Christina’s Transformation Into a Sex Toy [MF][Bondage][Brainwashing][Submission][BDSM]

**First time posting my smut, hope you enjoy! ???**

Christina’s eyes blinked slowly open. Coming out of her drug induced sleep was more challenging than she thought, especially with the bright blue lights shining directly on her face. Where was she? Why was she here? When she saw the figure in the darkness beyond the light, everything started to come back together. She had asked for this, she wanted to be here. After letting out a soft moan, the dark figure came closer and placed his face between her eyes and the bright lights, giving them the much needed relief she needed.

“Hello Toy. It took you long enough to wake up. Do you realize how long you’ve kept your owner waiting?”

The man rocked the chair back and forth, threatening to tip her over. Christina’s fingers gripped the arm rests and she realized her hands were handcuffed to each side. She closed her eyes, trying to resist crying in fear of being dropped on the ground. The man laughed and stopped rocking her chair, stepping back beyond the light.

“Oh dear Toy, look what you have gotten yourself into now. Do you realize how much you begged me for this? How much you need this? I am doing you a favor Toy, I am transforming you into your perfect self. “

Christina started to think clearer now. It had started a few months ago. She had reacquainted herself with an old friend. After talking and catching up, they realized they had similar interests. Their sexual encounters started off small. She would snap a few secret nude photos at work, and send videos of herself masturbating at night. It never was quite fulfilling enough though. Eventually she began to tell him about some of her darker fetishes, especially the ones involving being turned into a doll.

Her mind snapped back to the present as she felt her neck being fastened tightly to the back of the chair. As she opened her mouth to comment a small phallic shape was pressed between her lips and the strap buckled tightly against the back of her head.

“We wouldn’t want Toy to speak accidentally would we? We wouldn’t want Toy to breathe without its owner’s permission?”

A soft pumping sound could be heard, and the rubber inside her mouth expanded, forcing her cheeks out and making it difficult to speak.

“For now you may breathe Toy. I am giving you that gift. Do not squander it.”

More straps now. Christina couldn’t see what was going on but she felt her feet and legs wrenched apart and buckled in place. Her elbows were next locked behind her to the chair, thrusting her chest forward and only allowing the limited movement granted by the handcuffs. To finish it all off, a thick strap pulled her waist firmly back, making any movement by her torso impossible.
“There we go. Locked up nice and tight. Like a doll in its box. But we are not there yet Toy. Today is the next phase of your training. Today you take one more step down the path to becoming a beautiful latex Doll.”

Once again there was relief from the light as the man stepped in front of it. “What was his name again?” Christina was so tired and so foggy. He had mentioned being her owner. Should she call him that? It was a weird title but it felt like the right one.

Her Owner stepped behind her and reached down her shirt to her breasts. Christina moaned, loudly this time. Her body was aching to be touched and played with. Suddenly he removed them and she heard the click of a knife being opened. He pressed the cold blade against her cheek, lightly stroking it, and leaned down to whisper into her ear.

“Toy’s don’t wear regular clothes.”

He grabbed the front of her shirt and yanked it away from her body. She saw the knife’s reflection briefly in the light right before it sliced cleanly through her shirt and bra. He took his time with her shorts, exaggerating every movement while she tried her best to avoid his blade. Lastly he cut through her panties leaving her completely nude and completely vulnerable. She shivered in the cold air and could feel dampness between her legs where her pussy is.

“Do you realize how much of a slut you are Toy? You are already dripping wet with excitement. Soon you will be encased in rubber, but first we must strip you of all your former thoughts and personality. Today, we begin to leave behind ‘Christina’.”

He grabbed the strap around her neck and pulled tight.

“You are a Toy,” he whispered. “You will enjoy pain and pleasure simultaneously forever. Nod yes for me Toy.”

Christina, Toy, whimpered and nodded as best as she could while he was pulling on the collar. The way his hands lingered around her throat gave her foreboding thoughts. As soon as she managed a satisfactory nod, he released the choke on her. After the prolonged pressure, all she could do was for air around her gag. She felt him reach for the pump on her gag. Slowly he pumped and released the pressure. Toy was not sure if she would ever again get a full breath.

The blue light was still shining brightly in her eyes, forcing her mind to not wander from the torments before her. After several moments that might as well have been an eternity, she was given a brief respite. Behind her head she could feel her Owner unbuckling the gag in her mouth. Toy heavily sighed in relief, but knew better than to say anything.

Her Owner stepped around behind the light again. If Toy squinted, she could barely make him out. He fiddled with something, and she saw a red light begin to blink in the darkness.
“State your name.”

The answer came from her without even thinking about it.

“My name is Toy”

Suddenly she felt a buzzing in her ass. How had she not noticed the plug before? The drugs used to sedate her must have been very powerful.

“What are you?”

“I am a brainless rubber slut”

The vibrations intensified, increasing her pleasure and making it difficult to concentrate.

“What are your holes for?”

“My mouth, my ass, my pussy are holes for latex.”

This time the vibrations climbed so high, Toy had to struggle to not mess up her answers.

“Why do you exist, Toy?”

“I exist to be used.”

Toy braced for it this time, but still couldn’t control the body shaking moans she released as the plug inside her vibrated at it’s maximum strength. A second vibrator was shoved against her clit while her Owner wrapped his hand firmly around her mouth and nose, making it difficult to breathe.

“Cum for me Toy, cum for me and you can breathe again,” he whispered in her ear.

Toy tried desperately to shake herself free of his hand and the vibrator pressed firmly against her. The sensations were too much to bear. As she gasped for breath she finally orgasmed, rocking, violently shuddering in the chair she was bound to. Her Owner removed his hand and the training she had been going through for the past several months kicked in. She screamed “I am a latex Toy!” over and over again until her orgasm was finished. Toy’s Owner turned off the vibrators.

“Good Toy. You remember well.” Toy’s Owner patted her cheek. “You are flawed Toy; you can see, you can hear, you can feel the air on your skin. We don’t want that Toy. That doesn’t suit you. By the end of tonight you will beg me to be encased in latex, you will cry at the thought of your holes not being filled, and you will completely forget when and where you are.”
Suddenly, he dragged her chair over to the air conditioning unit installed in his window. “Your first lesson tonight Toy, is that this is not your real skin. Your real skin is silky and shiny. It’s warm and cool, comforting and tight. Your real skin is latex.” He turned on the air conditioner and set it to high. Toy began to shiver with the cold.

“Do you feel that Toy? That is your punishment for not wearing your true skin.” If you were in latex right now, you would not be cold.”

“Yes Sir.”

Toy was starting to get her shivering under control. She breathed heavy and tried to focus on anything else.

“Oh Toy,” he sighed. You’re not studying this lesson well enough. He moved in front of her and pulled a spray bottle from out behind his back. Toy noticed that it was nearly half full with ice.

“Toy, I want you to think about your lesson here. Now tell me what you are.”

“I am a latex Toy Sir.”

“Good Toy. What is your body for?”

“My body exists to be used Sir.”

“That is correct Toy, but you forgot something. Your body belongs to me.”

At these words he vigorously sprayed water all over her body. Toy immediately began to shiver and let out loud sobs. Her Owner grabbed her jaw, “I do love it when you cry Toy. You look so pretty when you’re in pain. Never forget, I am doing this for you. You want to be a Toy, you want pain and subjugation. This is what you need Toy; this is what you deserve. The night has barely started Toy, we have only just begun.”
