Introduction to Hotwife Lifestyle

This is the true account of her first time and hopefully a resource for others.
Tip #1: Be completely secure in your relationship and 100% open and honest before introducing another into your sex life. This scenario is not a fix for issues or problems.

My 2 cents on how we eased into it – like a freight train.

We have been committed to each other and had a great relationship for years, and despite being a bit repressed about sex & masturbation, had a truly great sex life.

We worked on incorporating different elements into our playtime, such as different locations, outdoor sex, and had also finally introduced toys. Due to her previous lover’s selfish tendencies she had previously believed orgasms were a myth – like Sasquatch or UFOs.

She soon discovered that to be untrue, and that she was multi-orgasmic. Thanks to before-mentioned (unfaithful) boyfriend she had moderate self esteem issues, even though she always turns heads when she enters a room, had a great body and a 10/10 ass.
We pillow-talked about her being the object of other men’s desires as I tried to encourage her and help tear down her esteem barriers.

She had dated the same guy through high school and into college before finally dumping him for good (even though he still tried to weasel back into her life again). She had only been single for a few months before meeting me (in the most unusual way), dated some, but never slept with anyone because “sex just wasn’t all that great and was overrated ” .
She told me she didn’t want to be with anyone else, understood where the conversation was going.

We eventually role played where she would go to a bar, converse, drink & dance, flirt – whatever she felt completely comfortable with… I would join her later & “pick her up”.
The sex on the first night was so wild and uninhibited – thanks in some small part to tequila – that this scenario made the Must Do Again agenda.

We alternated this with regular date nights, and had fun. We started going to a busy, good sized bar with dance floor that catered to the 30+ crowd at a local hotel and booked a room so we didn’t have to drive home.

If we saw people we knew, would would hang out and party and enjoy – until…
One Saturday she got a much earlier start as I was driving back to town from a work trip a few hours away. She went down before the big crowds and was chatted up immediately per her recall.

After I arrived at the room, I noticed she had packed the small case for her toys. Ohhhh Yeahhhh – it’s gonna be a good night.
I quickly showered & changed, I proceeded downstairs and ordered a beer at the bar as I scanned for her – the I saw her deep in conversation with a handsome guy.
She was wearing the short, strappy red knit dress that hugged all of her curves perfectly – the one that always made my blood pressure spike no matter when or where she wore it.

I felt the rush of endorphins and raised blood pressure as she slyly looked my way, glared and grinned and tapped her fingernails on the tabletop 1 2 3 4 5.

I hung out discreetly and talked to a couple of business acquaintances (that didn’t know her) to occupy my time while enjoying a few cervesas. Each time I glanced up, I felt another small rush of excitement.

I looked back over to her for the thousandth time and had lost sight of her for the moment. She had excused herself & texted me from the ladies room. He had been the 3rd one to chat her up, was really cute & seemed nice, and was in town on business – that he, although a bit shy, had summoned the courage & invited her to his room.

She told him that I was away on business and was supposed to be back already, but had been delayed and wouldn’t be in town until early in the A.M. and, I that had told her to “have a good time” – which she intended to do. She confessed that made her feel like such a bad girl, and she had to control the waves of excitement to remain cool.

So, after a few back-and-forth texts, I excitedly confirmed permission. She did give me an “out” that if I wanted to change my mind or felt she was gone far too long, that I should text her of my “impending arrival shortly”. Amazing woman…

My ears began to ring a bit, I actually felt my pupils dialing, and the loud music turned into a drone for a few seconds as she exited the ladies room. She locked eyes with me and she strolled across the edge of the dance floor headed back to the opposite side of the bar to rejoin her new companion, the elasticity of her dress hugging her petite bubble butt and her sexy strut on full display. I looked about and noticed no less than 20 other men watching her as well. Dictionary definition of sexy.

Within a few minutes, or so it seemed, he settled up with the barkeep and they headed out the double doors on the far end of the establishment that lead to the hotel, her leading and his hand on her lower back. I watched her demure, but confident strut that caused her ass to wiggle, as she stopped short of the door awaiting him to open it like a gentleman. I knew she put extra effort in her sway as she walked away while my view was slowly diminished as the door closed.

I quickly gazed at my watch, which was a present from her, and realized it was still fairly early in the evening. I was still entertaining my companions, but my mind was 1000 miles away, or 2-3 floors up depending on how you look at it. I remember thoughts like wishing she had used her phone to record the tryst, or even calling me and allowing me to exit to the room to listen – hearing her moan in delight and orgasm are my favorite sounds.
But alas , I did not – and she probably wouldn’t have complied anyway.

It’s amazing how much energy the body consumes due to this excitement, although no physical activity on my part… I pondered going back to the room, but decided not to return because I wasn’t completely sure which room they had adjourned to… that could be awkward to say the least. I endeavored to be enjoy and be present in the moment while my mind raced.

She came back down to the bar a couple of hours later glowing and looking naughty as hell. To my surprise she did not appear the least bit disheveled as she glided effortlessly through the crowd and parted the crowd of humanity on the dance floor. I found out later she had returned to the room to freshen up prior to fetching me.

As she approached, I quickly ordered a round of tequila shots for the 4 of us. We made a toast to “good times”, downed our shots, I emptied my beer and we said our good nights and we headed back to our room. Once again, she stops at the doors leading to the corridor, and as I go to open it, she reaches down to my crotch and gives me a nice long caress.

Walking down to corridor we never lost eye contact – she was absolutely beaming with confidence and oozing sexiness – never uttering a single word. She pressed the elevator button and the door opens immediately. We enter normally, and the second the elevator door closes, she embraces me tightly and gives me a deep passionate kiss. The taste combination of imported beer and spearmint toothpaste was intoxicating. That kiss lasted until the “ding” alerting us we have reached our destination.

We made our way briskly down the hallway to the room from the elevator, I fished out my card key and opened the door – which she forced closed with a bit of effort almost slamming it shut. She quickly resumed the kiss while leading me backwards – directing me to a spot on the wall. She ended the kiss, and with both hands on my chest pushed me the last couple on inches against the wall and held me there – all the time never dropping eye contact and harboring the most evil grin.

She proceeds to slowly bend at the knees while her hands slid down my torso, until her hands grasp my belt. Knowing I would be full commando, she unbuckled, unzipped, and pulled down my pants allowing my manhood to go full salute. As she grabbed the base of the shaft, she drew a long, slow, very wet lick along the length of bottom side of my cock, a few selected licks upon the head, and more long licks along either side and top.

While she has always been very capable and performing oral, tonight was very different. She began fully engulfing me and literally making out with my cock like no woman has ever done before. Her mouth was beyond incredibly warm, and I could feel small droplets of saliva falling to gravity, gathering together and running down the base of my member and again down my testicles.

She had always had difficulty bringing me to orgasm with oral – it was typically a precursor to sex that we both enjoyed. Tonight was different… with all of the energy, sexual tension, and build up combined with her newly discovered inner sluttiness took us to euphoric heights. Within a couple of minutes – or so it seemed – I could feel the stimulation of the pressure building up inside me. As much as I did not want any of this to ever stop , eruptions were impending.

I lowly growled that I was close, that I’m about to cum – fair warning as sometimes she likes a facial, pearl necklace – or just a full frontal. She rarely ever swallowed – tonight was going to be an exception. She grabbed both of my ass cheeks and thrust me farther down her throat and certainly more than I thought her capable of. Then – it happened… one of the most knee-weakening violent eruptions of my life. I had to use the wall for support as wave after wave forced itself up from the depths of my manhood, yet her actions never ceased – only intensified. My ears began to ring incessantly and the room started to spin (think 3 tequila shots too many) and the final vestiges cum were unceremoniously drained by this succubus devoured my life force.

Once my eyes reopened, she locked into my gaze with the look of a Jaguar upon its prey.
The evil grin looked as if it belonged to a complete stranger. As I gathered the remainder of my senses, she fetched me a plastic cup with soda on ice. I stood there – pants around ankles, somewhat stupefied and drank it down in two gulps.

She walked over and sat one the edge of the bed, crossed her legs at a bit of an angle and began to unstrap her shoes and remove them in a definitive manor, and then beckoned me to her. I quickly stepped out of my shoes, used the opposing foot to retain the pants leg and sock for each side, and unbuttoned my shirt sufficiently enough to pull it over my head.

As my shirt floats to the ground, she pulled a pillow down to her and laid back on it. She had hiked up her dress exposing her lower regions, and curled her finger thus informing me to come to her. I could see her freshly trimmed pussy – lips still pinkish from her early action, a small, tapering landing strip directing my view to her now-glistening labia.

Taking note of the puffiness of her sex, I asked if she had a good time as I abandoned the wall and pile of clothes and made my way across to her. She stated “I certainly did – and found it to be (dramatic pause looking for the right words) quite liberating”

I ran both of my hands up from her ankles to her knees, then moved both inside to her thighs, and began to kiss the opposing sides of her thighs as I work my way North towards her inner sanctum, delighting on how soft her skin felt. As my lips were within inches, I could literally feel the heat emanating – indicating she was definitely in heat at the moment. I paused and blew on her lips for several seconds at a time, causing her to squirm.

She told me then to stop teasing her and to “eat my pussy – now” – something she would rarely ever blurt out, and only if extremely intoxicated. I kissed about her labia and clit gingerly and slowly, looked up to make eye contact and told her “Tell me about your evening”.

I continued to lightly kiss about different spots and she described the anticipation of getting ready, sitting on the vanity while doing her make up and thinking about tonight. When she told me how wet her pussy got, and how she almost broke it a vibrator before she went downstairs, I plunged my tongue between her lips and slowly parted them with my tongue as I moved upwards. Positive Reinforcement at its best.

I went back to kissing when she told how 2 different salesman-types tried to buy her drinks and flirt with her. She definitely knows an asshole when she meets one. She politely brushed them off, and noticed the 3 guys sitting along, chilling and minding his business – he looked almost out of place in the couples or meat market crowd. I gave another lick of approval. She struck up a conversation with him after nothing him looking over, but not making a move. Seems they had a nice, comfortable & flowing conversation before the D.J. kicked off the dance music.

I then moved to pay special attention to her clit to show my approval. After a long, almost breathless sigh, she continued: “ He’s in town on business and staying here at the hotel”. They were 2 drinks in together when I first made my appearance – not including what they had previously.

Without looking up, I told her to tell me the “good parts”, then proceeded to engulf as much of her pussy in my mouth as possible by sucking in, releasing, licking – and repeating.

She said they were making out in the elevator, and he gently began caressing her breasts when the door opened. After entering his room, they sat on the bed and made out like 2 teenagers for some time, getting her extremely wet. She then unbuttoned his jeans and helped him ease them down, and exposed his surprise – he has an above average cock from her experience – only slightly longer than mine, but probably an inch more in girth.

At this point I am buried in her sex, trying to hit all the special spots just the way she likes.
I can tell that, while apprehensive at first, talking about it is turning her on even more.
She described how she started sucking his dick, and how much she enjoyed it – and how it made her feel free (dare I say inspired?)

After a few they reversed roles and he went down on her, and was slow yet deliberate. She told me the combination of the situation, the anticipation, and how good it felt pushed her over the edge for her first orgasm of the night.
He followed up for a few more minutes before getting up and retrieving a condom , hold it up and asking “Wrap it it?”, to which she replay “Yes, please”.

After unwrapping and putting it on, he then joined her on the bed and assumed a semi-missionary position as they again to make out more, then he positioned her and pressed his hard dick against her pussy. Being highly aroused and completely wet, he had no trouble entering her all the way with one thrust.

Upon hearing this while eating her like it was my last meal, I was again hard as a rock.
She continued her tale of conquest saying that he was very slow and deliberate at first, and then developed a smooth rhythm. The addition girth he presented offered a different sensation and she was quickly cumming yet again. From the overtly louder than normal suction sounds due to her extreme wetness made her think she even squirted slightly – which she is prone to do under the right circumstances.

She said the sex was very nice, but a bit vanilla – but excused it because he seemed like a truly nice guy and this being their first encounter together. She said she began to rock her hips to meet his thrust, and that slight change of angle caused more stimulation on her G-spot, and came a second time.

At this point she became a bit apprehensive about the time, and decided it was time for the coupe de grace, so she pushed up on him, had him lie on his back and mounted him. She pulled his hands upon her breasts , and with hers on top of his, directed him to squeeze and massage with an ever more firm grip.

Once she has you inside, no mere mortal can retain his seed for any leg of time, and shortly enough he started making quite, low grunts – announcing the soon to be delivery as she skillfully milked his member while riding and using “her special abdominal skills”.

She went on to describe how she then laid on his chest and they kissed more, as she reached down, slid off his condom and tossed it on the floor, and began to message his still-firm, but not quite hard cock.

At this point I’m about to blow my load all over the sheets just from listening and devouring her now super-swollen pussy, the her phone alerts and lights up.
It’s “him”, and he’s asking if I’m close yet.
Man, he had no idea how close I am.

She looks at me – and I at her. She mouths “what do I say” – like someone might hear us.
I shrugged my shoulders and mouth “go for it” as my mouth and jaws are literally sore at the moment. Instead of replying, she calls him while giving the “shush” finger to the lips.
I can hear his voice in a murmur, and she replied “he’s at least another hour or so away”
While she looks to me for the nod of approval.

“Why? Want to go for round 2?”
I hear more enthusiastic murmurings from the phone. She says “ok” and “bye” and hangs up,
looks to me, and says they’re on for another round if I’m ok with that.
I say “sure – on 1 condition… I want to listen in”
She wasn’t really sure at first, but I said to call me from the hallway, I’ll put mine on silent, and it will be like recording. Just place your phone at the top of your (tiny) purse and place it on the bedside stand.

She gave me a bit of a look, but obliged nonetheless. I said I could keep myself occupied for a while, but let’s keep this to an hour or so – to which she agreed.

She freshened up again, and as she headed to the door, looked back, smiled & winked and said “I won’t be too long” before opening the door and exiting.

I reached for my phone and turned the volume down completely, turned on the tv and looked thru the PPV channels to see what kind of good porn they had on demand while constantly glancing at the phone. I perused thru the menu and found some nice amateur action, including some 3somes, so I selected that one. Moments later my phone lit up and I hit “answer” without saying a word, and I heard him open the door and greet her.

I was watching a nice looking milf on the tv while trying my best to listen and understand, but the motion of her purse was distorting the audio. I could tell when she sat the purse down as there was a bit of clambering and then clear audio.
I could hear them conversing away from the phone, and then crawl up onto the bed. The conversation had stopped and you could hear them making out, as the milf of tv is now giving head to 2 guys. She is a bit louder than normal for her – knowing I was listening and knowing it was turning me on turned her on ever more, creating a cycle.

Soon, I could hear the unmistakable moans from him knowing that she was going down on him yet again, followed by several “ugh” grunts and a couple of “Oh My God”s
I then heard her voice saying what sounded like “ready to go again?”, some mumbled reply from him, and a very clear “So, wrap it up?” reference to the condom. In my – I think our – surprise, she said “No, I want YOU inside me”.

I can hear the bed again as he climbs on yet again, and her slightly muffled voice tell him to get on his back, followed by more bed sounds.
I know what (and who) is coming next, and I can hear them both moaning in delight and she rides him yet again.
I lay there stroking my fully erect member watching the 3some d.p. on tv while concentrating on my wife’s audio performance – thinking how cool it it would be to have multiple video angles of the action taking place in his room. Alas, just another fantasy.
My dream is broken into by her increasing volume of moaning and she is riding herself to her third orgasm of the night, and his increasing volume of rhythmic grunts as it sounds like he is moving to meet her thrusts.

In mere moments I can clearly hear him announcing that he’s about to cum again, and the bed sounds quicken into what could best be described as an enthusiastic frenzy, followed by “ooohhhh”s and grunts signaling that he has erupted, sending his seed deep into the recesses of my wife’s womb.

Heavy breathing ensued as both attempted to catch their collective breaths, followed by her proclamation “Ohhh My God” as her orgasms continued to subside… to which he retorted a breathless “yeah” & “whew”

I could hear the distinct sound of quick wet kisses, followed by “thank you”, a kiss, and “I really have to go – be a doll and hand me my panties please” followed by one more kiss.

Wait – panties? She wasn’t wearing any panties earlier (?)

I glance at the tv just in time to see both guys finishing up on the milf, pulling out, and cum flowing from her ass first, then out of her now very red pussy.. HOT.

The sound of voices, and her picking up her purse, the opening and closing of the door – she’s on the way back.

On the way to the elevator I hear the phone come out, and a familiar voice says “Did you hear all that?” I turned my volume back up and replied “that was hot as fuck”.

“So, you enjoyed then?”
“God yesss” was my reply.
She giggles as I hear the elevator “ding” and says “ok – bye “

Minutes later she knocks and I anxiously open the door – this time she looks a bit disheveled, but none the worse for wear. She dropped her purse, put the phone on the counter, and unbuckled her shoes, stepping out of them.
She pulled the dress up and over her head exposing her naked torso – nipples still erect.
She has on a pair of sexy cut black lace & satin panties I’ve never seen before.

My erection is raging at this point, and she announced “I brought you a surprise” and looked down at her panties, and there is a very notable wet area dead center. She grabbed my hand with hers and placed it against her panties, then grabbed my cock with the other – leading me to the bed while kissing me voraciously.

We reclined on the bed intertwined, I stroked her wet spot as she began to pump my cock.
She gasp with a bit of relief as I slipped a finger under her panties and into her unbelievably hot (like 110 degrees) and super moist pussy. She gripped me hard and stopped movement, signaling me to finger fuck her – now.

I pulled the panties aside with my other hand, then inserted 2 fingers, essentially fingering the mix of his cum and her cum. At this point she has cum multiple times, he has cum at least twice, and I need immediate release.

With fingers still in her pussy, I pull her panties off with my free hand and a bit of help from her, grip her and maneuver her onto her knees on the bed, spread her legs, guide my cock to her entrance, and prepare for my first experience of sloppy seconds. I thrust into her with zero difficulty and bottom out with the first stroke.
Her cunt is literally on fire. Feeling animalistic, I started humping like a man possessed.

Her moans get louder and quieter in a cyclic rhythm as I begin to pump as hard and as fast as I possibly can, using his semen as lube.
20 minutes or so going at it full force – she is cumming almost continuously at this point, and I should be beyond read to explode as well, but do not feel the urge yet. It could be the mixture of anticipation, feelings, alcohol, the fact she fucked the guy twice earlier tonight, the great blowjob earlier – not sure, but just not ready to cum.

Even with the room ac blowing on high, I’m sweating profusely and her back is glistening.
Then, the words all men want to hear “Yes -Yes – Fuck me like that!”
I feel the boiling in my loins and I know we are getting close… I boldly announced that I was cumming , to which she started meeting my thrusts with even more intensity.
A wave of heat went over my entire body as the pressure built up and then – the release.
I could literally feel her uterus gather my seed with each pulsing eruption.

I. Am. Spent.
Cant breathe – nothing left.
I partially collapsed on her back for a moment.
Ever her breathing is extremely labored at this point. I use her for supply as I leaned back up, and as I began to pull out of her, she surprisingly reached back and cupped her pussy, thus not allowing and semen to escape – and proceeded to flop over onto her side.

As I gather my bearings, I automatically assumed that she is done for then night.
I crawled up onto the bed and felt relief as my head hit the pillow. She then surprised me by rolling over and kisses me yet again.

She is still cupping her pussy at this point, and exclaimed “Oh my God – feel how wet my pussy is right now!”

OK – this is not my wife… she is a clone, a body double, or we are looking for pods in the basement. She proceeded to take my hand again and place it on her now sticky cunt. I can feel how engorged she is, and upon sliding 2 fingers inside her yet again how hot her tunnel is.
Are we actually doing this? Seems so.
As I gently began to finger her yet again. Then, to my surprise, she repositioned herself and took my cock into her mouth again.
Like I said – this is not my wife… but fuck it
Who cares?

I was perhaps half erect, and she goes all the way down, back up, worked on the head with her tongue, and back down again – she cleaned me well.

Back to “this is not my wife” again. As she is moaning while giving me head, she stopped, looked up and commanded “eat my pussy now”

I wasn’t sure how to reply at this point, but I knew I wanted to ride this tsunami to the end.
I retorted with “if you’ll give me your ass” – knowing full well that’s typically a dealbreaker.
To my utter amazement, she said “yes, I want you to fuck my ass… I can feel it every time your cock pulses when you cum”

I’m literally ready to look for pods under the bed, or check to see if the is a programmed sex fembot. Fuck it – who was I to be a quitter now? I told her “Deal”, and she hastily moved herself to straddle my torso in a 69 position, and forced her pussy onto my face, riding it up & down from nose to chin. At first I licked around the outside as she ground on my face, I finally began to eat it like I stole it, and she quickly brought me back to full mast.

Hotel furniture can be a blessing, as the recliner and ottoman were about to be put to use, along with 2 pillows. I grabbed the bottle of lube & turned off all the lights, and opened the curtains revealing a private, but not so impressive view of the interstate near by – certain viewing distance if someone were looking while driving by.

I led her over to the recliner and positioned her to be look out at passing cars early in the morning darkness – announcing how many would be driving home from different clubs and would like a show. Her exhibitionism just rose another octave, and she signaled willingness by simply arching her back.

I drizzled the lube from her lower back, and excessively down between her cheeks, and began to work it into the grand prize. I plied her with more & more lube, occasionally rubbing remnants onto my cock until we were properly lubricated.

I then took my cock by the base and slowly worked it up and down her bubble butt, putting pressure against her anus with each pass. I applied pressure to her lower back and pulled her back against me while I lined up the head with my intended target. Sliding in, I felt much less resistance than expected, showing her relaxed state… very slowly an inch or so at a time, with moments in between for her to compensate. After the majority was inside her, I just stopped to admire the beauty of her ass – and being buried so far inside – while being illuminated but the indirect lighting from the parking lot below and adjacent interstate.

I began to slowly rock her back and forth, and then match my movements to hers. To my astonishment there was zero hesitation on her part, and just continued the rhythm gaining a bit more depth with each stroke.

Her sighs became more vocal as the morphed into moans with the occasional “yesssss”.
As we picked up pace, we moved into a more and more furious state, until my pelvis was literally slapping her cheeks, and my testicles would slap against her labia. I could feel my balls getting wetter as all of the cum remaining inside her subsided to gravity and eased out.

At this point she arched forward a bit, and slid her right arm under her torso and her fingers against her clit and fingertips caresses my balls. That was it – I can’t hold on any longer.
I leaned back more, slid my hands down a bit and forcefully grabbed her hips, and began to fuck her ass like I’ve wanted to for years.
I pounded against her ass cheeks like she owed me money.

She was emitting subhuman grunts so loudly I was sure neighbors would hear us – fuck it… who cares?
This was taking my mind over the edge, and then she did what she does… amidst the animated beast-fucking sounds coming from her, she began to squirt – a lot – with ever thrust. To the point the leather of the chair was becoming slippery and I was forced to use her for support until I reached my point and grabbed the golden ring.

That again familiar feeling began to rise up from within, and this time no announcement from me other than matching animal grunts.
As I felt the first shot flowing through the barrel, I gave my hardest and deepest thrust available and pulled her tight against me with my remaining strength. I could feel her grip me tightly and release with every jettison inside her. She continued to have undulating orgasms down to micro-orgasms as I held her cute little round ass against my pelvis interlocked.

Sweat pouring profusely, I stepped back admiring the glistening of her skin, then helped her to her feet, and helped her to the bathroom. In the bathroom light I could see droplets of cum on the backside & inner thighs. As she held onto the bathroom counter for support, I started the shower, helped her in and joined her.

We both cleaned up, dried off, and headed to bed – completely spent. I set an alarm for check out and we passed out in peaceful bliss.

The next morning she check us out as I loaded up the cars. When we arrived home, we just looked at each other with devilish grins, but very few words that day.

That was the most intense night of interaction, and experiences after that – while fun – never arose to the same level. We’ve had 3somes and couples, and she had multiple lovers over the years – but I believe her awakening is still the most impressive encounter.

However, we had erased invisible boundaries and achieved new levels of openness (and debauchery)


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