A dark elf summons a demon to fulfill her needs, but both of them receive more than they bargained for [Fantasy] [Light femdom] [Orgasm denial] [Multiple orgasms] [Long]

Ilmaya was a young drow with purple-gray skin, red eyes, and long, shock-white hair that she usually wore in a high, intricate braid. Her features were haughty and noble, her body slender and lithe; standing about five feet and four inches tall. She had long pointed ears, boyish hips and small breasts, little more than nubbins surrounding her pert, plum-colored nipples. She was the only female in her class at the wizarding academy.

Just cresting her third decade, she was in the odd-between stage of elf life for which no human parallel existed; not a teenager and certainly not a child, but also not yet considered a full adult. She had been at the academy for a few years, just long enough to get used to her studies, and then for them to pick up in intensity again. They were interesting, engrossing even, but they were also stressful, and most of all they were very, very lonely.

It had been a long, long time since Ilmaya had been able to find physical satisfaction with another person. She didn’t think it would have been a problem, especially as the only female student, but in truth, her boy-peers were almost all too engrossed in their own studies, or too intimidated by both her appearance and status to approach her. She’d had to seek out the two that did eventually make their way to her bedchambers, and both had been bitter disappointments. Too eager to please, too timid to do so.

The truth was that this occupied her mind almost constantly these days – her desperation, her ache. Students were forbidden from leaving the academy outside of extreme circumstances. She was tired of being the only one to touch herself, and had completely given up hope of finding another student to fulfill her needs. She couldn’t concentrate on her work. She’d often look around the quiet classroom, staring at the boys, wondering how *they* did it?

Surely the others must have found some way to meet their needs, other than their own hands. By all accounts, male-folk were *much* more driven by these basal desires. So why weren’t they either knocking down her door, or slack-jawed with their hands down their pants almost constantly, like Ilmaya found herself now most of the time?

Finally, it changed one day when she passed quietly through a hallway and overheard a conversation between two of her classmates behind the closed door of an empty classroom – hushed, taboo voices. She pressed her ear to the door shamelessly, listened in, and it all became clear.

The others were summoning demons to fulfill their needs. Of *course*. The summoning of demons may have been outlawed in the arcane circles of the surface, but here in the drow cities of the Underdark it was a matter of simple utility. Lesser demons were bound to the will of whoever had summoned them for the duration of their summoning, and depending on the task they were to complete, they were usually all too willing to comply if only to spend time outside of their hellish home plane. The rituals were only a bit beyond her understanding – and if the others could manage it, of course she could as well.

Her mind raced with possibility. Surely whatever she could pull through a portal would be much, much more impressive than her sad little classmates. An incubus – or a succubus, she had no real preference – their prowess was legendary. Dangerous, of course, but one only had to be careful.

Ilmaya started preparing that very night. She made quick work of the research and gathering of components she required for the ritual. It was only as she began to complete the last chalk marks of the intricate sigil that she felt a twinge of fear, but it was overshadowed by a stronger twinge of excitement. At last, she would be satisfied. She smiled and surveyed her work.

The summoning circle itself was drawn upon a large stone platform in the center of the room. The platform served a dual purpose – it represented a state of limbo, in-between planes. Whatever she summoned would not *fully* cross into the Material Plane until she allowed it to step off the platform. Additionally, the platform was surrounded by an invisible force-cage. Until Ilmaya dispelled the enchantment, no being could pass through.

Ilmaya stepped back a safe distance of ten feet, then another five feet for good measure. She closed her eyes and concentrated all of her power on the sigil that was tuned to the Seven Hells. Finally, she took a deep breath and spoke the summoning word itself: “*Conceio*.”

A bright flash of red-orange light and heat filled the room, like it had been bathed in flames for only a half-second. Ilmaya instinctively shielded her eyes. When it dissipated, she looked back and her heart dropped to her stomach. For the first time she was truly afraid she might have gotten in over her head.

A massive dark figure stood naked before her on the summoning platform. It – *he* – was no succubus, that much was clear. Muscles bulged out from his red skin. He was at least seven feet tall, with digitigrade legs and large ram horns that curved out from his skull. He had a gold septum ring and predatory eyes of the same hue. A thick, pendulous cock hung between his legs.

The demon looked around the room, calmly taking in his surroundings before his eyes landed on Ilmaya and a hungry smile spread across his face.

“What is your name, demon?” she called out from across the room, fighting to keep her voice even and neutral.

“My name is Alroth, Demon Lord of Pleasure,” he said in a deep, rumbling voice. “You may call me that or whatever else you wish.”

“Do you know why I’ve summoned you?” she asked.

“I can only guess you’re dealing with emotional demons. Though physical might be a better descriptor. You want me to fuck you?” He grinned, showing off his white fangs.

“Watch your tongue when you address me,” Ilmaya snapped, blushing in spite of herself.

Alroth didn’t seem bothered by her tone. He simply grinned wider and continued. “I can tell you want me to fuck you hard. You want me to ram my cock down your throat until you choke on it?” he said.

Ilmaya snapped her fingers and a magical shock of pain ran through the demon’s body. He was trapped in the summoning circle, and as long as he was there, she could hurt him with a mere thought. “Manners, please,” she smiled. “You aren’t wrong, but I’m the one in control here.”

“I see,” Alroth winced, rubbing his neck. “I merely offer my services. I am rarely called for anything else.”

“Yes, I am looking for… physical companionship,” she admitted. “But I will hear your terms before we reach any agreement.”

“Very well,” Alroth said. “I will require something in exchange for our little… arrangement.”

“What is it?”

“I want your freedom. Your soul, your mind, your body… all of it. I will take control of you.”

Ilmaya cocked her head. “What, permanently? Or do you merely want to possess me for a joyride?”

Alroth shook his head.

“Explain yourself, demon,” she demanded.

“I want to merge with you. I want to co-exist within your body, soul and mind. All of you will become my body, my mind and my very being. I will be entire.”

She laughed. “No.”

“Yes,” Alroth said.

“I have a counter offer. You will be mine for the night – to do whatever I say, to fulfill my every desire. Once I’m satisfied, I won’t banish you back to your plane.” She looked Alroth in the eyes. “I’ll set you free on *this* plane to wreak your havoc, sow your seed, whatever it is you wish. The only condition is that you approach no other *drow*. Duergar, svirfneblin, even any wretched human you find here – all fair game, but you will harm none of my people.”

Alroth took a deep, satisfying breath in. Out. In. Out. He mulled it over, clearly excited. “Yes… that sounds fair. I’ll take your offer,” he said.

“Excellent.” Of course, she hadn’t decided yet if she would keep her promise. These devils might be bound in some tangible way by contracts, but she wasn’t. It was really only a formality, this pretense, but she thought she *might* honor it. At the moment, her mind was preoccupied with more pressing matters. Ilmaya eyed Alroth up and down again, lingering on his body. She let out a huff of breath, her heart pounding, and straightened her robes. Pressing matters…

“Step off the platform,” she invited, motioning him over. “It is safe now.”

Alroth wasted no time in getting off the platform, stalking up to Ilmaya like a lion to a wounded gazelle. She moved to meet him. He eyed her up and down and she felt his gaze boring through her robes. She could tell that he could tell she was naked under the thin, silky garment.

“Have you been summoned for this purpose before, Alroth?” Ilmaya asked critically. “Are you experienced in the mortal flesh?”

“Oh yes,” Alroth said. “Though never with a dark elf.” He exhaled tiny sparks of flame through his nostrils. Up close, he stood at least two feet taller than her. His dark eyes burned into her and he leaned in, sniffing.

“You smell like the forest, wildflowers and sunlight. Very pleasant,” he said. He reached out to touch her cheek, but she slapped his hand away with a harsh, surprised laugh.

“I don’t know what I smell like, but it’s not that. I do not want your honeyed words, demon. Not romance. I want…” she licked her lips and her eyes traveled down. “…to be ravaged.”

With that, Ilmaya shrugged off her robes and let them fall to the ground, exposing her naked body. She stared at Alroth. He stared back. His eyes were hungry, predatory.

Then, he burst forward. His arms wrapped around her waist, and he kissed her hard on the mouth, the jaw, the neck. “Tell me what you want,” he whispered against her neck.

She took his hand and placed it on her breast. “Impress me,” she said breathily.

He ran his thumb down her nipple, which instantly responded. “I’m going to fuck you,” he growled. His other hand reached around and gripped her ass cheek, giving it a firm, possessive squeeze.

She bit her lip. Of course he was going to fuck her. That was what he’d been summoned for, that was likely the very thing that *sustained* him as a lust demon. But… she wanted this to last as long as possible. She wanted to savor it. “Not yet,” she said. “Touch me.”

He slid his hand down her stomach and his fingers brushed against the delicate curls between her legs. She instantly felt herself getting wet, but he paused and moved no further. “Tell me you want that. Tell me you need me to fuck you.” Alroth’s eyes found hers, daring her.

Ilmaya closed her eyes. “I need it… but not just yet. I want to be… touched.”

Alroth’s fingers pushed into her as his thumb rubbed against her clitoris. She bit her lip and grit her teeth. She moaned, and he stopped.

“Keep going,” she said quickly. She was desperate for touch. It had been too long.

“Ask for it. Tell me what you desire,” he said, smirking.

“I desire…” Her voice broke. She found it hard to focus on her words. “I desire… your fingers inside of me.”


“I desire… your fingers inside of me!” she said, blushing furiously.

He started again, and Ilmaya’s knees began to buckle. She grinded against his hand as it worked her clit expertly. “I’m… I’m going to come,” she said through her teeth.

“Good,” he purred, and started to finger her faster.

“Make me come!” she demanded. Her thighs quivered furiously. He slid one hand down to her ass, nearly lifting her off the floor as he slid his fingers in and out of her. She gripped his shoulder hard as she shuddered through her release, burying her face against his chest to stifle her moan. His skin was hot, like sitting inches away from a roaring fire.

After her legs stopped shaking, he pulled his fingers out of her and let her fall back on her feet. Her weak legs immediately buckled and she sat down hard on her ass. “Did I impress you?” Alroth asked, smirking.

“Yes,” she gasped. “That was a good start.” She reached up and finally took his cock in her hands, stroking it up and down. “But I want more.”

Alroth threw his head back and laughed. “I’m sure you do, little one.” He sat down on the platform as she got to her knees, and his laughter died down to a grin. His cock was already half hard, and it stared at her, demanding she take it in her mouth.

She held it in both hands, admiring the length and girth. She slowly stroked it before taking the head into her mouth, sucking lightly.

“Yes…” he moaned.

Ilmaya closed her eyes and worked him in deeper. His hand found her head, gripping the base of her high braid. She kept sucking as she slowly moved her head further down his shaft.

Then she suddenly pulled away and grinned at him wickedly. “That’s enough of that,” she said. “You are here to fulfill *my* desires.”

Alroth’s face dropped into an expression of shock that was swiftly replaced by one of neutrality. “Of course,” he said.

She laughed at his reaction. “Show me your best, Alroth,” she said as she stood up, pushing him lightly to lay down on the platform and then straddling him. “Show me that you’re truly the demon lord of pleasure. Take me.”

Alroth held her ass with both hands and stared into her eyes, calculating, seemingly trying to get a read on her. She grinded against his shaft as she leaned down and kissed him deeply, their tongues penetrating each other’s mouths. “Take me,” she whispered. “I won’t ask again.”

He began to slide his hands up and down, squeezing her cheeks, holding her in position as he entered her, not with his member but with a finger again. He rubbed against her sensitive clit and she let out a choked cry into his mouth. He slowly slid two fingers in and out of her, matching her own motions with his.

She pulled away and it was nearly a slap to his face. “Stop fucking teasing me,” she moaned.

“Patience,” he said, looking into her eyes with a smirk. “Patience is a virtue.”

She shook her head almost petulantly. “No. Take me. Fuck me.”

With that, he grabbed her hips with one hand and began to thrust into her with three fingers of the other. She threw her head back in ecstasy and he held her in place, not allowing her to move an inch.

“*Oh*…” she moaned in spite of herself.

His thumb began rubbing her clit in small circles as she felt the pleasure begin to build up. It pooled in her stomach, and she felt the first twinges of another orgasm.

“Yes!” she gasped. “Fuck, yes!”

He slowly pulled away from her clit and shifted his hands as she felt the contractions in her stomach begin to slow down. Her body was still needy for more. “Now use your mouth,” she half-begged and half-commanded. “Eat me out.”

He grinned and moved to her request. She fumbled off him and perched on the edge of the platform as he got to his knees before her, then pushed hers apart. She waited, chest heaving.

His tongue glided out, slick with saliva, and he gently licked her wetness up, before darting inside. She clapped a hand over her mouth to stifle her loud moan and threw her head back as she felt waves of pleasure crash against her stomach and run through her body. She wasn’t sure if she was coming again, or hadn’t really stopped.

“Alroth… Alroth…” Ilmaya panted, looking down at him, biting her knuckle. Alroth stared up at her, his eyes full of lust. “Come on,” she moaned. “Make me come.”

He slid one finger into her as his tongue swirled around her clit. “Oh gods,” she moaned as she grinded against him. He slid a second finger inside, thrusting them in and out at a fast speed.

“I’m… I’m gonna come!” she yelled through her fingers.

And just as she predicted, she came, clenching around his fingers and squeezing her thighs around his head. He carried on lapping at her through the entire orgasm.

She relaxed, tensed once more, and then collapsed back against the cold stone. Alroth quickly stood and took his cock in his hand, rubbing his head against her wet slit as he prepared to enter her.

“No!” she hissed, pushing him away. “Not yet!” Her body was screaming to feel him inside her, but now that he’d teased and denied her, she felt a wicked urge to tease him back, to take control, to work him into a frenzy.

Alroth stared at her in confusion, stroking himself, begging with his eyes. “Lay down on your back,” she commanded as she shakily rose to her feet.

He complied and she moved onto her knees before him. The stream of pre-cum that oozed from his cock made her smile. She gently licked the head of it, tasting the salty liquid.

She motioned Alroth further up the platform and positioned herself over his hips, practically daring him to enter her. “Not yet,” she repeated, catching her breath. “I want to try something.”

She gripped his shaft. He was so thick that her slender hand could barely reach around it. “What do you want me to do, Alroth?” she asked innocently. She started to slowly stroke him. “I want to please you. Mutual satisfaction.”

He stared at her with an aching mixture of lust and hunger. “Finish me,” he panted.

“Hmm…” Ilmaya said. She was relishing in this. She couldn’t quite pin down the new dynamic developing between her and Alroth, but she didn’t care. He was here, under her control, and he wanted her.

“How many times have I come? Three?” She continued pumping with her hand. “And you, poor Alroth, not a single time. I think… I think you get to come once for every *five* times I do. How does that sound?” she asked sweetly.

“Please…” he said, muscular chest heaving.

“Five times, Alroth. Five.” She increased the pace of her hand and felt him begin to twitch in her grip.

“I’m coming!” he gasped.

She immediately snatched her hand away and dropped his cock. “You’d better control yourself, demon,” she hissed. “Or I’ll make you suffer.”

He let out a guttural growl and attempted to grab her wrist as she moved away, but she easily snatched it out his grip. “Only two more times and then you can come.” She smiled at him, then placed her hands on her hips and looked him up and down slowly. “Now, how shall I do this?”

Alroth growled again and attempted to buck her off of him, wanting to move to pin her down. His movements were clumsy and unfocused, and again she easily evaded him and maintained her position.

She moved up to position herself over his mouth. “Again,” she said.

He complied eagerly despite his frustration, wrapping his arms around her thighs to pull her down on him and licking her with long, slow strokes. She steadily rode his face, gripping his horns with both hands. He wasn’t slacking either. In fact, she was almost ready to come again.

This time it was a slow, steady orgasm that overwhelmed her. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and her mouth gaped open as a low moan pushed its way out.

“One more,” she said breathlessly. She scooted backwards. He grabbed her hips, pulling her down onto his cock as he sat up to hold her in place. That wasn’t her destination, but she quickly decided to let him take it. Her body was certainly ready for him. He slid into her easily, to the hilt, filling her up.

*Yes.* He was big, much bigger than she’d ever had before. She was so wet that there was no pain, only the intense satisfaction of his girth. Finally.

Ilmaya started to slowly push up and down on his lap. “You want to come so bad,” she purred. “Can you control it long enough for me to finish first?”

He snarled and moved to roll her over on her back, but she pushed him back down. “Do what I tell you,” she commanded.

He snarled again, this time in defeat.

“Make me come,” she ordered. He grit his teeth and nodded.

She rocked her body back and forth, feeling him push deeper inside of her. His hands gripped her hips tightly as he began to grunt, his breath catching in his throat.

“Make me come, Alroth!” she said louder this time. His eyes rolled back as his fingers dug painfully into her skin. She thrust faster and Alroth met her thrust for thrust.

“Come for me, drow,” he growled.

“Fuck me hard!” she hissed.

Alroth quickened his pace, slamming up into her with all he had. And then, she felt him throb deep within her. He released, pouring himself inside of her. She groaned in ecstasy and gratification and continued to grind against him, bringing him to his completion.

When he was spent, she collapsed forward, panting. “That was… not fair,” she wheezed.


“You didn’t play by the rules,” she whined, cheek to his chest. “I only came four times before you did.”

“And you didn’t ask permission,” she continued. She sat up, his member still inside of her. “How very insolent of you to come without permission.”

He gaped at her. There was confusion plainly written on his face. Lust demons usually weren’t summoned to be refused, taunted and chastised. He didn’t know how to react to it. He couldn’t seem to get a read on her. “I was so close,” he whimpered.

“I think you should apologize,” she said as she began to move her hips on top of him again.


“Beg for my forgiveness.” She could already feel him beginning to stiffen inside her again as her tight walls slid around his cock. “If you can’t obey me, I don’t know why I shouldn’t banish you back to the Seven Hells right now.”

“No!” He started, eyes wide. He stared up at her and took a deep breath. “Please, mage mistress, forgive my… lack of manners. I’ll do better next time.”

She scowled down at him and continued moving. “Keep begging,” she said.

Alroth groaned and grabbed her hips. “I beg you, mage mistress, have mercy and forgive me. I’m yours to command.”

She stopped and stared down at him. “I suppose that will do.” She stood up, finally releasing his cock. His warm seed began to ooze out of her and she caught a smirk flicker across Alroth’s face before he went back to watching her with an expression that rivaled piety.

“Now,” she continued, standing over him with her hands on her hips. “We need to decide what to do with you. Stand up.”

He looked up at her nervously, but obeyed her order. At his full height, he towered over her, but she felt much, much taller now. She thought she could probably lead him around by that ring in his nose and he’d follow her anywhere. The corner of her mouth quirked. That was an amusing image. What would her matron mother say if she came home with a lust demon on a leash?

She shook her head sternly. “I’m disappointed in you, Alroth. Half the fun is in making you beg to come.”

“I’ll… I’ll try harder, mage mistress. Please don’t send me away.” He looked at the ground in shame.

“I suppose I’ll have to make you beg for something else.” She tipped his chin up with one finger and then stepped back a bit, spreading her arms to give him a full view of her body. “What part of me do you want most?”

He gulped and shuffled his feet. “All of you, mage mistress.”

She laughed; a cold, cruel sound. “My mouth?” she asked. “My tits? My pussy? You have to choose, Alroth.”

“All of them!” he cried.

“You’re a greedy little demon. You want everything.”

“I… I do, mage mistress.”

Ilmaya nodded slowly, thinking over her options. She eyed his shapely, well-formed cock, which was hard and glistening. “How about my mouth, Alroth?” she said, licking her lips deliberately. “You had me so briefly there before.”

He looked at her eagerly. “Yes, please.”

“That’s what I thought. You’re in for that.” She stepped forward, lightly pushing his chest until he sat down on the platform. She crouched down between his knees, face level with his perfect member, but made no move to touch it.

“Beg for it then,” she said coldly. She lifted her chin up haughtily, sitting back on her haunches. “Beg for me to take you in my mouth.”

“Y… yes, mage mistress.” Alroth stutters. He stared at her desperately, eyes locked on her glossy lips. “Please, I beg of you… take me in your mouth.”

She couldn’t believe the hunger in his voice, or her own for that matter. She could make him beg for hours, all night in fact, but that one little plea was all it took. Fellatio was something she hadn’t experienced with the wan, disappointing drow boys she’d had before. She needed to feel him in her throat.

Ilmaya smiled and took his throbbing cock in her hands. He was covered in a combination of his own pre-ejaculate and her juices. She wrapped her lips around the head of his dick, tasting both of the fluids on his member. The taste wasn’t bad. In fact, she could’ve sworn it was an aphrodisiac.

She began to suck on the tip of his dick, rolling her tongue around the head. He groaned in pleasure, resting a heavy hand on the back of her head. She took that as a sign of approval and continue moving down his shaft, taking more and more in her mouth. She pushed further until his girth hit the back of her throat, causing her to choke a little.

Alroth placed his other hand on her head, gently moving her up and down his dick. Encouraged, she reached around and gripped his firm ass. She continued her ministrations for what seemed like an eternity, enjoying the power she had over him.

After a few minutes, he stopped her, and leaned down to kiss her rough on the lips as she sat up. “Good boy,” she purred when she broke the kiss. “You’ve learned your lesson.”

“Thank you, mistress,” he said in a throaty, submissive voice.

She eyed his cock, which was now an angry purple-red and throbbing. She could actually see his veins pumping. As much as she wanted to torture him, she couldn’t leave him in this state. And in fact, she still wanted more. Dimly, she was aware of how easily one could simply fuck their self to death by sheer exhaustion with one of these things. She didn’t care. “Lie down,” she commanded.

He complied, and she climbed over him, straddling his waist. “I think we’re ready to try this again. Remember,” she put her finger on his lips and eyed him seriously. “When you’re ready to come, you have to beg for it.”

Alroth nodded eagerly, and she lowered herself down on his cock. Ye gods, it was like he’d somehow gotten bigger. He was so damn big that it took her a moment to finally get the head in past the initial barrier. Once she’d done that, however, he filled her up entirely. He gripped her thighs and began to push up into her.

It felt good, better than she could have imagined a body could ever feel. For a moment all she could do was hold stock still and let out a low moan as she acclimated to the pleasure, like wading into a very cold pool.

She started to ride Alroth, lowering herself down and up on his cock at a slow but steady pace. She suddenly remembered how he had tried to roll on top before, and she felt the urge to really test him. She wanted to see how long he could hold himself together when he had the illusion of control.

She rose up – Alroth let out a frustrated groan of protest – and rolled over onto her back next to him. “I want you on top,” she commanded, and he scrambled to obey. He leaned over her, his hands on either side of her head. He looked so powerful, so in control… Ilmaya couldn’t help but grin.

“Can you handle it, Alroth?” she smiled up at him. “Will you remember to beg?”

“I… I will, mistress. May I please…”


She felt the head of his cock rubbing against her clit, then the very entrance to her core. A wave of heat washed down over her. Alroth was stammering. “M-may I please…”

She hooked an arm around his neck, pulling his lips down to hers, and at the same time wrapped her legs tight around his hips. She simultaneously rose up to meet him and pushed him into her, feeling his girth stretch her walls again. She gasped against his lips. His eyes found hers in surprise. “Fuck me, demon,” she breathed. “Shut up and fuck me hard.”

He began to thrust in and out of her at a steady pace. She placed her hands on his ass and push him deeper inside. Their mouths connected as he leaned down and took her in a deep, primal kiss. This was nothing like any earthly sex Ilmaya had ever had before.

“Faster,” she ordered. “And… harder.”

He obeyed, picking up the pace and pounding her into the stone platform until she half expected it to crack. She couldn’t take it much longer. It felt so good, and her body was too weak to handle it. She felt like he might tear her apart. And still she needed more.

“Harder!” she moaned, finding herself somewhere between commanding and begging again. “Oh gods, harder!”

His hands gripped her waist like an iron vice as he slammer himself into her, ever obedient. Then, his lips moved to her ear. She felt his hot breath as he began to whisper in a raw, growling voice. “Please… I want to feel your tight pussy around my cock as I fill it. May I come inside you, please? I want to feel my whole length fill you up and come inside you.”

*YES!* her body screamed. “No,” she gasped. “Not yet. Don’t stop.” Her breath was becoming heavy and ragged, her whole body tensing up.

Alroth’s face twisted, but he somehow kept pace. She felt his warm mouth latch on to her throat as she moaned uncontrollably. His tongue traced the outline of her jawline, and he licked and kissed her throat.

“Oh gods,” she moaned. She gripped his strong ass and pull him as deep as he could go inside her. She felt his length filling her up. The pleasure was too much to bear.

Just when she thought she couldn’t take it anymore, she felt his rhythm skip a beat, his hips spasm almost imperceptibly. He let out a furious groan of concentration. “Please…”

“*No!*” she screamed. “Don’t stop!”

“I can’t…!” he grunted, and then Ilmaya felt a rush beyond imagination as something detonated deep within her.

She screamed with abandon as the hardest orgasm of her life crashed through her like a tsunami. Wave after wave of ecstasy washed over her, and she felt as if her mind was being torn apart. Her entire body arched and convulsed wildly, and she clawed at Alroth’s back as he continued to push hard inside her.

She rode out the waves of pleasure until she felt herself return. Alroth’s every muscle was strained taut, his face a mask of agony, a steady stream of desperate pleas poured from his mouth, and still he was thrusting into her. “Please, mistress, let me come,” he begged, panting like an animal. He was dripping sweat. “Please let me come, please – “

“Yes,” she moaned at last. She felt the warm, blushy afterglow of her arrival softening her. “Come inside me. Fill me up.”

She immediately felt his entire body stiffen, his expression transforming into one of absolute ecstasy and relief. He moaned low in his throat as he delivered his last few strokes, haphazard and desperate –

“Come for me, Alroth,” she purred. “Do it. Let it all out.”

Alroth howled as he came deep inside her. A long, animalistic groan of pleasure escaped him. He continued to thrust into her, slower now, as he came, and she felt his hot seed spilling deep within. She flexed and contracted her walls, milking every last drop from him. Another orgasm took her by surprise, arching her back as the two of them moaned together. The moment seemed to stretch forever.

Finally, when every last drop of him was spent, Alroth collapsed on top of her. The weight of his entire body pinned her against the platform. She squeezed his shoulder hard until he moved, allowing her maybe half an inch of space, just enough to breathe. That was all they did for several long moments – draw in heavy, panting breaths.

At last, Ilmaya cleared her throat and started lightly running her fingers up and down Alroth’s red, muscular back. “That was… impressive,” she said, somewhat shell-shocked. “Very well done, demon.”

“Have you ever summoned a demon before?” Alroth asked, eyes still closed.

“No,” she admitted.

An odd smile curled around his lips. “You were also impressive for a mortal,” he said. “Very few can keep pace with one such as me.” He opened his fire-orange eyes and they burned into her lustfully. “Let alone make me beg.”

A tiny bead of disquiet began to grow in Ilmaya’s chest.

“Still,” he continued as his smile began to grow more predatory. “You made several critical mistakes.”

“Get off of me,” Ilmaya suddenly said in a cold, quiet voice. Her guts had turned to ice despite the intense body heat rippling off of him.

Alroth chuckled and instead lowered himself back down, pinning her slight form down again. “These constraints,” he laughed, running a finger over the arcane sigil on the platform. “You could have bound a lesser demon to your will. But I am no *lesser* demon.”

She began to thrash and struggle beneath him, but his muscles were like solid iron. She realized in a flash what a farce his failed attempts to get on top of her before had been – if he had really wanted to, he would have done so effortlessly. She dragged her nails across his back, trying to dig into his leathery skin.

As if he could read her thoughts, Alroth only laughed harder. “Foolish,” he said. “But intoxicating nonetheless. *Spirited*. You are a rare find, mage mistress.” He raised a hand up in the air.

Ilmaya winced instinctively, assuming he was moving to strike her, but instead Alroth only snapped his fingers. She instantly felt a thick leather collar materialize around her neck, attached to a heavy metal chain that he now held in his hand. His other hand clamped down over her mouth as he leaned down to speak the word that made her beating heart stop for a moment: “*Conceio*.”

The arcane sigil on the platform instantly ignited with hellish orange flames that licked harmlessly at both of their bodies. There was no pain, but an oppressive heat rolled through the room alongside a jarring flash of red-orange light. Ilmaya squeezed her eyes shut as she suddenly felt the platform disappear from beneath her, and for a moment they were falling through the air.

Then, just as suddenly, she felt them land. Her bare back was pressed against a hot, rough stone, her front against the hot chest of Alroth. The air was thick with the scent of sex.

She opened her eyes and found herself looking up at Alroth’s grinning face in front of a red sky. She was lying on some kind of rough red cobblestone; a city street. Dark buildings loomed all around them. There were dozens of other demons here – male, female, and the unidentifiable, who varied wildly in shape and size. One Minotaur-like creature that lumbered past was nearly twelve feet tall, while a dozen red-skinned imps that flew by were only the size of halflings. The only two commonalities between them all were that they wore no clothing besides jewelry, and they paid little mind to the two of them. Despite the fact that – Ilmaya’s face burned as she realized – Alroth was still *inside* her.

Ilmaya noticed then they weren’t the only ones openly fucking in the streets. She gaped at a purple-skinned demoness who was moaning as she rocked herself atop a pale devil lying on some kind of primitive bench nearby. An imp flew up behind and started fondling her ample breasts as they bounced, and neither of the two even acknowledged his presence. Beyond them, two other figures were locked in a frenzy against the side of a building, gyrating on each other furiously. A shattering orgasm rang out from some point she couldn’t even see from here.

Another female devil, this one with a gold chain hanging between the two rings pierced through her nipples, sauntered by with a chain of collared humanoids following behind her. Ilmaya saw humans, elves, and even a half-orc, both men and women, each of them wearing a collar like the one around her own neck. Their eyes fell on her with fear.

At last, she turned back to look at Alroth just as he finally extricated himself from her and stood up. His come shot out of her as her walls contracted back to their natural tightness, pooling on the ground. He stood over her triumphantly and watched her take it all in.

“I must admit,” he continued as if nothing at all had happened. “It took me a while to figure out what you wanted of me. Most who summon a lust demon are desperately lonely, others, just desperate. You punished forwardness, rejected romance, demanded to be ravaged and then refused it.” He smirked at her and crouched down, leaning in close to her face. “I feed off the pleasure of my summoner. You are the first who has ever derived the most pleasure out of denying me mine. It was a novel experience.”

“Take me back. *Now*.” Ilmaya growled through gritted teeth. Her small breasts were heaving up and down with rage.

“I’m afraid that I must decline.” Alroth tipped her chin up and ran a single finger down her bottom lip. He couldn’t seem to stop smiling wickedly as he took her in. He leaned in even closer, hot breath on her face, and whispered huskily: “You shall have to punish me for this insolence. *Harshly*, I think.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/m86di6/a_dark_elf_summons_a_demon_to_fulfill_her_needs