Unexpected Taxi Fun, Shall I write more?

The hottest taxi ride

It was a summers evening, I’d spent the evening out for dinner with my wife and some of our friends, after which a few of us stayed in town for a few drinks, enjoying child free time and the glorious but short UK summer weather.
I mention the weather because it was particularly warm this weekend and whilst the guys were still out in trousers and shirts, the wives and girlfriends had an opportunity to wear the rarely used skimpy dresses and skirts the UK climate seldom allows.

My wife, Sophie was no exception to this and wore a gorgeous summer dress, not too baggy, not too tight. Tiny straps over her shoulder kept it in place, but my friends and everyone else that night had ample opportunities to see her stunning figure and great cleavage when she was in the right position!

After a night of many drinks, we were all well on our way to being quite drunk, so a stop at the kebab shop on the way to the taxi rank gave us much needed snacks whilst we joined the taxi queue that snaked up the high street.
There was 7 of us in the queue but as we all lived in different directions, Pete and his girlfriend Mel hopped into one car, Craig and Becky into another, leaving Me, Sophie and my best friend Alex to share a taxi home. Alex’s wife not joining us tonight as she was working lates.

The taxi ride home should take about ten minutes, and it did that evening as expected, however most people in the car wouldn’t have minded a 30 minute detour!

Alex has always been a fan of Sophie. He’s never been quiet in admiring her body, much to the disapproval of his ex-wife and probably his new wife. He’s that kind of guy though, a bit of a perv but not in too creepy a way.
As we sit in the cab, Alex on the fold down seat facing the rear and Sophie and I perched on the forward facing seats, Alex quickly moves the conversation to how the guys were enjoying seeing Sophie’s physique this evening.

‘I thought you were going to say something about that’ Sophie replies, knowing full well Alex can’t help himself mentioning her body.
I know from previous nights out that Sophie enjoys dressing sexily for me, and if other guys see, she’s not too bothered.

I chime in with ‘I told her not to wear the bra’ which I had mentioned as we got ready hours earlier, but she insisted in a strapless bra under that floaty dress.

‘One day I’ll get to see your tits, I keep trying to get Liam to send me a pic!’

‘I don’t know why’ Sophie asked ‘You love big boobs and mine certainly aren’t that’

Alex quickly responded ‘I love any boobs, but I bet you’ve got great nipples! I’m still waiting for an invite to use your hot tub’

I tried to strike a deal ‘You pay the taxi fare, and Sophie will flash you her tits’

Without hesitation and before Sophie could get a word in to protest, Alex shouts ‘Deal’

‘As if I’m going to get my boobs out in a taxi’ Sophie didn’t sound too keen.

I quickly move over to the other fold down seat next to Alex and seeing an opportunity, I try and sweeten the deal
‘Come on, let’s see those tits, I bet you daren’t…. If you do I’ll get up with the kids tomorrow so you can nurse your hangover’

Sophie thinks about it. I can tell she kind of wants to but feels a bit shy, especially as the taxi driver would catch an eyeful too.

Alex thinks it’s his lucky day, and I tend to agree with that sentiment. He says ‘I bet she won’t do it’

With that Sophie reaches for the straps on her dress and pulls on down over her left arm. The right follows and weighty of the flimsy dress is enough for it to expose her bra and stomach. The dress is now down by her waist and her body looks fantastic.

‘There you go Alex, happy now?’ Sophie already knows what he is going to say but tries her luck anyway.

‘I want to see your tits more than ever, so I know Alex does too’ I reply for both of us.

‘This is crazy’ Sophie laughs, and she leans forward, reaches behind her back and with one quick movement her bra is undone.

She wasn’t quick enough to hold the bra in place, so Alex and I could already see on of her amazing breasts as her bra fell. Sophie by that point saw no point in hiding them so she threw her bra at me and just sat there. She was a bit shy, didn’t really know what to do with her hands, so she caressed her boobs with both hands, then put her hands on the seat and sat still.

‘Wow, I never thought they would look that good’ Alex said, impressed at the sight in front of him. ‘You’re a lucky man Liam’ he tells me.

‘I know’ I replied ‘I didn’t think she would dare but this is really hot’

Sophies B cup breasts looked terrific, her nipples rock hard, possibly from the chilly air conditioning, or maybe she was as horny as I was. Maybe a bit of both.

‘Have you seen enough’ ask Sophie

‘NO!’ We both said before she could even finish talking

To be continued….

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/lw8dvg/unexpected_taxi_fun_shall_i_write_more

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