The Fighter: Part Three [Brother; Sister; Forbidden Romance]

*A few days later…*

“There’s nothing.” Ashley hopelessly falls onto the couch after another fruitless day. “Not a single fucking job and my classes start in two weeks. Then I’ll have even less time.”

“Don’t be too hard on yourself.”

Brandon has quickly warmed up to his sister being around. And she was serious about developing a more responsible side. Sure, she still leaves her clothes all over the place, but it’s a small price to pay for the energy she always seems to radiate.

“But if I start working, you’ll have more time to train.”

“You want to start supporting me now?”

“It’s the least I can do.” Ashley’s eyes light up as she finishes the sentence. “Or, maybe…”

“Hold on. It’s never a good sign when you theorize, because it usually makes me the rat in your experiment.”

Brandon knows that look too well.

It’s the look of determination.

“I can’t believe I haven’t thought about it before.”


“I’ll teach you how to dance.” She suggests like it’s the best thing since sliced bread.

“And how is that going to pay off in financial terms?” He inquires with casual sarcasm.

“Remember what Joe said? You have to move better if you want to fight that guy. Well, what better way to learn than through dancing?”

Ashley is off the couch and closing in on Brandon, doing crunches on the floor.

Since before she got back, he’s been working out and warming up for his session at the gym later. Every free second he gets, he tries to use productively. But his sister quite easily distracts him as she drops to her knees next to him.

“You’re serious? Dancing lessons?” He tries to concentrate on his breathing while steering Ashley away from the idea.

“Yes. Because when you hold up a championship belt, I’ll be the first person you think of. Which, I’ll argue, is better than money. Wouldn’t you?” She says with a defiant grin.

“Does that mean you won’t be paying rent any time soon?”

“Don’t avoid the subject.”

“I think you already did. And besides, where do I get the time?”

The more he thinks about it, the more sense Ashley makes. A couple of dance lessons could be exactly what he needs to up his game.

“We have time right now. You don’t have to be at the gym for what, another hour or so?”

“You’re crazy.” He remains hesitant, because he knows what he looks like when he tries to dance.

“Or maybe you’re scared of success?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means you have the opportunity to be a better fighter. But you’re scared of what comes next.”

“If I’m so scared, I wouldn’t have isolated myself from my family for the last three years.” Brandon finally gives up halfway through his set of crunches, only to get lost in Ashley’s big eyes.

“That was then. You were angry enough to look past the fear. But now you’ve gotten comfortable with your surroundings. So comfortable, in fact, that you are too scared to take another leap of faith.”

Ashley shows an insight Brandon never noticed before.

“Since when do you observe people with such depth?” He can’t help asking.

“I don’t. I only do it for you.” She says with too much sincerity, causing both to linger in the weird moment as their eyes lock. “So, will you let me help you? I promise, if you don’t feel better in the ring, I’ll never mention dancing again.”

“Fine. If it means that much to you.” Brandon isn’t sure about what he’s agreeing to.

Initially, it started with getting better at boxing. But between Ashley’s sincerity and her low tank-top, he lost the plot.

“Great. We’ll start with a basic waltz.”

Ashley jumps to her feet and moves around the furniture to create space. Then she scans through her phone for the right music and sets the device on the kitchen counter.

“Okay, come on.” She eagerly insists.

As Brandon gets up and takes hold of Ashley’s waist, he notices the few inches of bare skin underneath his fingers – the section between her top and low-cut jeans. It’s not something he would’ve noticed before. But right now, it’s got him thinking all kinds of dirty things he knows he shouldn’t.

He tries to follow her lead through the sudden distractions though. But after a few seconds of awkwardly gliding across the floor, Ashley inconspicuously closes the gap between them.

Now there is more physical contact, causing more distractions.

“You’re doing great.” She lies and comes in closer a little more.

Brandon’s heart is racing as his sister’s thigh consistently pushes and grinds against his shaft. And as much as he wants to pull away, the urge is stronger to keep the friction going.

“Are you sure this is a waltz?” He tries to defuse the sexual tension with general conversation.

“We’re improvising.” She replies rather delicately, like she’s just as unsure of herself as he is.

He thought he would be able to control it, but Brandon suddenly pulls away when his erection takes over.

“Hey,” Ashley calls out.

“Sorry, I just remembered I have to pick up something for Joe. But we’ll do it again tomorrow? Or next week? And I really need a shower before I go, so.”

Brandon appears scattered and overwhelmed.

Getting hot for his sister was the last thing he wanted.

And now, all he can see is what other guys see – which translates into seductive curves that go on forever.

He leaves Ashley somewhat confused, but he can’t let her see the tent he’s pitching.

“Tomorrow. Same time.” She tells him as he disappears into the bathroom.

And Brandon has no choice but to jerk off as the opportunity presents itself. In fact, he decides to make a habit of it just before every lesson with Ashley.

Because getting hard every time is not an option.
