Rose of Two Thorn’s Scott part 56-60 RVS & Dream Master (FF MM MF MFF MFM Bondage Solo Toys)

“I was thinking about a sauna trip want to come with me” Brian asks. I am nearly done with my pushups “100 ok I can let me get my setups in I almost have a 2 pack.” Brian laughs but I am serious about keeping up my physical appearance I have a hot piece of ass in Robbie I would like to keep him interested. After finishing my sit-ups, I get my trunks on and grab some towels for us. Brian is feelings stronger today, so he gets himself dressed. We head down to the elevator and see Joe “hi guys want to have lunch today just us brothers.” Brian and I tell him yes and we agree on 1 pm at food stand on the beach. In the sauna Brian mentions “I wonder what’s up with Joe he really looks depressed, do you see it Scott” I am dreaming about Robbie, so I do not hear him. “Earth to Scott” I look at him and ask him “What was that I was thinking about my man” he looks down and says, “yes I can tell” I blush but its true my man gets me going but I stifle the hard on and tell Brian “he is not convinced this bone marrow procedure will work and I know he dose not want to go through chemo and radiation again.”
After the sauna session we head back up to the room and take turns in the shower. Brian is winded so I offer to shave his face again and he accepts. “I am feeling better this fatigue is the worst” I tell him it is ok what are brothers for anyway. He gets on the phone and talks to the base commander and wants to take a tour of Pearl Harbor “Yes sir myself and my two brothers Joe and Scott, along with my parents Joe senior and Eileen. Yes, sir I will forward the information to you, talk to you soon.” I ask about the information and he tells me “They just want some background on everyone I set this up for the 30th because I know you don’t leave until the nighttime.” We get our selves ready to head down to lunch and Joe calls “I will be down in 15 minutes got one more thing to do.” Brian grabs his tablet and we both head down to the beach it takes a bit of time because Brian is still taking it easy.
Just as we get down to the beach Joe comes out. All three of us head to the food stand Brian gets a teriyaki chicken sandwich, I get the Spam rolls and so does Joe(interesting). After getting a table we all chow down then Joe speaks “I like us three brothers hanging out, I know we don’t do this often since you two ditched Maine.” We both swallow and Brian goes first “I like my Coast Guard service” we hear someone say thank toy for your service, so Brian waves and says thank you for the acknowledge. Then I put my two cents in “I needed the fresh start and to get away from my ex and the homophobia.” We continue to eat before anyone says anything else a little kid comes up to Brian and asks if he has stickers like all the cops have “I am not a police officer I am a Lieutenant Commander in the Coast Guard” his dad come up and salutes Brian and says he is a petty officer First Class so Brian salutes back and the father and son go over to the other table where police officers are sitting. “I know I razz you two but sometimes I wish I could get away too, though I am stuck because I run the company now” Joe says. After lunch is done, we all walk along the property because the beach is filling up. Taking a break for Brian we find a table along the back patio and Joe takes out his deck of cards. “How about some hold’em we will play for points” and Brian agrees to keep score.
After a few hands I ask Joe “What else do you do besides work I mean you still do theater right” he looks at me and says “I played Conrad Birdie in Bye Bye Birdie and that was two years ago” he wins the hand. “I did try out for King Lear and that is where I meet Megan.” Brian asks about her so Joe tells him the story he told me yesterday. “I was reading the lines and she helped me she works at the theater in the office, so she knows all the productions.” Brian teases him a bit but is otherwise happy for him. “See man you need to get away from work and do something for yourself, don’t work to hard” I am trying to be helpful anyway. After 10 hands its Brian in the lead and we play till 12 hands “I declare Joe the winner” when he gets cocky, so I slug him in the arm but not to hard he dose bruise easily. Brian state that he is getting tired, so we all head back to our rooms then Joe reminds us of the hotel holiday party tonight in the ballroom. “I believe its semi-formal so hope you brought nice clothes.” I sarcastically say I want to wear my sparkly thong and joe slugs me this time. We both tell him yes; we have nice clothes and we all will meet in our room later. “Do you really have a sparkly thong Scott” I tell him yes but its at home I think Joe just turned green, but we get into our room. “Dude that was mean but funny” I tell Brian yes it was but then we both get calls from our Blonde island residents.
I tell Robbie all about the last few days and yes, his King video was amazing he sure is bigger now. “I miss you babe I have Christmas presents for you hear will you be able to see me after the first.” I tell him yes and I also have presents for him too. We are getting to the sexy stuff and again I need to suppress the hard on he dose this to me easily. “I want your sexy ass I really need it” he tells me all the things he want to do including some 69. “I need all that and your kisses, lots of those and I need to have that ass in my hands.” Brian come out on the patio and says “eww gay stuff I am joking” but he tells me its time to get ready. Robbie and I tell each other I love you and I start getting ready as well. I get my black dress slacks on, my Maroon button-down shirt, black bolo tie, my half boots. Brian puts on his black slacks, coast guard sweater with his Lieutenant stripes, his nice shiny shoes. “Dude do you have cologne mine spilled the other day, so I am out” I tell him yes, I do, and you will not smell gay, I get a small slug, but I hear the knocking. After I let everyone in Brian is looking woozy. “I am ok just someone tie my other shoe please” so Joe gets down there and dose it. The party is lovely the food is a prefixed menu of many great Hawaiian dishes. Brian tells us we all passed background checks and no weapons allowed but we will all get a private tour of Pearl Harbor at 8am on the 30th. After a wonderful dessert we see another hula dance show and hear some lovely renditions of all the holiday classics, the ukulele really makes it sound sweet.
I tell everyone to come back to our room so the whole family is in there I get the presents out of my bag “never had a chance to wrap but I wanted to get everyone something.” They all love the gifts mom says she will make me and Robbie matching beanies. “I think that sounds wonderful.” dad likes his book and Brian looks great in his Jersey. Joe is not talking just staring ahead but he dose say thank you. After getting my pajamas on and brushing my teeth “Dude Joe had that long stare thing again what is on his mind” I tell Brian I have no idea I hope he liked his gift I mean its tequila and the good stuff I found it at the airport so no taxes and a small bottle too.” Brian and I watch a documentary on Pearl Harbor than head to bed, Joe is acting strange and I hope he does not ruin Christmas day tomorrow.
* * *
I woke up to bright sunlight, checked the app 87 degrees on Christmas day. I checked my messages and Devon says its 45 and chilly in Amara right now. Later I will text a pic of me lounging in this 85-degree weather just to bug him. Brian want to hit the gym, so we get dressed to get down there, “You sure you want a workout man you just got over the sickness” he tells me “Yes though not hard just some walking and a few weights I still have the soldier mentality.” We get some treadmill in though he made it 2 miles while I went 5, then he hits the weights, so I spot him. “Good job man don’t push it I am already impressed with you” he laughs then he spots me. After I do sit ups and pushups it is another sauna session. “I am thinking of putting one in my bathroom in the corner, but it would also be by the toilet so maybe somewhere else” he tells me that would be cool.
After the sweat session, it is time for breakfast so showers first. After the showers we head down to the hotel restaurant, we eat very well, and the Christmas music is playing. Brian and I head back to our room to chat with our Blonde Island residents though neither answer their phones. Knocking on the door has Brian answering so in walks Joe “Good morning and Merry Christmas, Mom and Dad are scheduling a dinner cruise are you two interested?” Brian and I say yes so Joe heads back to give the good news. He texts us and says casual attire and the bus leaves at 5 from the front. Brian is crashed out on his bed, so I decide to head out to take more pictures. I pass the gift shop to buy that shirt for Robbie and the postcard book. Th waves are awesome today, but I need to not overexert myself because tomorrow is surgery day. I get some wave video with narration to send to Devon. “85 degrees beautiful waves and it sucks to be you. I’m kidding man Merry Christmas to you and Marcus.”
I get a text from my babe: Hey Scott sorry I missed your call I was out it has been 4 days of 12 hour shifts and tonight I am on again Merry Christmas I love you. Also, Jamie would like to meet you if that is cool with you. I ponder that so as I look out at the waves it makes me think about our first sexy kiss in the hotel room. “Thanks for bring me back here I still feel so weak why would anyone give a dog these things. I am not a dog just a guy sitting in front of one hot dude.” He gets me settled in the bed and makes the move really kissing me this time not just a peck on the cheek like at the bar. His lips are soft he has a bit of stubble but that is ok I do not mind. I kiss him back and run my hands up and down those muscular arms. We have our make out and dam I want to get up, but the effects of these dam tranquilizers are not making things easy. I hold the kisses longer, but he pulls away first, he must get going because he must work tomorrow. I stare at those sexy Hazel eyes then let him go, but no before one last kiss. I text him back to tell him Merry Christmas and I will think about meeting his ex.
I walk back to our room when I see Brian coming out the back “hey man I must have crashed I came looking for you” I tell him yes, he did “Are you hungry man lets get lunch.” We go to the café and get fish and chips plus 2 Root Beers. That was very filling, so I tell Brian about Robbie wanting me to meet his ex “I am conflicted I do not see the point, but she works with him on the theater project, so she is still around.” Brian consoles me “It sounds complicated but he is in love with you man I have not met her myself but maybe this is his coming out moment but what do I know.” I tell him I will consider it and we get a text from Joe: Meet me in the hotel bowling alley its time for a brothers rematch. Brian and I both groan because the brother bowling match is always won by Joe, its Christmas day so we agree. After we arrive its bowling shoes and picking up balls “Oh check out my balls they are so big” I tell Brian he is only slightly funny. Thankfully, the bowling alley is automated, so no one must write the score down. After 12 frames I am declared the winner only by 12 points, and we each win the next few frames before each of our arms are sore. “That was really fun we have all gotten better over the years but Joe you are still the king of the alley” I tell Joe and Brian concurs. “After the new year I am leaving the company I want to go back to school and get my teaching credentials.” Brian and I both stare at him and I speak first “What are you going to teach man” he tell us “Theater at the local community college I have worked with the kids before, they offered me a job and now I need the credentials. That is where you and you (as he points at us) to help me convince Dad to sell the company.”
Brian and I are miffed that we have been dragged into the family drama, but we offer to help. “Tonight, on the cruise I will make the announcement I want to say I have your support.” Brian and I both forget about the dinner cruise but then it jogs our memory. “I got you man but remember the company is Dads baby this might not pass muster.” Brian is being honest, and I pipe in “remember when I said I was going to be cop and he (as I point to Brian) was joining the Coast Guard, that left the only son to take over, you better be prepared for the disappointment. Much more disappointing than me being gay I can guarantee that.” Joe is determined to make his case so Brian and I support this but better to not do that on the cruise so let us wait till after just in case of a blow up. Joe and Brian agree so we each get back to our rooms in the elevator I ask Joe “Do you still live at home” Joe tells me no he got a loft in the old Harbor Warehouse downtown so only 20 minutes from the parents and right above the company. Brian is anxious and I am on edge as well “How come he dropped this on us he could have done this at any point” Brian says. I pace the room and ponder Joe’s motives; he has always been a sneaky shit. “I think he is being a spineless dick and he wants backup so who better than us.” Brian agrees with me but gets a phone call, so I leave him and head out to the balcony. Devon texts back: Thanks for rubbing in the nice weather, but really babe Merry Christmas to you as well I will be able to pick you up at the airport text me when you land.
Brian and I start getting ready I wear the black jeans, long green sleeve shirt, half boots. “hey man you shinned them they look great. “yeah, I had to distract myself from gaining up on dad thanks to Joe.” I tell him thank you and he gets his slacks and grey long-sleeved shirt on; his shoes are polished as well. We meet everyone down in the lobby to get the bus to the dock. The boat ride was not bad the dinner was good, it was Buffett style so no prefixed meals. The family and I are sitting on the deck when Robbie facetimes,” Hey babe merry Christmas well this is the whole family Mom Eileen, Dad Joe senior, Joe junior and you know that ass in the back” Brian gives me a slug but everyone else says Hi. “Are you on duty tonight you are in uniform.” I tell everyone else he is a detective but because of the flu going around its back to patrol. Mom asks if he is the only detective “I was one of two but the other retired early this summer so for now yes, but one other lady might be joining me soon.” Then King pops up and tries to lick the screen again “He looks like Gus son” dad said. I tell them yes, he does, and Robbie is trying to control the dog, but he is squirming. “King down yes mister lay down” he listens to me and lays down on the bed behind Robbie. “You have a way with that dog my man.” We all chat for a few more minutes than he says its patrol time “Hey Scott did you get my text earlier and what about that thing.” I tell him we will talk tomorrow after my surgery “Nice to meet all of you besides Brian” we say our goodbyes then the boat pulls into the dock. After we all get back to the hotel in the elevator Joe drops his bomb “Mom Dad I want to get my teaching credentials and teach theater instead of running the company.” Brian and I remain silent, but Mom speaks first “Your Dad and I know sweetie, but Dad is having a hard time letting that place go” so we all head to their room. After some arguments Joe makes his case and Dad will be on the deciding committee for the sale.
Brian gets a bag from his luggage and hands it to me “Merry Christmas my happy little gay brother” I open it, its hot pants with rainbow hearts on the butt cheeks. I giggle at them but run to the bathroom to try them on. I come out of the bathroom to show Brian “these fit a bit tight, but they won’t stay on long when Robbie sees me in them” and I immediately get hard. “I can tell you like them, and I don’t want details ok lalala” we hug, and I get back to the bathroom and I need to get some relief. I put my pajamas on because I need sleep tomorrow is surgery day this trip is almost over, but at least it has been not too dramatic.
* * *
After I shut my alarm up, I lay there for a minute when Brian wakes up as well. “Good morning man I won’t eat in front of you so I shall shower first” I tell him he is such a sweetie. After a good stretch I get a text from Vivian: Good morning Scott I remember you were having surgery today, so Jack and I are thinking good thoughts. I am happy to see this one. So, I text back a thank you and a view picture from the balcony. I do some squats because I do not want to overexert myself. Brian finishes up so its my turn to shower and shave the face (I will shave down there when I get home for my man). Getting dressed the parents and Joe are outside the door I can always hear Joe and his deep voice. Brian opens the door, so we are all in the room together.
“Good morning sweetie we are all getting a cab and staying with both of you today” mom says. I hug her then get my shoes on; I brought my slip-on shoes just for this occasion because after the procedure I do not want to bend over. We all head down to the taxi are and get a cab that looks like a minivan “Joe, Brian remember moms old blue minivan, the box” Joe and Brian laugh at that imagine because this thing was a big blue square box looking thing. “I drove that to school for one day then got flack so never again” Joe says. I remember the kids making fun of him, but it was a bit funny. Brian was the one that crashed into a tree because he hit a patch of black ice, the car was totaled but Brian was ok. Just then we pull up to the hospital and Joe must get the shunt put in, so he goes back first, “Love you Joe see you after my transplant” he hugs me back then its time for me to get settled. I text Robbie and Devon then hand the phone to Brian. “Dear Robbie, I hate your dam guts and your dog is a mangy mutt Love Scott” he is mock texting, but I slug him anyway. Mom tells us to behave, just then Dr. Lee comes in and checks my vitals, as well as talks about the procedure.
Just after 9 its surgery time so I hug everyone, and Brian promises not to text dumb stuff. 45 minutes later I am laying in recovery with Brian next to me. “Robbie did text back he said he loves you and call him later he actually has the day off, more people are getting better and coming back.” He also said Devon texted back and sends his love as well. Then he shows me Vivian and Jack on a boat in San Diego. “That is a nice sunset there in California” I tell Brian she is the school secretary and Jack is her husband they own the house and my house as well. The rent is reasonable, and the commute is 15 minutes. I am in a bit of pain, so the nurse gives me a pain shot so I drift off to sleep for a while. I wake up and Mom is sitting beside me this time. “Joe will be in here soon his procedure went well, though he may need to stay for the night to monitor his vitals.” I tell mom he will be fine, and I am checked over. The doctor thanks me for giving the marrow, so we all go see how Joe is doing. We put facemasks on first and wash hands. “Hey Joe, are you feeling ok” I ask him. He looks very groggy but says he is fine just feeling weak. The three of us stay for a while longer than Dr. Lee tells us “His numbers are low so we want to keep him, he will be better in the morning I will call you.” Dad gives Dr. Lee the hotel and his, Mom and Joe’s room number. One at a time we go in and say goodbye and we will see him tomorrow.
After we leave the hospital, I am starving so we all walk over to that diner we ate at when Brian was here. I get the breakfast platter with scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns, biscuits, and gravy. Mom and Dad have Denver omelets. Brian gets his usual Pastrami on Rye with fries, my predictable brother. “What are you driving now Scott” Dad asks, I tell him I still have my cart and the Triumph. Brian looks mournful “I really liked that bike I hope to get one myself one day.” I tell him they are getting hard to find but maybe we can ride together one day. I do not mention that Robbie has procured one for me and its being worked on as we speak. Brian’s birthday is in April and Mine is in May so once that Bike is done, I will visit him and with any luck the weather will be good, and I can get a fairy over there to take my bike as well. After eating I feel much better. We all get a cab back to the resort. Mom and Dad are going toa lecture on Hawaiian history at the neighboring resort, Brian and I head up to the room. “I am sore but stuffed I was starving I hate the fasting part I like eating” then Brian tells me “you have always had a hallow leg” I change my clothes and settle on the bed. Brian is on Facetime by the couch with Corporal Davis and some commanders from Blonde Island. I take a nap then after I wake up Brian tells me Robbie texted and to call him back “Lover boy wants to hear your sweet voice” I tell him I will slug him later. I call Robbie but it goes to voicemail “Babe I just woke up call me back I am in the room.”
Brian and I play hold-em until dinner time. Just then Robbie call, “Hi babe yes I was napping so whatever Brian texted do not believe him” Robbie laughs and says “I know you would not call King a mangy mutt” I poke Brian because my energy is not back yet. I tell Robbie how the procedure went, and that Joe is staying the night at the hospital. He tells me about his duties and spending Christmas with Nancy and Oren. “We are all getting a private tour of Pearl Harbor on the 30th I will send you picks to show him” I mention to Brian that Oren served in the South Pacific and was stationed at what is now American Samoa. We chat for a bit and I tell him to give King some love for me and I will talk to him soon. We order room service dinner the ham and cheese sandwich is delicious; those fries we well-seasoned. Brian has the salmon and sweet potatoes. The sweet rolls are gobbled up too because those are addicting. Mom and dad stop by to see how I am doing “I feel sore and tired, but I will be ok” they both gently hug me before going to their room. Brian and I watch some detective Grant and the missing heiress. “I think the heiress was in on it because she dose not want to marry the other guy.” I giggle a bit but in the end Brian is right. I get ready for bed, so Brian helps me adjust the pillows “thanks man you have been helpful I sure hope you feel better” he tells me he is feeling better. I look at a picture of Robbie, his gorgeous face this time and get some sleep.
* * *
Its one-day post-surgery I feel better so Brian and I head to the beach. The weather is warm and windy but not enough energy to go to the water. “I need to go to Pearl Harbor today so are you going to be good alone” Brian says. I am staring at a hot piece of ass (even though I have Robbie, I still like looking) so Brian pokes my arm. “Yeah, I heard you I will be fine I just needed fresh air” so we head back up after stopping for a coffee in the lobby. I whistle at my brother after he puts his camo uniform on “Ohh sexy base commander sir.” He ignores me then goes to answer the door. “I found a nurse for you today” he says. I look up from my book and say “Its not a sexy gay man in hot pants?” Brian says “No you nerd.” I get up and hug Mom. She said Dad and Joe are back in their room, so she wanted to take care of me. Brian leaves, so Mom settles next to me and wants all the details about Robbie, “All the details how about I leave a few out” she dose agree to that, but I do start with how we met.
”I saw him on that beach and had to compose myself that dimple on his chin and these sexy Nordic looks blew me away.” I tell her how he saved me from drinking that beer or I would not be here right now. “Brian told me, he stayed with me and kept checking on me through the night.” When he took me back to the hotel room, he made the first move and boy was I surprised so I left the kissing part to her imagination. “This sounds nice but what about hobbies besides kissing and things of that sort” Mom said. I tell her he likes bowling, we both ride, and he has a Honda, we both hike together, love detective Grant and of course King.
“Did you know about the pilot license” she asks. So I tell her “No not until he wrote me, and he has wonderful handwriting by the way” I tell her it was going to be a surprise. I get into the ex, as much as I know anyway, and his place on the island. “He and Jamie were living in the condo she got it from the divorce settlement, he stayed with Oren and Nancy for a week till he found this place.” I pull out my phone and show her the non-sexy pictures and some of King as well. We both get hungry, so she orders room service I have some teriyaki chicken and rice, mom gets a tuna sandwich and chips.
We dine out on the patio because the weather is still beautiful “Tomorrow we all need to go to lunch at the hot dog cart these hot dogs are the best” I tell Mom. She tells me that sounds wonderful. “Are you two thinking about a future together I really want to see you happy sweetie.” I tell Mom we are not there yet, but we have said I love you. I get settled on the bed because I feel weak, so I drift off to sleep thinking about that sexy man.
My dreams go back to when he took me back to that condo “God your cock is big Robbie that filled my throat now fill my ass” so he does after a rubber of course. He held my hips as he plunged in, then he bent me over the motorcycle and spanked me as his cock dove deeper and faster. I felt him cum and now I was hard, his sex experience was up against the bike with him holding the handlebars. I woke up later to Brian’s voice talking to Keri I suppose because he was being all cute and stuff.
He got off the phone with her and says “We are going to Mom, Dad, Joes room for dinner ditch the hardon” I look down and yep, I got one. “I was thinking about Robbie” he the dose the lalala thing so I excuse myself to the bathroom. Once I have some relief I change into better looking clothes and slip my shoes on.
Joe opens the door, so him and I gently hug. He still has the shunt in. “I should get this off tomorrow once they check my numbers” I tell him that is good, and we all chat until dinner arrives. “I ordered some Maine favorites Lobster rolls one with butter for Scott and the rest traditional with Mayo.” We all tell dad it looks great, so we dig in.” I hope everyone wants hot dogs tomorrow because the hotdog cart will be here, I follow him on Instagram so lunch is on me I will let everyone know what time” they all agree, and I inhale the lobster roll. It’s just like being at the old restaurants down by the Harbor, I do want to go back one day. Joe tells us about the school he wants to start in the new year “Its PCC, Portland Community College they will give me a discount on tuition.” I tell him that is great and what about the loft? “I have a lease and I paid for it in advance so after the summer I may rethink my living options.” After dinner is done, we play a family game of Hold-em and Mom was the winner of two rounds Brian beat us two-times. Dad, Joe, and I each one a round. “I am getting beat so I need to get some sleep” Brian and I head back to our room after hugs and goodnights.
“How was Pearl Harbor today Brian” I asked but he is off in staring at the wall. I sit by him and ask him what is so fascinating “Oh sorry man I was thinking about Joe he still seems so glum” I agree with him but maybe he will be better soon. Brian tells me it was Base commander training and setting up the tour as well. “I am looking forward to that it has been on a list of things to see” I tell Brian. We get ready for bed and chat about Keri “I really do like her, but I want to be cautious I mean look how I dove in feet first with Casey” I tell him we had no idea, but I support him and want his happiness. He tells me Robbie is not planning the wedding but is in love with me. I believe him but I have my own reasons for not going down the shoot right now. I fall asleep with more visions of his cock like when we are in our 69, he is shorter than me so I have him on top, but he can still suck me down. The feel of that man on me and him deep in my throat makes me want him. Only three more days then back home, he will be fucked so hard I hope he knows how much I want him. I plan on making it a sex filled homecoming, my man will have no doubts about my lust for him.
* * *
After checking the Gram and seeing Robbie’s new King video I check to see what time the Huna Hot Dog Cart will be here. I send out the group text to be down on the patio at 1. “Hey dude I am right here you could have just said something” Brian says from the couch. I look at him then state “I have you in the group text sorry bud.” Just then Lane come through on brains tablet “Good morning everyone Brian where is that dumb brother of yours.” I yell that I am still moving slowly try having your lower back scrapped and be in your 40’s. I sit next to Brian and on comes Robbie we all say our hellos and Lane as usual right to business.
“We have a new situation Gemma got back after Christmas so there went my present. She decided to deal and flipped on Casey, Howie, and Meathead. Now we are all in a bind because Meathead is missing, and Howie lawyered up along with Casey. The press will get ahold of the story but for now we are running drug ring caught by Blonde Island, US Coast Guard and Silk-Stocking PD. I do look to Robbie and ask if he is safe with Meathead missing and all. “I am safe, and I do have eyes out just because he is a sleaze and I do not trust him.” Lane comes back and says Gemma will flip on Louie, but she wants to sweeten the pie on the DV states charges. “Isn’t that out of district for you” Robbie says. Lane says yes to a point it was battery with no bodily injury other than a bruise so that is up to Arizona. We all log off after that and I text Robbie again. I am always worried babe pack, shoot if you need too. He texts back with a heart and kiss emoji sating yes, he needs to get to work.
Brian and I meet everyone at the elevator, so we all head down to the cart together. “Joe you look better the color has come back” I tell him. He tells me yes, its better now that the shunt is out and eating some real food will be great. The line is a bit long but in no time, I have the teriyaki pineapple dog, Brian gets the bacon avocado, Mom has the Kona with spam, and Joe as well as Dad get Chicago looking dogs. I pay like I said I would and with chips and drinks it was not cheap but well worth it. Everyone loves the dogs but then Joe excuses himself back to the room “See everyone tonight at the dinner on the beach” I ask mom and dad about that and they said its for hotel residents. I think that sounds great and after lunch Brian and I see where it is set up. I hope its casual clothes I don’t feel like dressing up” Brian is texting, so he does not answer. Mom comes up to us and says yes, its casual no fancy clothes required. “Scott can wear hot pants” Brian laughs, so I slug him. Mom tells us to behave so we all head back inside. I get back up to the room and grab the swim trunks “I want to sit in the hot tub it may help my back” Brian says that is cool but needs to check in with base, so he will see me later.
After a great hot tub soak, I sit in the sauna for a bit before heading back to the room. Brian is not there so I get a shower and shave my face, at least I will look presentable tonight. I check in with Vivian and jack but no response there. Robbie texted back that meathead was found, and he was shot in the head behind the meow club, also no I did not do it Lane just told me. I get a phone call from lane immediately. “Yeah, Lane Robbie just texted is it all true” and he tells me yes “We are looking at Louie but he is a bit of a pussy so he probably had someone do it for him, I would not be surprised.” I tell him good riddance and at least he will not bother Robbie anymore. He and I chat some more before he needs to get back to work. Brian comes back in and we chat about all the new developments. “I am not that sorry he is dead; he really was a sleaze and talked about woman like they were just objects and not people.” Brian told me some of the stories and even my gay man attitude was disgusted. “Robbie was supposed to play straight and at one point he told him to clam it because they were gross stories, reason number one why I co-piloted.” Brian and I start getting ready for dinner Jeans and Hawaiian shirts for both of us. I slip on my sandals and Brian straps them for me. “I still am sore from the spot I hope to heal soon for pearl Harbor and my flight home.”
We get down to the beach Mom is there but no Dad or Joe. “they will be along soon just talking business like always.” The three of us grab a big table for the rest and we chat about the sunset view “I got a picture great colors and some water too.” Brian and Mom love the picture and then comes Joe and Dad. The food is prefixed but all the good Hawaiian specialties. We get through the first course and Joe is already 2 deep in Rum and coke. “Dam brother are you reliving the college days” Brian agrees, and Joe ignores us. The main course is over, and Joe is remarkably drunk when he pulls out the local paper. “Look at my hero brother bringing down a drug ring, yippee.” Brian and I skim the article then tell everyone that lane and Robbie already told us all of this (we leave out meathead). “I love how you too always get to play hero where I do nothing but crunch numbers this is really getting boring” I start to speak, and Joe continues “I want to do something heroic so time for some family drama I am good at that the now fuckup who just wants to act.” Dad speaks but Joe gets louder “Scott here is really our half brother you came to us as a baby from Aunt Vivian, and that surfer girl is only a year older than Brian a half sister from our cheating parents, now who’s the hero.” Mom runs off crying, dad gets up to leave and I take off up the beach. Not before I tell Joe what a snake he has always been. I hear Brian tell him to settle the bill and I find a spot to sit. I always wondered why I had the brown hair and everyone else was blonde even dad before he went grey. The tears start but I see Brian sitting by me, so he hugs me. “I was two when you came, I remember a lady delivering you in a basket. Mom told us your name Scott Christopher Thorn; it was Dad that changed it to Marten. Mom said you were our new brother and that you were a gift so that is how we have always treated you as a brother.” I love Brian he and I were always close. “I am devastated Vivian has not said a word, she and I work together, I live in her guesthouse, not a word.”
Brian and I sit there for some time before getting back to the room. I grab a beer at the bar first so Brian has one too. I call Robbie and give him the new family dynamic “I can see the resemblance from the one time I met her, are you ok babe.” I tell him no I am falling apart and wish he were here; he wishes the same, but he will see me on New years eve along with King who now loves to fly. We talk for a bit more before I hear mom in the room (I am on the balcony). I get back in and I do not know what to say so she speaks first “I knew your dad cheated I have known for years, but Joe should not have publicly aired the laundry like that.” I sit on the bed and she tells me some of the things she remembers about Vivian. “They were stepchildren she had an older sister Carla, and two brothers Scott and Christopher, I did not make the connection till now.” She gets into the free love aspect on Amara and settling in San Diego until finding the place in Maine. “I did stray too with the next-door neighbor in Maine he had those exotic looks just like Yasmin dose, though I gave her to her Dad I did hope to see her again one day, though here in Hawaii was a surprise.” Mom thinks she does not remember her, but I give her the card she left me” I hope you two reconnect, I don’t even know what to call you anymore” she looks right at me and says, “Mom I raised you Vivian could not she was in a terrible marriage at the time and could not support you.” I tell her I did not think Jack was that bad and Mom tells me her first husband was not named Jack but Kevin. I do hug her, and she gets up to leave, I am still stunned by all the information, I wish I had a joint, but I still do not. My wonderful brother hands me a package of gummies it will do for now. I hug him and text Vivian that we need to talk when I get home found out some new information, I want her to clarify.
