Break for me

she presented herself as ordered, wearing her favorite black open-cup bra with an attached padlocked collar, His favorite black thong, and a heavy dose of black lipstick. she knelt before the open doorway of their soundproofed playroom, her knees spread wide, her wrists crossed (and, in her imagination, secured together with an invisible rope) against her lower vertebrae, her head bowed with her lengthy black hair obscuring any clear vision she might otherwise have.

“Stand and enter.”

Without moving her wrists from their “secured” position behind her, she clamored to her feet, keeping her head bowed as she made her way toward the sound of her Master’s voice. Once His feet were within view, she stopped, and knelt again before Him.

He walked away from her. Part of her mind was disappointed, thinking that perhaps she had done something wrong; He rarely ever walked away from her unless she had been commanded to remain in a particular position or was bound to an immovable object. Still, her heart soared, for He would not have commanded her to appear in their sacred place – especially dressed in this manner – unless He truly wanted (desired? needed?) her presence.

she heard the door close, seal, and lock. This was not uncommon, even if He intended to only play lightly. Still, the sounds from the door held a “finality” to them, signaling that she could not leave again no matter what.

she chastised herself for that thought, reminding herself of the safeword she had selected several years before. Only once had she ever used it, when she recognized the scent of alcohol on His breath. she always gave her body and her love to Him willingly in equal measures, but that night she made her body untouchable due to her love for Him, that the drink would not cause Him to inadvertently harm her beyond their long-held agreement.

His feet reappearing within her limited range of view brought her back to her present situation. From the cool caresses down her back and jostling her hair just slightly, she was kneeling almost directly underneath one of the air conditioning vents. Especially in the intense Phoenix summer, the cool wafts of air felt wonderful, sensual.
Surprisingly, He knelt before her, something He almost never did. Instinctively, she spread her knees even further apart in case He wished access to her most private of places. Only He had ever touched her there, and a heartbeat later, He touched her there once again.

“you have been extremely wonderful these past few weeks,” He praised her, whispering as His free hand maneuvered her hair aside so He could gaze deep into her eyes, His other hand maneuvering aside the front of her thong to stroke her womanhood directly. “While life at work has been extremely stressful for Me lately with the merger preparations, you have been a sweet, relaxing, calm presence in My life.”

“Thank you, Master,” she whispered, her eyes held captive by His gaze as her heart soared at His kind words. “i only wished to ensure your happiness, Sir.”

His smile caused her soaring heart to melt. The sudden entry of a pair of fingers into her body caused her to gasp softly, yet her eyes never broke the gaze. Seconds later, the digits were removed and raised to her lips to be cleaned by her expert tongue.

“I want to thank you by breaking in the new equipment that arrived yesterday,” He announced. His smile mirrored hers. “you deserve it after being so sweet and considerate of My needs over the past few weeks.”

“Thank you, Sir,” she whispered.

“But first, I want you to masturbate for Me while I set up the new equipment.”

“As you wish, Master.”

she lay on her back on the floor, knowing this was the position her Master preferred for her when she pleasured herself for Him. Both her hands instantly slipped inside the thong to begin compliance with His command. she kept her eyes upon Him initially, admiring His typical all-black formal attire until He finally stood and moved out of her field of vision.

The sparks emanating from her core began to leap further, spreading throughout her small frame. her breath came faster, her lips emitted soft sounds, her fingers danced beautifully across her clitoris.

“Sir, may i cum?”

“Yes, as much as you’d like.”

her hands launched into full-assault mode, never slowing through the onslaught of orgasms which wracked her senses and flooded the carpet. As she cried out again and again and again, her own voice felt like a distant memory, real yet fleeting. her body felt as if it was being swept away in an overflowing river of sexuality, breathtaking fireworks exploding on the inside of her eyelids, her heart pounding so hard and fast that it threatened to explode.

“So beautiful. So slutty.”

The words barely registered, as they were spoken in the midst of yet another orgasm. As that wave of pleasure began to recede, she felt Him straddling her, His legs against her sides, pinning her wrists to either side of her head. When at last she could open her eyes, she looked through sex-glazed eyes up at His sweet smile. “I never knew my wife could be such a brazen whore,” He noted aloud.

her clitoris throbbed again at the “W” word.

He bent down to kiss her, and her mouth attacked His with extreme viciousness. she struggled, wanting desperately to wrap her arms around her husband and Master, yet His hold on her wrists was firm. As the kiss continued, He slowly moved His legs backward, slipped them between hers, and rested His crotch above hers. His manhood was already long and solid inside His black trousers, and her hips instantly reacted to Him. If not for the copious amount of fluids continuing to emerge from her, this would be dry humping at its finest as He teased her nicely.

Instead, she was a bit embarrassed, since her wetness would be all over Him when He finally lifted Himself from her. Still, she wrapped her legs tightly around His waist, squealing into His mouth with each long stroke back and forth across her womanhood.

He sat back, releasing her wrists and extricating Himself from the vice grip of her legs. her eyes opened once more, and she began to giggle at the sight of His blackened lips. Obviously aware of the spectacle He presented, His laughter joined hers as He drew her close for a hug, then helped her to stand on her shaky legs.

“Remember the game of Assassins from our first year in college?” she asked. “i just killed you with The Kiss of Death.”

He smiled again, obviously remembering the game. “If anyone must kill Me, I would hope it would be you. But now, on with the show.”

He turned her around, and she saw the new equipment, which He named the Body-stocks. Instead of securing one’s head and wrists in the stocks, this version was taller and a bit thicker with two small holes for the wrists and a larger hole lower on the device for the torso. A heavy chain wound through the pair of holes near the base of the Body-stocks.

“Are you ready?” she could only nod her assent as her eyes drank in the sight of the device, her mind reeling with questions: Would He drive her insane with pleasure? Would He tease her mercilessly, then leave her to stew in her own lust for hours? Would He cause her body to convulse with pain?

she soon stood facing the back of the Body-stocks. As her fingertips glided along the nicely-polished oak wood, she could hear her Master opening one of the drawers in a dresser along the wall behind her. When He returned, He knelt behind her and affixed a pair of cuffs to her, using small padlocks to ensure they remained snug around her ankles. The snaps at the end of the heavy chain were attached to the D-rings of the wide leather cuffs, giving her only a few inches of maneuverability.

Slowly, He licked and nibbled His way up the slave’s legs, His hands stroking the insides of her thighs. Strategically ignoring the juncture of legs with torso, He continued working up her back, licking along her spine, until He stood behind her. Pressing Himself against her, she could feel the hardness trying to press between her lower cheeks, and could also feel the wetness she had deposited there earlier. Fortunately, He did not seem to mind that His clothing was now “dirtied” because of her.

Then again, if He did indeed mind, He would take it out on her body once she was secured in the new device and unable to escape the punishment.

After briefly cupping a breast and squeezing gently, He moved to the right side of the Body-stocks. Removing the lower padlock, He opened the device. Without needing to be commanded, she leaned forward, resting her stomach on the dip in the wood. Seconds later, the device was closed and padlocked, leaving her leaning forward somewhat awkwardly. Wearing the open-cup bra, she was quite aware of her breasts hanging beneath her; wearing the thong, she felt quite exposed despite the scant garment.

she felt the vibrations through the wood as the top part of the device was opened. Carefully, slowly, He helped her to bring her arms back above her head, then threaded each forearm into place before closing and locking the Body-stocks. Hearing Him step away again, she took the opportunity to attempt to bring her arms forward. In this position, if she so wanted, she could probably squeeze her wrists through the small holes. However, He quickly returned with and applied another pair of thick leather cuffs, also secured with padlocks and connected by a short and even heavier chain. With the thickness of these wrist cuffs, she had no chance to slip her wrists through the small holes.

Then again, she did not want to escape.

“How do you feel?”

Taking a quick mental assessment of her situation, she felt the wetness growing again between her legs. Confinement of any kind seemed to excite her no matter what the situation. That this was a brand-new piece of equipment thrilled her even more. However, she quickly noted that she would need to work to keep her head raised, or else blood would pool into her head and probably cause her some dizziness.

“i feel wonderful, Sir.”

“Good. you look wonderful, as well.”

Standing behind her, He could not see her smile at the compliment. she wiggled her rear at Him, knowing He would appreciate the gesture. Then she simply waited, listening as He moved around the play room.

When He at last returned to her, He knelt before her, nipple clamps in hand. Gently, He sucked at her left nipple, tugged at it with His teeth, enticed it to lengthen and harden, then tortured it with a clamp. her soft sighs of pleasure instantly changed to a loud groan of pain. she winced as the clamp was tightened to ensure it would not come off before He wanted it to come off. Then the same agonizing treatment was awarded to the right nipple.

“Don’t go away.” With a soft laugh, He rose and left the play room, leaving her alone. From her lengthy training, she closed her eyes and performed her breathing exercises, helping her to internalize the pain in her nipples and also to pass the time in His absence. Yet it was almost impossible to remain still, causing her breasts – and, ultimately, the clamps – to sway slightly beneath her. Now she understood why she had been ordered to wear the open-cup bra for this play session.

Opening her eyes once more, she looked down at the twin mounds falling away from her, noting how they and the clamps oscillated. The position she was in was beginning to become uncomfortable, and she found herself wiggling as best as she could, the movements of the clamps sending small shock waves up her feminine orbs and down her spine to her core, where additional wetness was created and overflowed her body’s ability to contain it, leaving trickles of desire meandering down each leg. Yet she was also aware of the intense discomfort – of her body’s awkward position in general, and of the vice-like confinement of her sensitive nipples in particular. The chains rattled slightly as she fidgeted, trying to find the most “comfortable” discomfort possible in her predicament.

The door to the play room remained open. At any time, she could call out for her Master, and knew that He would come running to her side instantly. But if she called for Him indiscriminately, her punishment would be extremely severe – a lesson she had learned all too well once before. So she suffered alone, trying to set her mind adrift, envisioning more pleasurable scenarios.

…yet each scenario involved a similar predicament. Only the location changed.

Then she thought of her current situation, and tried to anticipate what would happen next. she envisioned Him returning to the play room, wearing only a smile as He closed, sealed, and locked the door to again soundproof the room. The flow of desire intensified, creating new streaks down her thighs as she imagined her Master positioning Himself behind her, quickly impaling her, and savagely taking her with all the care of a sadistic rapist. The vision in her mind was so vivid that she could hear her imagined screams, feel the imagined tears falling from her eyes and plummeting to the floor. As best as it could, her body moved of its own accord, mimicking the events playing out in her head, a solo version of the ages-old primal dance.

“Such a horny, wanton bitch.”

Raising her head and looking through the many strands of her lengthy hair, she could see Him standing just inside the play room. Wearing only a smile, He closed, sealed, and locked the door, reinstating the soundproof nature of their private hideaway. His cock was already long and hard, ready to sweetly pummel her body from the inside.

That was exactly what she needed most. “Please, Master, use Your slave.”

“I will, she-who-wishes-to-be-used,” He noted aloud, His delight audible in His voice as He moved toward the willing captive.

Practically without warning, His hands were in her hair, yanking her down onto his extensive manhood, poking at her throat on the initial penetration and holding still deep inside her. she tried to scream around the oral invader, the vibrations of her sounds causing Him to shudder and gasp aloud and bringing forth several drops of lubrication from Him. The act was so sudden that she panicked, fighting fiercely in her awkward confinement as His fists tightened painfully in her hair, her constant movements torturing her breasts and nipples while the Body-stocks began to bruise her waist and forearms, her lips spreading their paint around the base of the thick assailant. The tears were no longer imagined; they were very real, induced by a panic she had not known for months in His usually-gentle dominance of her mind and her body.

Just as suddenly, He was gone from her sight, leaving her sputtering and whimpering with relief.

Just as suddenly, He was behind her, once again introducing her lower cheeks to the heavy oak paddle and causing new pained sounds to spew forth from her lips.

With each strike of the paddle, she lurched forward as much as the Body-stocks would allow, the chains at her wrists and ankles rattling, the clamps upon her nipples shaking fiercely to create two additional sources of pain. her mind was so overwhelmed that she entered that thick haze she knew so well, her body’s method of protecting her from the full gamut of powerful sensations that would otherwise threaten to render her unconscious due to overstimulation. The soft lining of the cuffs, the harsh scraping of the Body-stocks, the clamps’ jiggling adherence to the law of gravity, the painful impacts of the paddle, the embarrassing feeling of the liquid love pouring forth from her, the sound of her own cries overpowering virtually every other sound in the play room – it was all muted by that haze, that wonderful, sensual, protective haze.

Yet she felt that this was where she truly belonged, that this was what she was meant to do with her life, that this was the One to whom she could hand her heart on a silver platter and know that it would be safer than even the Crown Jewels.

Then, her mind unable to comprehend even through the haze, she floated on a cloud. Time lost all meaning. All she could feel was an intense heat, both around her and within her. her soul was bared for all to see.

…and suddenly, she melted. An intense climax shoved away the haze with the force of a typhoon wind blowing a piece of cardboard across a virgin landscape. Pain mostly receded as a throbbing hardness withdrew from her and then pierced her elsewhere, fingernails digging into the flesh of her hips as her tightest opening was forced to spread wide to accommodate Him.

her final virgin landscape was no longer virgin. her screams and her tears were the proof of the final barricade’s decimation.

her screams turned to cries as her Master held still inside her, riding her as a finger plucked her clitoris like an virtuoso violinist. His fingers never slowed, never relaxed, never allowed her a moment of rest – she was an instrument, singing beautifully as He played her, enjoying her sweet music.

Then, she felt Him expand and release His seed into her. His essence poured into her small body, threatening to fill her full until the excess spilled out through her ears. Still she sang for Him, unable to do anything else – barely even able to breathe.

At last, the outrageous assault ceased. He left her, walking slowly and shakily to the door, unlocking, unsealing, and opening it so that He could leave her. Slowly, her body calmed itself, yet she could feel the tidal surges continue for what seemed like hours. Salty rain departed her body to dampen the floor, while sweeter liquids coursed down her legs. Unable to swallow due to her dry throat, what little saliva she could muster dribbled forth from her lips. The heaving of her chest jostled the nipple clamps and sent painfully erotic shock waves up her breasts and down her spine to her core, where additional wetness was created and overflowed her body’s ability to contain it. Even her hair felt ablaze with gratification as it hung from her in long unkempt strands.

Four days later, as they enjoyed a hot bubble bath together, the bruises on her waist and forearms were still visible, but fading. her nipples were still too sensitive to allow her to wear a bra – or anything else above her waist – without discomfort. Yet it was worthwhile in the end, as it had been a perfect way to break in the new equipment.

…and to break through her final virginity.
