I walked up the hard concreate stairs beneath my feet. I fell back on my knees when I got to the top of the stairs. I crawled into the living room Mistress was sitting on one of the single seater couches. I went into the corner and got into position 2 facing the wall. I kneeled with my legs spread and my hands facing up on my thighs. I looked down at my cage and my tattoo showing my signs of being nothing more than property.
Mistress stood up and walked out of the room I heard her go down into the basement. I knew she was pleased. I heard Mistress coming back up the stairs footstep by footstep. I heard her being me walking into the kitchen I heard her fetch something and I heard what sounded like a chair being taken over the to the coffee table. “Turn and around position 1 at the table” I obeyed and quickly crawled over and got into position at the table.
I sat at the table Mistress was in a chair opposite me. On the table there was a few sheets of paper. “Now slave I will tell you your daily plans and so on.” Mistress pushed over 1 sheet of paper. It was daily tasks. I looked at it. It was laid out day by day. Some were marked with times others were not and just set to do between a certain time.
Monday had the standard morning. I was to wake up at 5am and cook Mistress breakfast and have it ready to be tabled by 6am. At breakfast Mistress would tell me what she wanted for her dinner and I would make sure I know. Mistress would leave for work at 7am. I would be given my food during that hour. Between then and 2pm I was to clean all of the floors and do all of the washing of Mistress cloths by hand. I was then to start cooking Mistress dinner and laying out the table for Mistress’s dinner I would also have to make Mistress’s packed lunch for tomorrow. Mistress would arrive home at 5pm and eat her dinner and I would get mine Between 5 and 6 as well as clean the dishes. Then for the rest of the night I was Mistress’s to use as whatever she wanted. At 10pm Mistress would decide how good I was that day and then she would decide were I sleep. There was options, outside in bondage if I was very bad, outside, in the basement cage was the normal one, in the kitchen cage was a reward and the cage at the foot of Mistress’s bed was if I was really really good. Wednesday and Friday was the same as Monday.
Tuesday and Thursday had the same start until 7am when Mistress would leave. Between then and 2pm when I was to start cooking I was to clean the pool and the patio as well as over the 2 days tend to the plants that Mistress has. Then the day is the same as normal. Mistress can change my tasks if she wants or thinks something needs changed. At 8pm I was to be washed and cleaned to Mistress standards so I guessed something similar to what I have already experienced.
Saturday and Sunday were the same. It started with me waking up at 7am and cooking Mistress breakfast I was then to take breakfast up to her for her to have in her bed. Then I would take it away when she was done. Then at 9am I would get fed then I would have to clean the outside of the house until 12 then I was tasked with cooking Mistress’s lunch. After that Mistress would take me a walk in the woods about 2pm. Following the walk Mistress would have a friend round most of the time and I had to set out the table and such for their dinner. If they ended up staying over on the weekend I was to also give them breakfast in bed. At about 8pm I would be washed and cleaned to Mistress standards.
“Understand slave?” Mistress asked she seemed to be annoyed that I was taking a bit of time to rad over it. I nodded yes to Mistress Jessica she slid the paper back and gave me the second one. It was the food plan. “Read it faster” Mistress said with a small amount of anger.
Mistress breakfast was the same everyday. 2 fried eggs 2 sausages 1 slice of toast organic orange juice and coffee. On the weekend pancakes were added to the list. For lunch on the week days they were prepared the night before and it was a guacamole sandwich a salad a few chocolate bisects. Below it said what my food was. It was all the same all something called “Slave Mix 3X” I looked confused. “You will get used to it in a few days slave. It is all of the things your body needs in one you only need 2 a day and that is it you don’t need to drink or eat anything else slave and you won’t drink anything else.” Mistress gave me a sadistic smile.
“Make me breakfast slave.” I quickly crawled into the kitchen and I heard Mistress turn the tv on. I scrambled around trying to find what I needed and I did I started up the pan on the stove and started to make Mistress’s eggs and sausage while I got the coffee made. The toast. I almost forgot. I put the toast in and started to make it. When it was done I plated it up and took it into Mistress. “Table slave” I placed it on the table.
Mistress got up. She walked into the kitchen I followed her. She went into the pantry. She put a bit took out a bag of what I guessed was Slave Mix 3x. She picked up a bowl from the floor and put it in. she then put in some water in and mixed it for a second or 2. She put it on the floor. “Slave 13 eat up. Don’t look at me like that people eat on tables you are not a person dog you should consider yourself lucky I am not making you eat off the floor. Remember now you are not a person you don’t use your hands if you use them and I see and I will see you will regret it more than anything. When your done I will show you give you the sheets showing you were everything is to complete your tasks. You start now.” With a quick and sudden foot on my back she pushed me into the ground and walked out.
I got up and started to eat. It had a texture problem it was wet and lumpy but it make my throat feel dry. It tasted worse like onion and chocolate in one. It was hard to down but I tried. I finished my bowl then I started my tasks. One question was in my mind however. Slave 13? Was I the the thirteenth. What happened to the other ones? It put chills in my spine better not to think about it I decided.
Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/m15be8/a_new_life_part_3_cfnm_chasity_domestic_slavery