Supply room fantasy

You see me slip into the supply room, and make your move. A quick glance about and no one to see, you follow me in, as I stand with an arm full of saline and tubing the door snicks quietly behind you. I spin around, Our eyes lock, mine widening in surprise, I expected anyone but you.

Immediately, my back is against the door as one of your hands is knotted in the hair at the base of my scalp, tilting my head forcefully back, just this side of pain as you angle my lips to you liking. Biting and sucking before devouring them once more. Your other hand is yanking my scrubs down to better reach my panties. You slide them aside and press two fingers between my sopping lips, feeling the reaction you caused before you ever touched me.

My wet heat makes your cock throb even harder and In your minds eye you see yourself pinning my pliant body against the door with animalistic thrusts. A whimper brings you back to the present and you groan aloud when you realize Your fingers are now inside me, and I’m arching into you with desperate, frantic, little movements.

