How I hooked up with my cousin [MF] [do cousins count for [incest] I’m not sure] [sex]

I was cooking up dinner in my tiny apartment’s tiny kitchen when Alessa walked out of the tiny bathroom wearing nothing but a tiny bit of clothing. With just a red bra and matching panties over her smooth olive skin, I took in her graceful slenderness. And with nice tits and a round ass… well, I had to force myself to look away.

“Whatcha making?” she asked, walking over to the couch, only a few feet away.

“Just grilling up some fish,” I said.

“You didn’t have to make me a meal, you know.” She fished around in her suitcase, ass up in the air. I caught hint of the mound between her legs.

“No, it’s fun,” I said, “Plus, it’s easier to cook for two than one.”

“Cooking for one? That sounds so sad!” She pulled out a hoodie and shorts, and slipped them on. “Sucks about you and Rachel, we all thought you two’d end up getting married and all. When’d you split up?”

“Been a couple weeks now, I guess.” I scooped the dinner onto plates and set them down on my tiny dining table. “But I think I’m over it. Kind of a long time coming, if you know what I mean.”

She flashed me a smile as she tied her long, wet brown hair into a neat ponytail, and there was no denying it, cousin or not, Alessa was a cute girl.

We’re from a big family, with too many people to keep track of, so everyone ends up getting known for their ‘thing.’ I was ‘the loud Tony’ even though I don’t know why, I guess I was noisy as a kid. But with Alessa, it was obvious why she’d always been ‘the cute one.’ Even as a child, she’d been all dimples and smiles, and as she got older those never went away.

She was a cheerful and happy kid. But I remember about ten years ago the first time I noticed that she wasn’t a kid anymore, that she was hot. You know, you grow up with someone, and they just kind of exist, you take for granted that they look how they look, they are how they are. But one day at a family swim party I was sunbathing on the lounger next to the pool and Alessa swims up.

She leans out of the pool, resting on her elbows, and she’s wearing this red bikini that barely covers her tits. Her rack is big and, even at fifteen, swelling out from her chest, and she’s flashing me this flirty grin. I was fifteen, too, and I barely knew what hit me.

Of course, what she wanted from me was a favor, me to go fetch something for her. I had a hard time getting that image out of my head. For years, my mind kept drifting back to that memory, and it was a chore reminding myself that she was, in fact, my cousin.

Now older and wiser, I thought I’d gotten past all the confusion of youth. But I guess I was wrong, because seeing her in her red bra just now brought all that pent-up teenage lust and adolescent horniness flooding back.

She sat down at the table and looked at the food, delighted. “When did you learn how to cook like this?”

“Ah, I dunno,” I said. “Drink?” I held open the fridge door, pointing inside. Then, “Just been good to throw myself into something, you know?”

“I’ll take one of those beers.”

I popped open two bottles and handed one to Alessa. We clinked them together.

“Cheers,” she said, “To the single life!”

I took a big sip. “You’re not seeing anyone either?”

“Nothing worth mentioning,” she said, taking a bite, “But, hey, that’s got me out here, visiting. Wanted to do a little solo road trip, take some ‘me’ time or whatever. Thanks for letting me crash, by the way.”

“Sorry it’s not much.”

“Oh, please,” she said, “Couch is fine. It even looks comfy. I’ve slept in far worse places.”

Then she took another bite and said, “Seriously, this is delicious. Nobody ever cooks for me this way.”

I laughed. “Well maybe that’s your problem. Maybe food’s the way to your heart.”

She giggled. “Yeah, maybe.”

After dinner, she was helping with the dishes.

“So, like, I was driving all day, and now I’m feeling beat,” she said, “But don’t let me stop you from going out, enjoying your Friday night, having a good time.”

“Whaddya mean?” I said, “Getting to hang out with my cousin is a good time! We don’t need to go anywhere tonight, you’re here for a few days, right? We just can lay low for now, keep it relaxed.”

“Really? You’d do that for me?” She was giving me that flirty grin, the one I knew from the pool all those years ago. She wanted me to stay home with her.

So that’s how we ended up on the couch watching TV. I’d pulled my couch blanket up over me and Alessa had sat down next to me to share it.

And then after a few minutes, she curled up against me, leaning her head against my shoulder, her body pressed against mine. I wrapped my arm around her without really even thinking about it and she nuzzled in closer. We were quiet, letting the noise from the TV fill the silence, and the affection felt good. Her warmth ebbed through me, and I clung to her, holding her tightly. She reached her hand around me, doing the same.

“I missed you,” I said, voice low, barely a whisper, “Thanks for coming all this way.”

She responded by putting her lips against my cheek and giving me a tender kiss.

“So are you really going to make me sleep out here?” she said, “On a couch, all by myself?”

She was smiling at me, again that flirty smile she does when she wants something. Except now, her body wrapped against me, her face nearly touching mine, there was something perilously intimate about it.

“You know I never could say ‘no’ to you,” I said.

With a pleased giggle, she nuzzled deeper against my shoulder, twisting her leg through mine.

When the show ended, she stood up. “C’mon,” she said, holding out her hand, “Bed time.”

I did my evening washing, although I had the shower set colder than usual, trying to purge inappropriate thoughts from my head. “She’s your cousin,” I told myself, “She just misses you,” and “She’s just comforting you about your breakup,” and “She probably just needs the affection, too.” I finished up, putting on the sweatpants I wore for pajamas, and walked into the apartment’s tiny bedroom.

The bed, even shoved into the corner, took up most of the room, and Alessa had already made herself comfortable. She was laying in my bed with the blanket pulled up to her neck, smiling at me.

“C’mon,” she said, “I’m cold. Spoon me.”

Feeling a little awkward, I climbed into the bed next to her, but she right away leaned back into me, pulling my arms around her.

“Uh,” I said, “Err, do you want to borrow some pajamas? I think I’ve still got some of Rachel’s she forgot to take.”

“No,” she said, her voice purring, “Anything more than underwear and I can’t sleep. I get, like, all tangled up.”

She’d wrapped my arm around her chest, just below her breasts, and I could feel their weight through her bra. She wriggled her butt back against my crotch, and as she leaned into me, I got clammy where the smooth, olive skin of her back rested against my bare chest.

“Mmm,” she said, “This feels good.” She had her hand running down my thigh, stroking my muscles through my pants.

Alessa was right, it did feel good. It was calming, safe. But also there existed, somewhere buried in a place I didn’t want to acknowledge, a secret thrill. Our parents would be happy we’d stayed close, not drifted away like so many of our other cousins. But I doubted they’d be happy if they knew we were this close.

I pulled her tight against me and she made a pleased humming sound. Through her warmth, I could feel my stress melt away, anxieties I hadn’t even realized I was holding onto fading into nothingness. Her presence made my problems seem smaller, my fears without foundation.

I didn’t even recognize that my cock was hard until her hand started rubbing it through my sweatpants.

I gasped, started to say something, but she cut me off. “Shhhh,” she said, “Just relax.”

She guided my hand to her breast, and I squeezed it. Cousin or not, I could no longer ignore that her powerful sexiness was turning me on.

She pushed her hand between us, sliding it down my belly and under the waistband of my pants, where she grabbed my cock, stroking it.

“Oh fuck,” I groaned.

With my arm beneath her wrapped around her chest, I pulled down her bra and groped at her large tits, flicking and teasing her nipples. My other hand, I dropped down across her flat stomach and over her panties. Between her legs, I could feel her sex, her heat. She was turned on, too.

She moaned as I slipped my fingers beneath the fabric, rubbing her pussy.

Her hand’s motions were growing stronger, forming a fist, pumping my erection. I responded by pushing my fingers up inside her, thumbing her clit. She gasped and bucked, but I held her tight against me, her sweat mixing with mine. Her hair splayed in my face, and I could smell her arousal.

I was panting hard, each stroke of her hand bringing me a surge of pleasure, of ecstasy. It wasn’t just that we were doing something forbidden, crossing into someplace from which there was no return. It was also that we knew each other so well, we’d grown up together, knew everything about each other, knew what each other liked, knew how to interpret each other’s reactions.

It was a level of intimacy I’d never had before, and from the way she was grinding her ass against my cock, thrusting her hips onto my fingers, I knew, with certainty, that Alessa felt the same.

She released my cock, twisted around in my grip, pulled my lips against hers. We kissed, deeply, desperately, past care. I pulled her panties down and she sucked in a breath. I fingered her, going harder and faster, matching her moans. My thumb made light, quick strokes against her clit. She broke the kiss to roll her head back and groan.

I pulled her head forward and we stared into each other’s eyes as her cheeks flushed and mouth fell open in orgasm. Her body shook and shivered, and I kissed her again. She was so beautiful. She clung to me with all her strength, back arched, body firmly against mine, drawing out the climax, making it last.

I held her in my arms, relishing the adventure in discovering this side of her. Her eyes found their focus, and she looked at me, smiling. She kissed me and said, “Roll over.”

I did, kicking off my sweats in the process. I laid on my back, naked, towering erection swollen red and ready, and watched as she sat up and took off her bra.

“Not bad, huh?” she grinned, cupping her round tits, making them bounce.

“I’ve been dreaming about those since we were fifteen,” I said.

“At the pool, right?”

“You remember that?”

“That was the first time I’d ever worn a bikini in public,” she said, “I remember the way you looked at me, the expression on your face. So what do you think? As good as you imagined?”

“So much better,” I said, admiring her flawless skin, her perfect nipples.

She smiled at me bashfully, but then grabbed my dick, slowly stroking it. “This is so much nicer than I imagined, too.”

And then she climbed over and laid down between my legs, smiling at me with my cock brushing against her lips.

She said, “Did you ever dream about this?” Then she opened her lips wide and dropped her mouth down onto my stiff dick. Her gaze fixed on mine, she pushed her head down, then pulled back up, sucking on my shaft, licking its underside. Seeing her cute dimpled lips pleasuring my cock was the best thing I’d ever seen, and her technique was incredible.

No hesitation, no holding back, she bobbed her head up and down like an old habit, her eyes sparkling as I groaned in pleasure. It had been a while since any woman had done this to me, let alone one as beautiful as Alessa, but I somehow managed to hold back, letting the ecstasy flow through me without cumming.

But Alessa kept sucking, happy to see me enjoying, happy to draw it out. She’d sometimes kiss the tip of my cock, rub her thumb up the bottom of my shaft, bounce my dick against her cheek. She stretched her lips around my girth, her eyes glistening, her expression happy.

She was licking my cock’s underside when she paused and said, “I want to taste your cum.”

Then she wrapped her lips around my dick again and cupped my sac, and that did it. I groaned loudly, my balls tensing as I felt a sudden rush, bliss exploding inside me, spunk spraying from my erection. I spurted again and again, filling her mouth, her eyes wide with delight.

She pursed her lips on the tip of my dick while her hands pumped me dry, and then she grinned, holding out her tongue, showing me my cum. She closed her mouth and swallowed, and showed me her tongue again, now empty.

I was looking at her in awe, and she giggled, then climbed up to cuddle against me. Her body again pressed against mine, but now unambiguously in an intimate, loving way. She said, “What’re you thinking?”

I answered by kissing her, and we kissed long and passionately.

“How long were you going to stay?” I asked.

She looked timid for once. “How long do you want me to stay?”

“For…” I started, “For a long time?”

She grinned. “I’d love that.”



  1. That was incredible! My first brush with incest was with one of my cousins as well! Post updates!

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