Bo and Me, Chapter 4 — Taking a Bath (fg, mast, panties, nosex)

**Chapter 4 — Taking a Bath**

A soft peck on the lips wakes me up. “Took to this quick, didn’t you?” I mumble. Bo giggles.

I open my eyes to see her smiling at me. We’re lying side by side. Bo moves closer so she can kiss me again. I purse my lips, waiting for her. When our lips meet, we both make smacking sounds, then laugh.

“This is nice,” Bo says.

We exchange a few mutual pecks. Unlike what I’ve seen in movies, Bo doesn’t kiss me at an angle to avoid our noses crashing into each other; she simply presses her nose to mine. I absolutely love how innocent it feels.

After a while, I open my eyes. “Don’t move,” I tell her. Bo’s eyes widen in anticipation.

I press my mouth to hers, but instead of smacking my lips I let them linger in place, nibbling ever so slightly on her upper lip. I don’t dare go any further and soon pull away.

“That felt really weird,” Bo says. After a few seconds, she adds, “But really cool, too.”

We just look at each other for a while. I wonder if she’ll kiss me back, but instead her eyes drift shut. After a few minutes, I see them moving underneath her lids and think she must be dreaming.

I kiss her softly on the lips. Bo’s eyes stop moving and she sighs. I’m not sure whether she’s still asleep. Then she shifts slightly, and with her eyes still closed she says, “I had a dream just now.”

“What about?” I ask.

“There was a fairy that took me to a magical place. I think I was a fairy, too. We were flying through giant blades of grass. It was at dusk. There was a pond with frogs that were bigger than us. Fairies rode on some of them. I wanted to ride on one too, so I got on top of it. It jumped towards the pond and I got scared. When we went underwater, at first I thought I was gonna drown, but then I noticed that I could breathe underwater and I thought, ‘How cool is *that*?’ Then I did a loop, and while I was spinning around myself, I saw I was a mermaid. I wasn’t surprised, ‘cause I didn’t remember that I’d been a fairy before. I wanted to breach out of the pond like a whale, but I woke up right when I got to the surface.”

“You dreamed all that in one minute?” I ask, laughing.

“That was only a minute?*”* Bo opens her eyes, looking at me in surprise.

“Yeah,” I say. “I’ve heard that when you dream, time goes by ten times as fast. I didn’t know if it was true.”

“I guess it must be,” she says.

I wonder if Bo knows that it was my kiss that awakened her. I trail my fingers through her hair, which makes her smile. She toys with my hair, too.

I ask her, “Hey, wanna get up and go downstairs?”


I instantly hate myself for asking. I’d much rather stay in bed with Bo, cuddling and kissing, but I’m too scared that she might decide that what we’re doing is wrong… or that she’ll bring it up in casual conversation with our parents because she thinks it *isn’t* wrong.

But that’s not my only concern — I’m also afraid of getting carried away if we keep on kissing. I’m not sure what other things my lustful imagination might decide are okay to try out on my little sister.

I manage to pull myself away from Bo and get out of bed, looking down at her. She gives me a bright, cheeky smile, reaching up to me. I roll my eyes, pretending to be annoyed, but can’t keep from grinning. I grab her by the wrists and pull her up into a sitting position.

Bo gets out of bed and stretches, then surprises me by getting up on her tiptoes, wrapping both arms around my neck and giving me a soft kiss on the cheek that makes the cutest sound.

“See you downstairs,” she says quietly into my ear. Then she lets go and off she flies. Dazzled, I plod behind, rubbing my eyes to make sure that I’m not dreaming still.

Downstairs, I glance into the living room. Mom is sitting on the couch with a book. “Morning, Mom,” I say.

“Good morning, Lisa,” she says with a wave.

I proceed to the kitchen where Bo is filling two cups with milk. The clock on the wall shows half past eight.

Bo puts the cups in the microwave. “I’m making instant cocoa for us,” she says.


“You can go sit on the couch. I’ll bring it out.”


I go back to the living room, sitting down at the end of the U-shaped couch opposite Mom. “You girls are up early,” she comments.

“Yeah,” I say, not mentioning that Bo and I had a sleepover. I pick up a Carl Barks comic from the coffee table and pretend to read it.

“Good morning, Mom,” I hear Bo say a few minutes later.

Mom greets her back. As Bo heads over towards the couch, I put down the comic book and she hands me my cup. “Thanks.”

“You already thanked me, but you’re still welcome,” she says and sits down between us.

I take a few sips, put the cup on the table and go back to my comic.

“Mom, can I take a bath?” Bo asks a bit later.

Since baths use way more water than showers, our parents prefer for us to get permission before filling the tub. Mom thinks about it, then says, “Alright, go ahead.”

“Yippee!” Bo exclaims as she gets up.

She walks over to the bathroom. A few moments later, I can hear water rushing in to fill the tub.

When Bo comes back to sit between Mom and me, she asks, “Hey Lisa, you wanna take a bath *with* me?”

My heart begins to pound. “I dunno,” I mumble. The last time Bo and I took a bath together, I must have been around eight, and she was five… long before I realized I liked girls, much less that I had a thing for my own sister.

“Please?” Bo asks. I’m still looking at the comic but I can’t make out the pictures. My mind is racing.

“Lisa probably feels too old for that,” Mom says when I don’t reply.

“Huh?” I say, looking up and putting the comic down. “Sorry, I got distracted.” Instinctively, I pretend that I don’t know what they’ve been talking about so I can feel out the situation some more.

“Bo said she wants you to take a bath with her,” Mom explains.

“Oh cool, yeah, sure,” I say, looking back down at the comic. I think I sounded pretty calm, but can’t be certain.

“Really?” Mom seems surprised. I glance over to find her smiling.

“Yeah, I haven’t taken a bath in a while,” I improvise. “If Bo’s gonna take one, we can both use the same tubful of water.”

“Yay!” Bo cheers, then takes another sip of her cocoa.

Shrugging at me, Mom picks up her book again. “Well, if you don’t mind sharing the tub, I guess…” She falls silent, turns a page.

Bo is first to finish her cocoa. She takes her cup back to the kitchen and stays gone for a bit. Then I hear her yell, “Bath’s almost ready!”

Without looking up, I call back, “Be there in a minute!” I don’t want to seem too eager.

“Okay,” Bo replies.

She doesn’t come back. I thumb through the comic for a few more minutes, then put it back on the table and get up.

“Have fun,” Mom says.

I roll my eyes. “It’s just a bath, Mom,” I say, trying to affect a casual air as I exit the living room.

When I get to the bathroom, Bo’s already closed the door to preserve the heat inside, but I hear the water still pouring into the tub. I knock.

“Come in!” she says.

When I enter, the first thing I notice are Bo’s pyjamas on the floor. Then I see that my sister’s in the tub already, surrounded by mountains of foam. All I can see of her body are her knees and shoulders.

Fighting to still my jangling nerves, I close the door behind me. Bo giggles and squeezes more liquid soap under the faucet, fueling the foam production. The flowing water churns the suds even higher.

“C’mon Lisa, get in!” she exclaims.

“Close your eyes,” I say out of instinct. When she does so, I strip out of my pyjamas.

As I pull down my panties, I notice they’re a little wet and find myself blushing. I’ve never been so wet that it’s shown on my underwear before! Letting them drop to the floor, I hide the evidence underneath my pyjama top, just in case. Glancing at Bo, I see that she’s waiting patiently with her eyes closed.

I climb into the bathtub and slowly ease myself into the hot water, the soapy foam nearly coming up to my chin. I sit down facing my sister, surrounding her with my legs on either side but careful not to touch.

“You can open your eyes now,” I say. Bo giggles when she sees me, both of us practically buried in the thick suds. I feel nervous but grin.

“We haven’t taken a bath together in a long time,” she says.


Neither of us speak for a while; we’re just relaxing in the hot water. The sound of the water streaming into the tub is a meditative drone. I slip into a dreamlike state as I gaze at Bo whose eyes are closed again.

Her face is flushed from the heat. Steam is rising up between us. Bo’s hair, which is usually straight, is falling down in waves around her face and on her forehead, curled up from the humidity. She looks incredibly cute. The sight of her bare knees, barely jutting out of the foam, is filling me with a desire that’s all too familiar by now. My heart is thumping in my chest and I half wonder if the vibrations are traveling through the water.

After a while, Bo opens her eyes and gives the tub a critical lookover. Following her survey, she grabs the bottle from the side of the tub and joyously squeezes even more soap into the stream, cackling like a maniac.

“This bath needs more foam. Foam is good. Foam is life!” she exclaims.

Her mood is infectious. I catch myself giggling. “You’re a dork,” I tell her.

Bo looks at me. “Yeah, but I’m a *foamy* dork,” she explains patiently.

I laugh and poke her flank with my toe. She squeals in surprise and clasps her legs together, creating ripples in the water. When she relaxes again, some of the foam between her knees is gone. Seeing her bare lower legs is making me shiver in spite of the heat.

The tub is getting pretty full by now, so Bo turns off the water. She scoops up some foam and puts it on top of her head, crowning herself.

“I hereby declare you Princess Foamy,” I announce, tapping each of her shoulders in turn with my index and middle finger.

Bo giggles, then puts on an earnest look. “I shall reign supreme over the lands of foam! I promise to keep all citizens of Foamland foamy at all times,” she vows.

I jut out my lips and apply a dab of suds to my upper lip. “Arrrr! I’m the evil pirate Clearwater, and I’m not going to submit to your despotic rule!” I threaten in a rumbling voice.

I push some of the foam from my side over in Bo’s direction, baring my chest. Laughing, she waves the foam back to me.

“Princess Foamy!” I proclaim. “Your wasteful ways have terrorized Foamland for too long! I shall take this soap and put it back to its original purpose.”

I scoop up most of the foam that’s covering me, pile it on top of my head and begin massaging it into my hair as big gobs of it fall down around my shoulders.

Bo looks amused, but she’s quieted down. The foam on her side probably blocks her view of my lower body, but I feel incredibly excited flashing my boobs at her. I can’t tell for certain if she’s looking at them, mainly because foam is running down all over my face. I make a helicopter noise with my lips and shake my head wildly, sending suds flying across the tub at Bo.

She giggles quietly. “I surrender,” she says meekly, slowly sliding deeper into the water with a theatrical sigh.

Bo’s head goes under, only her foam crown still visible on the surface. I feel her feet coming to rest on my tummy. I gulp, suddenly feeling nervous again.

My gaze follows her legs; upwards from her feet and out of the water to her knees, then back underwater and down to the junction of her thighs. The water’s rippling from the motion, and Bo’s legs are too close together for me to really make out anything, but I get the impression that her pussy mound is still hairless.

I only get to look for two seconds before she pushes herself back up, rising from the water. The foam crown is lifted back atop her head, diminished in size. Bo’s lower half has disappeared beneath the foam again but her chest is uncovered now.

As she wipes foam off her face, I catch myself staring. Her little nipples sit on mounds that are barely bigger than her beautiful dark areolas. The inside of my mouth is dry and I think I might pass out on the spot.

Scooping some water over my head, I wash the soap out of my hair. “The heat is getting too much for me,” I tell Bo truthfully. “I’m gonna get out.”

“Okay,” she says, closing her eyes without my having to ask. I toy with the idea of telling her she doesn’t have to, but remain silent.

I slowly stand up and reach for a towel. I can see Bo better from this position, but her hands have come to rest in her lap, so once again I can’t make out much. It’s probably for the better.

I step out of the bathtub, dry myself off and wrap myself in the towel. “You can look,” I say.

Bo opens her eyes. “I’m gonna stay and enjoy the water a little more,” she says.

“Okay, Mrs. Foamy,” I reply. Bo smiles brightly. I gather up my clothes and head out of the bathroom.

“Out already?” Mom calls.

I walk over to the living room door. “Yeah, I was getting bored,” I tell Mom. “I’m squeaky clean already, anyway. Bo’s gonna stay in a little longer.”

“Okay,” Mom says, going back to her book.

I walk upstairs, outwardly calm but conscious of how badly I need to touch myself. Passing my parents’ bedroom, I hear Dad snoring.

In my room, I put my clothes on the bed and drop the towel. Feeling incredibly daring, I continue naked into Bo’s room.

I go through the clothes on the chair she uses as a hamper, find a pair of panties and sniff them. They smell faintly of Bo. It’s enough to drive me insane with desire.

I crawl into Bo’s bed and underneath her blanket, pulling it up so that only my upper body is covered but my legs are exposed, which makes me feel extra naughty. I pull Bo’s panties over my head with the crotch over my nose, breathing in her scent.

My trembling right hand finds my pussy. It’s so wet that it can’t be just from the bath. My whole body is quivering, both from my bare legs exposed to the cool air and the adrenaline that’s pumping through me. I slowly move my index finger back and forth over my clit, torturing myself on purpose. I want to stretch this out, make it last.

When I feel myself getting close, I stop touching my clit. Teasing myself instead, I start tracing lines on the sensitive flesh just around my slit and lightly trail a finger through my wet labia.

When I can’t take it anymore, I go back to slowly massaging my clit. Unable to keep myself from moaning, I push the crotch of Bo’s panties into my mouth and suck on it.

I’ve never felt this depraved before, or this horny. I keep working my clit, but at the same languid pace. I’m shivering violently now, panting for breath. I can hear myself whimper pathetically, which turns me on even more.

The orgasm hits me unprepared. A flash of lightning zaps through my body. My hips buck violently, and now that I’m at the peak, I go wild on my clit, mashing it with the tip of my finger until it becomes too painful to bear. My ears go deaf, and all I can see is stars. I come for at least twenty seconds.

Still breathing heavily, I can feel myself drift into what seems a lot like a coma, but the remainder of my consciousness tells me that I’m done for if anyone finds me like this: stretched out naked on my sister’s bed, one hand between my legs, Bo’s soiled panties pressed to my face.

I try to stand, but I’m still shaking so badly that I can’t trust my legs to support me. I put Bo’s panties back on her chair and crawl back into my room on my hands and knees.

Somehow I manage to wriggle into my pyjama top and panties. As I slip into bed, I notice that my face is wet with tears. I must have cried through my orgasm.

A warm, fuzzy darkness soon envelops me and I pass out.



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