Episode 1: Finally they meet.

After having picked up some things she had asked him to go get her for dinner, Jay hurries back toward her flat smiling. The gentleman he was, of course he had gladly gone. On the way back, he thinks of all the things they’ve talked about doing during the months of getting to know each other online. He fondly recalls the video chats, the text messages, the sexting, and of course, the naughty photos that are on his phone. He licks his lower lip, thinking of her body in those photos and the way she makes him smile. And the way he makes her giggle in that naughty way she does. Oh, how he loves that giggle. A lady behind him in the queue at the shop had looked at him funny and asked if he was okay, since he had been so lost in his own thoughts, thinking of that ass dancing in the kitchen this morning, and the scent of her – rose water and coconut.

This was their first meeting and the chemistry was electric ever since that hug at the airport, when Elle had picked him up. He knew she had been nervous, but he had still kissed her and her cheeks had turned red – he loved that. That had been their first hug, their first kiss and the first time they had touched. Last night they had fallen asleep in each other’s arms, smiles on their faces after staying up most of the night talking. He looked up. He was almost at hers.

The warmth of her flat welcomes him, but he was expecting her to stand there in the kitchen, preparing the cooking, though she is not. A faint unfamiliar smell reaches his nostrils: a rich, earthy smell that wasn’t there when he left. He calls out to her: “Babe?…” She calls back: “I’m in the bedroom, love. Could you come give me a hand, please?”. Smiling and ready to help, he walks to the bedroom.

The sight that meets him, when he opens the door almost makes him blush – but only almost – she is the one blushing. Elle is on her knees in front of him, wearing no clothing, but instead a collar-type necklace with delicate chains that attach to her nipples and a leather harness around her waist, thighs and butt. There are little bows on the harness that caress her ass cheeks. Jay catches his breath for a moment and is reminded of every time she undressed for him during their video chats. He can tell that her skin is a little affected by the cool chains that caress her skin. He can’t help but look in astonishment at those silvery chains dangling from her nipples, in front of her breasts, that collar around her neck – she always told him she did not want to wear a collar, but here she was, wearing one… for him.

Taking in all of her he looks at that curvy body of hers that he has been wanting to touch for so long. He clenches his fists tightly for a moment thinking of his hands touching those thick thighs and that big, juicy butt that are wrapped in leather. The harness is tight on her and he can already feel his dick getting hard just by looking at her. It’s getting tight in his trousers too.

“Welcome back, handsome”, she beckons. She is looking at him cheekily with those striking blue eyes, that he has fallen in love with. She opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue and he knows what she is asking for, but instead he says: “Tell me what you want”. Elle looks down and starts talking, but that is not what he wants. “Stop”. He walks over to her, angles up her chin so she is looking at him. “Look me in the eye, speak up, and tell me what you want, Elle”, he says in a commanding tone. She looks at him, red cheeks and a crooked smile: “I want your dick in my mouth.” He smiles at her and takes a few steps back. He sits down in the chair next to her and looks at her for a few moments. He is touching his cock through his trousers and readjusts. She is getting impatient, he can tell. He loves this part. “Stand up and give me a twirl, darling”. She obeys, smiling. She loves when he calls her darling.

“And I think you are forgetting a few things.” he adds, while she spins. She looks at him quizzically. “First of all, what do you call me?”.
“My Lord”, she replies, looking at him through the mirror with hungry eyes, big, cheeky grin on her face.
“Correct. Secondly, what words do you always put in your sentences?”
“Please or thank you, my Lord”.

“Good. Now that we got that out of the way, get on your knees in front of me, look me in the eye and ask again.” he tells her, looking at her, appearing, to her, nearly unaffected in that chair. He is leaned back a bit, legs slightly apart, smiling and looking intensely at her. It’s driving her crazy! She gets on her knees in front of him and asks again: “Please, my Lord, may I have your cock in my mouth?”.
He looks at her with a whimsical look in his eye. “Better. But not yet. Wait here.” He leaves the room, she is confused, but she waits and listens. She hears a little rumbling and she can hear him coming back. He is carrying a little box and he sets it down on her desk. She is very intrigued and asks: “What is that?”. He looks at her with mild eyes and replies: “Do you want a chance to correct yourself, little miss?”. “I’m sorry, of course, thank you. What is that, my Lord?”, she asks again, smiling. “That… is something I brought with me, just in case. Maybe we will get to use it, maybe not.” She starts saying something, but he interrupts her: “Now, get up and stand in front of the mirror, hands behind your back” She gets up, walks over to the mirror and does as he commands, sighing deeply in anticipation: “Yes, my Lord”.
“Spread your legs, babe”, he instructs in a soft voice. As she does, he rewards her by walking over and whispering: “Good girl” into her ear. She tries to hold back a smile, but fails. Good girl is one of those things that she thought she would never find hot, but she really loves it with him. Her body shivers slightly at the word. He places a hand around her neck, squeezing gently on both sides of her throat, while placing his other hand between her legs, touching what he knows to be his. “Who does your wet.. warm.. tight pussy belong to?” he asks her in a whispering voice. Blushing, she replies: “It belongs to you, my Lord” ending in a little moan.

She closes her eyes. “Open your eyes. Look at your Lord through the mirror”, he orders. She struggles to keep her eyes open and to keep her voice steady, but succeeds at his command. He plays with her wet, wet pussy for a while and keeps choking her ever so slightly occasionally. She whimpers a little and her legs are twitching every now and then. “Do you like when I play with you like this?”, he asks. “I love it, thank you, my Lord”, she replies. “Are you my dirty little play thing for tonight?” – “I am, my Lord”. “Tell me”, he instructs. “I am your dirty little play thing for tonight and you may do as you wish with me, my Lord. Thank you”. “Good girl”, he whispers and pushes two fingers inside her, feeling her wet, warm, sticky juices cover them. Taking his fingers out again, he holds them up in front of her mouth, he says one word to her: “Ask”. She instantly catches on: “May I please taste myself, my Lord?”.
“You may. I want to taste your lips covered in that sweet pussy juice and remember to look at yourself while licking it off, angel eyes”. She licks his fingers hungrily. After a few moments, he turns her head so he can kiss her off of her own lips. She tastes so good, he thinks to himself. “Thank you, my Lord”. She sighs deeply.

“Close your eyes and enjoy for a moment, babe”, Jay says. “Mm, thank you, my Lord”. He walks away from her and she can hear him opening the box. She is so curious but keeps her eyes closed as he has commanded. She can hear his feet walking back towards her. “Open your eyes.”
She sees handcuffs dangling from his hands. She smiles, but he can tell that she is a little surprised. “Would you like me to put them on you, my little play thing?”, he asks. “Yes, please, my Lord, thank you”, she looks at him excited. He lets his fingers caress her arms and he reaches her wrist and puts on the cuff on one side. He walks around her, taking in all that which is his. He bows down behind her and kisses her butt with those cute bows on the harness. He grabs her one ass cheek with one hand and massages it, he then gets up and slaps the other cheek hard to leave his mark on her. She gasps and jumps, and her breasts bounce a little, chains dangling away. He can tell she enjoyed that just as much as he did… his naughty girl. Walking around to her front, he kisses her. They both have their eyes closed and he slips two fingers inside her pussy again. When their kiss breaks, she lets out a little moan. She hears the deep intake of breath as he looks at her with hungry eyes. Those beautiful brown eyes with a green tint, that she will never get tired of looking into. He kisses her neck, her naked breasts, her stomach and right above her pussy. He grabs her other wrist with his free hand and kisses it gently before putting his two fingers in his mouth, tasting her before the next step, which he has been looking forward to.

Putting on the other cuff behind her back, clasping her hands to her harness he says: “Get on your knees, my cock hungry girl”. She is a little perplexed at the new name, so he follows up with: “Do as I say. Kneel, babe” and smiles at her reassuringly. She does as he commands and ends with: “Yes, my Lord”. He continues: “Open your mouth and stick out your tongue”. She obeys.

He stands back, looking at his girl. He knows she is not the most confident girl, but she has no reason not to be. She is the most sexy, beautiful girl he has ever seen and he has never wanted anyone this much. She looks back at him smiling, but has a puzzled look on her face. He realises he is smiling as well, a little mesmerised and comes back to her. “So, tell me again, what are you, who does your body belong to and what you want, then get back into the same pose”.
“I am yours, my Lord. My body belongs to you and I am your cock hungry fuck toy. I want your cock in my mouth, may I please suck your cock, my Lord”, she replies and gets back into the pose, he has instructed. He looks at her a little surprised at her new moniker, but he loves it. His cock has been hard for a while now, and is so ready to come out. He wanted to take it out at first, but he wanted the focus to be on her. She looks at him expectantly, mouth open, tongue out, on her knees. He gets naked and she is looking at him with hungry, watchful eyes, a smile forming in the corner of her mouth. She loves his body, he can tell.
He walks over to her, cock in hand tells her: “You can kiss the tip”. That little smile forming at the corner of her mouth disappeared really quick upon hearing that. She kisses the tip of his cock: “Thank you, my Lord”. Smiling at her, he orders: “Tell me how much you want it.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/mcgz0n/episode_1_finally_they_meet