The Fighter: Part Five [Brother; Sister; Forbidden Romance]

“Serves me right for scheduling the fight early. Are you dating again?” Joe doesn’t look at Brandon while finishing the last bit of his singular beer.

“No.” Brandon is cleaning his fourth glass already.

The bar is pretty quiet this time of the week, except for a few loud people at the pool table. And the old man was hoping a cold one could help to get Brandon’s head straight. But so far, the young boxer only seems to get more depressed.

Personally, Joe hates mixed up emotions and complications. He also doesn’t tolerate his fighters getting their panties in a bunch.

But Brandon is like the family he never had. There is just something comfortable about their relationship. Maybe it’s because they tend to understand each other as much as they bicker. The bottom line is that Joe actually cares. Even if he doesn’t know how to help.

“You’re distracted.”

“It’s my first big fight, Joe. Can you blame me for being nervous?” Brandon covers up the real truth with a false one.

He’s been avoiding Ashley as much as possible, and she conveniently does the same. In reality, he’s never been more ready to get into a ring with someone like McKenna. It’s the dancer sleeping in his apartment that’s got his focus spinning in a million different directions.

And it’s not the type of crush you tell people about.

Unless you want to get a really weird look.

“Being nervous I can understand. But one moment you’re on fire, then you zone out like you’re on crack or something. And frankly, I’m not so confident about you going up against McKenna anymore.” Joe gives it to him straight.

“That’s what I need right now? An honest opinion that undermines my ability?” Brandon doesn’t waste time sinking the next drink.

“I respect you too much to fuck around. Besides, the date is set. I can’t stop what’s bound to happen, even if I wanted to.”

Instead of opening up, Brandon keeps drinking.

“I’m telling you the way things are, kid. As it stands, your head is either up in the clouds or very deep in your ass. Figure it out, or it’ll be the reason you get knocked out cold.”

The old man pays for both of them as he accepts defeat. Then he pats Brandon on the shoulder as he turns and leaves.

He’s tried to hide it. To lie to himself. But he hits a wall every time he recalls her perfume.

And her silky skin.

“Let me buy you a beer, handsome. Looks like you can use some company.”

A young woman Brandon doesn’t know settles in the seat Joe just left.

He doesn’t reply to her advance.

At least, not immediately.

It’s clear what the young woman wanted when she sat down. And she’s so wet for the upcoming fighter she’s slipping and sliding all over the surface of the bar-stool, drawing his attention to her incredibly short skirt.

“Are you really gonna make this harder on me?” She blushes as she realizes Brandon isn’t succumbing to her naturally attractive appearance.

But the more he looks at her, the more he takes in the opportunity to forget about Ashley. The pep talk from Joe didn’t help, and neither does the beer, but mindless sex could be just what he needs.

And after a few more seconds of summing each other up, they’re in the alley behind the bar. He still doesn’t know her name, but he knows her G-string easily pulls to side.

Through the wild kissing she starts to murmur into his mouth.

Brandon’s finger is teasing her clit, causing the unfamiliar woman to buck her hips in anticipation of what’s coming.

All Brandon can really think about is the one person he shouldn’t. Not even when a hot girl gives herself to him on a silver platter can he break the trail of thought connected to Ashley.

Nevertheless, he lets his partner for the night unzip his jeans. But she’s unable to get to his buckle as Brandon is ripped away and thrown to the ground. While struggling to get a visual of the person that tossed him like a rag doll, he feels a big boot smashing into his stomach. Then another one quickly strikes in his chest.

The pain stings like a mother-fucker, and Brandon fights to catch his breath where he’s curled on the dirty alley floor.

“This is a little gift from McKenna.” A raspy voice whispers into his ear. “Now, get up.”

Brandon finally begins to see straight, and the first thing he gets clarity on is the girl that offered to buy him a beer. She’s lighting a cigarette and counting money she most likely got from the three guys that surround him now.

If only they knew pain is exactly what he feeds on at the moment.

The more he can get as he gives it out – the better.

It’s obvious he’ll lose.

He can take two… when he’s sober.

But three fairly big men and those drafts he couldn’t drink quickly enough are stacking the odds against him.

So, he does what his instincts tell him – focus on the two in front of him as he takes whatever the guy at the back throws at him.

For someone not used to fighting, everything would have gone by quickly.

Not for Brandon.

It’s like time slows down when starts fighting, giving him a clear picture of where to hit and how to block.

And his opponents are clearly hired muscle with more experience in the field of intimidation. If they don’t function in numbers, they simply don’t function.

They are tough, though, because it takes Brandon several punches to knock them out. Which is when he notices something. He didn’t feel anything smash against the back of his head like he expected. And when he quickly turns around to address his third opponent, he finds Joe standing over the guy.


Seeing the old man stand victorious without a scratch is quite impressive, considering the size of the man he took down.

“McKenna fights dirty. It was a matter of time before he pulled something like this.”

“Thanks for the help.”

“Don’t mention it, kid. But remember, I can’t be in that ring with you next week.”
