Help finding an old one I remember reading from a while back?

First, I apologize if this is the wrong place for this.

It’s from a while ago (at least 3-4 years) but I remember plenty of details.

First and foremost, it’s based on pokemon. The main character is male. I can’t remember any of the character’s names, but I remember the main character having a sister, at least 2 female friends and at least 1 male friend.

I remember one specific moment where the main character’s sister goes on his computer, and he has a video recording set up. She discovers porn on his computer and starts masturbating to it. I remember specifically it being in a folder called “vacation photos” and the password being “not password”.

The first chapter features a Chikorita, and the erotica as a whole is quite long. I think 40ish chapters.

Towards the end, there gets to be an absol involved, and a pokemon nurse. I remember in the last chapter the main character and all his human friends were living together.

Once in a rare while I want to read it again but I just can’t find it anywhere.
