Asian student’s brainwashing begins. [MF] [MindControl]

Hanna Liu was exhausted. Another impossibly long day of Zoom University was killing her. It wasn’t exactly the final year she had had in mind. This was supposed to be a time of amazing experiences, good times with old friends, final adventures. Instead, she spent all day staring at her computer, and all evening staring at computer.

She should probably get outside, go exercise, read a book, or really do anything else. But she was tired, and the only thing she really felt like doing was spending the evening shit-posting on Reddit. The 21-year old had found great joy in enraging fragile white boys on the internet over the past few months. It was so easy, and so delicious to get them all riled up.

She was barely an hour into that evening’s crusade when a message popped up in her inbox. Only 10 minutes previously, she had thrown her hat into the ring of a particularly controversial debate over the fetisisation of women of colour on Tik Tok. Naturally, the white boys didn’t like being called racist, sexist pricks and it irritated them even more when they found out she was a woman of colour herself. She opened the chat message.

SJWTrainer: *It’s funny when people like you get so triggered by this. As if the content you are posting isn’t exclusively to show yourself off and promote your OnlyFans.*

Usually, Hanna didn’t engage with these sorts of messages. But they also always made for good screenshot material, which would yield a good amount of karma later.

AspiringLibtard: *Lol sorry dude, no OnlyFans here. Has it ever occurred to you that maybe people just want to blow off a little steam on Tik Tok without being sexualised all the time?*

SJWTrainer: *Mmhmm, sure. You think I haven’t talked to dozens of girls exactly like you before? Swearing up and down they are just doing it for fun, but before long they’re on their knees with my cock down their throat.*

Wow this guy was really gross. Nevertheless, Hanna persisted. It was getting so ridiculous to almost be funny.

AspiringLibtard: *A true gentleman. I am certain you have never in your life talked to a woman that wasn’t your mom. Your blatant disrespect is bound to have the ladies lining up.*

SJWTrainer: *Bitches like you are easily controlled. I used to think otherwise, but then I found a great series of lectures which really opened my mind to the possibilities:*

Hanna was done with this idiot. *She’d screenshot the convo in a second for later laughs and karma. However, the video might also contain some excellent content, so she clicked on it.*

Her browser opened a new tab, which loaded an unlisted Youtube video titled “Trance I”. Before she could react, a high pitched whine filled her headphones, drowning out the music she had been playing in the background. It had a rhythm to it that Hanna couldn’t decipher. It was distracting, alluring, and she couldn’t help but try to listen more carefully. Every time she tried, her mind went fuzzy and lost focus. Hanna moved to close the video, but the sound shifted and her attention went with it.

She hadn’t even noticed the counter-rotating spirals filling the screen in front of her eyes. She tried to follow them, but her eyes kept losing focus as they traced the movement in opposite directions. Two words flashed on the screen:


Without thinking, Hanna moved the mouse to the lower corner of the video and hit the full screen button. The spirals filled her 32-inch monitor, dominating her field of vision. Her whole body was relaxing, the noise in her headphones was starting to pulse in time with the spirals. She thought she heard a voice in the noise, but she still couldn’t focus on it. She was having difficulty focusing at all. What was this? She should close the video.

Her hand moved to her mouse, but at that moment the spirals increased in speed. Hanna’s whole body relaxed, her arms falling to her side. She forgot about closing the video. Then she forgot about everything else. The only thing that mattered was watching the spirals. Faster and faster they went. Her conscious self began to fall deeper into her mind. She felt… vacant. Her last thought was that this was an odd feeling, before the spirals became a blur and her conscious mind fell down a deep hole.

She had no sense of self, no sense of time, no awareness of anything other than the screen infront of her. If she had, she would have known that 20 minutes passed before a final instruction flashed on the screen:


Hanna closed the window, bringing her back to the chat. There was a message waiting for her:

SJWTrainer: *Welcome back slut.*

SJWTrainer: *If you can read this message, respond “Yes.”*

Hanna stared blankly at the screen. The words appearing in the chat box bounced around her empty head. She robotically moved her hands to the keyboard.

AspiringLibtard: *Yes.*

SJWTrainer: *Click this link: privatecam.exe*

Hanna clicked the link. A small dialogue box opened and then quickly closed. Her webcam light blinked on.

SJWTrainer: *Good girl. It feels good to do what I tell you. It feels good to obey. You are a cute little slut, I will give you that.*

SJWTrainer: *The only thing that matters are the words on the screen. You will follow any order you are given and respond: “Yes Master.” Do you understand?*

AspiringLibtard: *Yes Master.*

SJWTrainer: *Good girl.*

Hanna sat upright in her chair, aware of very little that was going on around her. Her mind was relaxed, her eyes lazily focused on the screen infront of her.

SJWTrainer: *Are you ready to start your journey to obedience? Answer yes.*

AspiringLibtard: *Yes Master.*

SJWTrainer: *Good girl, wasn’t that fun? Now just so you know, this won’t be easy. It’s going to take a lot of time and effort to train you properly. Sex slaves don’t just appear out of nowhere!*

SJWTrainer: *I am going to replace your entire consciousness, and you won’t even know it’s happening. These words mean nothing to you, they’re not commands. But your subconscious is eating it all up, embracing it, accepting it. *

SJWTrainer: *Now sure, I could keep you like this forever and just use you via commands. But that’s no fun. No, we want to change your normal self. That will take time. For now, stand up, take your clothes off and fold them in a neat pile on your desk. Then sit back down.*

Hanna stood up and pulled her white t-shirt over her head, folding it neatly on her desk. She reached behind, unclasping her bra and adding it to the pile, completely unbothered that her small but perky breasts were now visible on her webcam. Next she removed her pyjama bottoms and then her panties, completing her task by sitting back down.

SJWTrainer: *Lol not even a moment of hesitation. Maybe this won’t take too long after all. Now sit back, relax, and spread your legs.*

Every muscle in Hanna’s body relaxed and her legs split apart, her neatly trimmed pussy exposed. She stared vacantly at the screen, completely unbothered.

SJWTrainer: *Good girl. It feels good to follow commands. It feels good to obey. Obedience is pleasure. Nice little pussy you have there. Click this link: remotecontrol.exe*

Hanna clicked the link, a dialogue box opened then quickly closed.

SJWTrainer: *You are going to message me tomorrow at 10pm. You will remember nothing that occurred this evening after you clicked the first video. You will not notice any previous conversations in the chat log. You are not, under any circumstances, allowed to disengage from the conversation unless I give you permission. At no point will it occur to you that you could stop talking to me.*

SJWTrainer: *Click this link and enjoy the show:*

Hanna clicked the link without hesitation. A video titled “Trance II: First Induction” started playing. Spirals, different from before, filled the screen in front of her. These were moving slowly, changing colours as they rotated lazily on the screen. Hanna’s headphones were filled with a low buzzing, which whirred in time with the slow movement of the spirals.


The command flashed across the screen. Hanna mindlessly moved her hand to her mouse, clicking the option and filling her monitor with the spirals. Hanna didn’t notice, but the spirals were slowly increasing in rotation.




The three commands flashed in quick succession, each leaving an imprint in Hanna’s mind. Her body went limp in the chair, barely sitting up at all anymore. When the third command flashed, Hanna felt a tingle run down her spine, all the way to her pussy.




The sensation in Hanna’s pussy intensified. It felt good to obey. It felt good to be horny. It felt good to masturbate. Without realizing, Hanna had plunged two fingers into her quickly wettening pussy. The sensation of pleasure spread further across her body as she began to fuck herself.

The spirals were moving much faster now, Hanna’s eyes following them with rapt attention, her mouth open and jaw slack. The noise in her headphones felt deafening. The same three commands continued to flash across the screen:




Hannah obeyed. It felt good to obey. Her pussy was soaked, the pleasant sensation was pulsating throughout her entire body. Drool was sliding out of her open mouth, down her chin and onto her breasts.





Hanna let out a long, soft moan as she continued to finger fuck herself to bliss. The usually shy, reserved girl was completely lost in the pleasure of obeying the commands on the screen. The spirals had become nothing more than a blur, the sound in her headphones a constant high-pitched whine.


The command bounced around Hanna’s empty mind with ferocious intensity. She pushed her two fingers as far as she could into her cunt as waves of pleasure from the orgasmic release cascaded through her body. Her left leg shook uncontrollably as her pussy leaked its juices. Hanna’s already weak mind was overwhelmed by the sensation of it all, and within moments she was unconscious. Her petite frame splayed back on her chair, mind and body thoroughly spent.

The cursor on her screen moved, closing the video. It then began to open her messages, email, banking information and anything else it could access with auto filled passwords. In a private study far away, someone was beginning to gather a file on Hanna Liu.

Hanna woke groggily. She felt very odd. On one hand, she felt extremely well rested. On the other, she had a faint headache, and she was very confused.

Why was she naked? Did she fall asleep at her desk? She must have been even more tired than she thought. She looked at her phone on her desk, it was 2am! How long had she been asleep?

She got up, put her pyjamas back on and collapsed into bed.



  1. Good story, looks like someone’s going to have complete control over Hannah.

  2. Like to see a little more of what you had in mind, any suggestions I had might be redundant. If you want check out my stories on here for ideas, they usually feature Asian and Mixed race women being enslaved, though usually by other women with some male involvement. Seems like the possible raceplay angle might be interesting, but be careful, you can get your story removed pretty quick if you offend someone.

    It happened to me, though I did state that when you write stories where villains win, it’s not always going to be pretty and political correct, didn’t mean I condoned the racist attitudes of my characters.

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