get why you would forget such a minor thing like that.”

“So what?” I said, folding my arms, “You share the same classes as me? Don’t make me laugh. You’re not my friend.”

“You’re right.” He nodded, “But I know that you care for your friends pretty deeply. And I know little Zoe would get a very bad reputation if this video surfaced. It would be hard for her to recover, wouldn’t it? I mean, someone like you, you could walk it off easy. But she’s a lot more anxious and gentle than you, she wouldn’t know how. It’d follow her.”

My blood turned to ice in my veins, looking into his eyes, I was struck by two realisations. The first was, he was absolutely right. Zoe wouldn’t be able to walk something like that off. She’d get a reputation she didn’t know what to do about. Guys would start to harass her. Now me, I could deal. People respect authority and power, you deal with them firmly, and they back off. But Zoe…she was anxious, and gentle, and not the sort to be able to do that… it’d be a living hell for her…

The second thing I realised was that Jason was absolutely ready to send the video out. I could see in his yes and the set of his face. He must have seen the two of us approaching the pool, and then noticed as we separated. When he caught Zoe and her new boyfriend, he must have realised his chance, and taken it with me.

Fuck, this wasn’t good at all.

He pushed passed me suddenly, catching me by surprise, and concerned with my own thoughts. My skin burned where his brushed it, and I staggered backwards, into the cubicle. At the same time, he turned and locked the door, and then snatched the phone back from me.

“What do you want?” I asked him. Maybe the most cliche thing I could have said, but my head wasn’t exactly in the game right then.

“Well, payment for five years of being ignored so much that you literally forgot my name.” Jason said, “That’s on my mind right now, but beyond that, I just want to have some fun with you.”

“Fun?” I said, making sure my tone was pretty definite on what fun he meant, and my opinion on it.

“That’s right, fun.” Jason said, rolling his eyes, “Look, I’m not an absolute bastard, so here’s the deal. You’re hot as hell, and I’ve been after you for five years, but you never gave me the time of day. I don’t want something silly like to be your boyfriend, or to have you as my personal slave. I just want you to play along today, let’s have some fun together, Amanda, and if I am satisfied afterwards, I’ll delete the video, and forget it ever happened.”

My breath hitched in my throat, and my lungs struggled for air. My limbs felt weak and cold, and for a moment, I couldn’t seem to think at all. His proposition filled my mind, and drove out every other thought. I hesitated, on the verge of screaming at him to get out of the cubicle and leave us both alone, but the image and the video kept popping into my mind.

“How do I know you would delete the video?” I asked him, my inner self was screaming. Why was I even considering this? I felt shaken to the core, my pulse racing, my blood pounding in my ears.

“You’ll just have to trust me.” Jason said, “it’s not like you really have much choice. I know you well enough, even if you don’t seem to know me. I know you won’t abandon your friends, and I know that Zoe can’t take the heat if that video leaked. So you have only one choice, and that’s to do what I say. So, drop the towel, and let me see your body.”

I stood my ground for several minutes. The towel felt warm against my wet skin, the cold air in the cubicle was prickling against my arms and legs. My hands were frozen, and I could neither lift the towel higher nor let it go. My mind raced, and I felt helpless fury enter my heart. Even from that moment, though, I knew that he was right, damn it. I knew that I could not abandon my friend.

My fingers refused to move at first, as though they were working on some subconscious command, but one by one, I wrested them clear, the towel became more and more drafty as it started to swing. I could feel his blue eyes on me, hungry with anticipation. I knew he’d already seen me in my swimming clothes, back in the pool, but this felt so much different, so much more personal.

The towel fell away, piling at my feet, and I stood facing him in my top and briefs. My skin was still dotted with moisture, my close cut blond hair plastered to my skull with the damp. I felt his gaze, roving over my chest. The top was form fitting, not loose at all, and he could see the shape of my breasts through it. I bit my lower lips, feeling the weight of the moment.

Then, his eyes sunk lower, falling to my thighs, and then rising to meet with my shorts. These were a bit better. I wasn’t exactly ashamed of my body, but I did like some modesty when I was swimming, and I thanked that aspect of my personality now.

I could see that Jason was becoming aroused. The blood rushed to his face, and he took a step forward. His swimming trunks were soaking from the pool, and I could see the shape of an erection between his legs. It made the back of my throat dry. I’d had boyfriends before, of course, and even fooled around with them, but this situation was totally different, and I could feel his presence like the tip of a knife gently running up and down my spine.

The two of us were close now. I could practically feel the heat radiating from his body. He was inches from me, and he was moving like he couldn’t believe his luck. As for me, I also couldn’t believe this was happening, though for very different reasons.

He reached up, his fingers pressing against my top, following the downward shape of my breasts. My skin sparked with contact, a wave of heat following his motions. I squirmed, and tried to back away, but stopped when he looked at me.

“We can stop any time you want,” he said, “But if I am not happy when we do, Zoe will suffer for it. Your choice.”

“You’re an absolute bastard.” I said, with feeling. My heart was beating like a drum, adrenaline flooding my veins. My legs and arms were shaking, fight or flight kicked in, but I was trapped, pinned like a butterfly before I collector. I could do neither.

I felt him, his fingers pressing through the wet fabric against my skin, circling the outline of my breasts, becoming faster, and pressing harder as he became more sure of their shape and size. In the put of my gut, I felt a rising arousal that horrified me, but then, it felt good. It was designed to feel good. My nerves fired, sending the feeling of arousal and contact sparking through my body whether I wanted it or not.

I grit my teeth to keep from making a sound as Jason’s fingers circled the border of my top, pressing against my naked skin as they tried to find a way inside. I felt exposed and humiliated, my legs were like jelly, and then I felt his fingers start to fold up the top. He couldn’t easily remove it, so he just pushed it upwards, exposing me by inches. My first instinct was to snarl, and bat him away, but I didn’t, I just stood there and let him do it. There was a growing heat in my chest, and I could feel a tightness between my legs. Was…was I getting aroused by this?

The swimming to flipped up, revealing my naked chest, Jason’s eyes focused on it in an instant, and I saw his erection grow harder, a grin crossed his face, mixed lust and anticipation, and his hands reached out to trace my naked skin. He pawed at my breasts, I felt his fingers digging into them, making me moan in spite of my best efforts. He was rough and crude, but had a sort of energy to him, as if he’d long lived for this day.

His hands played over my chest, touching and stroking, sending flashes of aching need and rising lust spiking through my body. My nerve-endings fired, each touch left a trail of tingles, and I was gasping.

“Do you like this, Amanda?” He asked. His own face was flushed, arousal making it red. “I didn’t think you’d get so turned on by something like this… isn’t this just for Zoe?”

“F-fuck you…” I growled, wishing I could try for a more eloquent answer. But his hands had stolen my breath, and I could feel the beat of my heart skipping. Butterflies tumbled in my stomach, and my skin had become so very sensitive, so that each touch and sweep of his fingers made my head spin.

He followed the shape of my breasts downwards, his hands tracing the curve of them. My bust had never been very big, though it wasn’t quite small. More middle of the ground, really, and as he approached the tip, and my nipples, the feeling got more and more intense, until I was almost trembling.

“Your nipples are really hard,” Jason said, demonstrating as he clenched one between his fingers. The motion, and the sudden pressure, sent a bolt of feeling rushing down my spine. I hated myself then, as I moaned like I was enjoying it. He grinned, and lowered his face towards my chest, his tongue sticking out to caress my nipple. I shuddered, though whether in disgust or pleasure, I did not really know.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, why did this feel so good? I didn’t usually feel half this good when I did it for myself! And even when I had a boyfriend… this was intense!

He sucked my nipple, his tongue playing with it, stroking it, and circling it. He used his teeth to gently grind against it, stealing my air with each motion. I moaned more loudly, unable to hold back even as the shame and humiliation made my face red. Why couldn’t I stop? Why wouldn’t I push him away?

But it felt so good. He sucked and teased my nipple, sending waves of pleasure radiating through me, and then, when I was getting used to it, he switched to the other one. It was unfair! He was using my own body to drive me deeper and deeper into his control!

I backed up, he followed. His spine was pressed against the cold plastic wall of the cubicle, each of his hands was teasing one of my breasts. He stroked my areola, circling my nipples, tweaked the buds themselves, and made sure to pay attention to the breast itself too, using different pressures and speeds, so I didn’t know what to do.

His fingers splayed, stroking me, and teasing me, making my skin hot, and my breath curl in my lungs. I could feel myself pressed against the wall, the waves of pleasure flowing through my core, rising to my mind, and beating themselves against my logical self.

Suddenly, he pressed his face inwards, forcing open my lips and kissing me deeply, his tongue entered my mouth, and I responded by sheer instinct, driven by my rising arousal. I kissed him back, and his eyes opened in surprise, but only for a moment, before he redoubled his efforts, using his body to pin me against the far wall, I felt his chest press up against my nipples, crushing my breasts against him as his hand drifted lower. Terror and humiliation danced in my heart, like spears of ice, and I felt his hand slip under the waist of my swimming trunks.

A thousand thoughts at once flared in my mind, filling me with panic, and yet tinged with anticipation. I couldn’t breath, my heart pounded, my skin was burning, and part of me was silently screaming for him to stop while the rest urged him on. The tips of his fingers traced a gradual descend down my lower body, until he found the slopes of my mound. My eyes opened, I felt his touch there, between my legs, his fingers encircling my womanhood, and following the curve of it to my lower mouth.

I was wet down there. How could I not be after everything that happened? But I still felt a flash of shame as he must have noticed it, the tips of his fingers explored my crevice, peeling my lower lips aside, and entering my womanhood. I moaned into the kiss, my body was on fire, my senses were screaming. Each touch of his sent waves flooding through me, lust and dread and pleasure all mixed together into a great ball that bashed into the fortifications of my mind. I tried to focus on something, anything but the pleasure, but it was hard.

His fingers were moving faster now. My lower lips were spread wide, and each time they penetrated me, a little burst would go off between my legs. I was grunting, moaning in time with each push, and that seemed to drive him on. I’d never felt like this before. Never so utterly helpless, so completely powerless, and yet so totally turned on. My senses were burning, climbing to a height I’d never felt in my life.

He fingered me, his hand moving faster and faster, driven into a frenzy by my aroused groans and moans, my nipples were pressed against his chest, and they were hard, my breath caught in my throat, and I couldn’t even form words anymore. My lower body was a constant storm of pleasure, radiating from a red hot core between my legs. My clitoris was burning, aching for more, each push of his put me closer and closer to the edge.

I was grinding against him now, riding the feeling, riding the sensation. At some point, maybe because of how he’d forced them away, my swimming trunks started to full down, pulled by gravity, and our combined motions. I was naked, but I didn’t even really notice it, and I don’t think he did either. My legs were shaking, the explosions of pleasure that flowed from his motion made them weak, and they almost collapsed, but he supported me, holding me up with his body, pressing me against the far wall. I moaned and squirmed, trying to spread my legs wider, to give him more roof. I couldn’t believe that I was doing it, I felt so ashamed, my face was warm, and there were tears in the corners of my eyes. Was I really spreading my legs? For this guy?

But I didn’t stop, and he kept going, moving faster and faster, until a flowing tingle began to build up between my lower lips, echoing through my body, it grew stronger and stronger. I clenched my fist, and threw my head back, my eyes pressed closed as I felt the climax rising from somewhere deep inside of me. My mouth opened in a silent moan, for there was no sound I could make that could equal this feeling, this rushing, this spiking pleasure that blazed through my nerves.

As the climax hit me, like a wave smashing into the shore, my whole body tingled, and flashed with heat. I managed to moan then, my womanhood clenching his fingers in response to the feeling. He stopped, standing back and watching me with rapt attention, his eyes were round, surprise coloured them. Had he never seen a girl cum before?

Then again, I’d never cum like this before either, so maybe that was it. My arms and legs shook, my eyes I pressed closed, my body trembled in the throes of the orgasm. I slumped to the floor, my back still pressed against the wall, the cold tiles freezing my skin. My legs were spread, my hair was a mess, and my chest heaved as I tried to catch my breath.

“F-fu-fuck…” I managed, my voice trembling as I spoke.

After a moment, a long moment, of absolute silence, Jason took out the phone, and pressed a button. For a moment, I thought he’d taken a photo, but he turned to show me that he’d actually deleted the video.

“That was amazing, Amanda.” He said, looking at me again. I didn’t have the strength to try and get up yet, nor did I close my legs. My pussy was still trembling, the aftereffects of the orgasm still echoing inside of me.

I swallowed, trying to moisten my throat.

“D-did you take a picture…?” I asked him, when I could speak finally. My heart was pounding, running a thousand miles a minute, and my head was swirling. I didn’t know what I wanted to do, but I knew that this had felt a thousand times more intense than anything I had done before.

“N-no.” He said, “I promised after all. I’m not a complete bastard, I just… I guess I just saw a chance and took it…”

He looked guilty now, as if it had occurred to him just what he had done.

“I-if you had taken a photo…”I said slowly, “you could make me do things like that again, couldn’t you? Y-you could blackmail me whenever you want, and I would have to do what you asked…I-if I had some time…I could take birth control, and you could make it so that I had no choice but to fuck you…”

“I couldn’t do that.” Jason said, looking away.

“You could,” I said, getting some strength back, “d-didn’t you tel me you always wanted me? I…I’m not looking for a boyfriend right now, but if you had pictures, I’d really have no choice but to fuck you if you made me… and I couldn’t even go to anyone, because it would ruin my reputation.”

That was a lie and we both knew it. Zoe’s rep would be ruined by a thing like this, but I had the confidence to walk it off. But Jason didn’t call me on it, for a long moment, he looked at me, his eyes lingered on my naked body, I could see the disbelief, and the lust. I decided to take my chances, and give him one more poke.

“Do you want to take a picture?”

A moment later, the phone was in his hands.


And that was how I met Jason. The two of us would go on to have a lot of fun together over the years. Now, you might say that how it happened was pretty fucked up, and yeah, I sort of agree. But even so, I can’t say that I didn’t enjoy the time we spent together as sort of boyfriend, and kind of girlfriend.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/mldnf1/a_trip_to_the_swimming_pool_was_more_than_i


  1. Holy heck, if this is something that actually happened, you are very good at transferring real-life experience to words. Props to you.

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