Skinny-dipping after a hike in the mountains [MF] [oral]

One August a few years ago I attended a week long work related gathering in the mountains in California. A very nice resort type area on a mountain “highway” that was near a beautiful lake, but otherwise in the middle of nowhere. A good place for hiking really, especially further up into the mountains where you’re really isolated. I planned on staying a few extra days to do that, as did a bunch of other people there.

The night before I had a day off I was talking about a bunch of people about my potential hikes. We settled on a particular hike that was up at the top of the mountain pass and about five miles each way. The destination was either a small lake, or one of the smaller peaks a bit further if we were feeling ambitions. It was really, really hot where we were staying so there was discussion of swimming in the lake. Is it going to be much cooler that high up and how cold will the water be? It seems ridiculous to bring a bathing suit, right? One of the women there jokes that we should just go skinny dipping if it’s nice, that way your clothes or underwear aren’t soaking wet on the hike back out. I look around at the men and women sitting around the table, mostly in pretty good shape and who I wouldn’t mind seeing naked. Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve done that on a remote hike I add.

It turned out a small group of us were interested in going, two women including the one who mentioned skinny dipping, and one guy besides myself, so we arranged to meet the next morning, prepare some lunches etc and get going into the mountains for a nice long hike. It would be a nice way to spend the day – lots of exercise and the type of beautiful alpine scenery we don’t have on the east coast. I wasn’t thinking too much about the swimming part of it, because I doubted it would happen. And sex… well, four relative strangers getting naked together might sound hot, but I highly doubted it would turn into some sort of fun sexual encounter. Not that I would object to that.

The next morning two of them have abandoned me, and it’s just one woman who’s still interested in going. And not the one who was interested in the naked swimming. She is pretty cute, fairly tall and in good shape. Maybe late 40s and with dark hair streaked with heavy amounts of grey. Which I find super sexy, because I’m old I guess. We get ready to go and share a car on the drive to the trailhead.

We get there and start hiking and it’s wonderful. The path goes through a forest, then alternates between rocky scrub-land and pretty alpine meadows. There’s still decent patches of snow even in August, but it’s not too bad. We talk a bunch on the hike, not too much professional talk though, and generally have a nice conversation. We only run into a couple of other people on the way out. It’s also still pretty hot out, so it’s good we’re both wearing shorts and t-shirts.

“So do you think you’ll go for a swim?” she asks me.

“Ha,” I laugh, “You’re just looking for an excuse to see me naked, aren’t you?”

“You got me,” she says while turning around and smiling a bit, “that’s my whole plan coming out here.” She pauses briefly and then adds, “Seriously though, are you planning on swimming? It is still pretty hot up here.”

“I’m not sure,” I responded, though I’m strongly leaning in that direction at this point. It’s hot, of course, and it would be refreshing. But I’m also really thinking about seeing her naked now. She’s in front of me at the moment, and I’m admiring her toned, lightly tanned legs. When she turns towards me noticing how her backpack straps frame her breasts. It’s starting to make me a little hard. “The water is going to be fucking freezing though. There’s still snow melting into it up here. Are you going to swim?”

“Maybe,” she says, and I don’t think it’s that likely from the sound of her voice, “we’ll see how it is.”

Why did I make it sound so unappealing and discourage her? I don’t know. I do know that her response killed my erection instantly. The conversation did get a bit flirty from that point out. And I’m awful at noticing that type of stuff, so it was probably actually pretty obvious.

After about two hours we reach our destination, a small lake in a mountain meadow fed by a still melting pile of snow. We actually have to cross a good section of icy, melting, dirty snow to reach the lake. After having spent the past 30-40 minutes hiking through areas that were extremely rocky and barren except for the scattered gnarly tree clinging to the mountainside, it was surprising to see all the green grasses and flowers all of a sudden, along with a handful of fairly straight trees. We were in a bit of a valley between a few mountain peaks, and the lower slopes of the peaks were still tree covered. There are a couple of deer grazing across the lake, which are the first wild animals larger than a bird we’ve seen since leaving the car.

We circle around the small lake a bit to find a suitable place to sit down and have some lunch. It’s definitely a lot cooler up here, and pretty windy. Not quite to the point we need sweatshirts, but closer. There’s a fallen tree we find a bit off the trail, sheltered from most of the wind and decide to use that as our lunch spot.

As I’m taking my backpack off I realize how sweaty I am, with my shirt just sticking to my back and chest. And there’s this beautiful little lake over there, perfect for cooling off for a couple of minutes. Nothing sexy at the moment, just I need to rinse off some of the sweat. “I’m hot, and I think I’ll jump in for a swim.”

“That sounds like a smart idea,” and then she pauses, “All the clothes coming off?”

“Yes, I was planning on that. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable though.”

“No,” she says “go for it. I don’t think I’ll be joining you though.”

“Ok then, I think I’ll jump in then.” On a hike like this, where you’re in the middle of nowhere and there’s an enticing lake, I’m pretty comfortable getting naked and jumping in. If anybody saw me, and that’s happened to me a few times, they wouldn’t be too surprised. I unlace my boots while sitting next to her on the fallen log, then walk the very short distance to the lake barefoot. Standing at the edge of the water I glance over my shoulder and look back at her. She’s just rummaging through her pack to get something. In quick succession I take off my hat, shirt, and shorts then walk into the water naked. If she had wanted a view of my bare ass, she just got it.

The water is really, really cold, which is refreshing at least, but not at all surprising. But I’m only going for a quick swim. Soak really, the water is only maybe three to four feet deep even in the middle. I get out dripping wet, and head back over to the area where she’s starting to eat lunch. Did I mention that the water was really cold? So as I’m walking back to her my cock is super small. And I had been lax with trimming, so it probably looked even smaller. Of course she then proceeds to make a joke about how cold the water is to make things more awkward.

I hang my sweat soaked clothes on the dead log in the sun to hopefully dry them off a bit, then sit down on a towel I brought to eat some lunch. I don’t think either of us are paying much attention to the fact that she’s in her shorts and t-shirt next to me wearing nothing. Just a nice quiet lunch in the sun after a hike. It’s nice out, and I warm up pretty quickly after that cold swim. At some point though I realize I’m naked next to a woman I find attractive though. I’m looking at the mountain landscape around me, but I’m imagining her suddenly leaning over and suddenly starting to suck my cock. My cock starts to get a bit hard though, not a full on erection, but a partial one. I try to make it go away, but not quickly enough. I notice her catching sight of it and then glancing down briefly. “You seem to be warming up from the cold water I see,” she comments.

“I have,” I reply, “it’s nice being in the sun like this. And then feeling the wind over *all* of my body…” My voice trails off a bit as I look down at the ground and awkwardly try to cover up a bit. Laying my arms across my lap in a hopelessly belated attempt at modesty. She’s pulled her knees up towards her chest and is looking at me. She’s staring at my face for a bit with a studious expression on her face, her grey eyes looking straight into mine. This is when my self-doubt comes in and takes control again. I have no idea what she’s thinking but I’m thinking the worst. She’s grossed out and horrified by me. I’m a disgusting creep who just wanted to get her alone and take advantage of her.

Then all of a sudden she’s smiling at me. “Maybe I’ll try going for a swim too,” she says, “What do you think? How cold is it really?”

“I think you should go for it,” I say, “but the water’s cold. And not like a cold shower while you’re waiting for the hot water to come on cold.”

“You warmed up quickly enough,” she says as she’s taking her boots and socks off.

“Yeah. Sitting in the sun naked for a little bit worked to warm me up.”

Then she stands in front of me and starts getting undressed. Now, when I took my clothes off I wasn’t paying attention to her. Glancing over my shoulder to see if she was paying attention, then just awkwardly removing them and dumping them in a pile. It’s different when she does it though. She’s not putting on a stripper show for me or anything, but she’s definitely aware I’m watching. She first unbuttoned her shorts, pushed them down and stepped out of them so she’s just wearing her black cotton panties. I can see her pause and watch me watching her after this. Then she pulls off her shirt and throws it onto the log next to us, clearly enjoying the attention that I’m paying to her. And she’s standing there in front of me in just her underwear.

She looks really good. She’s got a decent body that she takes care of obviously. Her white sports bra is pretty sweaty, so I have a clear view of her nipples and breasts through it.

“Should I dare to take it all off?” she asks me, with a smile on her face.

“It’s up to you”, I say, “We haven’t seen anyone in a while, if that’s what you’re worried about. And I think hiking back in wet underwear might be unpleasant. Plus,” and I glance down towards her feet at this point, “Your bra is nearly transparent at this point. It’s not like there’s much left to hide.”

“True,” she agrees with a shrug as I finally look back up at her. With that she pulls the bra up over her head, having her breasts bounce a bit as she exposes them, and tosses it to the ground. The lightly tanned skin of her chest gives way to the paler skin of her usually covered breasts. She then reaches down and pulls her panties off and steps out of them. The pale, untanned skin frames her lightly trimmed patch of dark pubic hair. She turns and slowly walks down into the water, picking her way through the small rocks and pebbles.

I’m super hard at this point, with a little bit of precum beading up at the tip of my cock. I’m tempted to just jerk off watching her swim. It still feels wrong though. She didn’t tell me too, and I’m not sure how sexual she was trying to be, vs this a friendly, flirtatious naked swim. So I repress the erection back down to semi-hard by the time she comes out of the water.

She comes out of the water, cold and almost shivering. “That was really cold,” she says as she comes right up to me and leans her shoulder against my chest. Her arms are crossed across her chest to her shoulders, so she is actually really cold. In any case I put my hand around her back and pulled her body against mine, rubbing her back a bit to warm her up. She’s not that much shorter than me, and she rests her head on my shoulder and against my head.

We stand like that for a few moments until I finally move my hands onto her hips, while at the same time she’s uncrossing her arms and putting her arms around me. I can feel her bare breasts pressing against my chest and my stiffening cock brushing against her bush. We finally kiss at that point as I’m grabbing her ass and pushing her body against mine. I wonder what someone who was coming up the trail at that point, and for all I know somebody was, would’ve thought of two naked middle aged people kissing a little ways off the trail and around the lake.

We started kissing some more, and both of our hands were quickly exploring each other’s bodies. It’s weird starting to kiss someone and make out with them when you’re already naked. Especially your first time with someone! It’s only a few seconds between our lips first touching and when I feel her fingers on my cock. We sit down on the blanket and continue. I briefly wonder if anyone would be able to see us, but think that the low shrubs and tall grass give us plenty of concealment while we’re down on the ground.

Soon my fingers are exploring her very wet pussy while I suck on her breasts. I trace my tongue over her areola before taking her nipple into my mouth and sucking on it gently, listening to her breathing steadily getting heavier. Hearing her moan more as I slide two of my fingers into her wet cunt and brush my thumb against her clit.

I lie her back on the towel and kneel between her legs, kissing her stomach while my fingers keep playing with her wet pussy. She looks up at me as she rubs her fingers along her bare breasts, tweaking her small, hard nipples. “Do you think anyone could see us?” she asks.

“I doubt it,” I say, leaning in to kiss her inner thigh, then lightly running my tongue along her pussy lips, lingering a bit on her clit. “Would you even care?”

“Fuck no,” she sighs as I start to lick her pussy. I’m crouching on the bare ground, and can feel some pebbles digging into my knees. Outdoor sex is frequently awkward like that. But I don’t care this time, I’m just enjoying the sun beating down on my back while I lick her. I feel her thighs wrap around my head, shuddering gently as she moans. She sits up momentarily and pushes my head away from her pussy. “Please tell me you brought some condoms,” she says.

“I did not,” I say. Fuck, that was a really bad decision.

“Oh well,” is her response as she pushes my head back down to her pussy. I continue licking her, and fucking her with my fingers. Then she cums, and I feel her entire body tense around me as pushes my face hard against her pussy as she does. She’s relaxed then and rolls on her side and pulls me up towards her. We kiss briefly, so she can taste her own pussy on my lips. Her fingers are already down on my cock stroking it.

She then pushes me on my back and climbs on top of me, she reaches behind to stroke my cock while her breasts hang in my face. For a moment I think she’s about to just fuck me bareback anyway, which I honestly would’ve been fine with. But then she climbs down between my legs and leans over, taking my cock in her mouth. She looks so pretty sucking my cock, the way her hair falls in front of her face a bit while she does. I cum pretty quickly in her mouth as she starts to play with my balls. Afterwards she climbs up to lie down next to me.

“I think some of my cum is on your chin,” I say to her.

She laughs softly, then wipes it off with a finger and licks that finger. “Not the first time I’ve had a man’s cum on my face.” She sits up then and grabs her bra to put on. “We should probably head back soon. We definitely need to stop and pick up some condoms before tonight.”

We both got dressed and headed back down the mountain. When we get back to the trail we both notice that the spot we were in wasn’t particularly secluded, and anyone walking by would’ve had a nice view of our fun. About fifteen minutes after leaving the lake we did run into another person on the trail. And then a few more on the hike out. So I do wonder if anyone did happen to pass by and see us.
