Her first visit to the massage clinic [fM] [second person] [mast] [vanilla] (repost to correct title)

(Originally written at the request of another redditor, but I thought I would like to share it with you too)

It was your first time visiting a massage clinic and you were a bit nervous. The Perky receptionist had greeted you warmly and asked you to fill out one of their standard forms. The usual, Name, Date of Birth, payment method, any health concerns the therapist should be aware of, the primary reason for your visit etc.

You had filled it out and returned it to her and were now waiting for your masseuse to collect you from the waiting area. While you wait you listen to some music on your earphones and thumb through the collection of old magazines piled neatly on a table in the corner. “Hello? Miss?” you barely hear above the music you’ve been listening to. You didn’t notice but a man in his late thirties, nearly six feet tall, with broad shoulders and well muscled arms that ripple under the skin as his fingers tap on the clipboard he is holding stands before you. You pull the earphones off and apologize for not hearing him calling you.

“No matter, I see you’re new here.” He says as he reviews the form you had filled out earlier. “My name is Zach and I will be your masseuse for the next hour if you’ll have me.” You falter for a moment, the thought of being in a private room with a man is something you’ve fantasized about before, but that isn’t what you’re here for. Besides your good friend recommended this place as being very professional and offering great service. You offer up a curt smile, give in to your inhibition, and politely nod in reply. He smiles in return and motions you to follow him down a corridor to the right and into a small room.

The room is dimly lit, with a big massage table in the middle, a small rolling stool parked nearby. A few art deco paintings on the walls, a shelf with some bottles and a small radio playing soft instrumental music along one. In the far corner is a chair and a shelving unit with sheets, towels and pillows on it. The temperature is nice and warm, which explains why Zach is dressed in a light navy T-shirt and comfortable pants. Overall a very pleasant room that is quite inviting.

Zach enters the room behind you and begins his standard spiel for new clients. He mentions that you can be clothed or not while you have your massage if it makes you feel more comfortable, but it is easier for him to do his job if you wear nothing. A sheet will remain over top of any area he’s not working on, after all this isn’t one of “those kind of massage parlors”.

“Please get yourself ready and lay down on the table face down and place the top sheet over top of you. I will just be outside for a few minutes and will knock when I’m ready” He says as he closes the door behind him. You begin to get undressed, place your shoes and socks under the chair in the corner, pull down your pants and dance your way out of them, almost falling over when one leg catches on your foot. Your little perky A cup breasts pop out from under your shirt as it goes over your head. You’ve never seen much point in wearing a bra and like the way it feels sometimes when the fabric of your shirt rubs against your nipples. You hesitate for a moment, “should I?” You think. “Why not.” You say to yourself as you pull your panties off and slide them between your shirt and pants out of sight on the chair.

You climb on top of the table, the top sheet already folded back for you, place your face in the ring at the head of the table and pull the sheet up all the way to your neck. A few minutes later, there is a knock on the door. “Hello, is everything ok in there?” you hear his voice from the other side of the door.

“Yes, please come in.” You say and you can hear the door open and someone enter the room. The lights dim just a bit more and you can hear him move to the shelf and pick up one of the bottles. “I like to use a bit of oil when I work, it’s all natural and has no chemicals or fragrances in it, is that alright by you?” You hear Zach ask.

“Mmmhmm,” you reply, your face still perched on the ring at the head of the table, your eyes closed waiting for the massage to begin.

He moves to the side of the bed and folds down the sheet all the way so that your hip bones are showing and the top part of your bum. Then tucks the sides in under your hips, leaving your arms and hands exposed. He puts some oil on his hands and rubs them together while he moves to the head of the bed. You can feel his hands gently touch the tops of your shoulders and probe the muscles beneath them as he works his way in to your neck and down your spine to your tail bone. “Hmm, you seem a bit tense, is this normal for you?” he questions. “Not really, it’s just my first time getting one of these and I’m a bit nervous.” You reply hesitantly. “Ah, a virgin!” He quips “Well rest assured, you’re in good hands, please let me know if at any time you feel uncomfortable.” He says as he begins the same probing from shoulders to spine, beginning to add a bit more pressure with his finger tips and palms as he rubs your slender frame.

He works his way down your back a few more times, slowly moving outward so that his fingers embrace your ribcage, and ripple across them. His hands squeezing you just a little and finishing as his thumbs glide across the small of your back and onto your bum while his fingers embrace your hips and probe the muscles beneath. Next he moves to your left side and pulls your arm away from your body. He applies a bit more oil to his hands and begins to work on your upper shoulder, then down your arm to your bicep. Wrapping his strong fingers right around the muscles as he pulls and squeezes the way down to your elbow. He works his thumbs into the top of your forearm and massages his way down to your wrist a few times, then holds your hand and rubs the palm with his fingers. Working his way out to the tip of each finger one by one.

Then he puts your arm back to your side, moves around the bed and proceeds to do the same thing to the other arm. By this time you’ve become a little more comfortable. His hands are strong but they never hurt you and you can feel the tension releasing from your body. Next he sits down on the stool and begins to touch your upper shoulders and neck. You let out a bit of a giggle when his fingers slide up the base of your shoulders, onto your exposed neck and finish at the base of your ears. He stops. “Sorry, are you a bit ticklish there?” He asks in a concerned tone.

“Yes, but it feels really nice anyhow.” You reply. little does he know that your neck is one of your erogenous zones and you can’t help but begin to get a bit turned on while he touches it. You can feel your nipples getting a bit harder, and the warm tingling sensation between your legs beginning to start. You try to tell yourself that this is all purely professional, but your body isn’t listening. After he finishes on your neck he stands up, pulls the sheet over your shoulders and moves down to your legs. He uncovers your right leg from the top of your hip down, tucking the sheet under your other leg so as not to expose too much of what lies between your legs. He applies some more oil to his hands, gently grabs your hip and works his way down the side of your leg to your knee. Then he encircles your thigh with his fingers and gently squeezes and releases as he pulls down your leg to the knee again. He repeats the same motions a few more times until he’s satisfied that the muscle is completely relaxed and begins to move down your leg to your calf.

By this time you’ve gotten a bit more turned on. The neck was great, but your thighs are another hot spot for you, and his fingers come so very close to your vagina as he works. Your nipples are fully erect now, and you can tell that you’re starting to get a bit wet. After working on your calf for a while he moves down to your ankles and feet, all the while squeezing and probing, ending at the tip of each toe from the inside out. Then he pulls the sheet back over you and begins to work on the other leg. As with your arms, he performs the same routine on your other leg. It feels just as good, if not better than the first side, and as his fingers slide up between your legs you can tell that you are now completely wet.

He pauses, pulls the sheet completely off you and holds it above his head. “Could you please roll over now and I will continue when you’re ready.” You slowly roll over, a bit groggy from being so relaxed, and he places the sheet back down on you. The feel of the light fabric against your erect nipples is turning you on even more and you wonder if he can see them through the sheet. He moves back to the head of the bed and folds the sheet down to just above your nipples. He adds a bit more oil to his hands and begins to work on your upper shoulders and collar bone. Working down your chest muscles and back up your neck, holding your head in his hands as your long hair flows off the bench and kneading your jaw with his fingers. He lingers there for a moment, pulling your head lightly to relieve any strain in your spine then folds the sheet back up to your shoulders and moves down to your left side.

He uncovers your leg in the same way he did it before when you were on your belly and begins applying pressure with his thumbs to the top of your quadriceps and moving down your leg. His hands return when they get to your knee and this time he wraps his fingers around your leg squeezes and slides his fingers all the way down, past your knee, over your shins and all the way to your toes. He repeats the same motion a few more times and pulls the sheet back across you and exposes the other leg. He performs the same ritual on it too. His fingers always stopping short of touching your private areas. It is driving you wild. It’s a most peculiar sensation, being so relaxed and so aroused. You’ve given up worrying about if he’s noticed your nipples, or the wet spot that must surely be on the sheets. He replaces the sheet over your legs, and moves around the side of the bed. You open your eyes, it’s dark in the room, but you can see the bulge in his pants that you’re sure wasn’t there when the session started.

“Ok, Our time has come to an end. I hope that you enjoyed the experience and will come back another time.” He says politely “Please take your time getting up, there’s no rush for you to leave and some people feel a bit light headed after a session.” You hear as the door closes behind him.

You can’t help yourself, that felt so good, you run your fingers over your breasts, the nipples still hard as stone. You tweak them just a bit to feel the sensation it gives you. Then your fingers work their way down to your crotch. My goodness, you’re soaked, you didn’t notice before but your juices have ran down your bum and saturated the sheet. It’s too much and you slide your fingers inside yourself. After all, he did say you could take your time. You pull your fingers out, covered in clear sticky cum, and begin to rub your little clit. The orgasm comes on so quickly that you have to cover your mouth when it hits to keep from making too much noise. You lay there for a few moments as the waves of pleasure race across your body, your green eyes rolling into the back of your head with each one. Then you finally push yourself from the table and stand on your feet. Since they’re already soaked anyhow you use the sheet to wipe between your legs and then bundle them up and put them on the shelf. You put your panties back on, and your shirt and pants, lastly your shoes. Take a deep breath, collect yourself and open the door.

“How are you feeling?” Zach says as he waits by one of the other doors. You smile “I feel great, thank you very much” you reply as you check to see if his pants are still bulging. They’re not but that’s ok, you know what you saw. You walk back to the receptionist, pay your bill and step outside on to the street and begin to walk away, new wetness seeping out of you into your panties……

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5wivn3/her_first_visit_to_the_massage_clinic_fm_second

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