Meeting Pastimes [Solo-female] [Masturbation] [Exh-sorta]

I logged onto my work account to view my calendar. Meetings all day. Fuck me.

At **9:45am,** I have a meeting to discuss some time saving strategies that, quote “would allow a massive 13% improvement in our automation library” un-quote. Yawn. This is an Engineering issue, not mine. Regardless, my name is there, I have to attend.

At **12:00am**, I have meeting to discuss how well the company has been handling the pandemic and how’s the mental health of everyone. TL; DR, it’ll be like the last 7 where we’ll discuss money saving opportunities (Which will then go to all of our sub-contractors) and then in the last 5 minutes we’ll decide to send everyone a care package of soaps for doing such a good job.

And it’s not over. During **my company mandated and approved lunch**, I have 3 presentations to discuss the colour blue. Blue!

During the afternoon at **2:30pm-6pm** (!!!), I have a meeting to discuss our company’s logo with no less than 3 agencies who have been sub-contracted. Christ. This has been in the back-burner for 2 months now, and these agencies are loving the free money we have been throwing them. Word is that they are deliberately underperforming because of all the money we’ve been throwing them.

I honestly wanted to cry when I was invited to all of these meetings, seeing them before me. Today was going to crawl by.

At 9:40am, I logged into the zoom room, and I sat, waiting, pretending to listen for the next 45 minutes while some business people talked about how to streamline our customers signing up, and then our engineers humbly saying that they don’t have the bandwidth to do it. I wish I cared. That’s not true, I do care, I care for the engineers doing magic and their pleas falling on deaf ears. I wanted to just scream at the upper-end telling them to just listen and be thankful.

While drifting off, I flicked to my phone, and I just started thinking deeply into it. I obviously caught the attention of because the next thing I heard was someone asking if I was okay, and paying attention. I made my excuses.

“sorry. Sorry. It’s my neighbour. She’s got a delivery downstairs. Can I just take 10-15 minutes to get it for them?” I said, grasping at straws.

There was a pause. “Your neighbour has a delivery, which you have to get?” The organiser asked. “I don’t follow”, obviously not getting “it”.

“Yeah, sorry. I should have said. In truth, I thought the delivery was coming later. My neighbour broke her leg, and can’t collect things like her groceries. I’ve said I’d help her. Can I just take 10-15 minutes?”

The pause returned, until… an engineer asked “Actually, could I also take 10 minutes as well? I need to use the bathroom.”

Soon, other people were asking for 10 minutes to either grab a coffee, let the dog out, or any other excuse under the sun.

the Organiser waved it all away. “I make it 10:42am. Let’s regroup at 10:55am.” People started departing.

I turned my webcam off, set myself to mute, and left to the bedroom. Obviously, dear reader, I wasn’t going to help my fictious neighbour. I just needed some time to collect myself. Pacing in my bedroom, In the corner of my eye I glanced down at my box of pleasures. my eyes hovered at it, thinking, wondering. I opened the box at my fine selection of toys, and playthings.

Just think, meetings all days. My input isn’t valued, and I couldn’t care enough to give it. instead of being bored and my brain rotting away, I could be aroused, and my brain gooey.

I quickly undressed and put on my black and skin toned babydoll one-piece. I took my ankle cuffs and wrapped around my legs. I rubbed some jelly on my nipples to get them oh so sensitive and perky, then, I clamped them and let out a little exhale as each of the clasps snapped shut. I took my butt plug, my medium-large one, and prepared my hungry ass. The resistance produced another little moan, and it was highlighted even further as I pulled the clamps just enough. Lastly, I took my vibe and put it into my already wet pussy. the vibe in question was controlled by my phone, and I could set alarms/trigger points, a fun but dangerous feature.

Lastly, I needed to set some rules. My slut-bingo, as it were.

**Rule 1 – The vibe stays on, no matter what. It must stay at the minimum pace, and every 20 minutes I must move it up 2 notches of speed for 10 minutes.**

**Rule 2 – The Webcam and Microphone stays on, no matter what.**

**Rule 3 – I am only allowed to excuse myself to re-lube any toys that need it. I cannot take anything out, or turn it off for any reason other than that.**

**Rule 4 – If the vibrations are too quiet, or I start to go numb from it, I have to turn it up.**

**Rule 5 – Pants stay off. Just my white shirt and the one-piece.**

**Rule 6 – I have to do what I must to avoid Cumming, but If I do, then so be in.**

I was prepared, or at least as prepared as possible. I put on my shirt I waddled to my desk and nearly tripped several times because of the short chain. I sat at my desk, turned on my webcam and Microphone, and turned on the vibrator. I glanced at myself in the webcam that my shirt was more see-through than I assumed, and if I looked really closely, I could see the outline of the clamps on my chest. Maybe I was just seeing things, maybe I wasn’t, but I got comfy for the rest of the meetings.

The meeting bored on for longer than It needed to. In the end, nothing was “solved” per-say, and the meeting was set to continue in 3 days. Required to attend once again.

The next meeting, I logged in, forgetting what it was even about. I phased out most of the conversation. I heard and understood bits, but I was vacant. That was until I was called up by someone. “How’s your side of the fence? How’s your team handling things?” Fuck! I didn’t know what to say.

“Uhp yeah, doing well.” I slurred. there was an awkward pause.

I took a deep breath. “Sorry. it’s been a long day. We’re doing okay.”

There was chuckles and agreement with the long day comment.

“Good. How are you doing, personally?” I was quizzically asked.

God, how do I respond to this? I carefully flicked on my phone and turned the vibe up just a notch, just for the adrenaline. “I’m doing okay. Buzzing away.” (God. Why did I say that?) “I’m just going about my days. You know how it is. They are all blending together.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean. Is there anything we can do to help you?”

This is company speak, there isn’t, even as much as the people would like to help, the company cannot. “I’m good. I’m happy.” I carefully say while my attention was anchored on the vibe in my wetter and wetter pussy.

Thankfully, the conversation moved onto other people. I signed a relief that I got out of that scrap and around suspicion none the wiser. I rewarded myself by turning the vibe up a notch and resting my head on my hands, looking at my screen, pretending to hear the lies people are telling about how they are actually fine.

The meeting thankfully ended, but it felt longer than an hour. I had about 10 minutes before my next meeting, so I went to the bathroom to re-apply my toys and get fresh batteries. Of course, I could turn the vibe off and walk to the bathroom, but that’s quitter talk. I turned that baby up to maximum. I quivered, crawled and moaned my way to the bathroom before finally taking it out. I was wetter than a lake down there. My babydoll one-piece was not doing my justice either, leaving wet spots. I took the vibe out, cleaned it and myself, before re-applying. Same for my butt-plug, and my clamps.

Before returning to my desk, I grabbed a pre-made sandwich from my kitchen, and pulled the clamps as I walked back to my desk. There is nothing like breaking your apatite while moaning into a chicken salad sandwich. It’s an experience and I’m glad no one saw me in person.

For the next meeting, I understood the truth behind boredom. Not even toys could make this engaging. 4 years ago, I never understood the quote “things move at a corporate pace”, I understand it more than clearly now however. Each of the presentations discussed different styles of blue, how it looks on various fonts and typefaces, how it looks digital and on print and I honestly couldn’t care enough. I wasn’t the only one either. A friend of mine also looked bored and even resorted in messaging me about things unrelating to the meeting. It was a nice distraction from the meeting and my burning body. Not much else happened. There was an argument betwixt two designers about their different shades of blue while I rolled my eyes back behind my skull.

Final meeting, and this was the one I knew I was going to suffer. Over three hours, and it was going to feel long. Think of all of the things you’d much rather be doing in 3 hours than listen to agencies and companies talk logos.

My problem was, that I was getting bored, still! Even with everything going on, I was bored to high heaven. It was 3:15pm, I couldn’t make an excuse to head off because my boss is often one to say “Well if you need to go to the bathroom now, you should have gone before this started.” and all that sort of dry, boring shit people in charge like to say. At this point, dear reader, I will content, I nearly gave up on the vibe and keeping myself edged all day. the drilling monotony of the day was preventing me from enjoying it and it almost felt like it became an annoyance than an escape.

I had to do something. Something to keep the spark going. So, I opened up a little window on the side and started browsing porn. I was hungry for office-based antics. something about seeing a photocopier wrecked brings such a tear of glee to my eye, I couldn’t pass up on it. I found an appealing video, turned the volume down low, just so I could hear it in the empty space of the meeting, and started watching. I dragged the window close to the webcam, so it did look like I was paying attention.

The girl in the video was getting her pussy tongued by some office guys. I felt the burn come back up again, I felt the desire return to me. I reached down to the vibe and cupped it and rolled, pushed it deeper. On the app, I turned it up another level, and it felt just like the kick I needed. I started getting antsy when the office girl was reaching her climax and came on the desk. To quote the immortal words of Big JB21: god, I wish that were me. I cycled through videos, about an hour’s + worth, using my hand over my mouth to cover soft whimpers eeking out of me.

We had a brief 10-minute break. I turned off my webcam and microphone, leaned back and gave out all the breathy, heavy moans that I desired without fear of someone hearing. I pushed the vibe close and I rode that edge so tightly, but alas, it would be wrong at this moment. (save that for later.) I searched for more videos to watch. Last hour, and then I was done. I turned the vibe up one notch, I pretended I was cold to wear my jacket (in reality, I wanted to bite down on my sleeve to gag myself) and turned the porn I was watching up another volume notch as well. I whimpered, and my feet bounced their chain up and down and I could swear that others could hear as my frame kept lighting up. When asked about it, I said it was noise happening outside, or neighbours. I don’t think they brought that.

The last 10 minutes, was painful. so close to being done and I was so close to that edge as well. I made myself promise that I would Cum once I was off and done for the day.

I counted the minutes. 3 minutes – 2 minutes – 1 minute. “alright. Good work everyone. I’ll see you all tomorrow, and we’ll talk strategy and see what the result is. Thank you. Have a good night!” The organisers signed. I gave a breathy “Okay. Thank you. Bye!” People realised that there was something about me I’m sure, but I didn’t care. I left the call, threw myself in my chair backwards, and grabbed a handful of my breasts, rolling on my clamps, letting all the moans escape my body as they needed. with one hand pulling the clamps, the other grabbed the vibe, and pressed, pressed so close and warm. I needed this orgasm so damn bad!

My legs started shaking pretty quickly, I’ve been riding this edge for hours. the chain around my ankles started dancing and singing the song of its people. and finally, finally after all this time, I climaxed. This was without a doubt, one of my top 5 orgasms of all time, and I’ve had plenty especially since the pandemic has started. I quivered, quaked, and (q)collapsed onto the floor after about a minute when the orgasm finally subsided. I reached for my phone and turned off the vibe for the first time in a long time. I laid breathy as if I ran 10k. I closed my eyes, smiling to myself. Giddy and exhausted. Still horny, but I took off my shirt and one-piece, took off the clamps and let my poor nips some time to breath and relax. Took off the cuffs, and crawled my way to my shower where I washed the filthy nature of me away.

**In conclusion**

* Did this bring pleasure to my otherwise dull day of meetings? Yes.
* Would I do this again? Perhaps?
* Did people realise? Most likely.
* Would I find more fun and naughty games to do during similar days like this? Oh god yes.

**Statistics, for those who care:**

* Times I was asked if I was okay: 3 times.
* Times a female colleague asked if my shirt was okay (I am assuming alluring to the outline of my clamps): once.
* Times I passed shudders off as being cold: I lost count, but at least a dozen times.
* Times I had to charge my phone because it kept running out of battery: 3 times.
* Times I audibly gasped during the call: Countless.
