[M/F][NonCon][Rape] Screw finals.

This story is purely fictional i in no way condone rape it’s simply erotic fiction so enjoy! It’s a long one.

Oscar was many things, a fuckboy, an asshole, and overly violent, and as I would soon find out, someone who didn’t understand the word no. obviously none of these things were good but sadly for me I was best friends with his brother so I had to put up with his shit, he practically raised his little brother Pablo because both their parents were out of the picture but that also meant that no one responsible was ever around because trust me Oscar was anything but responsible.

Today however I was really hoping he would be responsible, me and Pablo we’re both eighteenth and still in school, we had to study for finals and since my parents were out of town and I wasn’t allowed to have boys over unsupervised so Pablo asked Oscar if we could study at the house, yet currently there was a house party going on.

“Your brother is actually the worst Pablo.” There was at least a hundred people crammed into the run down suburban house and there was alcohol and drugs everywhere “Damn it! He always does this shit all I asked is one day just one without him pulling this shit but no!” Pablo was absolutely fuming, this proved something I had always thought, Oscar was an unreliable asshole.

I could already tell that there was no way Oscar was going to stop this party, it was only four PM and it was already wild and probably would remain that way, the cops in our small suburban town hardly ever shut down party especially if it was just kids having fun, after some deliberation we decided to join said fun and ‘enjoy’ the party.

The amount of oscars ‘friends’ (aka random strangers he probably meant on Facebook) that seemed to be willing to make a pass at me was shocking considering I was barely legally being hardly eighteen and definitely not looking it, well accept for my boobs, I looked like a freshman expect I had double D’s and sadly Oscars friends seemed to take notice.

“Hola mamas” speak of the devil. “Seriously Oscar a party? Me and Pablo have to study for finals asshole.” Maybe I was being more moody then I needed to be but I was eighteen and I needed to start taking my life seriously finals were important If I wanted to get into a good college and yet here Oscar was sabotaging it.

“Chill Emma your eighteen your to young to be so uptight.” Uptight? “I wouldn’t call trying to graduate being uptight Oscar.” A bit of a smirk crept onto his face, not his usual happy smirk but more of a devious one “nah mamas I’d definitely call that uptight, since I’m twenty four let me give your some life advice, don’t worry about so much shit.”

“Ah thanks maybe that wisdom will help me pass my finals.” I didn’t care if he thought I was uptight or overly sarcastic, honestly I was pissed probably more pissed then Pablo was about this “where’s Pablo anyway?” “He ran into Letty and they left, now seriously loosen up let’s get you a drink”

This made me pause, I could tell by the glint in his eye that something was up but it was best not to think about it so I tried to politely decline “I’ve never drank before so it’s probably not an idea, I should probably go if Pablo left you know?” I could tell he was going to roll his eyes as soon as I opened my mouth

“Chill, and why don’t we get you started then?” I gave in after that and I instantly regretted it, one drink was okay sure but I was definitely a light weight, he kept giving me more and by the third refill of my classic red solo cup I had enough “I really don’t think I should have another”

By now I felt sick and dizzy and everything made me want to dance, I also felt drowsy and tried too “chill. Do you really wanna be know as the lightweight when your already known as the girl with the stick up your ass Emma?” His comment made me feel bad, was I really that uptight? I guess one more drink wouldn’t hurt if it meant not killing everyone’s vibe.

And once again that one more had turned into god knows how many, by now I realized that the more I drank the more handsy he got with me, by now his hand was squeezing my ass and when I tried to more I drunkenly stumbled back into his chest, I looked up at him and it was so obviously that I was totally fucking trashed and he was perfectly sober.

When I looked up at him he pressed his lips to mine and I kissed back, my head was spinning and I hardly realized what was happening, next thing I knew we were in his room on the bed and the kiss was more heated our tongues fought for dominance and our bodies pressed together, then I felt his hand on my stomach as my shirt rode up a little, I felt uncomfortable but when I felt his hand move up to my bra I realized what I was allowing and pushed him away.

This was Oscar. My friends brother, six years older then me, an overall shitty guy who couldn’t keep his dick in his pants and someone who clearly had no problem taking advantage of people, I couldn’t help but wonder how many girls he got drunk just to try this with, how many of the girls that I saw shamefully leaving his house on Monday morning didn’t want to get in bed with him much less wake up with him in the first place.

Was I really about to lose my virginity to such a shitty guy? Because that seemed to be what this was about to escalate to.

Despite my drunken state I tried to crawl away only to bump into the headboard my back pressing firmly against it, the way he was looking at me seemed concerned at first but the more I looked at him the more I realized something, he wasn’t worried about how I felt, he was looking at me like a predator looking at its prey.

“I… Oscar we shouldn’t do this I’m drunk I don’t want this.” I was trying to keep myself together and shut this down in no uncertain terms but he didn’t seem to care about my lack of consent, “well I gave you your first drink tonight, probably your first kiss too I was thinking we could add a few other firsts to that list, if I didn’t know better I’d think you wanted me to with the way you were kissing me back.”

My mouth was a gasp, was this asshole really trying to turn this back on me? “Me kissing back isn’t consent for anything but kissing, I’m drunk.” I stated firmly “no means no Oscar.” I could practically hear him scoff as he grabbed my wrists together moving towards me “sluts don’t get to say no. Maybe you shouldn’t have lead me on so much tonight you didn’t seem to mind when I had my hand on that pretty little ass.”

At this point I was trying to squirm away but he was at least a foot taller and in my drunken state I wasn’t the strongest, I was really just some helpless little girl he could have his way with. “I’m not a slut your just a fucking pervert!”

Slap. That’s what I felt as soon as the words left my mouth, a slap. Did I mention before that Oscar was violent? I was about to yell at the feeling of stinging on my cheek from his much larger hand but I felt a hand over my mouth and started to squirm as tears ran down my face “shut the fuck up bitch, someone clearly needs to put your uptight ass in its place one hole at a time.”

At his words it seemed like my brain finally registered what he was going to do to me, I already knew it but now it was really setting in and a flood of tears streamed down my face as I desperately tried to kick or scream, Oscar really did get me drunk so he could try to rape me and it was clearly going to happen.

One hand was still clamped on my mouth as the other let go of my wrists “now let’s stop fighting and I’ll try to be gentle okay? Because otherwise I hope your ready for that pretty little pussy to get torn in half.” At his words I was shaking with fear and I didn’t bother to fight I let my arms fall limp at my sides scared of what would happen if I didn’t, one hand was still over my mouth and one was on my thigh now sliding up slowly towards my shorts

“Damn mamas all wet already hm?” My eyes widened and I shook my head rapidly more tears gushing from my eyes, my vision was foggy but I couldn’t tell if it was the alcohol or the crying , I felt his hand rubbing between my legs and I immediately clamped my tights tight shut and tried to squirm away but the fucking sicko chuckled

“Wow look at that someone’s so excited they can’t keep still.” His voice was low and mocking and the look in his eyes made me think that he might actually be a psychopath, then I felt his hand leave my mouth “no one’s going to hear you scream over the music but if you try I’ll beat you to a fucking pulp.”

I swallowed hard and he smirked, I was actually at the mercy of a fucking rapist, his leg forced itself between mine holding it apart and he managed to easily work off my Jean shorts, I contemplated trying to fight him off but he was bigger and stronger and I was too drunk, even my moments and struggles were disoriented god forbid what world happen if I tried to fight him off or run.

“Wow look at those pretty lace panties, how does it feel to know I’m seeing you in nothing but your panties and that tight little top Emma?” This psycho was not only going to violate me but clearly he was going to taunt me and enjoy every moment of it, I tried to look away from him and squeeze my eyelids shut but Oscar grabbed my jaw harshly and yanked my head back towards him “I want you to look at me and answer me like a good little whore, or else.”

I opened my eyes wide complying with his threat and with a lustfull gaze and an amused grin he continued, then I let out a loud pained yell as he grabbed me by the hair and yanked me off the bed shoving me to the floor, I tried to get up and run but I instantly fell to my knees and he chuckled grabbing a fistful of my hair “you know what? Beg me to let you blow me.” His voice was dead serious and it shocked me “what?” My voice was filled with fear “you heard me puta, beg me to let you blow me and maybe I won’t blow your back out.”

My eyes widened but any opportunity to keep my virginity was a welcomed one, I mean that meant he wasn’t going to fuck mr right? The idea of blowing him made me want to throw up but it was better then the other option

“Oscar please let me blow you.” I said in shame Ignoring the twisting feel in my stomach, the humiliating way he laughed at me and my attempt to beg him made my stomach feel twisted in another way and I felt strangely damp but I refused to believe I was enjoying this.

“Come on slut you’ve gotta do better then that, beg me to fuck your throat like your fucking life depends on it because it does.” His tone was so threatening and scary and as he delivered another hard slap to my fact and grabbed my hair as I sat kneeling in front of him I cried more,

At this point my face was stained with tears and my makeup was running, I was full on sobbing “please fuck my throat Oscar! Please let me blow you I really want to suck your dick like a good little slut.” I really wanted this all to be over already and the sick grin on his face told me that my begging had done the job, I could see the tent in his jeans as he let go of my hair.

“Go on then. Unbuckle my jeans and suck me off like you want to, let me fuck your mouth like I’m your god like I have all your love and devotion.” This man really was sick in the head.

I slowly unbuckled his belt fumbling around trying to stall and then I pulled his boxes down making the contact despite the ever streaming tears that continued to fall from my eyes, he was fucking huge and that scared me so I was trying to stall.

I started leaving kisses all the way from his shaft to his tip my sobbing eyes never leaving his psychotic ones and he snickered “stop stalling.”

I gulped nervously clearly I hadn’t ever done something like this but the way he was looking at me made me scared and anxious so I nervously swirled my tongue around his member putting the tip into my mouth, I was licking him and then I managed to get a third into my mouth.

That’s right all I could fit was a third of his cock, i hollowed my cheeks and got to work bobbing my head and working on that third as his eyes rolled back but clearly that wasn’t good enough because he grabbed my hair and tried to force the whole thing down my throat.

I instantly ripped my head away without thinking and pressed my lips shut together into a tight line, he pressed his tip against it annoyed and yanking my hair but I really didn’t care anymore “open up.” I just shook my head defiantly but I quickly regretted that when he pinched my nose with an evil chuckle my eyes widened as he held my nose closed and eventually when I gasped for air he rammed his whole cock down my throat without even letting me breath.

As soon as it was in I was gagging and I swore I nearly threw up on his cock, he took his hand of my nose still holding my hair and started to face fuck me, by now I was just gagging I was chocking on him as I sobbed my whole body shaking.

His thrusts into my throat were rough and deep making my chock as much as possible as he forced it all the way down, he was rapping my mouth and I was beginning to realize how wet i was from it, even my nipples were hard and aroused through my shirt and bra despite my crying and pleas, maybe I was a slut after all I couldn’t believe my body was actually enjoying this.

Before I knew it Oscars cock was twitching and despite my pleading stare he pulled out and came on my face a little and then on my chest right on my shirt and my tits beneath it.

He pulled his boxers back up and buckled up his jeans but all I could do was sit on my knees sobbing, when he fixed his own appearance he pulled me to my knees and ripped my panties off me waving them in my face, they had a shameful stain on them frown how wet i was, “clearly you enjoyed that like a good little slut huh mamas” at this point I was more focused on rubbing away the cum and tears on my face but it seemed like I was only rubbing it in and much to my horror smudging my makeup, he left and I had to find my shorts and leave.

Walking through a party with tears still streaming down my face only added to my messed up appearance, my cum stained clothes and face, my destroyed makeup and hair, it was clear what just happened to me but no one cared, I heard a few snickers and laughs and I saw some people from school, I practically booked it home and when I got inside my empty house i slide to the floor against my locked front door.

I wasn’t sure who was more fucked up, him for what he did to me or me for the fact that for the first time ever I was playing with myself because of it and secretly wishing he’d do it again.

Little did I know that he would.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/mbaqay/mfnonconrape_screw_finals

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