You and the dragoness. (Short story I whipped up)

The past year had been a wild one. For years, a dragon would steal and devour sheep after sheep from your farm. One day you decided you had enough, and claimed you were to kill the dragon. You watched and waited for hours, ready to spring you trap and slay the dragon. When the dragon did come, you sprung the trap and went as you said you would, but when you were face to face, you didn’t have the heart. After conversation with the dragoness, you had a deal. In exchange for a sacrifice each month, she would no longer kill your sheep. You assumed she meant a sarcrificed lamb, but she had something different in mind. Each month, when the dragoness was overcome by heat, she would fly to your farm and beg you to mate with her. Over the next year, you and the dragoness had created a bond that rivaled royal marriage. One month, the dragoness asked you to marry her. While not under the eyes of a preist, under the eyes of Tiamat and your Lord, you were wed yourselves. Your now wife has said she is to bear your child, and you complied. Someday soon, you and the dragoness that once plagued your farm will raise a family on your farm.
