Emily’s Visit [MF]

After graduating from high school, I attended a local university about an hour away from where I grew up. A few of my classmates from high school attended the same college I did and we occasionally saw each other on campus. This was before the days of cell phones and email, so unless you saw your friends on campus and got their home phone number or address, there was practically no way to contact them…so it was nice to run into them occasionally and catch up on each other’s lives.   

During the first year of college, I lived in the dorms and roomed with my best friend, Bill, from high school. We had a great relationship and had a lot of fun that year. We made good friends with some of the other dorm residents and we are still in contact with many of them today. As is probably typical, we all spent more time with our new friends and less with the old ones due to proximity and changed interests. As time went on and lives got busy, we saw our old friends less and less.   

Throughout high school, Bill and I hung out with a group of six girls that we had in most of our classes and we were all pretty close. We hung out at break and lunch and did many volunteer after school activities together. Three of the girls had boyfriends and the rest of us were all single. Of the group of friends, only one went away to a different college than the rest of us.   

During my second year of college, I rented an apartment with two of my cousins. We were about the same age and thought it would be cool to have a place together for at least a year. We got along great and frequently had friends and relatives over for gatherings. We nicknamed our apartment as “The Good Time Apartment”. We had so many people coming in and out of our apartment all the time…we never knew who’d be there when we got to the apartment after class.   

My cousins and I had family about an hour away and we would go home often to see them and pick up food that our parents would send for the three of us to share. This worked out great as we would go home at different times and we seemed to always have fresh food in our fridge. Our parents were farm laborers, so we didn’t have a lot of extra money to spend on going out to eat. We actually enjoyed and preferred the home cooked meals our families made for us over going out to eat.   

Our furnishings were all given to us by family as well. We had two old couches, an end table and tv stand given to me by one of my aunts. We had a little 17” tv that my brother had bought when he was in college. Our beds and small dining table with chairs were also hand me downs from various relatives. We made the best of the situation with what we had and didn’t really complain much about it. We were just happy for the opportunity to get an education.   

Our families lived near one another, so it wasn’t uncommon for us to ride together when we went home to visit, whether it be just two of us or all three of us. This one particular weekend, my cousins had gone home and I had the apartment to myself. On weekend days, I would go back and forth between studying, watching TV or possibly taking a short nap, as there was not much else to do during the day. I recall it was early afternoon during Spring semester and the apartment phone rang. We didn’t have caller ID, so it was always a surprise as to who was calling.   

I picked up the receiver and answered, “Hello.”  “Hi, is this Rohan?”, said the voice on the other end. I said, “Yes, it is.”, while trying to recognize the familiar voice in my mind.   

“Hey, it’s Emily. How are you? What are you doing? It’s been a long time since we’ve spoken.”  

“Hi Emily. Yes it has been a while. What a nice surprise to hear from you.”  

“I happened to run into Julie recently and got your number from her and thought I’d give you a call.”   

“Good to hear from you. What have you been up to?”, I said.   “Oh, just work and school. I’m feeling lazy and procrastinating today. I hope I’m not bothering you….I know how much you like to study.”, she responded with a giggle.   

“It’s okay to procrastinate sometimes. I was just sitting here watching TV by myself.”  

“Oh, Julie told me you lived with your cousins. Where are they?”  

“They went home for the weekend.”, I replied.   

“Well, I’d like come over and hang out for a while and catch up.  Is that alright with you?”  

“Sure, that sounds good.”, I answered. 

I then told her where our apartment was and she said it wasn’t too far away from her place. She said she had an errand to run first and then she’ll come over. While I waited for her, I decided to do some homework. Before I started on my homework, I changed into a clean pair of blue gym shorts and a red t-shirt. 

Emily was one of our friends that I did not see very often on campus and it had probably been six months since I saw her last. It may have been a handful of times that I ran into her over the last two years. Emily was one of our friends that did not have a boyfriend during high school, although she did get close to a guy our senior year, but they didn’t end up dating. She was a very petite girl, maybe weighed 80 or 90 pounds, and was a cheerleader throughout high school. As a matter of fact, all six of our female friends were cheerleaders at some point during our high school years.  

Emily was super sweet and always cheerful. I met her my freshman year of high school in Spanish class. I really enjoyed learning Spanish and I made it a point to study hard and practically become fluent in Spanish. I lived in a rural area where there was a large Hispanic population and most of my friends were Hispanic while growing up, so learning Spanish was important to me. Emily was a first generation Hispanic and spoke English fluently, but her Spanish skills were not as good.  

My grades were usually better than hers on our Spanish assignments, quizzes and tests and it would bother her a little. She used to tease me about it in good fun and we would have a little back and forth about it. This went on all year and through this interaction, we became good friends and started hanging out together outside of class. Through Emily, I was able to meet some of our other friends.  

I was still in the middle of doing homework when there was a knock on the apartment door. I opened the door and let Emily in. We greeted each other verbally and gave each other a welcoming hug. No matter how long it had been since we’d seen each other, we always just started right where we left off and there was never any awkwardness. I invited her in and she removed her sandals and sat on one sofa and I sat on the other. She was wearing a pair of faded jeans and a white t-shirt with our college name and logo on it.  

We just started talking about what we had been doing, how things were going and just general chit chat as young people do about all kinds of things. We also caught up on what our other friends in college were up to as well as some of our other classmates from high school.   

At some point in our conversation, I had asked Emily if I could get her something to eat or drink. She asked if I had beer and I told her we do. She said she would take a beer…so I got one each for us and poured some chips and some salted nuts in a couple of bowls for us to enjoy with our beer. Drinking beer was something new for Emily as far as I knew. She never drank alcohol in high school and she hadn’t had any at our college get togethers that I recall. In any case, she was enjoying drinking beer and we were having a nice visit.  

While we were catching up, I had brought out my high school yearbooks as we couldn’t remember all the names of people we went to high school with. We sat next to one another on the sofa and thumbed through the yearbooks as the need arose. We were having fun reminiscing about old times and it felt like time was going by fast. We both finished our beers about the same time, so I offered her another one and she accepted. We were both 19 and under age to legally drink, but that’s something that doesn’t stop most college students. One of my cousins was old enough to buy alcohol, so he always bought it and kept our refrigerator well stocked with beer for our friends and relatives that came to visit.  

After finishing her second beer, Emily excused herself to use the restroom. I stood up and showed her where it was. We had a two bedroom apartment and the restroom was located between them so both rooms had access to it. I returned to the sofa and had grabbed and opened another beer for each of us before I sat down. Emily returned from the restroom and sat next to me. She was feeling a little buzzed from the two beers and was quite relaxed and giggly now. We continued our conversation and enjoyed each other’s company.  

Emily was a pretty girl. She was light complected, had light brown eyes and long, dark curly hair. As I mentioned, she was a short and petite girl, probably around 5 feet tall. She stayed active and in shape in college and went to the gym regularly. Her major was fashion merchandising, so she always dressed well and looked good. Emily had done some modeling for a local agency when we were in high school, but I don’t recall if she continued with that while in college. Her smile and laugh were contagious.  

As we sat next to one another, I noticed myself gazing at Emily differently than before. I’m thinking to myself that she is sexy and very attractive. Was it just me or was it the alcohol? Throughout high school, I was pretty much a nerd and had very little interest in girls. That doesn’t mean I was blind and didn’t notice the pretty girls, it’s just that I didn’t pursue girls to date and go out with.  Everyone was a friend and that was the extent of my relationship with them. But at that moment, sitting on my sofa and looking her over, Emily was attractive to me in a sexual, non-friendly way.  

With the alcohol affecting both of us and being young and full of teenage hormones, the topic of discussion turned to relationships and sex. We were quizzing and teasing each other about relationships and the opposite sex. I was surprised at how at ease and comfortable this conversation had gone and I’m sure it had to do with a lowered inhibition with the alcohol we had consumed. Through our conversation, we had established that we were both still single and not seeing anyone.  

One series of questions we were going back and forth on was about which famous celebrities/actors/athletes we found attractive and would “do it” with. This was a pretty fun conversation. Emily was getting pretty dramatic about the ones she liked and would make an “mmm” noise and at times close her eyes and roll her head back and around. I found myself checking her out when she was doing this. Being petite, she had small breasts and was super skinny. I was eyeing her chest at one point and she caught me and said, “Hey, Rohan, what are you looking at? My eyes are up here.”  

“Oh, I’m sorry, Emily. I couldn’t help myself, they look so cute.”  

“Shut up, Rohan. They’re so small…I wish they were bigger.” as she put her hands on them and tried to hide them.  

“No, I’m sure they’re fine. I wouldn’t have any complaints about them.”, I responded.  

“I wouldn’t have any complaints either if you touched them.”, she said with a flirty smile and a wink.  

“Oh, really? Don’t tease me like that, Emily.”  

“Who said I’m teasing?”, she answered while she turned and faced me.  

I was taken aback when she then reached out, grabbed my right hand and put it on her left boob. I figured that she knew my personality well enough that I probably wouldn’t have the guts to do it on my own. My experience with girls to this point was extremely limited and I wasn’t quite sure what to do. I did what felt natural and just squeezed my hand a bit. She had on a bra and her small boob felt very firm to me through it.  

Her next words to me were, “Wanna make out?” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. This visit with Emily was turning out to be something very different than what I expected it to be. I had never seen this side of Emily before and I was both in a bit of shock and excited at the same time. Her directness was a turn on and something I’d never experienced with a girl. Emily was staring at me with a nice, big smile on her face and waiting for my answer. “Are you sure, Emily?”, I responded nervously.   

“Yes, I’m damn sure. Loosen up, Rohan, it will be fun. Have you even kissed a girl yet?”  

“Wait, what? Uh, no, not really. Just a few light kisses here and there.”  

“Oh my god, that’s what I thought!”, she exclaimed. She cupped my face with her hands, leaned in and placed her lips on mine. She then lightly began to kiss my lips. Emily smelled really nice and her soft lips felt so good. Just a little while ago I was having some sort of sexual thoughts about Emily and here I am now kissing her. Being a normal hormonally charged teen, I responded by kissing her back myself and just going with the flow. I was a little confused, but there was just too much going on for me to stop and say no to what Emily and I were doing.   

Our gentle kisses continued for a while…we would separate every few seconds and look at one another, smile and continue. Emily was definitely in the lead here as this was uncharted territory for me. She eventually pushed back on me and we ended up lying down side to side on the sofa. Our mouths continued to explore one another as our hands began to roam. My right hand found its way under her t-shirt and pushed her bra up over her tits so I was fondling and pinching them directly. Her nipples seemed small, but were definitely hardened.  

Emily’s kissing pace was slow and intentional. She knew what she wanted and what she was doing and I was just going along for the ride. I tried to enjoy the moment and not get too far ahead of myself. One of Emily’s hands had moved to my ass and was pulling me towards her. My initial reaction was to not allow it and keep our hips separate. I was hesitant to rub my fully excited manhood against her not knowing how much control I would have over its stimulation.  

As we proceeded to kiss and make out, our kissing began to get sloppier and our breathing got heavier. Emily eventually tried to roll over on top of me. As much as I wanted to feel her body on top of mine, I couldn’t allow it. My bladder was full and I needed to use the restroom.   

What an inopportune time to have to go. I was enjoying the make out session with Emily and I internally hoped this short interruption would not bring our kissing to a halt. I slowly sat up and Emily was wondering what was going on. I told her I needed to use the restroom and would return quickly. She asked if everything was okay and I told her that it was and that it was just that my bladder was too full. She laughed at me and said to hurry up.   

I got up off the sofa and helped Emily up also and walked to the restroom. Even though we had been making out for a few minutes, I was still shy about my erection. Once I was standing up, I tried to hide it from Emily. It was completely obvious in my shorts and I’m positive she noticed it, but for some reason, in my mind, I wanted to keep her from seeing the bulge in my shorts. I closed the restroom door and started to pee.  

For a guy, peeing into a toilet with a stiff member was not an easy task. I was always one who sat and used the restroom to avoid the splashing and having a dirty toilet…so as I sat, I had to bend forward quite a bit to keep it’s aim in the bowl and keep from cutting off the stream by forcing my penis to point too far down. As it usually does when you’re in a hurry, it seemed like it was an endless stream that went on and on. I came out of the restroom and washed my hands. As I started to walk through my bedroom back to the front the room, I saw that Emily had moved onto my bed.    

She was lying on the bed face up with her clothes still on. She had removed her bra as her little nipples could be seen poking through her thin t-shirt. I asked if she was okay and if I should join her on the bed. She nodded her head and motioned with her finger to join her. “Are you having fun?”, she asked.   

“Absolutely!”, I replied.   

“Good. I am too and I am still pretty buzzed. I’m feeling great and would like to continue…would you?”  

“Absolutely!”, I replied again.   

She laughed and said to me, “We can kiss and make out some more, but no more clothes are coming off. We just can’t do that as friends and, Rohan, I trust that you will keep this between us forever….right?”    

“I understand, Emily. No problem…my lips are sealed.”  

“Well, you can seal your lips later…after we’re done. Right now I want them open.”, she told me laughingly.   

Emily’s openness and confidence about what we were doing was astonishing to me. She had an almost casual, nonchalant attitude about it, which was completely opposite of my thinking up to that time in my life. In the time that I had known Emily, her personality had always been low key and never overtly sexual. Maybe this is how she had always felt inside and now that she was out on her own, she developed the courage and maturity to act on her desires. Whatever it was, it was sexy and attractive and I was happy to be a part of it.   

I laid back down next to her and we cuddled for a while before we settled in and and started to make out again. We were thoroughly enjoying ourselves kissing and slowly rolling around on my bed with our hands wandering all over each other’s bodies. Neither one of us seemed to hold back. We got comfortable enough and felt free to fulfill our personal desires with our hands.  

Emily’s rule was that no more clothes were coming off…she never said that anything was off the board as far as touch goes. So far, my hands had touched her in “safe zones” with the exception of her boobs, which she had placed my hands on them herself. She had taken plenty of opportunities to rub and squeeze my ass…however I had not done that to her. Emily had a firm, petite ass that I certainly wanted to get my hands on. It was one of those things that was so close, yet seemed so far away. Would me touching her ass offend her? My teenage mind couldn’t decide what to do, but ultimately, my hormones overruled and I practically couldn’t stop myself, not that I really wanted to.  

During our frisky little romp in bed, Emily had gotten on top of me and straddled my right leg. Her right hip/thigh was pressing down on my crotch as she rhythmically ground her sexy bits hard on my thigh. Our lips continued to connect and explore and taste one another. I slowly slid my hands down her waist and hips and landed them on her butt cheeks. I squeezed and massaged them a little…her buns felt damn good.

Her active lifestyle really gave her booty a nice shape and firmness. I gripped her ass firmly and pulled her into me. The term “hurt so good” was very appropriate for what I was feeling in my groin. Emily and I were both having a good time. We stayed on my bed and continued to make out and give each other some guilt-free sexual pleasure for a while. No more clothes came off…but we felt content and gratified when it was over.  

Emily was definitely the more mature one between us and she handled the situation perfectly. Once we were done, she grabbed her bra and stuffed it in her bag. She went to the restroom to freshen up and then sat on the sofa with me and we chatted again. I remember she told me she had been wanting a make out session with me for a long time and was glad it worked out that day. She confidently stated it would be a one time thing and that we’re probably both better for it and neither one of us should have any reason to feel guilty about it.  

I told her I enjoyed myself with her and that I felt a bit guilty and embarrassed about it.  However, I expressed my sincere appreciation to Emily for sharing herself with me like she did and for giving me my first real make out session with a woman. She got a kick out of that and jokingly said, “That’s what friends are for.”  Emily did her best to keep things from getting awkward and executed it perfectly.  

We never mentioned our tryst again. We continued to be friends throughout our college days and lost touch after that. I’ve thought about what happened that day many, many times and thank Emily for the once in a lifetime encounter. I learned and experienced a lot that afternoon and definitely feel better for it…all due to my friend, Emily.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/mbitst/emilys_visit_mf