Game Night Part 1 [strip][ENF][couples][MMMFFF]

Katie and her boyfriend Scott were driving to her friend Holly’s house, it was a welcome back party for Katie’s friend Demi. She had just returned from Australia where she was visiting her boyfriend. She spent 4 months there, and now she was coming back with Robby to show him off to her girlfriends. Demi had fallen in love with Robby, and bragged to the other girls that it was the best sex she’d ever had. Robby was a well built guy who worked construction, and trained in MMA in his spare time. Katie would now and then imagine being fucked by him like an animal while having sex with her boyfriend Scott.

Scott wasn’t all that bad looking himself though, but a different kind of good looks. The type of guy that looked good in a suit. He was tall and thin with a well taken care of beard, and thick framed glasses. He just wasn’t very fond of Katie’s friends. “How long do we have to stay at this thing” Scott asked Katie, “Until Demi is ready to leave. I haven’t seen her in so long, you just have to put up with Craig for the night” Katie answered. Craig was Holly’s boyfriend, and neither Katie or Scott cared for him much. He was the type of guy that made immature jokes, and would often be caught staring at Katie’s tits.

The couple arrived at Holly’s and walked up to the door with a bottle of wine. Before they could knock Craig answered the door and said “You’re late, did you stop to give him head Katie?” They both laughed along, secretly thinking he was a total creep. Holly entered from around the corner, “Hi guys, make yourselves at home” she said. Scott could never figure out what Holly saw in Craig, she was a cute little blonde girl with giant boobs. They probably made up a third of her weight she was so small. On the other hand Craig was a dumpy little guy that looked like he never worked out in his life. He wore a hat to cover the receding hairline that he somehow had at 23.

The two couples sat down in the living room and Craig poured everyone a huge glass of red wine. “Looks like we’re getting drunk tonight” he said with a laugh as he handed the glasses to everyone. All of a sudden the doorbell rang, “That’s her!” Holly said jumping up with excitement. Holly opened the door and gave Demi a big hug, “Oh wow, he’s even bigger in person” she exclaimed before giving Robby a hug.

Demi entered the room looking even more beautiful than ever. She was one of those girls that was blessed with perfect genes, 5’7″ perfect hourglass figure, 34 C tits, and a tight round ass. Her and her new man looked like movie stars compared to the others. Katie had always been a bit jealous of Demi for her looks. She would go to the gym 3 days a week and still wouldn’t be able to get that type of body. Scott always told her that she just didn’t have the same body type, hers was more of a JLO type. Wide hips with a big ass, and small tits which Katie went out of her way to put on display.

After a few glasses of wine, Robby pulled out a card game from his bag, “This thing is all the rage back home” he told the group. Demi looked excited as he pulled it out, “We love playing this one” she added. “It’s a bit of a naughty game” Robby told the group as he placed down a box that said “Politics of Sex”. He opened up the game which had 5 sets of cards and a game board with dice. It didn’t look much different from Monopoly. “Now since this is a game about politics, and we live in a democracy let’s put it to a vote. Who wants to play?” Robby asked. Craig was the first to say yes, then Demi added “I’m always up for it”, Katie said “Sure why not” and Scott, and Holly followed suit. “A unanimous decision” Robby said as he picked up the first deck of cards and started shuffling.

“The rules are as follows” Robby began, “The goal is to land on the red squares, each time you do you’ll be asked a question from the cards. If you get the question right you get a gold token.” He placed the cards down on the board “If you get the question wrong, you have to perform the task on the bottom of the card. After 4 gold tokens you win” Robby added. “What do I get if I win?” Craig asked, “Your reward is what you write down on this” Robby said holding up a deck of blank cards and a marker. He passed them out to everyone, “Write down your fantasy on the card and keep if face down until you win, if you don’t win you wipe it clean and keep your secret” Robby went on.

Scott snuck a peak over Katie’s shoulder as she was writing, “What he fuck” he thought to himself. She wrote down “Get fucked hard by Robby”, he couldn’t beleive his girlfriend would cheat on him for this game. Two could play at this game, Scott wrote down that he would fuck Demi. Katie couldn’t even complain about it either, if she was willing to fuck Robby he should be able to fuck her no questions asked. Before he flipped his card over he edited it to say “Fuck Demi while Katie watches”. If Scott won he wanted to rub it in that she fucked up by trying to sleep with that Australian loser.

All the players had their cards flipped over and picked their game peices. “Oh also before we start, after every 5 cards from the deck we take another vote and if he majority agree we move on to the next deck” Robby added. “Each deck escalates the fun of the tasks you perform” he went on. Demi opted to go first, she rolled and moved to a lose a turn space, it was now Robby’s turn. He rolled onto a red square and Demi asked him a question, “what is the world average penis size 6in, 5.75in, 5.35in, or 8in?” Robby laughed, “Average Australian is 8, but I’ll say 6”, Demi shook her head while smiling “The correct answer is 5.35in, take a card Robby”. He turned over a card that said “The player to your left chooses who you kiss”, Robby looked to Craig. “Ah hell, kiss your girlfriend bro” Craig told him. Robby leaned in and gave Demi a deep kiss. Craig rolled the dice onto a space that said “give or take”, Demi explained “When you land on this space you play rock paper scissors with another player, the lose rolls the dice and takes off the number of clothes the dice shows”. Craig looked around at the girls, and said “Well I’d be dumb not to pick Demi” and the two started.

“Rock paper scissors shoot” they ssid together, Demi picked paper and Craig chose rock. “Yes” Craig said with excitement. Demi rolled the dice and got a 4, she reached down and took her socks off “That’s 2”, then stood up. She crossed her arms and pulled her shirt over her head showing the group her red bra. “Three” She counted, then unbuttoning her jeans she added “Four” and pulled them down showing her matching red panties. Craig stared at her tits the whole time, then changed the dice to read 6 and said “Two more Demi”. Demi just sat back down and said “Nice try, but this is all you get”. It was now Holly’s turn, she rolled and moved onto a red square. Craig pulled a card and read it to her, “On average how many sexual partners does a woman usually have, 1, 10, 6, or 4?” Holly thought for a minute and said 4. “You’re right, pick up a gold token” Craig said, “Now I guess it’s my turn” Katie said as she rolled the dice. She landed on ‘Give or Take’ “I choose Robby” she said with a grin.

“It was one thing to think he’s hot, it was another to try to get him naked” Scott thought to himself as the two played rock paper scissors. Katie lost and rolled a 5 on the dice, she let out a gasp as she did a quick mental count of her clothes. “Do rings count?” She asked the group, “The rules say no jewlery, shoes or glasses” Robby told her. Katie let out a sigh, “Wait does she have to get naked?” Craig asked with excitement. Katie took off her socks as Craig counted “one, two” then she pulled her shirt over her head showing off her black lacey bra. “Three” Craig said with a smile, she then continued to take her pants off. She was wearing a black thong that showed off her big round ass, “Four” Craig said with a laugh. “You gotta do it” he continued, “It’s the rules” as Katie paused a minute. She unhooked her bra and let it fall to the floor, the group got a quick look at her small B cup tits and pink nipples just a second before she covered them. “Is she allowed to do that?” Craig asked in protest, “Of course she is” Holly jabbed him with her elbow.

It was Scott’s turn, he rolled onto a red square and got a correct answer, Demi skipped a turn, and Robby also got a red square that he answered correctly. It was now Craig’s turn, he rolled the red square too, and Holly asked him a question from the cards “How many nerve endings are there in a clit, 5 thousand, 8 thousand, 50, or 100 thousand?” Craig looked stumped and said “8 thousand” shrugging. “That’s correct” she said handing him a gold token.

“Okay we’ve played 5 cards from this deck, let’s take it to a vote. Who want to move on to the racier deck?” Robby asked the group. Craig immediately put up his hand, and so did Holly. “No way I’m risking losing my panties” Katie said, Robby put up his hand too. It was now up to either Scott or Demi to break the tie, they looked at each other for a minute and both put their hands up at the same time. “Alright, looks like we’re moving on to the next deck” Robby said as he shuffled.

Katie felt exposed, and a little embarrassed having being topless but the wine was making her feel a bit more loose. She also loved the attention she was getting from Robby. She kept on catching his looking at her body, and it was making her horny. It was Holly’s turn, she rolled and landed on a red square. “How old is the world’s oldest dildo?” Craig read from the card, “70 years, 150 years, 28 thousands years, or 26 hundred years?” Holly had a puzzled look on her face and said “26 hundred?” Craig smiled and shook his head “We were looking for 28 thousand, and it looks like you’ll have to strip” he said holding up the card. “Let me see that” Holly protested, “Fuck, okay. Do I get to put them back on after?”

“The card doesn’t say” Craig said looking it over, “Then it comes to a vote” Robby interjected. “Who thinks Holly should have to strip and stay naked by a show of hands? He continued. Craig put his up, and so did Robby, Katie then followed suit “If I have to sit here naked, I want you to be here with me” she joked. Scott said “What the hell” and raised his hand too, “The vote is 4 to 2 for Holly staying naked” Robby announced.

Holly stood up and started pulling her top up, “You got to do it sexy” Craig told her. Holly rolled her eyes and started moving her hips as she pulled the shirt over her head. She was wearing a pink bra that pushed her huge 32 G tits up to her collarbone. She then turned around and slid hers spandex workout pants over her ass that was barley being covered by a small thong. With her back to the group she kicked off her pants and unlatched her bra. She then took it off and swung it over her head, her tits shook back and forth as she swung it. Even from behind they you could see them as they shook. Scott was getting hard watching and Katie could tell. She moved her hand onto his lap and started rubbing his cock through his pants while the rest of the table watched Holly. Now topless Holly bent over as she slid her panties down around her ankles giving the group a nice view of her pussy. As she bent forward Scott craned his head to get a look at her tits as they shook with every move. Katie was now fully grabbing his cock through his pants, he couldn’t beleive she was getting into this.

Holly then stood up and covered her tits with one arm and turned around. “There happy” she said to Craig, Katie gave a couple of big tugs to Scott’s cock and then grabbed the dice to roll again. She landed on a red square, Scott picked up a card and asked her a question, “How long on average does it take for a man to orgasm, 2 and a half minutes, 10 minutes, 1 minute, or 1 and a half minutes?” Katie answered before Scott could finish “One minute”

“Sorry babe it’s 2 and a half” Scott said showing her the card, “I guess we know how long it takes you” Craig joked. Scott read the task on the card aloud to Katie “Since you guessed wrong you now have to let someone here lick your body wherever they want.” Scott handed her the dice, “Count clockwise with the players the amount rolled on the dice skipping yourself, the player it lands on gets to choose where to lick for 1 mintue. Katie rolled the dice with one hand while covering her tits with the other. It was a 4. The whole group did the count in their heads to Craig, “Sorry Scott it’s the rules” he said getting up from his chair. Katie looked to Scott to say something, there’s no way he was going to let Craig lick her body. Just the thought of it made Katie feel nauseous. Katie stood up as Craig approached still covering her tits “Come on, it said anywhere I want. That means I need to be able to lick your tits too.” Craig said. Katie lowered her arms, exposing her little round tits to the group. “Start the timer” Craig told Robby as he stared at Katie’s tits. He immediately went for her nipples, licking them in little circles. He then blew on them which made Katie’s areolas tighten up and her nipples to stiffen. He then licked down her stomach, over her slightly visible abs right down to her panty line. For Katie this minute was taking forever, but she couldn’t help but get a little wet when he got close to her pussy. Craig then started to lick her inner thigh, all the way from her knee to her underwear. He traced the outline of her panties on both sides of her pussy, by now he could probably see the wet spot that was forming. Robby’s timer went off just as Craig was making his way to her ass. Katie exhaled and sat back down, not even bothering to cover her tits now that the whole room had already gotten a good look.

Scott rolled the dice and landed on a “Give or Take” space. “I choose Demi” he said, his cock now rock hard. He and Demi squared off and started rock paper scissors, Demi had Rock and Scott chose scissors. He was a bit disappointed he didn’t get to see Demi’s tits and tossed the dice onto the game board. It landed on a 6. This meant that Scott would have to get totally naked, and it wouldn’t be very easy to hide his erection.

Scott took of both socks and tossed them aside, then lifted his shirt over his head. He had a thin but toned body and almost no chest hair, “Take it off!” Holly shouted at him. She broke up the silence in the room, and a couple of the others started to laugh. Then Scott stood up and unbuttoned his pants, as he pulled them down to his ankles everyone could now see the shape of his hard cock pressing against his boxer briefs. When Scott looked up he saw that Holly’s mouth was wide open in amazement at how big it was. Scott then pulled his underwear off letting his hard cock spring out. “Holy shit” Holly said not even trying to hide her shock, “Your dick must be 8 inches” she added. It was actually closer to 7, but Scott enjoyed the compliment. Blushing slightly, he sat back down and immediately Katie’s hand wen back to stroking it under the table.

It was Demi’s turn now, she rolled and landed on a red square. Robby pulled a card from the top of the deck and read it to her “What year was the first porn movie made, 1966, 1923, 1896, or 1945?” Demi thought hard about it “Well, I don’t think it was the 60s, and 1800 seems a bit too early for a movie. I’ll go with 1923”.

“Too bad babe, it was in 1896. Looks like you’re going to have to strip” Robby told her. Craig had a stupid grin on his face as he watched Demi stand up “Don’t forget, you have to dance sexy” he said. Demi moved her hips seductively from left to right as she unhooked her bra. She held it onto her tits with her hands for a minute while giving a sexy look to Robby. The let it fall to the ground, he tits were incredible. Tear drop shaped with nipples that were only a slight bit darker than her skin tone. Katie stroked Scott’s cock faster as they watched. Demi then bent over forwards letting her tits hang and shake as she slowly pulled her panties down. They fell to her ankles, then she stood back up straight and stepped one leg to the side out of the panties. Her pussy was just as tanned as the rest of her body, as she spread her legs apart the whole room got a good look as her little pussy lips. “There, now all the girl’s tits are out” she said sitting back down. She didn’t bother to cover up at all, and Craig couldn’t take his eyes off her tits. Robby and Craig both got red square questions right and it was time to vote whether to move on to a new deck.



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