The Arrangement [Mff] [threesome with anal]

Naked and freshly showered, I laid back on the couch between the two girls, my thick cock resting on my belly, rude and demanding and impossible to ignore.

“Alright, ladies,” I said, “It’s not gonna suck itself.”

A protest formed on Kayla’s — the pretty blonde one’s — lips. She still was wearing that knit gray beanie, the one that matched her tight sweater. “But–” she started.

“But what?” I cut her off, “You think that being hot means you get things for free? I wouldn’t let Helen of Troy herself crash without payment.”

“Who’s Troy?”

“Kayla, c’mon, you agreed,” said Abby, the cute and busty brunette one. She was dressed the same as her friend, but in white instead of gray, her sweater deliciously tight. She already had my dick in her hand, was feeling its weight.

“Kayla,” I said, “You telling me you don’t like a good, solid fuck?”

They exchanged glances.

“That’s what I thought.” I grinned. “Stuck up skank like you, probably thirsty for a proper lay, aren’t you.”

“I’m not–” Kayla protested. She looked anxious.

“Look, you don’t have to be here,” I said, “You’re welcome to walk out the door, and find your own way. I’m sure you’ll find a nice cot in a hostel out by the interstate. No skin off my nose, before you two dropped in, I was planning on a quiet night by myself.”

“Abby…” Kayla whined.

“No, Kayla,” Abby said, “It’ll be fine.”

“But what about Vic?”

“Why would you even tell him?” Abby said, “I’m not gonna tell anyone. Plus, it’s not really cheating? Right? Cheating is, like, emotional. This is just sex.”

I rubbed Kayla’s back. “That’s right,” I said, “This is just sex. Deal’s simple. A place to sleep and all you gotta do’s suck my cock.” I guided her closer.

On my other side, Abby leaned down and licked my balls. I grinned. “That’s the idea.”

“This is so fucked up,” Kayla said.

I don’t know, maybe it was.

I had met them a few hours ago. They’d been late, delaying the bus — or, I should say, ‘motor coach.’ Buses are plain, but this coach was a classy affair, with plush seats and mood lighting and individual air controls just like an airplane. The ski resort was shuttling us all the way from the city, up into the mountain, and these girls were making us late, so I was already annoyed with them before I even knew who they were.

I had also scored one of the few seats with an empty spot next to it, which I was hoping to use for stretching out, relaxing on the way up. I’m tall and broad, and although I can squeeze into a regular seat, that extra space sure is nice.

But, sure thing, one of the late girls shoved her luggage into the rack above and sat down next to me. She didn’t even look at me, but her brunette friend, who sat in the seat directly in front of her, gave me a sly smile.

I couldn’t help but feel a tinge of pride at that. These looked like college girls, and when I was their age, sure, I was tall then too, but I was a skinny kid, dressed bad, and never got any attention from thin and fit, cute and fashionable girls like these two. Call me vain, but now-a-days I liked wearing shirts that maybe showed off my muscles a little. I’d worked hard over the last decade to bulk up, why hide it?

The brunette had bright, big eyes and a soft expression. Her nose was flat and her lips were soft and pink, but maybe that was just her makeup. I wondered what she’d look like with a dick in her mouth. Pretty hot, I guessed.

Her friend, sitting next to me, had long, straight white blonde hair, which draped over her shoulders and back. Her cheekbones were high and her lips severe, and I loved the effect from her thick, dark eyeliner. This girl would’ve been pretty without the heavy makeup, but with? Well that just meant she cared about going the extra mile.

I wasn’t trying to pay them much attention, but, well, they obviously wanted it. The bus ride was long, and the girls chatted loudly the whole damn way. Most people on the bus kept quiet, let others rest, but not these two, no way. They had to let everyone know they were there, make sure everybody overheard the tedious details of their convoluted social lives.

So then, hours later, after we’d stopped for a quick rest, Sherri the bus driver was coming down the aisle, asking everyone which resort or hotel they’re staying at, so she’d know where to stop the bus — sorry, coach.

Sherry got to me. “You ain’t fallen off the mountain yet?” she said, “The Suites, right?”

“Fell off, got back up,” I said, “The Suites, you got it.”

She drew a tally mark on her notepad.

Sherri’d been driving transit a long time, and she had that look, like she’d heard every form of bullshit that’d ever been invented, and she could sense if you were even thinking about trying any of it here. She was a tough lady, and I considered it a personal accomplishment that she seemed to dislike me a touch less than she did everyone else.

She turned to the girls. “Ladies, hotel?”

“Well, like, which one’s the best?” the blonde girl next to me said. I rolled my eyes.

“Don’t matter which one’s best,” Sherri said, not even looking at them, “Only matters which one you booked. So which is it?”

“Booked?” the blonde girl said.

Her friend cut in. “We were just going to, like, get a room once we got there.”

“Girls,” Sherri sighed, “Didnja see all the signs at the pickup? It’s a Friday night in February and it was snowing all last week. Every ski hotel from here to Timbuktu is sold out. You ain’t already got reservations, you won’t be staying in the village.”

“Well, what are your options?” the blonde girl said, her voice having taken on that certain tone, that one that came from a lifetime of other people having saved her from learning any lessons from all the mistakes she’d made. The tone that that implied this situation she and her friend had created for themselves was somehow not their fault.

Or maybe I was reading too much into it, who knows. But I was grinning, enjoying some schadenfreude. I guess I’m an asshole, because I wasn’t feeling any sympathy for these two.

“My options?” Sherri said, “I drive the coach, honey. I don’t got any options for you. Maybe, I was you, somehow despite all the warnings found myself inexplicably in your situation, I’d be calling around right now, begging every hotel, motel, notel manager for any extra broom closet they got. There’s maybe some fleabag hostel out on the interstate’s got a bed without too many bugs crawling in it, if you’re lucky. You can take a cab, get from the village there and back.”

“A hostel?” said the blonde, “I’m not staying in a hostel!”

“Sounds like a whole lotta ‘not my problem,’” Sherri said, continuing on her task, asking the next passengers their stop.

“Fuck, what are we going to do?” the brunette whispered to her friend. She was kneeling backwards in her seat, leaning over the backrest.

“I’m going to call Vic,” said the girl next to me, “He’ll fix it.” She held her phone to her ear.

It wasn’t even a minute later before she said, “What the hell, Vic? He’s not answering.”

“Try him again,” said the brunette.

Another phone call later and she hissed, “Why isn’t he picking up? What is he doing? What are we going to do?”

I saw the brunette girl glance at me, and I knew what she was going to suggest even before the sounds even formed in her throat.

She tilted her head the tiniest bit in my direction. “What if we asked him?”

“Asked him what?” said the blonde girl.

“You heard. He’s got a suite. Maybe we can, like, sub-lease or whatever a room.” She was looking at me as she said this, and I was looking back at her.

“No,” I said. Simple. Plain. Direct. Free of ambiguity.

“Come on, please just think about it?” the brunette girl pressed, “It’s just for one night. We’ll be gone first thing tomorrow. You won’t even know we were there.”

“You don’t even know me,” I said, “And anyway, answer’s still ‘no.’”

She smiled flirtatiously. “I could get to know you. We both could.”

“Abby!” the blonde girl hissed, “Gross! What the fuck?”

“Yeah right,” I said, a smile spreading across my mouth, “You think you could handle me?”

“We’d do more than ‘handle’ you,” Abby said, licking her lips.

“Abby,” protested the blonde, “You are such a slut. We’re not doing this. I’ll call Vic again, he’ll figure it out.”

I nodded at the blonde girl, and said to Abby, “Your friend doesn’t seem interested in your solution.”

“So you’ll do it?” she said, “You’ll really let us crash with you?”

“I’ll consider it,” I said, “If you’re serious about your end of the bargain. I’m going to warn you, though, it takes a lot to satisfy me.”

Abby smiled all the way to her eyes. “I’m up for the challenge.”

“Then convince your friend. Nobody ‘crashes’ for free.”

“Kayla…” Abby started, turning to the other girl, “I know you’re still on the fence, but, look, this solves, like, a lot of problems…”

Ninety minutes later, and Abby’s fist was pumping my cock while she sucked on my balls. Maybe Kayla was thinking that I’d let her slide if her friend did all the work. But if so, she needed quick correction. I grinned at her.

“What?” she said.

“Sit back. I’ll be gentle.”

I put my hand on her knee. She sucked in a breath.

“I know your type,” I said.

I dragged my fingers up her leg, watching her react as I got nearer and nearer her crotch. I could feel that she wanted it. She spread her legs just the slightest bit and then I was groping her pussy through the soft fabric of her pants.

I continued, “The type who think they got something to prove by denying themself a little fun.”

She lay there, watching me do this to her, not saying a word. But I could see her blushing, her breaths coming quicker, deeper. Her chest rose each time she inhaled, the shape of her tits in her sweater mesmerizing.

With Abby sucking my cock, I pulled my hand up to Kayla’s flat belly, then pushed my fingers under her waistband, putting skin against skin. I could feel her wet heat against my fingertips, and as I started rubbing, she gasped.

“Your friend doesn’t hide how eager she is for my cock,” I said, “She’s honest with herself, but you…”

She pressed her eyes closed, making soft whimpering sounds. She moaned and spread her legs more, but I pulled my hand away.

“You like to be talked into it,” I said, “Makes you feel less guilty. Like you’re innocent and blameless.”

She gave me a desperate look. I grinned at her broken reluctance, then guided her head down to my cock.

“Like you aren’t a slut,” I continued, “Now make yourself useful.” For an answer, I felt her lips wrap around my dick.

I spread my legs as I felt Abby’s tongue caress my balls. With my hand on the back of Kayla’s head, I trained her how to suck my dick, and soon I was able to lean back and just enjoy. I squeezed both girls’ asses at the same time, and figured that the night was going pretty well so far.

“You two suck dick together often?” I said. But the lapping of their tongues was the only response.

The girls licked and sucked, and I delighted in the wet slurping sounds they were making.

“Kayla,” I said, “You’re doing such a great job on my cock. Maybe you need some reward.” She had paused, was looking at me. “Take off your pants. I need to taste that sweet pussy of yours.”

Her eyes went wide, but she did what I said. I grinned at her cute little ass, her shaved crotch. She didn’t weigh much, and it was easy for me to pick her up and bring her crotch to my face. With her horniness unleashed, she was quick to start sucking again as I ate her out.

“Fucking hot,” Abby said in between licks. Then her lips were wrapped around my balls, and with both of them working away I was groaning, barely able to concentrate.

I sucked on Kayla’s clit and shoved my fingers inside her.

“What a fantastic pussy you’ve got,” I said. I was tweaking and teasing her and soon I had her climaxing. I pulled my hand away and watched as she spasmed and bucked.

“Your sweet little puss is desperate to feel my cock, isn’t it?” I said to her.

Her back was arched, her taut asshole and wet pussy was presented to me, ready to be used, eager for dick. “Give it to me,” she begged, “I need it.”

I grinned and slapped her ass.

“Please,” Kayla plead, “I’ll do anything.”

I grabbed her, pulling her to my chest with my arms wrapped around her legs, pinning them to her sides. I could feel the heat of her crotch against my cock.

Abby had pulled back, and was taking off her clothes, watching.

“Remember that girl who had to be talked into this?” I said to her, “Look how fucking horny your friend is now.”

“Oh, I knew she’d be like this. She’s a real slut once you get to know her,” Abby said, cupping her tits, “But, like, so am I.”

And then, I didn’t even have to tell her, she grabbed my cock, stroking it as she pushed it up against her friend’s pussy.

“Fuck,” I groaned, feeling the wetness of Kayla’s sex.

Then she gasped as Abby shoved my cock inside her. Kayla was incredibly tight, and she cried out as I penetrated her, shoving myself in deeper and deeper. Her arms flailed as I worked up a rhythm, and I realized that crazy slut friend of hers was licking her pussy while squeezing my balls.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck,” she was moaning as I pumped my shaft into her, grabbing her tits.

I had her tight against my chest, and I could feel her writhing mindlessly in my grip, her sweat mixing with mine. I leaned my head forward and whispered into her ear, “You’re a whore, Kayla, and I’m going to fuck you like a whore.”

“Yes,” she moaned.

I stood up. Abby scrambled out of the way as I shoved Kayla down, bending her over the coffee table, kneeling behind her. I pinned her shoulders down, arching her back, pushing her butt up in the air, pussy dripping. I grabbed her ass cheek and squeezed, then released only to spank her, hard, leaving a mark.

“Fuck me,” she squealed, spreading her knees in submission.

I placed my cock against her asshole, and she whimpered. Then I shoved my cock in, skewering her ass. Her head was turned to the side, and I saw her eyes were squeezed shut and tears were running down her face.

I said, “Am I too much man for you, Kayla?”

“No,” she whimpered, “I’m a whore… I’m a dumb whore… fuck me like a whore.”

Abby watched in amazement as I slammed my hips into her friend’s ass, over and over again, while she begged for me to degrade her with my dick.

I asked her, “Did you know Kayla was this much of a slut?”

She slowly shook her head, her hand down in her crotch, fingers tweaking her clit as she looked down at her friend’s writhing form. And hot damn, did she have nice tits.

“What about you, Abby?” I said, “You this depraved, too?”

She gave me a nervous look, eyes wide, like she wanted it, but was afraid to admit that to herself.

So I helped her. I pulled out of Kayla and left her dazed, panting on the table, and pushed Abby down right next to her. The girls looked into each other’s faces, close up. Kayla with her cute dimples streaked with tears. Abby’s big, bright eyes wide and tense, knowing what was about to happen to her.

“Show me your ass,” I said.

She did. I didn’t even care, I’d just wanted to see if she would do it. I chuckled and slid my thumb down her crack, then pushed it up into her. She gasped.

Then I let her feel my cock on her asshole, pressing the tip against her, making her squirm and yelp.

“What’re you waiting for?” Kayla said. I grinned at her.

And then my dick was in Abby’s ass. I fucked her next to her friend, made her moan in her friend’s face as I impaled her with my shaft. She was so tight, it was incredible, but half the fun was watching her react, seeing her take my cock.

She was writhing and twisting and groaning, and when I realized she was having an orgasm, I fucked her even harder.

“Yes,” she cried out, “More…”

Her ass was spasming around my dick, and the intense pleasure was growing more than even I could handle. I felt my own orgasm coming, Abby’s ass had pushed me past the stopping point, there was no holding back. I was slamming into her with less and less control, pounding all my need into her. And she was taking it, climaxing continuously, in total bliss.

“Oh god,” moaned Abby, “Oh fuck.”

Kayla must’ve realized how close I was, because she pulled herself over onto her friend’s back, mouth towards my dick.

“I want to drink your cum like a slut,” she said, then held her tongue out and shot me a needy look.

Oh fuck. That did it.

I pulled my dick free, aiming it at Kayla’s face as I stroked my cum out. A jet of spunk blasted her, getting in her mouth, on her face, in her hair, dripping down onto Abby’s back. And then another, and another, and even I was amazed how much cum was spraying from my cock. The girls had gotten me especially worked up, my cock was a fountain, pulse after pulse making a huge mess.

“Holy fuck,” Kayla said.

“Oh my god,” Abby whimpered.

I rolled back onto my heels, catching my breath. I threw a towel at them.

Mind running slow, high from the intense orgasm, I laid back on the couch. Kayla joined me, curling into my side like I was her boyfriend or something, and then I guess Abby wanted in on that because she did the same on the other side. I didn’t mind, though, since they were playing with my cock, which was going soft only slowly. And they didn’t mind that i was groping them right back.

Kayla got bored after a bit, I guess. She picked the hotel guidebook up of the floor, where it had been laying ever since we’d knocked it off the coffee table, and began flipping through it.

“This dumb slut’s hungry,” she said, “I’m going to get some room service. You dumb sluts want anything?”

I started laughing. “You girls are alright,” I said.


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