A college professor’s first time being a hotwife – with a student being her bull! [Part 2] [Hotwife][Cuckold][Age gap][Older woman younger man]

[Part 1](https://old.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/m0hl89/a_college_professors_first_time_being_a_hotwife/)

We talk for a few more minutes, discussing some of the basic ground rules Thomas and I had decided for any bull we might choose. Standard STD tests, mandatory. Maintaining respectful boundaries, mandatory. Any of us could veto any act, at any time. And a few others. Drew kept nodding and agreeing with everything I said. It felt like he was far too excited to care.

Drew got his STD tests done and sent me the results. To both of our satisfaction, he was completely clean. I sent him mine, in a reciprocal gesture of trust. We started discussing kinks and fantasies over text, with our self-imposed rule of not sending any pictures. Drew was, unsurprisingly, full of excellent ideas. I discussed them with Thomas. Except just a single idea, Thomas happily accepted all the others.

Over the next few days, Thomas and I discuss the much anticipated first night in more and more detail. It was exciting to think ahead and plan out what could potentially be a life changing experience for us. Depending on how well it went, we were open to the possibility of moving on to even more risqué and scandalous experiences. Gloryholes. Gangbangs. Motel madness. We had spent far too long being a boring, vanilla couple. This could be our gateway drug into the world of debauchery.

We had chosen a Friday for the main act. On Drew's suggestion, we had decided to meet at a restaurant first. Though the bookings were in Thomas's name, he was only supposed to watch us from a distance. I was wearing a scarlet red dress, with a neckline too deep for comfort and a hemline ending just midway over my thighs. A matching red lipstick, a touch of mascara, and some more light makeup later, I was ready. Thomas said I looked absolutely gorgeous, but internally my only concern was whether Drew would like it.

He showed up at the restaurant pretty much on time. Dressed in a pair of black trousers and an unassuming blue shirt, he looked rather dapper. The simplicity of his clothes only accentuated his handsome features and quiet personality. I greeted him with a hug and welcomed him on the table.

Drew didn't try anything funny while having dinner. Thomas was sitting just a couple tables away in case anything went awry, but Drew was surprisingly smooth and charming for his age. The initial awkwardness of a student-teacher interaction was forgotten rather quickly, much sooner than I had expected. Perhaps the drinks helped.

We flirted, laughed at each other's jokes, and grew comfortable over the hour. Dinner was light, for obvious reasons. At first, I kept looking at Thomas out of the corner of my eye, but I soon forgot about his presence save for the wedding ring on my finger. Even the waitress who brought the check addressed Drew and me as a couple, making my heart skip a beat. It was only after I had paid for us – using Thomas's credit card, as agreed upon in advance – that I realized I didn't even mind, much less bother correcting the waitress.

Either of us encountering no red flags from the other so far, we happily got up and walked up to the car. Thomas would act as our chauffeur, while we would sit in the back. He was to address us as Sir or Ma'am, and not use our first names at all. If he had any concerns or problems, he could always break character and let it be known. But luckily, he was comfortable enough that he didn't mind being the unimportant sidekick in tonight's play.

During our ride home, Drew placed his hand on my thigh. The light contact of his palm on my uncovered thigh was electric to the touch, and I encouraged him by placing my own hand on top of his. He took the hint, and skirted the line of my dress further, all the while whispering charming compliments in my ears. I could tell he had lost all inhibition now. Even Thomas's repeated glances at us from the rear-view mirror didn't seem to phase him. If anything, it only encouraged him, as I could feel him getting more aggressive with his touches.

Even after all the excitement, I was frustratingly impressed by Drew's patience. He didn't try to kiss me even once, though his relentless teasing had me wet already. Soon enough, we reached home. Thomas opened the doors for us – first the car, then the house, then even _our_ bedroom door.

Once we entered the bedroom, it was game on. Drew finally allowed himself to lose control, pouncing on me like a hungry predator on his prey. His strong arms held me in a tight embrace, as he kissed and devoured my lips like there was no tomorrow. The abrupt change from the classy gentleman to a horny teenager was far too shocking than I had expected, but even more shocking than that was how easily I melted in his arms. Before long, I was eagerly giving in to his advances, pushing my lips against his, letting our tongues dance in a sloppy tango, and putting on a show for a husband who watched me for merely a few feet away.

This was the one thing where Drew and Thomas had had differing opinions. Drew suggested we keep Thomas out of the bedroom and not let him watch for the entirety of the night, whereas Thomas vetoed and said he reserved the right to watch or not however he pleased. In a way, I'm glad he did so. Though it was obviously exhilarating to make out with a young, handsome man – a student of yours nonetheless – in front of your husband, the thrill and adrenaline rush made it all the more intense!

When Drew eventually broke the kiss, I was soaking wet. My pulse raced so hard I was afraid of passing out. I hadn't realized it yet, but I had already taken to following Drew's lead. I was ready to do and be whatever he needed from me for tonight. But when he made his first demand, it was not from me, but from Thomas.

"You there" Drew called him, surprising even Thomas. His bulge was unmistakable. The sight of his wife throwing herself at another man was making him hard. And that in turn was making me want to do even crazier things.

"Yes Sir?" Thomas answered. I felt strangely proud of him for not breaking character even amidst the sexually charged atmosphere.

"I am going to strip your wife, and then make her do _very dirty things_ to me. And you're gonna simply stand there and watch, understood?"

Thomas gulped, then nodded. This was real. This was happening.

"Understood, Sir"

"Good. And you" he turned to me now. A part of me tried remembering Drew was still my student, but couldn't. He was a completely different man tonight. I looked at him with rapt attention.

"Strip for me. And make it sexy."

This was so naughty. So dirty. So exciting! I couldn't remember the last time Thomas asked me – no – _commanded_ me to do something for him. He was always the respectful, patient husband every woman would dream of marrying. And yet, I didn't know what I was missing until now.

"Yes Sir"

The title felt completely natural leaving my mouth, even though I wasn't required to address him as such.

I reach behind my back and pull the zip down, then push the shoulders straps forward. I bite my lip in hesitation before taking the next step, and subconsciously glance at Thomas, as if waiting for permission. Big mistake.

"Where are you looking?" a cold, calculated voice. That of Drew's. I look at him, and his eyes are icy, as if I had just committed some grave mistake.

"I was…just…"

He took a step toward me. His hand was now on my face, holding my jaw firmly as he leaned forward, close enough that I could feel his breath on my lips.

"Tonight, you're mine. You'll do as I say, understood?" he asked me, quietly, almost menacingly.

I was shook with the overwhelming emotions of fear and excitement at just how completely in control Drew was. Even more so, Thomas stood silently in the distance, his expression worried, but unmoved.

As if reading my mind, Drew leaned closer to my ear and whispered

_"Don't worry, it's all an act. We can stop this whenever you want."_

Those few words immediately put my heart at ease. They convinced me I hadn't just invited a psychopath over. That my marriage, my career, or my personal life weren't about to be destroyed because of a stupid, horny decision of mine. Feeling far safer and more comfortable in Drew's command now, I nod back to him.

"Don't make me wait now." Drew's voice was back to his commanding tone once again. "Strip!"


All your upvotes on my previous post made me want to get on with the story as quickly as possible! Part 3 in the works :)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/m16puu/a_college_professors_first_time_being_a_hotwife

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